DON’T LOSE THIS RUBRIC! TURN IT IN WITH YOUR FINISHED PROJECT!! Español II Preterite Vacation Project Nombre:________________________________ Research a Spanish speaking country and make a powerpoint with pictures to show the class your trip. Using the past tense give a description of the places you went. You should specifically include in the powerpoint: Popular activities Famous food to eat Popular things to go see You must have at least 10 different slides and include your text on each picture. You must include at least 14 different verbs in the past tense. o Specifically you need to tell where you went, o what you saw, o where you walked, o what you found out, o what you ate, o what you brought with you, o and what you wanted to see/do at that time. o The other 7 verbs in the preterit tense are your choice. FOOD: When you present your project you will need to bring the popular food from that country (it will need to be approved by Mrs. Newell) and the ingredients should be typed out in Spanish. You should bring enough of the dish so that everyone can have a small taste of the food. THIS IS A QUIZ GRADE You may NOT use an online translator (or a native speaker) to translate. This is cheating and I will be able to tell. Anyone who cheats will receive a 0%. Save your project OFTEN!! When finished, send it to Rough Draft #1 due date:________________________________ Completed, TYPED rough draft due date:_______________________ Project due date (with hard copy):____________________________ PowerPoint (Project grade #1) Category Requirements 4 Brochure includes all required elements 3 Brochure is missing one required element 2 Brochure is missing 2 required elements Excellent use of vocabulary; a great deal of words/phrases used Good use of vocabulary; several words/phrases used Average use of vocabulary; a few words/phrases used 1 Brochure is missing 3 or more required elements Very few vocabulary words/phrases used / much is repeated Preterit Formation All verbs are in the correct form 1-4 mistakes in verb formation 5-7 mistakes in verb formation 8 or more mistakes in verb formation Number of Verbs used There are at least 14 different verbs in the preterit All phrases were used correctly There are 13-10 verbs in the preterit There are 9-6 verbs in the preterit There are fewer than 5 verbs in the preterit Several phrases were used correctly; few errors Average use of phrases; several errors in phrasing Very few phrases were used correctly; many errors The project is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. Student used class time effectively and was ontask The project is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. The project is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. Student used some of class time effectively and was on-task some of the time. The project is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive. Student did not use class time effectively and/ or was off-task most of the time. Vocabulary Usage Accuracy of Phrases Visual Appeal Use of Class time Rubric turned in (5) ______ Student used most of class time effectively and was on-task most of the time Project grade: _______ = 28 Comentos: Speaking (Project Grade #2) Category 4 3 2 1 Pronounciation Pronunciation was excellent and NO ENGLISH was used Pronunciation was average with several errors Most words/phrases were not pronounced correctly; many errors. No words/phrases were pronounced correctly Presentation Presentation was excellent. It is clear that much preparation was put into the presentation Presentation was good and preparation was good Presentation was average and/or preparation was average Presentation was poor/ it is clear that little to no preparation was done Clarity Words are clear and easy to understand. Words are mostly clear and easy to understand Words are clear sometimes Words are not clear and not easy to understand. Fluidity Little to no hesitation with presentation. Fluid speech Some hesitation. Presentation is mostly fluid Average amount of hesitation and fluidity. Much hesitation. Presentation is not fluid Project grade: _______ = 12 Comentos: