Cell Analogies Collage It takes 100,000 cells to cover one square centimeter of skin, but only one cell collage to cover a large part of your life science grade! Introduction: You are about to begin a cell analogies collage. The purpose of this assignment is for you to better understand the parts of a cell by relating them to “real-life” items or things you know. We are observing the cell as a system, which has smaller parts with important functions (jobs), just like many other things we encounter in our everyday life. An analogy is a comparison between two things which are similar in some respects, but otherwise different. It is an explanation of something by comparing it point by point with something else. Procedure: 1. Pick something from the list below with which you would like to compare the cell. Circle your choice. a) a house e) a country b) a mall f) a castle c) a school (our school) g) the human body d) a sports team h) other ___________________________________ (must be approved by the teacher) Begin by filling out this statement: A cell is like ______________________________________ because it is made out of smaller parts that help it function. This will be your title! 2. You may choose a plant cell or an animal cell. Plant cells will contain two extra parts, chloroplasts and cell walls, so will receive two points of extra credit. 3. Create analogies to compare the cell to your choice above for the following organelles. a) cell membrane b) nucleus c) mitochondria d) Golgi bodies e) ribosome f) vacuole g) endoplasmic reticulum h) lysosome Plant cell only i) cell wall j) chloroplast 4. Draw a color diagram of your plant or animal cell. Use your textbook p. 90 & 91 for assistance. 5. Paste your cell diagram to the center of a piece of construction paper. On top, write your title. 6. Plan ahead and map out where your analogies will be placed. Make a point to each of your cell structures in your cell diagram, then label neatly with your written analogies. Underline the cell structure in your written analogy. 7. Find (newspapers, magazines, Internet) pictures or draw pictures to show your analogies. Paste them next to your analogies. 8. You will be responsible for a brief oral presentation of your project to the class at the completion of the project. a) cell membrane Cell Analogies Organizer Job in the cell Analogy The cell membrane is like ________________________________________, because ________________________________________. b) nucleus The nucleus is like ________________________________________, because ________________________________________. c) mitochondria The mitochondria is like ________________________________________, because ________________________________________. d) Golgi body The Golgi body is like ________________________________________, because ________________________________________. e) ribosome The ribosome is like ________________________________________, because ________________________________________. f) vacuole The vacuole is like ________________________________________, because ________________________________________. g) endoplasmic reticulum The endoplasmic reticulum is like ________________________________________, because ________________________________________. h) lysosome The lysosome is like ________________________________________, because ________________________________________. i) cell wall The cell wall is like ________________________________________, because ________________________________________. j) chloroplast The chloroplast is like ________________________________________, because ________________________________________.