Word Power 11

Word Power 11 Front
Word: Denounce
Link: Bounce
Definition: to condemn; to expose critically
Caption: The other kangaroos denounced poor Roger when he was unable to
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Torque
Link: Turk
Definition: a turning or twisting force
Caption: Tommy the Turk doing his famous Torque Turk dance.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Fathom
Link: Fat thumb
Definition: to understand fully; to penetrate the meaning of
Caption: Doctors could never fathom the reason for Larry’s fat thumb.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Docile
Link: Fossil
Definition: easily taught or controlled; obedient, easy to handle
Caption: A docile fossil.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Hovel
Link: Shovel
Definition: a small, miserable dwelling; a low, open shed
Caption: The mice’s hovel was an old, rusted shovel.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word Power 11 Back
Word: Balm
Link: Palm
Definition: something that soothes, heals, or comforts; an oil or ointment
Caption: There’s nothing like a balmy breeze whispering through the palm trees.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Divine
Link: Vine
Definition: to foretell a prophecy; to infer, to guess
Caption: How was Tarzan to divine this was the time his vine would break.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Alternative
Link: Turn native
Definition: the choice between two possibilities; a situation presenting a choice
Caption: It’s an alternative lifestyle; he turned native.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Countenance
Link: Count the nuts
Definition: a person’s face, especially the expression
Caption: By their facial countenance alone, it was easy to count the nuts.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Badger
Link: Badger
Definition: to tease, annoy, harass persistently
Caption: A badgering badger.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word Power 12 Front
Word: Wane
Link: Rain
Definition: to decrease gradually
Caption: Snowmen wane in the rain.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Fraught
Link: Caught
Definition: teeming with; laden; full; involving; accompanied by
Caption: Eric caught a boatload in a lake fraught with fish.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Chasm
Link: Spasm
Definition: a deep opening in the earth’s surface; a gorge; differences of opinion
Caption: A spasm in the chasm.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Erudite
Link: Airtight
Definition: deeply learned, scholarly
Caption: Knowing that his case was airtight, the defense attorney became
confident and erudite.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Also-ran
Link: Awesome fan
Definition: one who is defeated in a race, election, or other competition; loser
Caption: The tortoise was an also-ran until he strapped on an awesome fan.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word Power 12 Back
Word: Elfin
Link: Elephant
Definition: small and sprightly; mischievous, fairylike
Caption: An elfin elephant is a strange sight to see.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Aggrandize
Link: Grand eyes
Definition: to exaggerate, to cause to appear greater in power, influence
Caption: Ladies acquire grand eyes with mascara and false eyelashes to
aggrandize their eyes.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Ensemble
Link: Handsome devil
Definition: a coordinated outfit or costume; a musical group
Caption: James bond was a handsome devil in his spy ensemble.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Tether
Link: Leather
Definition: a rope or chain that allows limited movement; the limit of one’s
resources or strength
Caption: Horses are tethered with a rope or leather strap.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Claimant
Link: Claim ant
Definition: a person making a claim
Caption: A claimant claiming ants.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word Power 13 Front
Word: Entice
Link: Mice
Definition: to lure, to attract, to tempt in a pleasing fashoin
Caption: The best kind of bait to use to entice cats is mice.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Philanthropy
Link: Phil Anthropy
Definition: love of mankind, especially through charitable gifts and deeds
Caption: Phil Anthropy was a philanthropist.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Misanthropy
Link: Miss Anthropy
Definition: anyone who hates mankind
Caption: Miss Anthropy was a misanthropic person.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Mirage
Link: Garage
Definition: unreal reflection; an optical illusion
Caption: the garage they saw crossing the desert was only a mirage.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Noisome
Link: Annoy Some
Definition: stinking; offensive; disgusting
Caption: Inconsiderate, noisome smokers are likely to annoy some.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word Power 13 Back
Word: Coup
Link: Crew
Definition: the violent overthrow of a government by a small group; a victorious
Caption: In a midnight coup, the mutinous crew of “The Bounty” threw Captain
Bligh off his ship.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Hoard
Link: Stored
Definition: to accumulate for future use; stockpile
Caption: A squirrels hoard of nuts must be stored for the approaching winter.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Languish
Link: Land fish
Definition: to become weak or feeble; sag with loss of strength
Caption: A fish on land will quickly languish.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Cloister
Link: Oyster
Definition: a tranquil, secluded place
Caption: An oyster in his cloister.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Oust
Link: House
Definition: to eject; to force out; to banish
Caption: The landlord ousted the tenant from the house when he didn’t pay rent.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word Power 14 Front
Word: Creditor
Link: Predator
Definition: a person to whom money is owed
Caption: Beware the creditor who is a predator.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Pillage
Link: Village
Definition: to rob of goods by violent seizure, plunder; to take as spoils
Caption: Blackbeard the Pirate gives last minute orders before his crew pillages
the village.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Antecedent
Link: Hand seed
Definition: going before; preceding; an event preceding another
Caption: The hand that plants the seed is the antecedent to the hand that picks
the flower.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Embody
Link: Body
Definition: to give bodily form to; to personify; to make part of a system
Caption: Jimmy sculpted a statue with the likeness of his face, but which
embodied a body he’d never have.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Verbatim
Link: Vern’s bat
Definition: using exactly the same words, word for word
Caption: Vern wrote his coach’s batting instructions verbatim on his bat.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word Power 14 Back
Word: Truncate
Link: Trunk cut
Definition: to shorten by cutting off
Caption: The lumberjack truncated the tree when he cut the trunk halfway to the
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Douse
Link: Mouse
Definition: to plunge into water; to immerse
Caption: The mouse helped a raccoon that was accidentally doused in the lake.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Forsake
Link: Four snakes
Definition: to abandon, to give up, to renounce
Caption: The Higgins family wisely decided to forsake their campsite in favor of
four snakes.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Deft
Link: Deaf
Definition: dexterous, skillful
Caption: The deaf are deft at reading lips.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Ubiquitous
Link: Big as us
Definition: the quality of being everywhere at the same time
Caption: When you’re as big as us, you feel ubiquitous.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word Power 15 Front
Word: Insouciant
Link: South Sea ant
Definition: calm and carefree; lighthearted
Caption: South Sea ants are the most insouciant ants of all.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Sundry
Link: Sundae
Definition: various, several, miscellaneous
Caption: Jimmy had a sundry of ice cream sundaes for his birthday.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Callous
Link: Callus
Definition: unfeeling, insensitive; having calluses
Caption: Jack was so callous, he called attention to Mike’s calluses.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Dearth
Link: Earth
Definition: scarcity, lack
Caption: There is a dearth of earth in the middle of the ocean.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Revere
Link: Paul Revere
Definition: to regard with great devotion or respect; to honor
Caption: Hero of the American Revolution, Paul Revere is greatly revered
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word Power 15 Back
Word: Prowess
Link: Prowler
Definition: exceptional skill or bravery
Caption: The prowess of a prowler.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Generalize
Link: General’s eyes
Definition: general rather than specific; to form a general conclusion
Caption: To say that all generals’ eyes are the same is to generalize.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Legacy
Link: Leg I see
Definition: something handed down from one who has gone before or from the
past; a bequest
Caption: The leg I see is my entire legacy from Great-Grandfather Paul the
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Phobia
Link: Photos
Definition: a persistent, illogical fear
Caption: Some tribes have a phobia about photos, believing that their soul will
be captured inside the box.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Somber
Link: Some bears
Definition: depressing, gloomy, dark
Caption: Some bears endure winter hibernation in a somber state of mind.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word Power 16 Front
Word: Edifice
Link: Ate a face
Definition: a building, especially one of imposing appearance or size
Caption: The Great Kong ate the north face of the ediface.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Paradox
Link: Bears or ducks
Definition: a statement that seems true but at the same time seems to also have
an opposite truth
Caption: The “are we bears or ducks?” paradox.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Hospitable
Link: Hospital
Definition: receiving guests warmly
Caption: The hospital staff were very hospitable.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Muse
Link: Fuse
Definition: to ponder; meditate; think about at length
Caption: It is unwise to muse once the fuse is lit.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Gloat
Link: Goat
Definition: to brag greatly
Caption: “And I got this award for receiving so many awards,” said the gloating
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word Power 16 Back
Word: Pique
Link: Peek
Definition: irritation, resentment stemming from wounded pride; also to arouse
Caption: Jo Ann was piqued at her brother for peeking at her slumber party.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Dispel
Link: Spell
Definition: to drive away; to dissipate
Caption: The princess kissed many toads before she could dispel the witch’s
spell on the prince.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Ramification
Link: Rams on vacation
Definition: a branching out; a development growing out of and often complicating
a problem or pain
Caption: A possible ramification of encountering rams while on vacation.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Allure
Link: Lure
Definition: to entice with something desireable; tempt
Caption: Not all fish lures allure all fish.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Commodious
Link: Commode
Definition: spacious, roomy, capacious
Caption: A commodious commode.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word Power 17 Front
Word: Orthodox
Link: Throw rocks
Definition: conventional, doing it by the book
Caption: In the times of the Roman Empire, it was orthodox to throw rocks.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Fawn
Link: Fawn
Definition: exhibit affection; seek favor through flattery; to “suck up” to something
Caption: A fawn fawning over his mother.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Lethargy
Link: Leopard’s tea
Definition: laziness, tiredness; languor
Caption: Lethargic leopards having tea.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Masticate
Link: Mast ate
Definition: to chew
Caption: Henry ate the mast when he started to masticate.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Archaic
Link: Cake
Definition: belonging to an earlier time, ancient; outdated
Caption: An archaic cake.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word Power 17 Back
Word: Gazebo
Link: Zebra
Definition: an outdoor structure with a roof and open sides
Caption: A zebra gazebo on the Mari Mari plains of Kenya, East Africa.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Abhor
Link: Chore
Definition: to hate very much; to detest utterly
Caption: The Booker boys abhorred doing chores.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Plight
Link: Flight
Definition: a condition of situation, especially a distressing one
Caption: A plight in flight.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Callow
Link: Shallow
Definition: immature and inexperienced
Caption: Our dad was so callow he made his first dive in the shallow kiddie pool.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Euphonious
Link: You phone us
Definition: pleasing to the ear
Caption: You must be beautiful because you sound so euphonious when you
phone us.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word Power 18 Front
Word: Quirk
Link: Jerk
Definition: a peculiarity of behavior; an unaccountable act or event
Caption: People have the strangest quirks; some can be real jerks.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Mores
Link: More A’s
Definition: customary cultural standards; moral attitudes, manners, habits
Caption: Our educational mores have it that the more A’s a student makes, the
better their education.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Comprise
Link: Surprise
Definition: to consist of; to include, to contain, to be made up of
Caption: It was not a pleasant surprise when the pirates discovered their
treasure was comprised only of party favors.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Cache
Link: Cash
Definition: a hiding place, or the objects hidden in a hiding place
Caption: Escaped prisoner #5447 recovered the cash from his cache.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Bucolic
Link: Bulls Frolic
Definition: rural or rustic in nature, country-like
Caption: Bulls frolic when a farm is bucolic.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word Power 18 Back
Word: Affadavit
Link: After David
Definition: a sworn written statement
Caption: After David slew Goliath, he made out an affadavit not to further hurt
any big guys.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Abstruse
Link: Moose
Definition: hard to understand
Caption: His friends consider Mike, the Moose, to be very abstruse.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Oblique
Link: Freak
Definition: at an angle; indirect or evasive
Caption: Folks are not freaks just because they walk obliquely.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Dimlemna
Link: Limb
Definition: a difficult situation where one must choose between two or more
choices that seem unfavorable; any problem or predicament
Caption: The dilemna facing Jim was to go over the waterfall or to grab the limb.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Vertigo
Link: Where to Go
Definition: the sensation of dizziness
Caption: When test pilot Bob developed a bad case of vertigo, he didn’t know
where to go.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word Power 19 Front
Word: Intervene
Link: Between
Definition: to come between; to mediate, to occur between times
Caption: Referees intervene between player disputes.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Stupefy
Link: Super Fly
Definition: to make numb with amazement; to stun into helplessness
Caption: The kids were stupefied when Super Fly stole the cake.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Bleak
Link: Leak
Definition: depressing, discouraging, harsh, cold, barren, raw
Caption: Sometimes a simple leak can lead to bleak consequences.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Ajar
Link: Jar
Definition: partially open
Caption: Hey, the jar’s ajar; we’re outta here.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Demur
Link: Pure
Definition: to object, to make exception
Caption: Cinderella was so pure she demurred from drinking even root beer.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word Power 19 Back
Word: Catharsis
Link: Cats and Horses
Definition: an emotional or psychological cleansing that brings relief or renewal
Caption: Cat and horse catharsis.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Alleviate
Link: Leaves Ate
Definition: to make less severe; to relieve, to lessen
Caption: The giraffes believed if they ate the leaves of some trees it would
alleviate many illnesses.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Domain
Link: Plain
Definition: a territory over which one rules, has influence or power
Caption: Lions have domain over the plains of Africa.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Candor
Link: Condor
Definition: truthfulness, sincere honosty
Caption: A condor with candor.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Aftermath
Link: After Math
Definition: events following some occurrence; a consequence of
Caption: After doing the math for calculating the atomic bomb, Einsten would live
to see the resulting aftermath.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word Power 20 Front
Word: Affinity
Link: Fin Tea
Definition: a natural attraction; kinship; similarity
Caption: The Chinese have an affinity for shark fin soup and shark fin tea.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Inveigle
Link: Bagel
Definition: to tempt or persuade by using deception or flattery
Caption: The animal trainer inveigled the lion to perform by tempting him with a
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Demagogue
Link: Them Dogs
Definition: a leader who obtains power by appealing to the emotions and
prejudices of the people
Caption: Them dogs, Hitler and Mussolini, were infamous demagogues.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Bizarre
Link: Bazaar
Definition: extremely unconventional or far-fetched
Caption: You see some bizarre things for sale at a bazaar.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Lax
Link: Tax
Definition: careless, negligent; not tense, slack
Caption: This is what happens when you’re lax in paying your tax.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word Power 20 Back
Word: Circa
Link: Circus
Definition: about; at an estimated time period
Caption: The first known circus took place circa 200,000 B.C.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Pied
Link: Pied Piper
Definition: multi-colored, especially of more than one color in patches
Caption: If you’ve ever wondered where the Pied Piper got his name, it came
from wearing pied clothing.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Herbicide
Link: Suicide
Definition: a substance used to destroy plants, especially weeds
Caption: When weeds commit suicide, they use a herbicide.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Melancholy
Link: Melon
Definition: depression of spirits, gloomy, weary
Caption: Farmer Brown was beset with melancholy when he saw what the
worms had done with his melon patch.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________
Word: Anterior
Link: Antler
Definition: situated in front
Caption: The anterior position of a deer’s antlers come in very handy.
Cartoon Description: _______________________________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________________________________