Placing QuickTime Movies and Sound Files (.WAV, .AIFF & .MID) in Blackboard Placing QuickTime movies and sound files in Blackboard is very similar to the procedure of placing GIFs and JPGs into Blackboard. However, it appears at this time that your success in Blackboard using these types of sound/movie files depends upon the browser the student users. NOTE: Internet Explorer will play QuickTime, .WAV, .AIFF, & .MID files; Netscape will ONLY play .AIFF files. 1. Login into Blackboard and open your course. 2. Go to CONTROL PANEL > CONTENT AREAS and click on the link for the Content Area where you wish to place the information (e.g., Course Documents). 3. Click the Add Item button. 4. Name the document and pick the link color of the Name: 5. In Section 2 – Content Attachments, click on the Browse… button and find the QuickTime movie or sound file (.WAV, .AIFF, or .MID) on your computer that you wish to display in Blackboard. 6. Where it says Name of Link to File: type the name that you wish the student to see for the link associated with the QuickTime movie or sound file. 7. From the Special Action: drop-down menu, select Create a link to this file. (This will cause a link to appear for the student so that when they click it, the play controls will appear within the Blackboard main window. If you choose UnPackage this file, a link will appear for the student but when they click it the play controls will appear in the upper left corner of the screen.) 8. Go to Section 3 - Options of the Blackboard page and select the dates of availability for displaying the file. 9. Go to Section 4 - Submit and click on the Submit button. 10. Blackboard will provide you with a receipt if the document was uploaded correctly. Click the OK button. 11. The student will see a link to the file in the section where the file was placed that looks something like this: 12. When the student clicks on the link, the play controls will appear (The controls look slightly different for a .AIFF file but are self-explanatory).