CURRICULUM VITAE (In short) MANOLIS N. MICHALODIMITRAKIS, MD. JD PERSONAL Year and place of birth Citizenship Marital Status Children Languages Spoken : : : : : April 2, 1948, Heraklion, Greece Greek Married Two Greek, English, French EDUCATION (Degrees, Dates, Universities) MD University of Athens Medical School, 1972 JD University of Athens Law School, 1979 Ph D. University of Athens Medical School, 1979 PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 1977 1979 1979 1984 etc Greek Board in Anatomic Pathology Greek Board in Forensic Pathology Greek Barr Association ABFP CURRENT POSITION 1993 Professor of Forensic Pathology and Toxicology and Director of the Department of Forensic Sciences of the Medical School of the University of Crete PAST APPOINTMENTS 1975-1979 1979-1981 1981-1988 1984-1987 1988-1993 Lecturer - University of Athens, Dept. of Forensic Medicine Trainee - New York City Medical Examiner Center- Medical Examiner’s Office at Suffolk County NY (M.Baden) Trainee and after 1984 Forensic Pathologist at the Wayne County Medical Examiner's Office - Detroit, Michigan (W.U.Spitz) Visiting Professor - University of Patras, Dept. of Forensic Medicine, Patra, Greece Research Associate - Philadelphia's Medical Examiner Office(H.G.Mirchandani) FELLOWSHIPS AND MEMBERSHIPS IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES American Academy of Forensic Sciences (Fellow) National Association of Medical Examiners European Undersea Biomedical Society American Society of Law and Medicine International Academy of Legal Medicine and Social Medicine New York Academy of Sciences European Council of Legal Medicine Balkan Academy of Forensic Sciences et al CURRENT RESEARCH INTERESTS Forensic Anthropology in autopsy practice Postmortem Forensic Toxicology Suicides Legal Aspects of Medical Practice Forensic Cardiology Training the Trainers from abroad mainly Professors and Directors Number of papers in refereed journals: 200 (International and Greek) Number of communications to scientific meetings: 150 (International and Greek). PROFESSIONAL PROFILE Manolis (Emmanuel) N. Michalodimitrakis MD, JD, is Professor of Forensic Pathology and Toxicology and Director of the Department of Forensic Sciences of the Medical School of the University of Crete with broad experience in both forensic pathology and toxicology. Prof. E. Michalodimitrakis also serves as the Medical Examiner of the region of Crete and covers the rest of Greece , mainly Athens, in complicated cases autopsying or exhuming for 2nd autopsy the bodies in question of cause or manner of death. His professional background includes serving as consultant chief pathologist for the State in nationwide difficult cases with exhumation of bodies, special analyses and expert testimonies. The Department of Forensic Sciences of the University of Crete has been chosen by Official Agreement between the States of Albania and Greece of January 10, 2005 for the training in Forensic Pathology of the staff of forensic pathologists of the Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology of the University of Tirana, Albania. It is also accredited on June 5, 2005 at the 3rd Annual Meeting of Balkan Academy of Forensic Sciences (BAFS) in Costanta, Romania to be the official training center of BAFS for the young medicolegal experts, scholars and Professors from all Balkan and other European and Asiatic countries. His book "Craniocerebral Injuries" has been translated in the Albanian, Romanian and Bulgarian languages and is used as textbook in the undergraduate students and the trainees in the field of Forensic Pathology. With the “father” of Forensic Anthropology M.Yasar Iscan established the Balkan Academy of Forensic Sciences which is the 1st in proportion (60-65% of participants in the Annual Meetings) attracting trainees among all other existing Forensic Societies. He now after his term as President serves as Executive Director. He is called often in different countries to give lectures or performing autopsies or examine academic staff or to participate in Accreditation Committees in Europe, India, Libya, Australia, Malaysia, Cyprus, Turkey and other countries. In Greece he is the President of Hellenic Association of Forensic Pathologists and in European Council he is the official representative of his home country. He has examined thousands of cases, performing autopsies and exhumations throughout Greece, Balkan countries and USA and written more than 300 scientific publications in Greek and mainly International Journals. Publications (Sample of the last 10 years) J.Hughey, M.Michalodimitrakis, A.Vasilakis, E.Konsolaki, G.Stamatogianopoulos. Molecular genetics of two ancient Mediterranean populations. Am J Hum Genet 2003; 73(5):187. M.Griniezakis, A.Mavroforou, K.Symeonidis, M.Mihalodimitrakis. Bioethics as a Scientific Enterprise. Human Reprod Genet Ethics 2004; 10(2):49-52. F.DiGiacomo, F.Luca, L.Popa, N.Akar, N.Anagnou, J.Banyko, R.Brdicka, G.Barbujani, F.Papola, G.Ciavarella, F.Cucci, L.DiStasi, L.Gavrila, M.Keramova, D.Kovatcev, A.Kozlov, A.Loutradis, V.Mandarino, C.Mammi, M.Michalodimitrakis, G.Paoli, K.Pappa, G.Pedicini, L.Terrenato, S.Tofanelli, P.Malaspina, A.Novelletto. Y- Chromosomal Haplogroup J as a Signature of the Post-Neolithic Colonization of Europe. Hum Genet 2004; 115(5):357-71. A.Mavroforou, A.Giannoukas, M.Michalodimitrakis. Medical Litigation in Cosmetic Plastic Surgery. Med & Law 2004; 23(3):479-88. K.Tambets, S.Rootsi, T.Kivisild, H.Help, P.Serk.E.Loogvali, H.Tolk, M.Reidla, E.Metspalu, L.Pliss, O.Balanovsky, A.Pshenichnov, E.Balanovska, M.Gubina, S. Zhadanov, L.Osipova, L.Damba, M.Voevoda, I.Kutuev, J.Parik, M.Bermisheva, E.Khusnutdinova, V.Gusar, E.Grechanina, E.Pennarun, A.Chaventre, JPMoisan, L.Barac.M.Pericic, P.Rudan, R.Terzic, I.Mikerezi, A.Krumina, V.Baumanis, S.Koziel, O.Rickards, G.DeStefano, N.Anagnou, M.Michalodimitrakis, V.Ferak, S.Furedi, L.Beckman, R.Villems. The western and eastern roots of the extreme European Genetic outliers – The origin of mtDNAs and Y-Chromosomes of the Saami. Am J Hum Genet 2004; 74(4):661-82. G.Petridis, E.Abaci-Kalfoglou, M.Christakis- Champsas, A.Ferke, G.Filoglou, Y.Kapsali, S.Atasoy, M.Michalodimitrakis.Population Data on 9 STR loci in Crete.J Forensic Sci 2004; 49(6):1368-9. E.Loogvali, U.Roostalu, B.Malyarchuk, M.Derenko, T.Kivisild, E.Metspalu, K.Tampers, M.Reidla, H.Tolk, J.Parik, E.Pennarun, S.Laos, A.Lunkina, M.Golubenko, L.Barac, M.Pericic, O.Balanovsky, V.Gusar, V.Stepanov, V.Puzyrev, P.Rudan, E.Balanovska, E.Grechanina, C.Richard, J.Moisan, N.Anagnou, K.Pappa, M.Michalodimitrakis, M. Clausters, M.Golge, I.Mikerezi, E.Usanga, R.Villems. Disuniting Uniformity: A Pied Cladistic Canvas of mtDNA Haplogroup.Mol Biol Evol 2004; 21(11):2012-21. A.Mavroforou, A.Giannoukas, D.Mavrophoros, M.Michalodimitrakis. Confidentiality governing surgical research practice. World J Surgery 2005; 29(2):122-3. M.Michalodimitrakis, A.Mavroforou, A.Giannoukas. Lessons learnt from the autopsies of 445 cases of sudden cardiac death in adults. Coron Artery Dis 2005; 16(6):385-9. M.Michalodimitrakis, A.Mavroforou. Forensic Pathology. Turkish J Forensic Sci 2005; 4(1) : 51-60. M.Michalodimitrakis, A.Mavroforou. Forensic Pathology – De Profundis. Med Law 2005; 24(3):525-534. M.Michalodimitrakis, S.Meksi. Nivelet Postmortem te Antidepresiveve Triciklike qe Imitojne Shkakun e Vdekjes (Postmortem Tricyclic Antidepressant Levels Justifying the Cause of Death). Revista e Mjekesise Ligjore 2005; 3:7-14. M.Michalodimitrakis, A.Papadomanolakis, E.Kranioti, A.Mavroforou. Analysis of fatal traffic accidents: recent trends in the island of Crete. Rom J Leg Med 2005; 13(2):120-7. A.Mavroforou, M.Michalodimitrakis. The British Abortion Act (1967) and the interests of the foetus. Med Law 2006; 25(1):175-88. M.Michalodimitrakis.. Forensic Pathology in a Changing Society. Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 2006;7(1) Editorial. A.Mavroforou, A.Giannoukas, M.Michalodimitrakis. Consent for Organ and Tissue Retention in British Law in the Light of the Human Tissue Act 2004. Med Law 2006; 25(3):427-34. A.Mavroforou, M.Michalodimitrakis. Alcohol and drug abuse among doctors'. Med Law 2006; 25(4):611-25. K.Stamatiou, A.Alevizos, A.Mariolis, D.Fanou, M.Michalodimitrakis, F.Sofras. Adenocarcinomas of the prostatic duct in necropsy material. Can J Urol 2007; 14(2):3502-6. K.Stamatiou, A.Alevizos, K.Mihas, A.Mariolis, M.Michalodimitrakis, F.Sofras. Associations between coronary heart disease, obesity and histological prostate cancer. Int Urol Nephrol 2007; 39(1):197-201. E.Dermitzaki, C.Tsatsanis, V.Minas, E.Chatzaki, I.Charalampopoulos, M.Venihaki, A.Androulidaki, M.Lambropoulou, J. Spiess, M.Michalodimitrakis, A.Gravanis, AN Margioris. Corticotropin-Releasing factor (CRF) and the urocortins differentially regulate catecholamine secretion in human and rat adrenals, in a CRF receptor type-specific. Endocrinology 2007; 148(4):1524-38. E.F.Kranioti, A.Mavroforou, P.Mylonakis, M.Michalodimitrakis. Lethal self- administration of Propofol (Diprivan)-A case report and review of the literature.Forensic Sci Int 2007; 22;1 67(1) : 56-8. M.Michalodimitrakis, E.F.Kranioti, P.Mylonakis, A.Mavroforou. Aggravated Suicidal Response to Police Arresting. Mal J Forensiã Pavhol Sci 2007; 2(1):20-26. M.Michalodimitrakis, A.Mavroforou. Medical Aspects of Malpractice Crisis. Mal J Forensic Pathol Sci 2007; 2(2):6-14. M.Michalodimitrakis, E.Kranioti, P.Mylonakis, A.Mavroforou. Forensic Medicine in Greece: Modernizing and Updating the Specialty. Mal J For Path Sck 2007; 2,1):1-8. A.Mavroforou, E.Koumantakis, D.Maörophoros, M.Michalodimitrakis. Medically assisted human reproduction. The Greek View. Med & Law B 2007; 26(2):339-47. A.Mavroforou, G.Stamatiou, S.Koutsias, G.Vretzakis, M.Michalodimitrakis, AD Gianoukas. Malpracuice issues in modern anaesthesiology. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2007; 24(11 ): 03-11. M.Y.Iscan,0P.S.Aka, E.DKraniotI, M.N.Michalodimitrakis, E.Konsohaki. Dentition of Galatas People in Mycenean Pesiod. urk J Forensic Sci 2007; 6:27-33. K.Stamatiou, A.Alevizos, M.Natzar, C.Mihas, A.Mariolis, M.Michalodimitrakis, F.Sofras. Associations among benign prostate hypertrophy, atypical adenomatous hyperplasia and latent carcinoma of the prostate. Asian J Androl. 2007; 9(2):229-33. R.J.King, S.S.Ozcan,, T.Carter, E.Kalfoglu, S.Atasoy, C.Triantaphyllidis, A.Kouvatsi,A.A.Lin, T.Chow, L.A.Zhivotovsky, M.Michalodimitrakis, P.Underhill. Differential Y- chromosome Anatolian Influences on the Greek and Cretan Neolithic. Ann Hum Genet. 2008; 72(Pt2):205-14. A.Papavdi, E.F.Kranioti, P.Mylonakis, A.Papadomanolakis, M.Michalodimitrakis. The use of Postmortem Forensic Toxicology - An Alert for the Pathologist. J Forensic Med Toxicol. 2008; 10(2):5-8. E.F.Kranioti, M.Y İşcan, M. Michalodimitrakis. Craniometric analysis of the modern Cretan population. Forensic Sci Int 2008; 180(2-3):110.e1-5. F.Luca, G.Bubba, M.Basile, R.Brdicka, M.Michalodimitrakis, O.Richards, G.Vershubsky, L.Quintana-Murci, AI Kozlov, A.Novelletto. Multiple Advantageous Amino Acid Variants in the NAT2 Gene in Human Populations. PLoS ONE. 2008 ; 3(9): e3136. A.Mavroforou, M.Michalodimitrakis. The impact of Daubert Case in modern litigation. Med Law 2008; 27(4):755-65. A.Kastanaki, E.F..Kranioti, P.Theodorakis, M.Michalodimitrakis. An Unusual Suicide Inside a Grave with Two Gunshot Wounds to the Head – The Psychological Approach. J Forensic Sci 2009; 54(2):404-7. Paschou P, Drineas P, Yannaki E, Razou A, Kanaki K, Tsetsos F, Padmanabhuni SS,Michalodimitrakis M, Renda MC, Pavlovic S, Anagnostopoulos A, Stamatoyannopoulos JA, Kidd KK, Stamatoyannopoulos G. Maritime route of colonization of Europe. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Jun 24;111(25):9211-6. Madentzoglou MS, Kastanaki AE, Nathena D, Kranioti EF, Michalodimitrakis M. Nitrogenplastic bag suicide: a case report.Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2013 Dec;34(4):311-4.. Protonotarios A, Patrianakos A, Spanoudaki E, Kochiadakis G, Michalodimitrakis M, Vardas P. Left dominant arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy: a morbid association of ventricular arrhythmias and unexplained infero-lateral T-wave inversion.J Electrocardiol. 2013 JulAug;46(4):352-5. Hughey JR, Paschou P, Drineas P, Mastropaolo D, Lotakis DM, Navas PA, Michalodimitrakis M, Stamatoyannopoulos JA, Stamatoyannopoulos G. A European population in Minoan Bronze Age Crete.Nature Commun. 2013;4:1861. doi: 10.1038/ncomms2871. Dulohery K, Papavdi A, Michalodimitrakis M, Kranioti EF. Evaluation of coronary stenosis with the aid of quantitative image analysis in histological cross sections. J Forensic Leg Med. 2012 Nov;19(8):485-9. Michalodimitrakis M, Nathena D, Mavroforou A, Papavdi A, Kranioti EF. Fatal hypernatraemia after laparoscopic treatment of hydatid liver cyst: medical and legal concerns of a rare complication.Forensic Sci Int. 2012 Jun 10;219(1-3):e16-8. Papaioannou VA, Kranioti EF, Joveneaux P, Nathena D, Michalodimitrakis M. Sexual dimorphism of the scapula and the clavicle in a contemporary Greek population: applications in forensic identification.Forensic Sci Int. 2012 Apr 10;217(1-3):231.e1-7 Hughey JR, Du M, Li Q, Michalodimitrakis M, Stamatoyannopoulos G. A search for β thalassemia mutations in 4000 year old ancient DNAs of Minoan Cretans.Blood Cells Mol Dis. 2012 ,15;48(1):7-10.. Papavdi A, Kornaraki G, Nikitakis A, Michalodimitrakis M. The vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque: evaluation of the lipid core in human coronary arteries using morphometry. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2012 Mar;33(1):37-40. Kastanaki AE, Kraniotis CF, Kranioti EF, Nathena D, Theodorakis PN, Michalodimitrakis M. Suicide by pesticide poisoning: findings from the island of Crete, Greece. Crisis. 2010;31(6):32834. Kranioti EF, Nathena D, Michalodimitrakis M. Sex estimation of the Cretan humerus: a digital radiometric study. Int J Legal Med. 2011 Sep;125(5):659-67. Manousaki M, Papadaki H, Papavdi A, Kranioti EF, Mylonakis P, Varakis J, Michalodimitrakis M. Sudden unexpected death from oligodendroglioma: a case report and review of the literature. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2011 Dec;32(4):336-40. Mavroforou A, Michalodimitrakis E, Hatzitheo-Filou C, Giannoukas A. Legal and ethical issues in robotic surgery. Int Angiol. 2010. Feb; 29(1):75-9. Kastanaki AE, Kranioti EF, Papavdi A, Theodorakis PN, Michalodimitrakis M. Suicide by firearms on the island of Crete: a 9-year record. Crisis. 2010.31(1):43-52. Mavroforou A, Koumantakis E, Michalodimitrakis M. Do men have rights in abortion? The Greek view. Med Law. 2010 Mar;29(1):77-85. Fineschi V, Michalodimitrakis M, D'Errico S, Neri M, Pomara C, Riezzo I, Turillazzi E. Insight into stress-induced cardiomyopathy and sudden cardiac death due to stress. A forensic cardio-pathologist point of view.Forensic Sci Int. 2010. 30;194(1-3):1-8. Mavroforou A, Michalodimitrakis E, Koutsias S, Mavrophoros D, Giannoukas AD. Venous thromboembolism during air travel: does the existing evidence raise legal implications? Int Angiol. 2009 Aug; 28(4):269-73. Kranioti EF, Michalodimitrakis M. Sexual dimorphism of the humerus in contemporary Cretans--a population-specific study and a review of the literature. J Forensic Sci. 2009 Sep; 54(5):996-1000. Tambets K, Rootsi S, Kivisild T, Help H, Serk P, Loogväli EL, Tolk HV, Reidla M, Metspalu E, Pliss L, Balanovsky O, Pshenichnov A, Balanovska E, Gubina M, Zhadanov S, Osipova L, Damba L, Voevoda M, Kutuev I, Bermisheva M, Khusnutdinova E, Gusar V, Grechanina E, Parik J, Pennarun E, Richard C, Chaventre A, Moisan JP, Barác L, Pericić M, Rudan P, Terzić R, Mikerezi I, Krumina A, Baumanis V, Koziel S, Rickards O, De Stefano GF, Anagnou N, Pappa KI, Michalodimitrakis M, Ferák V, Füredi S, Komel R, Beckman L, Villems R. The western and eastern roots of the Saami--the story of genetic "outliers" told by mitochondrial DNA and Y chromosomes. Am J Hum Genet. 2004 Apr;74(4):661-82. Reidla M, Kivisild T, Metspalu E, Kaldma K, Tambets K, Tolk HV, Parik J, Loogväli EL, Derenko M, Malyarchuk B, Bermisheva M, Zhadanov S, Pennarun E, Gubina M, Golubenko M, Damba L, Fedorova S, Gusar V, Grechanina E, Mikerezi I, Moisan JP, Chaventré A, Khusnutdinova E, Osipova L, Stepanov V, Voevoda M, Achilli A, Rengo C, Rickards O, De Stefano GF, Papiha S, Beckman L, Janicijevic B, Rudan P, Anagnou N, Michalodimitrakis M, Koziel S, Usanga E, Geberhiwot T, Herrnstadt C, Howell N, Torroni A, Villems R. Origin and diffusion of mtDNA haplogroup X. Am J Hum Genet. 2003 Nov;73(5):1178-90.