BARGE'S ANTHROPOLOGICA BRIEF ANNUAL REPORT 2006 Department of Anatomy P.O. Box 9600, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands Tel.: (31) 71-529302, Fax: (31) 71-5268289 E-mail: Staff: Prof.dr. G.J.R. Maat Dr. L. Meijerman Drs. C. van der Linde Drs. R.R.R. Gerretsen MD Drs. W.J. Groen Drs. A.A.Westen Drs. M. Ouwehand Mr. M.J. Aarents Ms. A.M. de Wit Mr. R.W. Mastwijk H.A.M. Janssen Dr. Tj.D. Bruintjes Drs. F.E. Rijpma Prof. Ian Watt co-ordinator biologist archaeologist physician for. archaeologist biomedical scientist dentist technician secretary technician pathologist physician archaeologist radiologist LUMC 0.6 fte 0.9 fte, research associate 0.1 fte, research associate 0.6 fte, research associate 0.3 fte, research associate 0.2 fte, research associate 0.2 fte, research associate 0.3 fte 0.5 fte 0.25 fte associate associate associate associate TEACHING and TRAINING of undergraduates Participation summer course "Introduction to Physical Anthropology" Study / Institute Univ. 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Archaeology Literature(class/Egypt/histor.) Anatomy Medicine Biomed./-phar. Sciences Cultural Anthropology Biology / Environment Law Psychology, Sociology, Politics RUL RUL RUL RUL RUL RUL RUL RUL RUL 10 1 35 11 20 31 28 1 35 16 21 1 60 6 48 5 46 2 54 4 58 3 1 1 9 3 1 1 25 34 1 3 8 3 11 3 1 26 5 2 6 29 3 1 13 58 3 1 19 1 45 12 6 16 2 3 35 2 3 30 33 2 2 63 3 2 29 1 2 54 2 1 26 1 49 5 5 46 2 4 61 5 5 46 1 1 Medicine, Biomed. Anatomy Cultural Anthropology University Museum Literature(history) Biology RUU RUU RUU RUU RUU RUU Archaeol. Medicine Cultural Anthropology , Psychol. Literature(class/Dutch) VU VU VU VU Medicine Health Sciences Scientific Illustr. Law RULim RULim RULim RULim 2 1 Cultural Anthropology Medicine/ Biomed. Chemistry KUN KUN KUN 1 Cultural Anthrop., Sociol., Psych. UvA Pre- and Protohist., Odont. UvA Bio-Archaeoligal Institute Medicine RUG RUG Medicine EU Forensic Med. Assoc. / NFI Police Force / Army Miscellaneous, Foreign - Total 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 9 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 2 4 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 55 30 3 2 3 1 3 3 6 6 8 54 88 56 81 72 121 13 8 5 6 8 3 23 9 14 7 5 12 8 17 18 16 171 157 181 163 210 237 THESES SUPERVISED AT M.Sc./ Ph.D. LEVEL TOPIC UNIV. Late Mediaeval Koningsveld IV Cemetery, Delft: Leiden (D. Kemerink, J. Zant, O. Wedemeier, J. Schoester, S. v. Loon, J.v.d. Griendt, P. Jasperse, C. de Zoete, R. Jansma, I. v. Stokkom; N. Grotenhuis, I. den Boer, L. Sitnyakowski, K. Khemlani, L. Kuipers; S. v. Blijswijk, S. Corsel, T. Bonten, Z. Beeren, S. v.d. Torn, L. Matze; J. v.d. Leije, M. Smit, B. v. Huut, J. Loman, L. Bertens, F. Quaak; M. v. Langeveld, I. v. Tulder, C. Kruyt, M. Hew, A. Zomervrucht; B. Neecke, I. v. Hagen, M. v. Deutekom, P. Stokvis, I. v. Hoeven; R. Smeding, A. Vinkeles Melchers, J. Polman). Laryngeal fractures and natural clefts in cases of strangling: Leiden / NFI (C. den Hoed) 13-14th century, skeletons from the Holland Dynasty: Leiden (G.J.R. Maat) Medieval skeletons from the “Pandhof” of the Leiden Church of Our Lady in Maastricht: (J. J. Verlaan) Medieval skeletons from the Old and New Infirmary, Delft: Leiden (W.J. Groen) Late Mediaeval Koningsveld IV Cemetery, Delft: Leiden (A.A. Westen) Inter- and intra-individual variation in earprints Leiden (L Meijerman) YEAR COMPLETED MSc, 2006 MSc, 2006 MSc, .... PhD, .... PhD, .... PhD, 2006 POSTGRADUATE TEACHING Prof.dr. G.J.R. Maat 2006 Netherlands School of Public Health. Topic: forensic anthropology: 3 lectures. Forensic anthropology for scene of crime officers. 2006 Forensic Anthropology for Scene of Crime Officers. 2 x three days of practicals and demonstrations, 34 police officers and technicians. 2006 Forensic Sciences Service / Univ. College London: Forensic Human Identification Course, 2 lectures. 2006 University of Leiden. Forensic anthropology in criminalistics (Faculty of Law). 2 lectures. 2006 University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Science), Master of Forensic Science Course, Criminalistics 2 lectures. 2006 University of Leiden. Plenary lecture for HOVO (University Teaching for Elderly). Drs. R.R.R. Gerretsen MD 3- 2006 University of Amsterdam. Topic: forensic anthropology: 1 guest lecture. Forensic anthropology for academic students Forensic Sciences. 4- 2006 Congress 2006 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands of the British Association for Forensic Odontology (BAHID) and the Landelijk Orgaan Forensische Odontologie (LOFO). Topic: Disaster Victim Identification: 1 lecture. Forensic anthropology for forensic odontologists. 4-2006 Congress 2006 MEBIOSE, association for Biomedical Sciences. Course: Victim Identification and Forensic Anthropology. 5- 2006 Kennis Uitwisseling Politie Openbaar Ministerie 2x Forensic Anthropology for forensic detectives, district attorneys and judges 5- 2006 Congress for radiologists Leiden University Medical Center Forensic Antropology: Identification and Radiology 6- 2006 Forensic Anthropology: case reports Lecture given at the Netherlands Forensic Institute for postgraduates 12-2006 Forensic Antropology: introducing NOMAD: portable X-ray and identification Lecture given at the Netherlands Forensic Institute for postgraduates 12-2006 Forensic Anthropology for Scene of Crime Officers. 2 x three days of practicals and demonstrations, 34 police officers and technicians. Drs. W.J. Groen 2006 Police Academy of the Netherlands. Topic: forensic archaeology: 2 lectures and a practical. Forensic archaeology for scene of crime officers. 2006 CSI Holland (NIK). Topic: forensic archaeology: 4 lectures. Forensic archaeology for scene of crime officers. Drs. A.A. Westen 2006 Forensic Anthropology for Scene of Crime Officers. 2 x three days of practicals and demonstrations, 34 police officers and technicians. Dr. L. Meijerman 2006 Forensic Anthropology for Scene of Crime Officers. 2 x three days of practicals and demonstrations, 34 police officers and technicians. CURRENT ACADEMIC, ADMINISTRATIVE OR RELATED ACTIVITIES Prof.dr. G.J.R. Maat 1983-.... Consultant of the State Laboratory of Forensic Medicine of The Netherlands (LGP-Rijswijk). 1992-.... Coördinator of the interuniversity Summercourse "An Introduction to Physical Anthropology" 1993-.... Coördinator of the Center for Physical Anthropology, Leiden University. 1993-.... Member of the Executive Committee of the Department of Anatomy, Leiden. 1997-.... Local Treasurer of the European Anthropological Association. 2000-.... Permanent member of the Dutch Disaster Victim Identification Team (DVI/RIT). 2001-…. Founder member of the British Association of Human Identification. 2001-…. Member of the Advisory Panel of the Centre for International Forensic Assistance (CIFA, Glasgow, UK). 2001-…. Editor of the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. 2003-…. Member of the Committee "Inspection of procedures related to age determination of Unaccompanied Minors" of the Ministery of Justice of the Dutch Gouvernement. 2004-.... Court-appointed expert under permanent oath. 2004-.... Visiting professor London University College / Forensic Science Service. Teaching criminalistics. 2005-.... Member of the so-called "Werkveld" Commission of the Academy of Arts of Maastricht, The Netherlands. 2005-.... Visiting professor University of Amsterdam: Teaching criminalistics. 2006-…. Court-appointed expert for the International Crime Court (ICC), The Hague. STUDY VISITS, SCIENTIFIC EXCAVATIONS Prof.dr. G.J.R. Maat 2006 European Health Project. Selection and re-coding of skeletal remains. University of Rome, Rome, Italy. 2006 Disaster Victim Identification Mission with respect to victims of a military helicopter crash in Afghanistan. 2006 British Association of Human Identification (BAHID). Co-ordinator of a workshop at Eindhoven, The Netherlands: Preparation of microscopic sections of natural bone tissue. 2006 Lectures and excavations in Guatemala. In co-operation with the Hogeschool Leiden, the Fundation de Antropologia Forense de Guatemala and the Rafael Landivar University, Guatemala City, Guatemala. 2006 Analysis and Excavation of human remains from the Hellenistic/Byzantine Period found on Yeronisos Island at Cyprus (in co-operation with prof. J. Breton Connelly, New York University, USA). 2006 Excavation of Duke Floris I of Holland and four of his relatives. Egmond Monastery, Egmond-Binnen, The Netherlands. Drs. R.R.R. Gerretsen 2006 Member committee project 'Missing persons', Netherlands Forensic Institute 9- 2006 Dept. of Human Anatomy and Forensic Anthropology, Dundee Univ., Prof S. Black, dr. C. Wilkinson, dr. C. Needham Forensic Anthropology. 11-2006 Dept. of Human Anatomy and Forensic Anthropology, Dundee Univ., Prof S. Black, dr. C. Wilkinson, dr. C. Needham : Facial Reconstruction. POSTGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS and VISITORS 2006 2006 L. van der Merwe, University of Pretoria. MSc-thesis preparations. Prof. D.R. Brothwell, York University: Paleopathology. LECTURES BY INVITATION Drs. R.R.R. Gerretsen MD 9- 2006 Amsterdam Police, lecture held with drs. M. Groen for forensic detectives. Title: Forensic Anthropology In the Netherlands: excavation and identification. 10- 2006 Utrecht Police, lecture held with drs. M. Groen for forensic detectives. Title: Cold case Maarsbergen: pitfalls in exhumation. 10-2006 British Association for Human Identification, meeting 2006 Prague. Title: Forensic Anthropology In the Netherlands: excavation and identification. 10-2006 Groene Hart Ziekenhuis (Hospital Gouda). Title: Forensic Anthropology In the Netherlands: excavation and identification. BARGE FORUM 2006 Lecture by Prof. W. Otterspeer, Leiden University, Leiden: "Stormy weather at the horizon. Leiden University running up to World War II. An ethical perspective", at the Department of Anatomy, Leiden University. GRANTS (FUNDED RESEARCH) 1994-.... Foundation for Anthropology and Prehistory in The Netherlands: annual grant for books of general anthropological use. 1999-.... Foundation "Stichting ter Financiering van Barge's Anthropologica": annual budget. 2002-2007 History of human health in Europe from paleolithic to recent times. An American NSF-project (National Science Foundation) in co-operation with the Dept. of Anthropology, Ohio State University, USA) and many other European universities (European co-ordinator: G.J.R. Maat). 2003-2007 The rise of Christianity. A new interdisciplinary perspective. A NWO-project in co-operation with Utrecht University, The Netherlands (dr. L.V. Rutgers).” 2003-…. Netherlands Forensic Institute. Age at death determination on the gross anatomical and microscopic development of the sternal end of the 4th rib in the Dutch population. Research Associate and budget. 2003-…. Demography and paleopathology of individuals buried at the "Oude en Nieuwe Gasthuis" in Delft (in co-operation with dr. E. Bult, archeologist of the City of Delft, and J.M. Groen of the Department of Municipal Development of the City of Delft / NFI The Hague). 2005-2008 Wellcome Trust (London). Limeys: A combined approach to detect sub-clinical scurvy by means of collagen analysis in the Archaeological Record. In co-operation with Hannah Koon (MSc, Bioarchaeology, Univ. of York), prof.dr. M.J. Collins (Bioarchaeology, Univ. of York; Dept. of Archaeology, Free Univ. Amsterdam) and prof. J. Thomas-Oates (Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of York). CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECTS 1996-.... Analysis and Excavation of human remains from the Hellenistic/Byzantine Period found on Yeronisos Island at Cyprus (in co-operation with prof. J. Breton Connelly, New York University, USA). 1996-2007 Analysis of human remains from the Christian Period (ca. 5th century) in Kuwait. Akkaz Excavation, in co-operation with the University of Lyon (Maison de l'Orient, dr. Yves Calvet) and the Kuwait National Museum (dr. Al-Wohaibi). 1998-.... Ancient-DNA analysis of human remains, in cooperation with dr. B. Bakker and P. de Knijff (Forensisch Laboratorium voor DNA Onderzoek) and dr. A. Kloosterman (Netherlands Forensic Institute, The Hague). 2002-2005 European Commision: FEARID Project: Forensic Earprint Identification. Position of a Research Assistant. Research on the validation of ear prints for crime investigations and crime evidence in cooperation with mr. C van der Lugt (Inst. for Criminal Invest. and Crime Sc., Zutphen), Padova University (Italy), Netherlands Forensic Science Inst. (Rijswijk), TNO-TPD (Delft), National Training Centre for Scientific Support to Crime Investigation (Durham), Huddersfield University, Department of Forensic Medicine and Sciences (University of Glasgow). 2006- The probability of being diagnosed with completely fused clavicles (L. Meijerman). 2002-2007 History of human health in Europe from Paleolithic to recent times. An American NSF-project in cooperation with the Dept. of Anthropology, Ohio State University, USA) and many other European universities (European co-ordinator: G.J.R. Maat). 2003-2007 The rise of Christianity. A new interdisciplinary perspective. A NWO-project (PhD thesis) in cooperation with Utrecht University, The Netherlands (dr. L.V. Rutgers, Ms. C. van der Linde). 2003-…. Demography and paleopathology of individuals buried at the "Oude en Nieuwe Gasthuis" in Delft (PhD thesis) W.J. Groen.. 2003-…. Demography and paleopathology of individuals buried at the "Koningsveld Cemetery" in Delft. 2005-.... SANPAD (South Africa-Netherlands Research Programme on Alternatives in Development) grant for the excavation and analysis of slaves of the Dutch East India Company buried in the Prestwich cemetery in Cape Town, South Africa. In co-operation with Prof. Alan Morris, Department of Anatomy, Cape Town University. 2005-2008 Wellcome Trust (London). Limeys: A combined approach to detect sub-clinical scurvy by means of collagen analysis in the Archaeological Record. In co-operation with Hannah Koon (MSc, Bioarchaeology, Univ. of York), prof.dr. M.J. Collins (Bioarchaeology, Univ. of York; Dept. of Archaeology, Free Univ. Amsterdam) and prof. J. Thomas-Oates (Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of York). 2006-…. Age at death assessment by means of Tooth Cementum Annulations counts. The influence of diet and life style. In co-operation with ms. M. Ouwehand of the Amsterdam Academic Center for Odontology (ACTA), University of Amsterdam. 2006-…. DNA-sampling and the cause and degree of bone tissue decomposition. In co-operation with ms. A.A. Westen (Netherlands Forensic Institute, The Hague, The Netherlands) and prof. P. de Knijff of the Forensic laboratory for DNA Research (FLDO) of the Leiden University Medical Center. 2006-…. Taphonomy and forensic archaeology. In co-operation with drs. W.J. Groen. Dept. of Forensic Trace Investigation, Netherlands Forensic Institute, The Hague, The Netherlands. 2006-…. Femoral collum angle reconstruction. A sex indicator for skeleton research? In co-operation with R.R. R. Gerretsen, the dept. of Pathology (Netherlands Forensic Institute, The Hague, The Netherlands). PUBLICATIONS A. BARGE'S ANTHROPOLOGICA SERIES MAAT, G.J.R., van den BOS, R.P.M. and M.J. AARENTS Manual for the preparation of ground sections for the microscopy of bone tissue. Third print. Leiden, Barge's Anthropologica 7: 1-18, 2006 (ISBN 90-806456-6-4). B-1. FULL-LENGTH PEER REVIEWED PAPERS MAAT, G.J.R., MAES, A., AARENTS, M.J. and N.J.D. NAGELKERKE Histological age prediction from the femur in a contemporary Dutch sample. The decrease of non-remodeled bone in the anterior cortex. Journal of Forensic Sciences 51: 230-237, 2006. MAAT, G.J.R., GERRETSEN, R.R.R and M.J. AARENTS. Improving the visibility of Tooth Cementum Annulations by adjustment of the cutting angle of microscopic sections. Forensic Science International 159S: S95-S99 (2006). MAAT, G.J.R., MEIJERMAN, L., GROEN, W.J., GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic Anthropology (Forensische Antropologie). In: Compilation of Forensic Expertise (Bundel Forensische Expertise) (Broeders, A.P.A., Grootscholten, G.P.M., Muller, E.R. and Nijboer, J., eds.). (in press). (chapter in book) MAAT, G.J.R. and J. BOND The repudiated angel. Identification of a male corpse found where it simply couldn't be. In: Forensic Anthropology: Case studies from Europe (Brickley, M. and Ferllini, R., eds). Ch.C. Thomas, Springfield (in press). (chapter in book) MAAT, G.J.R. The man from Akkaz. In: J.Gachet (ed.). Failaka, Fouilles Francaises 19..-200.. Lyon, Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient ...: ....-....., 200... (in press). MAAT, G.J.R., MASTWIJK, R.W. and E.A. VAN DER VELDE The distribution of degenerative joint changes and DISH. (in press) PANHUYSEN, R.G.A.M., WALENKAMP, G.H.I.M. and MAAT, G.J.R. Cortical "defects" in humerus and clavicle. (in press) SMITS, E. and MAAT, G.J.R. An Early / Middle Bronze Age common grave at Wassenaar, The Netherlands. The paleopathological evidence. (in press) BORG, van der K., ALDERLIESTEN, C., JONG, de A.F.M., and MAAT, G.J.R. Radiocarbon dates of the counts of Nassau: 80 years upper limit of ageing effects. Radiocarbon. (submitted for publication) MEIJERMAN, L, THEAN, A., VAN DER LUGT, C., VAN MUNSTER, R., VAN ANTWERPEN, G. and MAAT, G.J.R. Individualization of earprints: Variation in earprints of monozygotic twins. Forensic Science. Medicine and Pathology 2(1): 39-49, 2006. MEIJERMAN, L, Inter- and intra-individual variation in earprints. Barge's Anthropologica, Leiden, 232 pp., 2006. MEIJERMAN, L., NAGELKERKE, N.J.D., BASTEN, van R., LUGT, van der C., CONTI, de F., DRUSINI, A., GIACON, M., SHOLL, S., VANEZIS, P. and MAAT, G.J.R. Inter- and intra-individual variation in applied force when listening at a surface, and resulting variation in earprints. Medicine, Science and the Law 46(2): 141-151, 2006. MEIJERMAN, L, THEAN, A., VAN DER LUGT and MAAT, G.J.R., Earprints. In: Thompson, T. and Black, S. (eds.), Forensic human identification, an introduction. British Association for Human Identification, CRC Press. Pp 73-84, 2006. MEIJERMAN, L., VAN DER LUGT, C. and MAAT, G.J.R., Cross-sectional anthropometric study of the external ear. Journal of Forensic Sciences 52(2). (in press 2007) MEIJERMAN, L., THEAN, A. and MAAT, G.J.R. Interpretation of earprints. In: Hicks (ed.), Encyclopedia of Forensic Science. Wiley. (submitted for publication) MEIJERMAN, L. and MAAT, G.J.R., SCHULZ, R., and SCHMELING, A. Variables affecting the predicted probability of completely fused medial clavicular epiphyses. (submitted for publication) C. ABSTRACTS MAAT, G.J.R. Settling man's age at death. Abstracts Symposium 'Forensic medical investigation of the putrefied body'. Free University of Brussels (VUB), Brussels, Belgium. p.68, 2006. MAAT, G.J.R. Following in the footsteps of Alexander the Great. Abstracts of the Honours Class Mummy workshop. Center for Art and Archaeological Sciences, Leiden University. p.2, 2006. RIJPMA, F. and MAAT, G.J.R. The beguines of Breda, a physical anthropological research of a female religious group in the Netherlands, 1267-1350 AD. Abstracts of the 16th European Meeting of the Palaeopathology Association, Santorini, Greece. p. 109-110, 2006. MAAT, G.J.R., Maes, A., Aarents, M.J., Nagelkerke, N.J.D. Histological age prediction from the femur. Abstracts of the 16th European Meeting of the Palaeopathology Association, Santorini, Greece. p. 84, 2006. MAAT, G.J.R., GERRETSEN, R.R.R. and AARENTS, M.J. Improving the visibility of tooth cementum annulations by adjustment of the cutting angle of microscopic sections. Abstracts of thec International Symposium on Forensic Odontology,. Leuven, Belgium. p.15, 2006. VERLAAN, J.J., Oner, F.C. and MAAT, G.J.R. Severe Diffuse Idiopathoc Skeltal Hyperostosis in ancient clergymen. Abstract of the EuroSpine Meeting 2006, Istanbul, nr. 32, 2006. MAAT, G.J.R. Two millennia of male stature development in the Low Countries. Groupe des Paleopathologistes de Langue Francaise. Colloque 2006, Lille (Rijssel), p. 1, 2006. RIJPMA, F. and MAAT, G.J.R. The beguines of Breda, a physical anthropological research of a female religious group in the Netherlands, 1267-1350 AD. Groupe des Paleopathologistes de Langue Francaise. Colloque 2006, Lille (Rijssel), p. 1, 2006. MAAT, G.J.R., Maes, A., Aarents, M.J., Nagelkerke, N.J.D. Preparation of ground sections for the microscopy of natural bone tissue. An introduction to the hands-on workshop. 5th Congress of the British Association of Human Identification (BAHID), Eindhoven, The Netherlands. p.1, 2006. MAAT, G.J.R. The tsunami (2x). Abstracts of the symposium "Advances in medical practise". Postgraduate Boerhaave Course, Leiden, The Netherlands. p1, 2006. D. MISCELLANEOUS MAAT, G.J.R. How long will this go on? The stature of Dutch men. Lecture on the occasion of the conclusion of the HOVO-courses 2005-2006. Leiden University Press, 2006. MAAT , G.J.R., MASTWIJK Short report on the skeletons of 42 individuals and the contents of a charnel pit buried in the 'Sint Janskerkhof' of the 'Sint Jans' cathedral of 's-Hertogenbosch in The Netherlands. Leiden, pp.1 and 3 tables, 2006. MEIJERMAN, L. and G.J.R. MAAT Verraden door je oren: oorafdrukken als identificatiemiddel. Analyse 61: 232-235, 2006. E. FORENSIC REPORTS MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Analysis of a right leg found in the river Gouwe at Gouda. Case: 2006.01.02.023; 2006-901, CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Analysis of the vault of a skull found at Harlingen. Case: 2006.01.17.053; 2006-906, CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Identification of a mummified female corpse found in a house in Rotterdam. Case: 2006.01.10.045; 2006-009, CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Development determination of a foetus (abortion) found at Delft. Case: 2006.01.16.108; 2006-905, CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Age determination of an immersed corpse found at Gouda. Case: 2005.12.13.136; 2005-589, CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Age determination of an immersed corpse found in the river Meuse near Appeltern. Case: 2006.01.10.114; 2006-014, CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Analysis of a vertebra found in a pond at the Van Brammendreef in Utrecht. Case: 2005.08.04.001 (prior 2004.09.10.024), CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Age determination of an immersed corpse of a female found in the IJ at Amsterdam. Case: 2006.02.03.048; 2006-037, CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Age determination of the corpse of a male found in a car at Heerlen. Case: 2006.02.03.049; 2006-038, CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Analysis of animal or human remains in the bushes of the L. Armstrongplein in The Hague. Case: 2006.02.16.132, CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. Analysis human remains found near a mosque in the bekaa Valley in Libanon, CFA, Leiden, 2 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Age determination of the corpse of a female baby found in a refrigerator in Maastricht. Case: 2006.02.22.097; 2006-063, CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Investigation of the fracture healing status of three rib fractures of a baby from The Hague. Case 2006-029. NFI 2006.01.27.045, CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Investigation of a corpse of a female found in a house in Amsterdam. Case 2005-491. NFI 2005.10.18.008, CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Analysis of a skull found in the garden of a house in Purmerend. NFI 2006.03.09.148, CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Additional analysis of the skull defect of the corpse of a female found at Utrecht Overvecht (Ilona Nemeth). 2005-336. CFA, Leiden, 2 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Age at death determination of an aborted foetus found at Venlo. 2006.02.21.138; 2006-913. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Age at death determination of the corpse of a female found along a river at Waardenburg. 2006.03.09.313; 2006-083. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2005. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of the decomposed corpse of a man found in a sleeping bag in The Hague. 2006.02.03.049; 2006-081. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GROEN, W.J. Search for a corpse of a missing person on the estate "Eese" at Wilhelminaoord, 2006.03.16.121. CFA, Leiden, 4 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of bone fragment found at the railway station Moerwijk. 2006.03.28.053; 2006-918. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of bone fragment found in a garden at Ede. 2006.03.27.010; 2006-919. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of bone fragment found in a garden at Vlissingen. 2006.03.17.072. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Survey of an illegal burial on a cemetry in Hoogeveen. 2006.04.06.022; 2006-922 CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Identification of a male corpse found in the 'Buitenhaven' of Schiedam. 2006.03.30.156; 2006-108, CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Dating of the healing time of various rib fractures of a baby. 2005.08.19.045; 2005-397, CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Identification analysis of a male with a trephinated skull, found in the North Sea. 2006.03.17.077; 2006-095, CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Re-examination and diagnosis of a vascular structure depicted on a photo of case 1995-148. Autopsy 1995-148, CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Dating of the healing time of various rib fractures of a baby. case 2005.12.29.031, Autopsy 2005-616, CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. Report on the testimony of two scene of crime officers with respect to the 'Muijsenberg case'. Case 22-000274-05, CFA, Leiden, 2 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Identification analysis of a male washed ashore at Terschelling. Case 2006.04.12.015; Autopsy 2006-129, CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Identification analysis of a combusted male found in a cocaine laboratory in Amsterdam. Case 2006.01.20.001; Autopsy 2006-023, CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Identification analysis of an immersed male found in the Hilversum Canal at Nederhorst den Berg. Case 2006.04.17.138; Autopsy 2006-117, CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of bone fragment found in a garden at Vlissingen II (extended report from earlier version). 2006.03.17.072. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of the corpse of a female found in the river IJssel near Dieren. Case 2006.04.11.021. Autopsy 2006-125. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of the corpse of a male found in a house in Amsterdam. Case 2006.04.18.063. Autopsy 2006-143. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of the corpse in a combusted house in Zundert. Case 2006.04.21.115. Autopsy 2006150. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GROEN, W.J. Search for a corpse of a missing female in the woods at Speuld, 2005.02.24.128. CFA, Leiden, 4 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of a skullcap found on the beach near The Hague. Case 2006.02.28.184. Autopsy 2006914. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of skeletal remains found in a canal in The Hague. Case 2006.04.28.122. Autopsy 20062006-929. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of an incomplete mandible found in a park in Haarlem. Case 2006.04.21.103. Autopsy 2006-927. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Dating of a clavicle fracture of a baby from Terneuzen. Case 2006.02.02.117. Autopsy 2006-035. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of two separated arms found near a concrete pillar at Bleijswijk. Case 2006.04.27.113. Autopsy 2006-928. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of an incomplete skull found along a ditch at Arnhem. Case 2006.04.24.131. Autopsy 2006-930. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GROEN, W.J. Search for human remains where two arms were found before at Bleiswijk. Case 2006.04.27.113. CFA, Leiden, 4 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GROEN, W.J. Search for human remains where an incomplete skull was found before at Arnhem. Case 2006.04.24.131. CFA, Leiden, 4 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of an immersed body found in the Lloydkade at Rotterdam. Case 2006.05.04.135. Autopsy 2006-167. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of the corpse of a male found on a couch in a house in Amsterdam. Case 2006.05.02.035. Autopsy 2006-163. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of the corpse of a male found in the river Oosterschelde. Case 2006.05.03.001. Autopsy 2006-165. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GROEN, W.J. Search for the remains of a female at Menterwolde (Groningen). Case 2006.06.08.050. CFA, Leiden, 4 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of the corpse of a male found in the district Rotterdam-Rijnmond at Spijkenisse (victim 2). Case 2006.06.02.025. Autopsy 2006-209. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of the corpse of a male found in the district Rotterdam-Rijnmond at Spijkenisse (victim 1). Case 2006.06.02.025. Autopsy 2006-208. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of the corpse of a female found in the river Nieuwe Maas at Rotterdam. Case 2006.05.29.048. Autopsy 2006-198. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of the corpse of a male found in fishing net from the North Sea at Scheveningen. Case 2006.05.23.156. Autopsy 2006-191. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of the corpse of a male found in the river Waal at Dodewaard. Case 2006.05.29.171. Autopsy 2006-199. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of the corpse of a male found in the river IJssel at Wijhe. Case 2006.06.02.023. Autopsy 2006-206. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of the corpse of a male found in a house in Amstelveen. Case 2006.06.08.017. Autopsy 2006-211. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of the corpse of a male found in a bonnet of an immersed car found in the Rijnhaven of Rotterdam. Case 2006.05.30.131, Autopsy 2006-201. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. (Three separate autopsies) Forensic anthropological analysis of a left upper and separate lower leg, and a trunk of the corpse of a female found in harbour Mallegat and Parkhaven in Rotterdam. Case 2006.06.21.015, Autopsy 2006-244/245/246. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of bone fragments found in a garden in Den Bosch. Case 2006.07.04.119, Autopsy 2006-951. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of an (animal) bone found in Nieuwegein. Case 2006.07.05.000, Autopsy 2006-952. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of a batch of commingled bones found in Tynaarlo. Case 2006.06.12.067, Autopsy 2006-952. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of a mandible found on the North Sea beach of Texel. Case 2006.06.27.194, Autopsy 2006-947. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic anthropological analysis of a skull found in the North Sea. Case 2006.06.27.199, Autopsy 2006-949. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. ADDITIONAL ANALYSIS: Forensic anthropological analysis of a mandible found on the North Sea beach of Texel. Case 2006.06.27.194, Autopsy 2006-947. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Age at death determination of a stabbed male in the Heidestraat in Rotterdam. Case 2006.07.11.038, Autopsy 2006-269. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Age at death determination of a hermit found in a house at the Aalsmeerderweg 90-1 at Amsterdam. Case 2006.07.07.004, Autopsy 2006-264. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic analysis of a separated and immersed head found in the harbour of Rotterdam. Case 2006.07.13.111, Autopsy 2006-955. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic analysis of the remains of a war victim (WO II) from Raalte. Case 2006.07.13.079, Autopsy 2006-954. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic analysis of the remains of a male buried under the floor in a house at Lage Zwaluwe. Case 2006.07.22.001, Autopsy 2006-958. CFA, Leiden, 5 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GROEN, W.J. Excavation report of the remains of a man found in an illegal grave under a floor in Lage Zwaluwe. Case 2006.07.22.001. CFA, Leiden, 4 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic analysis of a separate head and two hands found in Amsterdam-Rijnkanaal. Case 2006.07.24.064, Autopsy 2006959. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Forensic analysis of skeleton parts found under the pavement of the Raamplein in Amsterdam. Case 2006.07.26.046, Autopsy 2006-….. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Fracture dating in the case of a baby with multiple fractures. Case 2006.05.22.112, Autopsy 2006-189. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Fracture dating in the case of a baby with multiple rib fractures. Case 2006.06.20.157, Autopsy 2006-237. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Analysis of a male corpse found in the woods at Hoenderloo. Case 2006.08.10.090, Autopsy 2006-310. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Analysis of a male corpse found in the bushes at Amsterdam. Case 2006.07.27.062, Autopsy 2006-295. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Analysis of an unidentified female found supernumerary in a family tomb in Groningen. Case 2006.08.17.245, Autopsy 2006-969. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Analysis of an unidentified female found at Amstelveen in the Amsterdamse Bos. Case 2006.08.18.056, Autopsy 2006325. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Analysis of remains of the pilot of a crashed jetfighter from Uruzgan. Case 2006.09.01.031, Autopsy 2006-977 CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GROEN, W.J. Excavation report of the remains of a female found in the Amsterdamse Bos at Amstelveen. Case 2006.08.18.056 (addendum). CFA, Leiden, 4 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GROEN, W.J. Search for the remains of a female at a animal asylum at Winschoten (Groningen). Case 2006.06.08.050 (addendum to Menterwolde). CFA, Leiden, 4 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Analysis of a skull found in a dredger at Millingen aan de Rijn. Case 2006.08.29.010, Autopsy 2006-976 CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Age assessment of a male drugs runner found at the Machineweg in Amsterdam. Case 2006.06.12.032, Autopsy 2006-217 CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Sex and age assessment of with the aid of a mandible found in the North Sea at Castricum. Case 2006.09.18.043, Autopsy 2006-982. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Identification analysis of a dead female found on a sand path at Teteringen. Case 1990.12.27.010, Autopsy 1990-413. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Identification analysis of a dead male found in a suit case in the harbour of Almere. Case 2006.09.29.056, Autopsy 2006371. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Identification analysis of a dead male found on the floor beside his bed in Haarlem. Case 2006.10.02.011, Autopsy 2006374. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GERRETSEN, R.R.R. and MAAT, G.J.R. Identification analysis of a dead female found along the highway at Maarsbergen. Follow-up of a cold case of 1986. Case 2006.10.06.054, Autopsy 2006-997(2). CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GERRETSEN, R.R.R. and MAAT, G.J.R. Identification analysis of a dead male found on an attic of a military barrack at Valkenburg (ZH). Case 2006.11.03.041, Autopsy 2006-1001. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GERRETSEN, R.R.R. and MAAT, G.J.R. Analysis of a femur male found in a ditch at Fijnaart. Case 2006.10.19.076, Autopsy 2006-1001(2). CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. and GERRETSEN, R.R.R. Age at death determination of a baby found at a waist disposal factory processor. Case 2006.10.30.082, Autopsy 2006-407. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GERRETSEN, R.R.R. and MAAT, G.J.R. Identification of a corpse found along the river Meuset. Case 2006.10.26. 160, Autopsy 2006-402. CFA, Leiden, 3 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GROEN, W.J. Search for the remains of a combused male found on the remains of a bonfire at Bilthoven. Case 2006.09.21.088. CFA, Leiden, 8 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. ADDENDUM to the report on: Forensic analysis of the remains of a male buried under the floor in a house at Lage Zwaluwe. Case 2006.07.22.001, Autopsy 2006-958. CFA, Leiden, 5 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GROEN, W.J. Exhumation at R.K. cemetery at Teteringen. Case 1990.12.27.010. CFA, Leiden, 5 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GROEN, W.J. Search for burial 6138-A13 at the St. Lebuïnus cemetery at Deventer. Case 1999.09.27.019. CFA, Leiden, 7 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GROEN, W.J. Search at four wood consessions at Het Twiske. Case 2003.07.30.011. CFA, Leiden, 6 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GROEN, W.J. Search at two wood oncessions east of Oude Arnhemse Karweg near Ermelo. Case 2005.02.24.128, CFA, Leiden, 4 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GROEN, W.J. Search at a wood concession near the Veluwemeer, north of the Bredeweg at Hulshorst. Case 2005.02.24.128. CFA, Leiden, 5 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GROEN, W.J. Search at a parking lot at the Stroesche Bos, north of Stroe. Case 2005.02.24.128. CFA, Leiden, 5 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GROEN, W.J. Search at a woods track north of Gilze and the Rijksweg E312, d.d. 22 en 23 November 2006 Bilthoven. Case 2005.03.09.014. CFA, Leiden, 7 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GROEN, W.J. Exhumation at Maarn. 2006.10.06.054. CFA, Leiden, 4 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GROEN, W.J. Inspection of the sub-floor compartment of a house at Magerhorst 53 at Alphen aan den Rijn Search. Case 2006.10.12.117. CFA, Leiden, 4 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GROEN, W.J. Search near Borendijk 74 at Fijnaart. Case 2006.10.19.076. CFA, Leiden, 5 pp, 2006. (forensic report). GROEN, W.J. Search on the beach near hectometermark 72. Case 2006.10.24.075. CFA, Leiden, 5 pp, 2006. (forensic report). MAAT, G.J.R. REVIEW of FORENSIC REPORTS YEAR NUMBER OF CASES 1983 1 1984 2 1985 2 1986 1 1987-1990: no expertise available 1991 2 1992 1 1993 0 1994 3 1995 1 1996 1 1997 8 1998 11 1999 12 2000 19 2001 25 2002 24 2003 23 2004 54 2005 84 2006 122 MAAT, G.J.R. FORENSIC REPORTS ON AGE DETERMINATION OF THE LIVING BY MEANS OF AN X-RAY Reports ca. 2 pages per identification YEAR NUMBER OF CASES 1995 1 1996 4 1997 13 1998 4 1999 66 2000 69 2001 163 2002 293 2003 159 2004 61 2005 117 2006 19 LECTURES BY INVITATION Prof.dr. G.J.R. Maat 2006 Identifying tsunami victims at Phuket, Thailand. Euripides preparations of the Theatrical Company 'Veenfabriek', Leiden, The Netherlands. Anatomical pecularities of the process of consuming foodstuffs. Dies natalis celebration of the Association of Professors and Partners HOLEC and VROLEC, Leiden, The Netherlands Methods applied to identify tsunami disaster victims. University staff debatting club 'De Vijf'. University of Leiden. Leiden, The Netherlands. Disaster victim identification. Introductory Course: 'International Health'. Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands. Nederland wordt groot. Debatting Club Oegstgeest (Harmony), Oegstgeest, The Netherlands. Two millennia of male stature development in the Low Countries. Groupe des Paleopathologistes de Langue Francaise. Colloque 2006, Lille (Rijssel), Frankrijk. Preparation of ground sections for the microscopy of natural bone tissue. An introduction to the hands-on workshop. 5th Congress of the British Association of Human Identification (BAHID), Einthoven, The Netherlands. Settling man's age at death. Symposium 'Forensic medical investigation of the putrefied body'. Free University of Brussels (VUB), Brussels, Belgium. Following in the footsteps of Alexander the Great. Honours Class Mummy workshop. Center for Archaeology, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands. Improving the visibility of tooth cementum annulations by adjustment of the cutting angle of microscopic sections. International Symposium on Forensic Odontology,. Leuven, Belgium. The follow-up of the tsunami disaster in Thailand. Debatting Club 'Rotterdam', Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Dissection anatomy. Parent's Day for medical Students. Leiden University Medical Center. Leiden, The Netherlands. How long to go? Dutchman's stature 50-1997 AD. HOVO-lecture. Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands. How long to go? Dutchman's stature 50-1997 AD. Association of Dutch Pediatricians. Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands. The identification of tsunami victims in Thailand. Fundation de Antropologia Forense de Guatemala. Guatemala City, Guatemala. Current methods in age at death assessment of adults. Fundation de Antropologia Forense de Guatemala. Guatemala City, Guatemala. Evidence for justice. The identification of Kosovo war victims. Rafael Landivar University. Guatemala City, Guatemala. The identification of tsunami victims in Thailand. Rafael Landivar University. Guatemala City, Guatemala. The identification of tsunami victims in Thailand. Van Gils Symposium. Isala Hospital, Zwolle, the Netherlands. How long to go? Dutchman's stature 50-1997 AD. Debatting Club Wassenaar, Wassenaar, The Netherlands. The identification of tsunami victims in Thailand. Lecture in commemoration of Prof. Cleveringa (LUF). Geneve, Switserland. The tsunami (2x). Symposium "Advances in medical practise". Postgraduate Boerhaave Course, Leiden, The Netherlands. Drs. W.J. Groen 2006 Forensic Archaeology, Netherlands Forensic Institute, The Hague, The Netherlands. Forensic Archaeology, Scene of crime officers, Aruba. Forensic Archaeology, Cold case team, Utrecht, The Netherlands. OTHER LECTURES PRESENTED AT MEETINGS Prof.dr. G.J.R. Maat 2006 Feasibility status for scientific research of the Dutch archaeological skeleton collections. Global History of Health Meeting, Rome, Italy. Rijpma, F. and Maat, G.J.R. The beguines of Breda, a physical anthropological research of a female religious group in the Netherlands, 1267-1350 AD. 16th European Meeting of the Palaeopathology Association, Santorini, Greece. Maat, G.J.R., Maes, A., Aarents, M.J., Nagelkerke, N.J.D. Histological age prediction from the femur. 16th European Meeting of the Palaeopathology Association, Santorini, Greece. Verlaan, J.J., Oner, F.C. and Maat, G.J.R. Severe Diffuse Idiopathoc Skeltal Hyperostosis in ancient clergymen. EuroSpine Meeting 2006, Istanbul, Turkey.