Name: _____________________________________________ Romeo and Juliet: Act II Study Guide Scene 1 1. Act II, Scene 1, starts with another sonnet spoken by the chorus. According the sonnet, how has Romeo’s life changed? What problem do Romeo and Juliet have? Romeo loves a different girl now, and she loves him back. BUT Romeo is a Montague and Juliet is a Capulet, so they can’t be together. 2. When Mercutio and Benvolio cannot find Romeo after the party, how does Mercutio call for Romeo? What does Benvolio think of this tactic? Mercutio talks about Rosaline and her good looks, but Benvolio thinks this is mean and won’t work b/c Romeo is just going to get mad. 3. What does Benvolio realize about Romeo? What does this show about Benvolio’s character? Romeo doesn’t want to be found, which shows that Benvolio understands how Romeo feels. Benvolio respects Romeo and his feelings. Scene 2 4. In scene 2, Romeo’s first line is “He jests at scars that never felt a wound” (II.ii.1). Who is the he and why does Romeo say this? Romeo says that Mercutio is joking about Rosaline and her effect on Romeo, but Romeo now thinks that Rosaline never actually hurt him. Mercutio and Benvolio think that Romeo still loves Rosaline, but we know that Romeo loves Juliet (dramatic irony). 5. Romeo enters the Capulet’s orchard and sees Juliet on her balcony. What does he compare Juliet to? What does he want to do? Romeo compares Juliet to the sun and an angel and her eyes to the stars. He wants to be a glove so he can touch her cheek. 6. Before Juliet knows that Romeo is in the orchard, she talks to herself about him. What does she want Romeo to do? What will she do if he refuses? She wants Romeo to stop being a Montague—to give up his name—and if he doesn’t, she will give up her name and her family to be with him. 7. How does Juliet react when she first hears Romeo cry out that he will give up his name? What is she concerned about? She is embarrassed that he is in her backyard and she is afraid he will get caught for being there. She is surprised and embarrassed that he heard her talking about him. 8. Romeo asks for Juliet’s love in line 127, and Juliet explains that she already gave him her love when she was talking earlier, before she knew he was there. Why does Juliet want to give her love again? She says her love is boundless so the more she gives, the more she loves. 9. Why does Juliet keep returning to her balcony? What does this show about her love for Romeo? She loves him a lot and her love is strong. 10. At the end of scene 2, what are Romeo and Juliet’s plans? They plan to get married, so Romeo goes to see Friar Lawrence (friar is a priest/pastor that can marry people). Scene 3 11. Romeo goes to see Friar Lawrence. Why does he go to see the Friar? 12. How does the Friar react when Romeo tells him about his love for Juliet? 13. What does Friar Lawrence think Romeo and Juliet’s marriage will do? Scene 4 Summary: Mercutio and Benvolio, looking for Romeo, reveal that Tybalt will challenge Romeo to a duel. They fear that their lovesick friend is in no state for a fight with Tybalt, who is a talented swordsman. Romeo enters, and Mercutio teases him about his behavior last night, when they couldn’t find him anywhere. Romeo becomes defensive and does not tell his friends where he was. Next, the nurse and her servant enter. She is looking for Romeo. Mercutio, who does not know about Romeo and Juliet’s relationship, insults the Nurse. Mercutio and Benvolio leave, and the Nurse asks Romeo if his love for Juliet is true. He assures her that it is and tells her to have Juliet come to Friar Lawrence’s cell that afternoon to be married. Scene 5 14. Juliet waits for the Nurse to return with news from Romeo. When the Nurse enters Juliet’s room, how does the Nurse act? What does this show about her willingness to share Romeo’s news? 15. How does Juliet react to the Nurse? 16. Once the Nurse finally gives Juliet the news from Romeo, what does Juliet do? (HINT: Look at line 70-71.) Scene 6 Summary: Romeo is at Friar Lawrence’s cell. The friar cautions the young man that the intensity of his love will lead to no good. When Juliet enters, Romeo urges her to describe the extent of their love. Juliet replies that fancy words are unable to do justice to the substance of her love. The friar quickly leads them off to be married.