8th Grade English Syllabus 2015-2016 Ms. Bemis & Ms. Sauer Materials Needed – Passbook should be with you every day --Notebook --Folder to store handouts and graded assignments --Pencil or pen (black or blue ink) --Reading Counts book --Literature book Expectations Be on time and be prepared with your materials Show respect for others and their property Grading Categories: Tests/Quizzes 50% Homework 40% Reading Counts 10% Grading Scale: 94-100 A 80-83 90-93 A78-79 88-89 B+ 74-77 84-87 B 70-73 BC+ C C- 68-69 64-67 60-63 0-59 D+ D DF Grading Policies Participation: Participation involves being on time. Tardies are tracked by the office and may result in detention. Inappropriate behavior/lack of participation will be referred to the office. Make-up Work: Planned Absence: See the teacher 1-2 days before you will be gone. If you are absent (sick/emergency), check with a classmate first and then check with the teacher. Late Work—Assignments not turned in when requested, if you are present in class, may result in a lowered grade. Late work must be completed before the end of the quarter. Cheating: Students need to conduct themselves ethically and honorably. It is expected that the grade a student earns is based upon work that the student has performed. Cheating is dishonest. It harms you and it harms the other students who do not cheat. Cheating includes copying homework (the person who allows the cheating is as responsible as the person who does the cheating), wandering eyes or talking during a test, or plagiarism (intentionally copying (ex. from the internet) and passing the work off as your own), electronic cheating (cell phones), etc. Students who cheat will receive a zero (0) for the work. Parents and the office may be notified of the cheating offense. Year Plan SpellingLessons 1-17 Student will demonstrate spelling, definition recognition, compound words, homophones, word endings, easily confused words, prefixes, etc. Grammar- Purpose and focus, paragraph development, clarity of meaning, conjunctions, punctuation and verb tense, forms of usage and grammatical agreement, commas The student will apply standard English conventions when writing. Literature- Elements of Literature Collections 1-7 and additional readings in nonfiction Novels (to be determined) including Birchbark House and Chains The student will understand the meaning of texts using a variety of strategies and will demonstrate literal, interpretative, inferential and evaluative comprehension. Writing- Paragraph structure (topic sentences and supporting sentences) Essay practice – persuasive, research, (narrative (writing lab) and informative- Semester 1) Letter writing MLA style for all writing. Speech - Poem memorization and podcast (possibly), Presentation of essays MCA Test Preparation Reading Counts! 1. Students are expected to read 100,000 words per quarter. 2. Students may have to read more than one book to reach the 100,000 word requirement. 3. Students will only receive credit for the words they have read and successfully tested. Example: 72,000 words read and tests passed equals 72/100 points. 100,000 words read and tests passed equals 100/100 points. 4. Students without Reading Counts tests must have those books approved by their teacher ahead of time. 5. Students are encouraged to read books of their choice above 700 lexile. 6. Students will need to get books approved by their teacher that are below 700 lexile. 7. A passing score on a reading counts test is a 7/10 or higher. 8. Students may take a test twice, but they need to wait 24 hours between tests. 9. Students who cheat on Reading Counts tests WILL NOT receive credit for those tests. Example: Taking a test for someone else, only watching a movie, testing with a book open, etc. Word Count Numbers for Popular/Taught Novels - Word Count Search Site: http://www.arbookfind.com/ - Lexile Number Search Site: https://lexile.com/ -Check word count and lexile Search Site: http://src.scholastic.com/bookexpert/detail_title.asp Book Title Lexile Word Count The Giver 760 43,617 Harry Potter 880 77,508 To Kill a Mockingbird 790 99,121 The Maze Runner 770 101,182 Chains 780 75,475 Of Mice and Men 630 29,572 The Orphan Train 890 81,847 Touching Spirit Bear 670 56,025 Divergent 700 105,143 Pride and Prejudice 1100 121,342 Hatchet Lexile 1020 Word Count 42,328 Twilight 720 118,975 The Diary of Anne Frank 1080 82,762 The Hunger Games 810 99,750 Wicked 890 153,353