FEBRUARY 21, 2007
Judy Fisher-George, Vice President
Cherilyn Long, Secretary/Treasurer
Michelle Noorani, Director (not present)
Russell Moulder, Director
Michelle McGlothin, CVI
Call to Order
The regular session was called to order at 7:19 PM. Ms. Fisher-George presided over meeting.
Approval of Minutes – November 15, 2006
Ms. Long motioned to approve January minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Mr. Moulder
and passed unanimously.
Submission and Approval of Agenda
There was nothing to add to agenda Ms. Long motioned to approve the agenda as written. Mr. Moulder
seconded, motion was passed without objections.
Special Business
Election of Officers: Ms. McGlothin stated the need to elect officers for the Board of Directors.
Nominations were made as follows: Judy Fisher-George as President, Cherilyn Long as Vice
President, Michelle Noorani as Secretary, and Russell Moulder as Treasurer. Ms. Long made
motion to approve candidates in aforementioned offices. Motion was seconded by Mr. Moulder
and passed without objection.
Code of Ethics Pledge: Everyone present hasn’t had an opportunity to see a copy. Ms.
McGlothin suggested that copies of pledge be made & distributed to board members in
attendance to be discussed at next meeting in March. Ms. Long made motion to table code of
ethics until next board meeting in March. Mr. Moulder seconded the motion and it was passed.
Treasurer’s Report – Ms. Long reported the following balances:
Cash On Hands (Savings)
Cash In Checking
Replacement Fund (reserve
Snow Contingency
YTD Income
YTD Expenses
YTD Net Income
EST Year End Income
EST Year End Expenses
EST Year End Net Income
The Treasurer’s report was received as presented with no objections.
Committees: Appoint Liaisons and members
Architectural Committee- Reports as follows: Ms. Judy-Fisher George as Liaison, Theresa
Goodwin as Chair, committee members are Culver Thompson (who left), Meshack Aduwu,
Andrew Whitehead (not attending). Ms. Long made a motion to accept Ms.George,
Ms.Goodwin, and Mr.Aduwu as the Architectural committee. Mr. Moulder seconded it and
motion was passed.
Architectural Guidelines Update – Ms. George stated that the committee wanted
clarification of the wording on the different issues. Ms. Goodwin asked that an updated copy of
amendments and issues be made for members.
Landscape Committee- Reports as follows: Cherilyn Long as Liaison, Meg Larko and Ellen
Billiter as Co-Chairs, and Andrew Whitehead as member. Mr. Moulder made a motion to accept
the aforementioned members as the Landscape Committee. Ms. Long seconded the motion and
it passed without objection. Ms. Long stated that she had no report, but plans to work on their
agenda from last year. The Committee has had complaints sent to them regarding the poor snow
removal. Ms. Long states that she asked that those complaints be forwarded to Ms. McGlothin.
Ms. McGlothin stated that she has received complaints from Bowling Brook. As a result, the
President of her company met with representatives of Brickman today. It was the nature of the
storm and not just Brickman that was responsible for the problems.There were also complaints
about how Howard County removed the snow from homeowners. Ms. Mc Glothin referred those
homeowners to Howard County Public Works. Ms. McGlothin explained her company only
controls the main sidewalks and snow greater than 12 inches. Howard County is responsible for
the rest.
Special Events Committee- Ms. Noorani was absent. Ms. Long made motion to accept
Michelle Noorani as Liaison. Motion was seconded by Mr. Moulder and passed.
Traffic/Safety Committee- No members of committee were present. Ms. McGlothin reported
Judy Fisher-George as Liaison, Alicia White and Andrew Whitehead as Co-Chairs. Ms. Long
made motion to approve Ms. George as liaison for the Traffic/Safety Committee. Mr. Moulder
seconded the motion and it was passed. For meeting in March decision to be made regarding
Chair and Co-Chair positions. Ms. McGlothin will make list of who is on each committee for
Board to make sure that they have everyone who will continue on for 2007.
a. Parking Plans
1) Kendal Circle Appeal – Ms. Long stated that she did a response letter 2-3 weeks ago regarding
this matter. The Committee has reviewed the letter accuracy. Ms. Long made motion to deny the
Kendal Circle appeal. Mr. Moulder seconded the motion and it was passed. Ms. Long will send
email to Ms. McGlothin, who will forward copies to Board members.
Management Agent’s Report (reported by Ms. McGlothin)
Spring Inspections 2007 – Board needs to approve the 2007 architectural and maintenance
inspections, including the process, schedule, special edition newsletter, standards and the
Friendly Reminder form. This was included in the January 31 memo given to board members.
The standards to be set will be completed by the Architectural Committee before the inspections
take place. Ms.George reports that several members believe that what has been lacking is
consistency and follow through to make sure that when someone gets written up it’s justified.
Ms. Long suggested that everyone work as a team and use more effective communication to
help improve inconsistencies. Ms. McGlothin stated that the committee will be given a set of
last year’s standards and a decision will need to be made for 2007. Also the inspectors will need
to meet with the committee members to again insure consistency in the community. Board
members discussed the idea of having the inspectors complete the forms, the committee would
have one week to review it and send it back to Ms. McGlothin to issue it. Ms. Long offered to
assist in this process, if given notice and they work as a team. The first inspection is scheduled
for the week of April 30, 2007 usually takes two days. As the committee reviews the forms from
this inspection it will be important to show equality in decisions. Ms. Long made a motion to
approve the process itself, which includes sending the special edition newsletter, post cards,
signs, 1st inspection, follow-up inspection, schedule hearing, 3rd inspection, then hearing is held
with the Board and the Architectural committee present as witness. The reminder form and a
copy of the inspection letter is attached and the proposed schedule is also attached. The cost for
the inspection team is still $3,000. Mr. Moulder seconded the motion and it passed.
Community Clean Up Dates – The Board decided on clean up dates for Spring as follows:
April 21,22,23 ( first choice), April 27,28,29. Dates for Fall as follows: September 14,15,16(
first choice), September 21,22,23. Ms. Long made motion to approve the community clean up as
stated. Mr. Moulder seconded the motion and it passed.
Homeowner Request- Commercial Vehicle Mr. Almeida, owner of 9482 Fens Hollow, is
requesting approval for his tenant to park his commercial vehicle in the association’s parking
lot. All the required information was submitted in accordance with the Parking Resolution.
Based on new information the Board has received, Ms. McGlothin will make an inquiry as to
how many vehicles this renter currently has using parking spaces before decision is rendered.
Ms. McGlothin suggested that the Architectural Committee, when looking at the regulations, in
the commercial vehicle section add a prerequisite, to submit the number vehicles that belong to a
Homeowners Requests- Architectural Appeals (none of the owners were in attendance):
a. Ms. Sumner, 9383 Steeple, received approval to remove a tree from her front yard on
condition that it be replaced. Ms. Sumner returned the area to grass, based on the
recommendation of her tree company. She submitted a formal appeal on January 14, 2007.
Ms. George made a motion to accept Ms. Sumner’s request to not replace the tree in her
front yard. The motion was seconded by Ms. Long and passed without objection.
b. Ms. Kim, 9578 Donnan Castle, was cited for no approval to change the color on her homewhite siding, white trim, and burgundy shutters. The color is unappealing and inconsistent
with the community. Ms. Kim notes that she was didn’t know prior approval was necessary
and that her purpose was to correct mismatched green siding. Board felt that the bright white
siding and dark burgundy shutters seemed inappropriate with community color scheme. The
Board decided to allow the siding color to remain and ask Ms. Kim to submit a new color
that fits with her street for the shutters for Board approval.
c. Mr. Kowa, 9548 Donnan Castle, was cited to remove his landscape lighting from his tree
bed, which is more than three feet from the foundation of his home. His letter of October 20,
2006, details his appeal to keep the lights in their current location. The Board decided in the
November meeting that they first wanted to see it, prior to making a decision. No member
has viewed it yet. Ms. Long agreed to take a picture of the site and send an email for the
Board to view. Ms. George made a motion to vote on this appeal via email once the picture is
viewed. Mr. Moulder seconded the motion and it passed.
VIII. Old Business- (reported by Ms. McGlothin)
Verizon is now doing exactly what the Board didn’t want to happen. They are operating without getting
proper authority from homeowners for easement. CVI informed Verizon that they weren’t authorized to
give them any kind of easement. Verizon was told to contact the homeowners for such authority and that
door hangers aren’t enough to inform homeowners that they will dig up their front yards. Verizon
incorrectly stated that they have easements. There is a new person in marketing who wants mailing
labels from CVI to send letters out to the homeowners. CVI would support sending out information
from Verizon that states their purpose, expectations, and contact person. CVI told Verizon that they
would not support any marketing of their company. The Board agreed with the stance that CVI is taking
on this matter. Ms. George states that it is Verizon’s responsibility to show homeowners where the
easements are located.
New Business
Development Committee- (reported by Ms. George) Another phase of Emerson by Gorman Road, on the
west side of the pool, the white house on Gorman Road and the four houses are also included. She
hasn’t been able to find out how many lots were approved for the space where there were two houses.
Ms. Long suggested that Ms. George recommend that they finish the road in that area to lessen traffic
coming towards their community. There are rumors that they will be tearing down the Steven’s
mansion, but not sure what will replace it.
Open Comment Period
Homeowner states that there is a vehicle on Gordon Court that hasn’t moved in about 1 year,
there another next to it that’s covered and it hasn’t moved for 2 months, one on Lawson that has
been there for 8 months. Then there is a cable van with California license plates that’s been there
one year, rotating parking on several streets. The neighbor at 9312 has had a vehicle parked in
front of house over 5 months, when he already has three vehicles in front and one in overflow
parking. Now there is no overflow parking available. He had another neighbor take a space his
son had cleared with a pick and shovel after the snow. This same neighbor has vehicles that are
eyesores, i.e. no license plate, has cardboard and tape on window. CVI stated that letters went
out to some homeowners and things changed. Homeowner reported that nothing changed. CVI
stated that as long as a rule is violated the homeowner can be cited and hearings can take place
to address issues. If any vehicle tags have expired CVI can have them towed unless they are out
of state, refer those to Howard County police. Homeowner stated that the county plans
designated two parking spaces per resident and overflow parking on Lawson. Ms. Long
suggested to homeowner to go and get a copy of the original plan and seek 51% of Gordon
Court residents to agree to follow it. Homeowner states that there is a fire lane sign but it doesn’t
deter residents from parking there. He also states that he has called Howard County police over
6 times, but residents move there cars when they see them coming.
Homeowner questioned who owned parking spaces, was told HOA. Her concern was she is over
50 and has had several back surgeries. After having her son shovel and crack ice to clear her a
space, a neighbor comes and takes the space. She was left to walk over ice risking injury. Ms.
Long stated that until assigned parking is approved there not a lot that can be done. There is map
done to start the process, the committee will continue to work on this. Her other issue is a
neighbor who throws free papers that they never requested into the street.
Discussion regarding problems with renters took place. Ms. George suggested that Jen Trazza
with the County be called on these issues.
Adjournment: Next Meeting – March 21, 2007
The Regular Session was adjourned at 8:40 PM.
Signature_________________________________ Date______________
Signature_________________________________ Date______________