eoct 9th grade lit level enhanced (eoct9thlitenhanced)

1. How is the sentence below BEST written?
Hector saw how the problem could be solved
rapid and offered the astounded class his
A. change saw to seen
B. change rapid to rapidly
C. change offered to offers
D. change his to them
2. For her English class, Jana is brainstorming for a paper about Shakespeare plays. Use her chart to answer the question
Shakespeare's Plays
a. no women
b. used many props
Globe Theatre
c. built by Shakespeare's acting
d. rebuilt in the twentieth century
e. no scenery
f. played many different roles
Which item is in the wrong box?
A. item a
B. item c
C. item e
D. item f
3. For her English class, Jana is brainstorming for a paper about Shakespeare plays. Use her chart to answer the question
This paragraph is an example of what type of writing?
A. expository
B. persuasive
C. narrative
D. descriptive
4. Which of these sentences would NOT be included in a letter expressing thanks?
A. Maybe you can visit our English class again next year.
B. I'm glad you could make it to the awards banquet.
C. The players on our soccer team enjoyed your presentation.
D. I sure was hoping for a different book.
5. Which word in the following sentence is NOT correctly spelled?
To the child’s dissappointment, the father
thoroughly enjoyed eating vegetables for
A. disappointment
B. thoroughly
C. vegetables
D. dessert
6. In the sentence below, what change must be made to correct the problem in capitalization?
The chinese designs on the living room rug
fascinate Arnold, a student of the Far East.
A. use a capital C in Chinese
B. use a capital L and R in living and room
C. use a capital S in student
D. use a lowercase f and e in Far and East
7. One main reason to analyze a short story is to
A entertain your teacher and classmates.
B. show an understanding of the text.
C. take a controversial position.
D. narrate the events of the author’s life.
8. From the words phonics and telephone, you can conclude that the root word phon- relates to
A. speech
B. learning
C. technology
D. children
9. How is the sentence below BEST revised?
I could really use some help and assistance in
getting the very difficult project done.
A. I could really use some assistance in getting this very difficult project done.
B. I could really use some help in getting this very difficult project accomplished and done.
C. I could really use some helpful assistance in getting this very difficult project done.
D. I could really use some help in getting this very hard, difficult project done.
10. Use the notes below to answer the following question
The Romans had subdued much of the known world,
but they still faced a dangerous enemy: the Parthians.
The Parthians had very different military strategy from
that of the Romans. While the foot soldier was the
building block of the Roman army, Parthian soldiers
were more likely to be mounted on horseback, and
more likely to abandon a battleground if the clash was
not going their way.
Which heading would be appropriate for these notes?
A. The Roman Empire --Building of
B. The Parthians -- Social Customs Observed by
C. Roman and Parthian Armies -- Differences Between
D. The Ancient World -- Peoples of
11. Aaron wants to find the adjective from of the noun amphitheater. Which of the following sources would BEST help him?
A. an encyclopedia
B. the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature
C. an almanac
D. a dictionary
12. Use this thesaurus entry to answer the question below.
Sound a. 1. reliable 2. stable v. 3. ring out n. 4.
Which meaning of sound fits the following sentence?
The alarm sounded at the library when the door
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
13. Use the bibliography card to answer the question below.
“Living in Cambodia.” Garrison, Charles.
Posted: 10 February, 2009,
http://www.truelife.edu Accessed:
20 September, 2001.
What is wrong with the format of this bibliography card?
A. The card should not show the date accessed.
B. The author should be listed first.
C. The second and third line should not be indented.
D. The title of the work should not be in quotes.
14. Sonya wants to write a report about the various types of poetry. Which source would probably provide Sonya with the
MOST information on her topic?
A. Great Poems of the Twentieth Century
B. Robert Frost’s poem “The Runaway”
C. “An Interview with Gwendolyn Brooks -A Prolific American Poet”
D. Samples of Styles That Cross the Miles-Rhymes to Prose That Everyone Knows
15. How should the fragment below BEST be revised?
Sleeping on its side, the mule twitching as it
A. Sleeping on its side, the mule twitched as it dreamed.
B. The mule was sleeping on its side, it twitched as it dreamed.
C. Sleeping on its side. The mule twitched as it dreamed.
D. The mule, sleeping on its side, twitching. As it dreamed.
16. Use the letter below to answer the following question
Dear Ms. Collins:
1) On behalf of the senior class at Lee High
School, I would like to invite you to speak at our
May 28 commencement exercise. 2) As a Lee
graduate, your words will be particularly meaningful
to the student body. 3) Please check your schedule
and see if you are available the last week in May. 4)
I will contact you again in another week to elaborate
upon the details of graduation, i.e., time and
location. 5) I hope you can find an opening in your
busy schedule to share words of wisdom with the
graduating class. 6) I look forward to hearing from
you. sentence could BEST be added after sentence 2?
Bye for now,
Sarah Rodriguez
A. Your outstanding contributions to the community have already inspired so many of us.
B. Graduation was originally scheduled for May 25 but has now been changed.
C. You can discuss the experiences at Lee that you hope never to relive.
D. Do you have any fears about public speaking?
17. The prefix astro- is related to
A. technology
B. space
C. altitude
D. distance
18. Use the paragraph below to answer the following question
1) Everybody’s always talking about the need for a good
friend. 2) Procrastination is my best friend. 3) My
friends and I often share books and magazines. 4)
Procrastination follows me wherever I go -into my room
at night when it’s time to do homework, to basketball
practice when it’s time to do sprints, even to the
Hamburger Hut on Saturday mornings when I show up
ten minutes late for my meeting with friends. 5) I don’t
know what the attraction is, but Procrastination and I
have had a longstanding relationship. 6) Now that I
think about this, I realize the time has come to call it
quits, to find another close companion and rid myself of
Procrastination once and for all. 7) Hold on a minute
now. 8) I’d better give this more thought.
Which sentence is the topic sentence of this paragraph?
A. sentence 1
B. sentence 2
C. sentence 3
D. sentence 4
19. Which sentence would BEST conclude the paragraph?
A. Of course, I have a really close friend, John Jeffries.
B. Tomorrow would be a better day to make such a life-altering decision!
C. When I was younger, I had an incredible amount of energy.
D. One time I was almost half an hour late!
20. Which word, or words, will correctly fill in the blank?
In my opinion, Cecil Fountain is the __________
stand-up comic I have ever heard.
A. more witty
B. wittier
C. most wittiest
D. wittiest
21. Larry is finishing a report on Gwendolyn Brooks. Which of these should NOT be included on the first page of his report?
A. the title of his report
B. the date his report was due
C. his name
D. a list of sources
22. How is the sentence below correctly punctuated?
Ellen, I wonder if you would mind giving our
new neighbor, Ms. Takahashi a ride to work.
A. remove the comma after Ellen
B. change the comma after neighbor to a dash
C. add a comma after Takahashi
D. change the period to a question mark
23. How is the sentence below BEST written?
The Edwards family will meet ___________
outside the auditorium about 8 o’clock.
A. she and me
B. her and I
C. her and me
D. she and I
24. Where should Corinne look to find out which pages discuss the childhood of Emily Dickinson in a biography of her life?
A. the title page
B. the appendix
C. the table of contents
D. the copyright page
25. Tim gave a report in class. Read the following excerpt from his report, and use it to answer the following question
The International Space Station (ISS) is the largest effort undertaken by
both Russia and the United States to promote advancement in space
exploration. While the ISS differs greatly from the space stations in
science-fiction movies, it still represents an incredible array of
technological advances. Astronauts aboard the station conduct “microgravity” experiments to develop new medicines, metals, crystals, and
fabrics. State-of-the-art equipment monitors the Earth to offer
improved weather studies. In addition, more studies than ever before
have been conducted on the effects of space on animals and plants. The
ISS may not be able to teleport anyone to another location, but it is still
a great technological advance.
Choose the set of notes that MOST accurately reflects the main idea of this report.
A. Space Station
-both United States and Russia
-incredible array of advances
-developing new medicines
-differs from those in science fiction
B. International Space Station
-largest effort by U.S. and Russia
-“micro-gravity” experiments
-improved weather studies
-studies space effect on plants/animals
C. Space Station
-by Russia and United States
-improved weather studies
-state-of-the-art equipment
-not able to teleport anyone
D. International Space Station
-largest effort by Russia and U.S.
-differs in science fiction
-developing new fabrics
-conducting studies on plants
26. Clarissa wants to find information on the Internet about what she can do to help the environment. Which keywords would
probably help her find the MOST information?
A. learning about the environment
B. activities for young people
C. getting involved
D. ways to save the earth
27. Tim gave a report in class. Read the following excerpt from this report, and use it to answer the following question
The International Space Station (ISS) is the largest effort undertaken by
both Russia and the United States to promote advancement in space
exploration. While the ISS differs greatly from the space stations in
science-fiction movies, it still represents an incredible array of
technological advances. Astronauts aboard the station conduct “microgravity” experiments to develop new medicines, metals, crystals, and
fabrics. State-of-the-art equipment monitors the Earth to offer
improved weather studies. In addition, more studies than ever before
have been conducted on the effects of space on animals and plants. The
ISS may not be able to teleport anyone to another location, but it is still
a great technological advance.
Which title BEST reflects the main topic of this report?
A. Micro-Gravity Experiments in Space
B. Effects of Space on Animals
C. Cooperative Effort for Scientific Progress
D. State-of-the-Art Space Equipment
28. Use the paragraph below to answer the following question
1) Everybody’s always talking about the need for a good
friend. 2) Procrastination is my best friend. 3) My
friends and I often share books and magazines. 4)
Procrastination follows me wherever I go -into my room
at night when it’s time to do homework, to basketball
practice when it’s time to do sprints, even to the
Hamburger Hut on Saturday mornings when I show up
ten minutes late for my meeting with friends. 5) I don’t
know what the attraction is, but Procrastination and I
have had a longstanding relationship. 6) Now that I
think about this, I realize the time has come to call it
quits, to find another close companion and rid myself of
Procrastination once and for all. 7) Hold on a minute
now. 8) I’d better give this more thought.
Which sentence in the paragraph is off topic?
A. sentence 1
B. sentence 2
C. sentence 3
D. sentence 6
29. How is the sentence below BEST written?
Water satisfies your thirst even better then lemonade
A. change satisfies to had satisfied
B. change your to you’re
C. change then to than
D. change better to more better
30. Use the letter below to answer the following question
Dear Ms. Collins:
1) On behalf of the senior class at Lee High
School, I would like to invite you to speak at our
May 28 commencement exercise. 2) As a Lee
graduate, your words will be particularly meaningful
to the student body. 3) Please check your schedule
and see if you are available the last week in May. 4)
I will contact you again in another week to elaborate
upon the details of graduation, i.e., time and
location. 5) I hope you can find an opening in your
busy schedule to share words of wisdom with the
graduating class. 6) I look forward to hearing from
Bye for now,
Sarah Rodriguez
Which part of the letter is too informal?
A. Dear Ms. Collins:
B. Please check your schedule and see if you are available the last week in May.
C. I look forward to hearing from you.
D. Bye for now,
31. Which of these sentences is correctly written?
A. Of the three plans, I think Carla’s is the more efficient approach.
B. Of the three plans, I think Carla’s is the efficienter approach.
C. Of the three plans, I think Carla’s is the most efficientest approach.
D. Of the three plans, I think Carla’s is the most efficient approach.
32. How is the sentence below correctly punctuated?
Although carbonated beverages can upset the
stomach many people still drink them.
A. add a comma after Although
B. add an apostrophe after beverages
C. add a comma after stomach
D. The sentence is punctuated correctly.
33. Which word will correctly fill in the blank?
Neither the student nor his chaperone __________________ on
time for yesterday’s performance.
A. were
B. is
C. are
D. was
34. Which of these sentences is punctuated correctly?
A. “I do not think we should open the letter, said Yuri. After all, it is addressed to Beth.”
B. I do not think we should open the letter, said Yuri. “After all, it is addressed to Beth”.
C. I do not think we should open the letter,” said Yuri.” After all, it is addressed to Beth.
D. “I do not think we should open the letter,” said Yuri. “After all, it is addressed to Beth.”
35. Which word should be inserted into the blank below?
The ___________ of the bacon frying downstairs awoke
me from my slumber.
A. sense
B. scent
C. sent
D. cent
36. How is it its chief, Ross Swimmer, correctly written?
A. its chief, Ross Swimmer
B. its chief Ross Swimmer,
C. its chief Ross Swimmer
D. As it is
37. How is Swimmer and Mankiller was responsible correctly written?
A. Swimmer and Mankiller were responsible
B. Swimmer and Mankilller is responsible
C. Swimmer and Mankiller was responsible
D. As it is
38. How is She also take steps correctly written?
A. She also takes steps
B. She also took steps
C. She also will take steps
D. As it is
Buffalo Soldiers
Lu’s American History teacher assigns a report on a topic relating
to the time period after the Civil War.
Lu decides to write about African-American soldiers who served after the Civil War. Which of the following would
most help her gather information for her report?
A. Looking up “military” in the dictionary
B. Making a list of facts about the Civil War
C. Constructing a chronology of Civil War battles
D. Doing a search on the Internet for Civil War military units
A Tree From Georgia
1. One of the loveliest of American flowering trees is called the Franklinia. The origin of this popular tree is something of a
mystery. We do know that the Franklinia tree is native to the United States. We also know that the first European settler to
take note of the tree was named John Bartram. Bartram was an arborist, a scientist who studies trees. He lived more than two
hundred years ago.
2. At that time, the North American continent was still largely unexplored by European settlers. Bartram was a member of a
hardy band of scientists who made difficult and dangerous trips to many areas of the continent. Their goal was to find
interesting plants and animals. In 1770, on one of his trips, Bartram found an unusual tree growing in what is now the state of
Georgia. Bartram dug up the specimen and transported it to his home, planting it in his garden in Philadelphia. As the first
European to find the tree, Bartram had the honor of giving it a Latin name. The arborist could think of no one he respected
more than his fellow Philadelphian, Benjamin Franklin, who was a philosopher, inventor, and revolutionary leader.
Consequently, he named the tree Franklinia.
3. With its gorgeous white and yellow flowers, pyramidal shape, and attractive fall colors of orange and red, the tree became
quite popular. Today the Franklinia remains one of our most prized flowering trees.
4. What we do not know, even today, is exactly where the Franklinia tree came from. The tree Bartram found growing in the
Georgia mountains is the only specimen that has ever been found. Despite many attempts to locate the tree in its natural
habitat, no Franklinia tree has ever been found in the wild since Bartram’s time. In fact, all the Franklinia trees growing today
trace their heritage back to that single tree Bartram found growing wild in Georgia in 1770.
40. Which sentence from the passage BEST expresses the main idea?
A. The origin of this popular tree is something of a mystery.
B. Bartram was an arborist, a scientist who studies trees.
C. As the first European to find the tree, Bartram had the honor of giving it a Latin name.
D. Today the Franklinia remains one of our most prized flowering trees.
41. The author portrays John Bartram as a person who was
A. philosophical
B. courageous
C. patient
D. mysterious
Mia Hamm:
Best Woman Soccer Player in the World
1. There is no doubt that Mia Hamm’s talents as a soccer player have won her much renown. A quick glance at her soccer
career reveals her participation on two U.S. Olympic teams and two World Cup Championship teams and the honor of being
named U.S. Soccer’s Female Athlete of the Year for five consecutive years. Since her awards and achievements in soccer
make a long list, it is no surprise that she has been labeled the “Best Woman Soccer Player in the World.”
2. No surprise, that is, to anyone except Mia herself. Mia was born Marial Margret Hamm on March 17, 1972. As a child, she
played sports with her brothers and sisters but often quit if she was losing. Finally, her siblings refused to play with her unless
she stuck it out. From them she learned not to quit, a lesson that drives her competitive spirit today.
3. Mia is humble about her soccer accomplishments. Her U.S. National coach, Tony DiCocco, said, “One of Mia’s best
qualities is her sense of team.” For Mia, teamwork is the ultimate goal, and although her presence on the soccer field makes
her competitors quake, Mia prefers to focus on the team effort. Mia’s sense of team permeates her life, extending beyond the
soccer field: she created a foundation to support bone marrow disease research and to promote women in sports. Her
tremendous skill at soccer and her compassion for other people truly make Mia a champion.
42. In Paragraph 3, the author uses the word quake to imply that Mia’s competitors are
A. unstable
B. excited
C. fearful
D. explosive
43. The author MOST LIKELY wrote this passage in order to
A. encourage readers to contribute to Hamm's foundation
B. share details about an inspiring person
C. encourage players who are thinking about quitting soccer
D. provide details about Hamm's influence on soccer
44. The main idea of this passage is that Mia Hamm
A. is a champion on and off the soccer field
B. is humble and embarrassed by her success
C. has been greatly influenced by her brothers and sisters
D. has been U.S. Soccer's Female Athlete of the Year
Words for Justice
1) Rebecca Ann Felton recognized early in life that she had a gift for language. 2) Graduating from college in 1852, Felton
embarked on a career in writing that leads her to become a journalist, a speechwriter, and eventually a United States senator
3) Rebecca Felton's writing career began in earnest when she took over a column in the Atlanta Journal. 4) In the column,
she wrote articles promoting racial and social justice. 5) She became an early advocate for women's rights. 6) Many of her
ideas were unpopular in the 1850s and 1860s, but they guaranteed her a readership. 7) Felton also used her abilities as a
writer to promote her husband's political career. 8) William H. Felton relied on his spouse during his several elections to the
Georgia State Legislature and the United States Congress. 9) She wrote speeches promoting policies she and her husband
both supported that helped him sway voters close to election time. 10) Also, Mrs. Felton drafted legislation that her husband
proposed to Congress. 11) She herself became a senator in 1922.
12) Over the years, Mrs. Felton continued to use her writing ability to focus public attention on issues of tolerance and
justice. 13) She also had a husband and children. 14) In later years, she wrote books chronicling her political struggles,
including My Memoirs of Georgia Politics and Georgia Women (1930). 15) Rebecca Felton used her literary talents to
advance many social causes. 16) Her dedication to improving others' lives through the power of writing provides an
inspiration to all aspiring writers.
45. Read this sentence from the passage.
2) Graduating from college in 1852, Felton embarked on a career in writing that leads
her to become a journalist, a speechwriter, and eventually a United States Senator.
What is the correct way to write the underline part of the sentence?
A. leading
B. lead
C. led
D. leave as is
Invasive Plants
1) To have a plant that would constantly flower is the pursuit of many gardeners. 2) The bane of every gardener, however, is
a flowering plant that flourishes for a while, only to become a spindly remnant of it's former self by seasons end. 3) Worse
yet, it may return to the garden next year, or it may not. 4) The Purple Loosestrife, though, is a voracious flowerer that sports
lovely purple hues throughout the growing season. 5) Not only will it bloom year after year, but it will also reproduce in
abundance, enough to fill an entire bed! 6) There is only one problem with the Purple Loosestrife: it is an invasive species. 7)
It is so invasive, in fact, that it is illegal to plant it in the state of Minnesota.
8) How can such an attractive plant have such a bad reputation? 9) Invasive species, such as the Purple Loosestrife, are plants
that are not native to an area. 10) Some arrive here with travelers, and given the right growing conditions, they are able to
flourish all too well. 12) The Purple Loosestrife, for example, reproduces so quickly and grows so densely that it prohibits
native plants from growing. 13) Many times the indigenous plants are much less visually appealing than invasive species, but
because invasive plants disrupt the growth process of the native plants, the entire ecosystem of an area can be thrown out of
balance. 14) Frogs, turtles, fish, and many other aquatic animals once lived in areas that are now inhabited by Purple
Loosestrife. 15) The presence of this invasive plant has changed the habitat of the aquatic animals, causing populations to go
down the more the plant spreads.
16) Clearly, this plant is a "wolf in sheep's clothing"; its beauty is deceptive. 17) Before planting any wild plant species in
your garden, do thorough research to ensure that they are not an invasive species that could disturb the balance of your local
46. What information would be BEST to add to the passage?
A. the true meaning of the expression, "Wolf in sheep's clothing"
B. an explanation of how colorful gardens are best landscaped
C. suggestions on where to find information on invasive plants
D. the scientific names of several non-invasive plants
47. Which sentence does NOT fit with the main idea of the passage?
A. sentence 4
B. sentence 6
C. sentence 9
D. sentence 15
48. Which statement BEST represents the thesis of this passage?
A. Our horticultural landscape is constantly changing.
B. An invasive species can radically alter an ecosystem.
C. Purple Loosestrife is not a native plant.
D. Many factors can raid in the spread of invasive species.
49. Which question related to the passage would BEST be answered through further research?
A. How large is a typical Purple Loosestrife plant?
B. Do most people think invasive plants are beautiful?
C. How much water do most common garden plants require?
D. Where are the places the Purple Loosestrife tend to strive?
Maria Tallchief:
Dancing to Her Inner Music
1 Inspired by childhood memories of tribal dances, Native American Maria Tallchief conquered the greatballet stages of the
world. She drew strength from her two worlds, that of her Native-American past and her inner world of music and dance. She
became the best-known American dancer and one of the most accomplished prima ballerinas in history.
2 Tallchief was born in 1925 in Fairfax, Oklahoma, on the Osage Indian Reservation. She was then known as Betty Marie
Tall Chief. From the time she was old enough to sit at a piano, Tallchief knew that music and dance lived inside her. She also
knew she had to find ways to express them.
3 “Those of us born with music, poems, or colors inside always know it right away. I would only have to hear a melody and
out it came from the piano keys or in dance,” says Tallchief.
4 As a child, Tallchief went with her grandmother to see the colorful Osage Indian dances performed at tribal ceremonies.
The rhythm of the drums and the movement of the dancers stayed with Tallchief and fed her inner music. Tallchief’s mother
sensed her talent and encouraged her. Tallchief and her sister Marjorie took piano and dance lessons at very young ages.
Unfortunately for Tallchief and her sister, their first dance teacher was not very experienced. The teacher pushed them to do
ballet moves they were not ready for physically.
5 Tallchief’s parents decided that to get the best teachers for their daughters they should move away from the reservation to a
larger city. In 1933 the Tallchief family moved to Los Angeles, California. There, in Los Angeles, Tallchief studied hard
under talented teachers including Madame Nijinska, who was the sister of a very famous Russian dancer named Nijinsky.
6 As her talents for both ballet and piano continued to grow, Tallchief knew she now had to choose between her two great
7 Tallchief concentrated on dancing, continuing to work hard under Madame Nijinska. She performed at the Hollywood
Bowl, a huge outdoor theatre. It was a great honor, and Tallchief was very nervous about the performance. During one of her
dance moves, she slipped and fell on stage. Embarrassed but not hurt, Tallchief picked herself up and finished the
8 Because of her incredible spirit and great talent, Tallchief was asked to join Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, a professional
ballet company, in 1942. It was hard touring around the world as a teenager, and she missed her family. But Tallchief loved
dancing for the different audiences.
9 A director told Tallchief she needed a fancier name than Betty Marie to be a famous dancer. Tallchief changed her name to
Maria but refused to change her last name. She told the director she was proud of her Native-American heritage and her Tall
Chief family. She did, however, compromise to make Tall Chief one word.
10 After a season dancing in Paris, Tallchief joined the New York City Ballet in 1947. The NYC Ballet was new then, but it
was becoming one of the most famous in the world. Tallchief became its principal dancer or prima ballerina. Tallchief’s
greates role would come with a production called The Firebird. In the performance, Tallchief soared, leapt, and almost
seemed to fly across the stage in a flaming red costume. Many people thought her performance was the perfect blend of her
Native-American past and her life as a ballerina. Perhaps the childhood images of her tribe’s dances, paired with the many
lessons of Madame Nijinska, inspired her performance. The Firebird made Tallchief known around the world for her talents
as a ballerina.
11 In 1956 Tallchief was honored by the Osage tribe for her efforts in promoting a positive image of Native Americans.
Since she had represented the world of Native Americans and the world of dance so well, the tribe gave her the name WaXthe-Thomba. The name means “woman of two worlds.” After leaving the dancing world, Tallchief went on to found the
Chicago City Ballet in 1979. She served as the Ballet’s director until 1987. In 1999, at nearly 75 years old, Tallchief helped
write a children’s book about her life as a prima ballerina.
12 Though she performed on stages around the world, she never forgot her Native-American childhood. She was true to her
heritage and always faithful to the music that lived insider her.
50. According to the passage, Tallchief was primarily inspired by her
A. memories of her grandmother.
B. admiration for the Russian dancer Nijinsky
C. desire to bring honor to the Osage tribe.
D. inner passion for music and dance.
51. Which hypothesis BEST accounts for Tallchief’s success in The Firebird?
A. She was able to draw on the dances of her tribe.
B. She was able to invent her own dance moves for the role.
C. She was able to study the role for years before dancing it.
D. She was able to use her talent for piano.
52. Read this sentence from Paragraph 10
Tallchief became its principal dancer or prima ballerina.
The author uses the word principal to convey the idea of being
A. the tallest
B. the only one
C. the first to be hired
D. the most important
53. The author wrote this passage in order to
A. entertain readers with made-up details
B. share an amusing story with readers.
C. persuade readers to attend ballets.
D. inform readers about a famous Native American.
54. How is this passage BEST classified?
A. a short story
B. history
C. biography
D. a personal essay
55. The author expects the reader to assume that Tallchief
A. preferred dance to piano.
B. had always dreamed of traveling the world
C. wanted to change her original name.
D. planned to return to her home when she retired.
56. When the Osage tribe gave Tallchief a name meaning “woman of two worlds,” they did so to acknowledge that she
represented the worlds of both
A. dance and music
B. Europe and America
C. Native Americans and dance.
D. willingness to change her name.
58. Which statement from the passage supports the conclusion that Tallchief had the instincts of a true professional
A. The teacher pushed themto do ballet moves they were not ready for physically.
B. As her talents for both ballet and piano continued to grow, Tallchief knew she now had to choose between her two great
C. It was a great honor, and Tallchief was very nervous about the performance.
D. Embarrassed but not hurt, Tallchief picked herself up and finished the performance.
59. Based on the passage, you can conclude that the Chicago City Ballet
A. was formed years after the New York City Ballet.
B. became one of the most famous in the world.
C. featured mostly Native-American dancers.
D. caused Tallchief to be honored by her tribe.
Best in Show
1 Some owners of purebred dogs enter their dogs into competition for prizes or titles based on show qualities or training.
Typically, competitions occur in three different arenas: dog shows, obedience trials, and field trials.
2 Dog shows and trials are popular events held most places in the world. The United Kingdom and the United States lead
other countries in hosting dog shows. Most dog shows are associated with the American Kennel Club, which boasts the
largest registry of purebred dogs.
3 Dog shows fall into either benched or unbenched events. During benched shows, dogs are individually displayed on
benches or platforms prior to judging. At unbenched shows, the dogs are led into judging rings by their owners and displayed
there. In both dog shows, the breeds are divided into seven groups: sporting, nonsporting, hound, working, herding, toy, and
terrier. They also are placed into either puppy, novice, American bred, bred by exhibitor, or open classes.
4 The criteria for judging differs with each breed. Judges took for things like shape of head, gait, placement of ears, color,
and coat texture. An official American Kennel Club champion must accumulate 15 points under three different judges. A
champion also must earn two major wins by scoring at least 3, 4, or 5 points in one category.
5 Champions in each class then move on to compete for the top honor of “Best in Show.” Each breed competes within one of
the seven groups. The dogs placed first in each of the seven groups then compete against each other for the “Best in Show”
title. That is the final judging of all dog shows. The winner receives a sterling silver bowl in addition to the prestigious title.
6 Obedience trials are held in conjunction with most dog shows. They are competitions which test a dog’s ability to obey
verbal and nonverbal commands. Dogs compete in classes for titles like Tracking Dog, Companion Dog, and Utility Dog.
Tested skills include heeling, standing for examination, and various types of sitting. More advanced competitors are judged
on retrieving, tracking of scents, jumping over hurdles, and obeying hand signals.
7 Field trials include testing for skills actually associated with hunting and include only dogs bred to hunt. The most popular
field trials are those for hounds, bird dogs, and retrievers. Hounds must demonstrate the ability to run down and corner
rabbits. Bird dog breeds are tested on their ability to track and point to birds in their hiding places. The dog must stand still
and point at the bird until the hunter flushes the bird out of hiding so he can fire at it. Retrievers are judged on their ability to
fetch fallen birds from both land and water locations. Dogs earn points based on their abilities. The American Kennel Club
requires that dogs earn 10 points in their respective classes to receive the champion title.
60. The dog that is “Best in Show” is judged by its
A. appearance
B. obedience
C. ability
D. registry
61. The dog that is “Best in Show” is judged by its
A. appearance
B. obedience
C. ability
D. registry
62. Owners interested in competing for “Best in Show” must first
A. join the American Kennel Club
B. purchase a prize hunting dog.
C. construct an exhibition platform.
D. learn verbal and nonverbal cues.
63. Obedience and field trials are examples of
A. breeds
B. classes
C. registries
D. competitions
64. According to the passage, an unbenched show differs from a benched show because it is
A. hosted by foreign countries
B. divided into various categories
C. judged by a team of kennel officials
D. opened by owners leading their dogs
65. In the last paragraph, the word flushes means
A. escapes into
B. runs ahead
C. looks about
D. drives out
66. What mood MOST likely prevails while the judges score the dogs?
A tension
B. confusion
C. satisfaction
D. peace
By Leslie Norris
1 Although it was late in September, the sun was warm and the paths dry. The man and his boy walked beside the disused
canal and powdery white dust covered their shoes. The boy thought of the days before he had been born, when the canal had
been busy. He thought of the long boats pulled by solid horses, gliding through the water. In his head he listened to the
hushed, wet noises they would have made, the soft waves slapping the banks, and green tench looking up as the barges
moved above them, their water suddenly darkened. His grandfather had told him about that. But now the channel was filled
with mud and tall reeds. Bullrush and watergrass grew in the damp passages. He borrowed his father’s walking stick and
knocked the heads off a company of seeding dandelions, watching the tiny parachutes carry away their minute dark burdens.
2 “There they go,” he said to himself. “There they go, sailing away to China.”
3 “Come on,” said his father, “or we’ll never reach Fletcher’s Woods.”
4 The boy hurried after his father. He had never been to Fletcher’s Woods. Once his father had heard a nightingale there. It
had been in the summer, long ago, and his father had gone with his friends, to hear the singing bird. They had stood under a
tree and listened. Then the moon went down and his father, stumbling home, had fallen into a blackberry bush.
5 “Will there be blackberries?” he asked.
6 “There should be,” his father said. “I’ll pick some for you.”
7 In Fletcher’s Woods there was a shade beneath the trees, and sunlight, thrown in yellow patches onto the grass, seemed to
grow out of the ground rather than come from the sky. The boy stepped from sunlight to sunlight, in and out of shadow. His
father showed him a tangle of bramble, hard with thorns, its leaves just beginning to color into autumn, its long runners dry
and brittle on the grass. Clusters of purple fruit hung in the branches. His father reached up and chose a blackberry for him.
Its skin was plump and shining, each of its purple globes held a point of reflected light.
8 “You can eat it,” his father said.
9 The boy put the blackberry in his mouth. He rolled it with his tongue, feeling its irregularity, and crushed it against the roof
of his mouth. Released juice, sweet and warm as summer, ran down his throat, hard seeds cracked between his teeth. When
he laughed his father saw that his mouth was deeply stained. Together they picked and ate the dark berries, until their lips
were purple and their hands marked and scratched.
10 “We should take some for your mother,” the man said.
11 He reached with his stick and pulled down high canes where the choicest berries grew, picking them to take home. They
had nothing to carry them in, so the boy put his new cap on the grass and they filled its hollow with berries. He held the cap
by its edges and they went home.
67. Which action taken father BEST shows the affection he has for his son?
A. He tells his son to hurry or they’ll never reach Fletcher’s Woods.
B. He goes to hear a nightingale with his friends.
C. He chooses a blackberry for his son to eat.
D. He picks berries for the boy’s mother.
68. Which event is used as a flashback in the passage?
A. the boy knocking the heads off dandelions
B. the father hearing a nightingale
C. the father choosing a blackberry
D. the boy crushing the blackberry in his mouth
69. How does the reader know that the boy is imaginative?
A. He pictures the canal in the old days when it was busy.
B. He knocks the heads off dandelions.
C. He asks if there will be blackberries in Fletcher’s Woods.
D. He fills his new cap with blackberries.
70. In the last sentence of Paragraph 1, the word minute means
A. small
B. quick
C. beautiful
D. timeless
71. Which paragraph from the passage supports the idea that the father shares his past with his son?
A. Paragraph 4
B. Paragraph 7
C. Paragraph 9
D. Paragraph 11
72. The author of the passage creates a peaceful mood mainly through
A. the setting
B. the characters
C. foreshadowing
D. flashback
73. Which of these statements BEST adds poetic language to the passage?
A. …in September, the sun was warm and the paths dry.
B. …the channel was filled with mud and tall reeds.
C. …his father, stumbling home, had fallen into a blackberry bush.
D. …sunlight, thrown in yellow patches onto the grass, seemed to grow out of the ground.
74. What is the main idea of Paragraph 1?
A. The boy misses the old days.
B. The canal is full of plants.
C. The boy loves his grandfather.
D. The boy is out for a walk with his father
How the Mosquitoes Left Kambara
A Tale From Fiji
By Pleasant DeSpain
1 Once long ago, a small island in the Pacific called Kambara was infested with mosquitoes. The island people were
constantly at war with the pesky insects and grew weary of being bitten, especially at night. All day long the women of the
tribe pounded tree bark into fine-mesh screens to keep the mosquitoes out.
2 Now it happened that a prince from the island of Oneata sailed throughout the South Pacific in search of treasures for his
people. He landed on Kambara, and the chief welcomed him as an honored guest. After a great feast, the prince was shown to
a sleeping room. It was surrounded with beautifully painted mosquito screens.
3 “Tell me, O Chief of Kambara,” said the prince. “why do you hang such wonderful cloth all about the room?
4 “For the mosquitoes,” replied the chief.
5 “Mosquitoes? What are mosquitoes?” asked the prince.
6 “Our little …friends of the night. They are small flying insects that… sing us to sleep each night,” Said the chief. He was
too embarrassed to tell the truth.
7 “How nice,” said the prince. “We have nothing like mosquitoes on Oneata.”
8 “Too bad,” said the chief. “We have more than we need.”
9 The prince yawned, and just as he began to fall asleep, the night air filled with the hum and buzz of thousands of hungry
mosquitoes flying outside the curtain. “Such a soothing sound,” he muttered. “A rare treasure, indeed.”
10 The next morning the prince asked the chief if he could take some mosquitoes back to Oneata with him.
11 “You would have to take all of them,” replied the chief, “since they are a close-knit family and couldn’t stand to be
12 “But what about your people?” asked the worried prince. “Wouldn’t they be unhappy if I took all of your lovely
13 “Yes, they would,” replied the chief, “but if you were to give us something in return, I think they would be satisfied.”
14 “I have a special conch shell in my canoe,” said the eager prince. “You blow it like a trumpet and the fish swim to shore
and let themselves be caught. Your people will never grow hungry!”
15 “It’s a bargain,” said the chief of Kambara happily. “Our mosquitoes for your special shell!”
16 The people of Kambara set a trap for the mosquitoes, using a huge basket to tightly woven that even the smallest of the
insects couldn’t get out. They placed a freshly killed pig in the basket, and the chief waited behind a nearby tree with the lid.
The sun began to set and the mosquitoes came out in droves in search of victims. Some of the pests found the pig, and it
wasn’t’ long before every mosquito on the island was in the basket enjoying the feast. The chief jumped out from behind the
tree, popped the lid on the basket, and tied it securely with long vines.
18 With the basket in his canoe, the prince sailed back to Oneata. He thought of how happy his people would be with the
restful sounds of the mosquitoes.
19 The chief of Kambara was also happy. He blew on the conch shell and the islanders began gathering in the fish for a
celebration feast!
75. What characteristic of the chief would MOST likely be found in other mythological characters?
A. cleverness
B. attitude of superiority
C. stupidity
D. self-righteousness
76. How did the island people lure the mosquitoes into their trap?
A. by waving curtains near a tree
B. by painting screens on the doors
C. by placing a pig in a basket
D. by pounding bark on a tree
77. What might the prince do after he realizes the mosquitoes are a nuisance?
A. catch more mosquitoes
B. find a new special shell
C. welcome island guests
D. return them to Kambara
78. What characteristic does this story share with many other stories?
A. It is set on an island.
B. The main characters are brave.
C. Some of the events could not really happen.
D. The characters are male rather than female.
79. What problem did the people of Kambara have?
A. They constantly fought with other islands.
B. They rarely caught enough fish for food.
C. They had no treasure.
D. Their island was infested with mosquitoes.
Here are two drafts of Betsy’s paper.
One of the world’s great authors was Jules Verne. He wrote exciting adventure stories such as Journey to the Center of the
Earth and Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Because he lived in a time when people still had to light candles to se at
night and to ride in horse-drawn carriages, Verne had an incredible imagination. In his stories, he envisioned cars, electricity,
submarines, and even space travel!
Verne lived in Paris in the 1800s. Many changes were occurring at that time. These were the years of the Industrial
Revolution. Steam engines were changing the workplace. Cities were booming. People were leaving the countryside for
factory jobs. Canals and roads were being built. They were needed to carry the machine-made goods from one place to
The French writer Jules Verne wrote exciting adventure stories. He lived in the 19 th century. At that time, things were very
different from the way they are now. However, he was able to use his incredible imagination to dream up things like cars and
electricity long before they were common. If Jules Verne were alive today, who knows what interesting inventions he would
predict for the people of the next century.
No doubt, Verne’s imagination was helped along by what he saw and heard while growing up in Paris in the 1800s. These
were the years of the Industrial Revolution, a time when steam engines were making large-scale production possible. Cities
were booming as people left the countryside for factory jobs. Canals and roads were being built to carry the machine-made
goods from one place to another.
80. In paragraph 1 of Draft A, Because does not correctly link ideas. Which of these should be used instead?
A. For example,
B. However,
C. Although
D. Somehow,
Wilma Mankiller
Caleb’s English teacher has asked the
students to write a paper about someone
they admire. Caleb decides to write about
Wilma Mankiller, the first female chief of
the Cherokee Nation
Caleb made this preliminary outline. Use it to answer these questions.
I. Mankiller’s early life
A. Born in Oklahoma in 1945
B. Part of a large Cherokee family
C. Moved to San Francisco at age 10
II. Mankiller’s activism
A. Returned to Oklahoma to work for the Cherokee Nation
B. Was the mother of two daughters
C. Lobbied for government grants to improve conditions for poor villages
D. Became deputy chief and then chief of the Cherokee Nation
III. Accomplishments as chief
A. Supported Cherokee businesses
B. Founded the Institute for Cherokee Literacy
C. Created the Cherokee Heritage Center
81. In sentence 23, school library and our branch library is closed is correctly written A. school library and are branch library is closed.
B. school library, and our branch library is closed.
C. school library, and our branch library, it is closed.
D. as it is.
Here is the first part of Lu’s rough draft.
(1) During the CivilWar, President Abraham Linconln approved the creation of African-American military units. (2)The units
served with distinction, with some, such as the Massachusetts 54th Regiment, achieving lasting fame. (3) Following the war,
Congress authorized the continuation of African-American units. (4) Assigned to theWest, these soldiers on horseback
became a familiar sight throughout Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico and, later, in the upper western states of
Nevada and Utah. (5)Native American (First American) tribes such as the Cheyenne and Comanche called the soldiers
“Buffalo Soldiers,” a tribute to their willingness to follow the buffalo trails across the dangerous plains.
(6) While the Buffalo Soldiers saw military action throughout theWest from 1866 to the 1890s, they also served a crucial
engineering function in Oklahoma. (7)In the Oklahoma territory, they oversaw the construction of telegraph lines, which was
viewed as the important first step to uniting the western and eastern portions of the country. (8)The project became urgent
after the war. (9) The soldiers scouted potential areas for erecting the poles and stringing the wires. (10)They also provided
security for the work crews who constructed the lines.
(11)Building a railroad across the open plains was an engineering feat that had never before been attempted on so large a
scale. (12)In fact, the soldiers became so adept at construction that they actually designed and assembled their own home,
Fort Sill. (13) The Buffalo Soldiers assisted with the engineering phase of the railway planning by providing scouts and
guides to escort engineers along the proposed path of the railway. (14)They also assisted with the actual building of the
railway. (15) Weren’t they awesome?
(16)Besides being called upon to serve as engineers and construction workers, the Buffalo Soldiers also enforced the law.
(17)The territories were often lawless environments where bandits and thieves preyed on stagecoaches and towns. (18)One
day, the soldiers might chase cattle rustlers who had stolen a large herd of cattle from open rangeland. (19)The next day, they
might hunt down train robbers or stagecoach thieves. (20)Over the years, these capable soldiers captured many criminals.
82. Lu discovers a sentence that is not in the correct place. Which sentence in paragraph 3 should she move?
A. Sentence 11
B. Sentence 12
C. Sentence 13
D. Sentence 14
Read the next part of Lu’s rough draft. This section has groups of underlined words. The questions ask about these
groups of underlined words.
(21)The Buffalo Soldiers were also called upon to protect the rights of the Native American (First American) inhabitants of
the territory, known as “Indian Territory” prior to statehood. (22)In Oklahoma, the early settlers’ who illegally entered Indian
land were known as “Sooners.” (23)The American government was comitted to expelling them. (24)The Buffalo Soldiers
were given the task of pushing the Sooners back into Kansas an dto keep them out. (25)Similarly, timber mills built by
dishonest businessmen seeking wealth would mysteriously appear on Indian land. (26)They supplied lumber to the people
settling along the frontier. (27)At this time, the cavalry units were the primary law enforcement in the territory, so their job
was very important. (28)The Buffalo Soldiers tried their best to keep the peace.
(29)The Buffalo Soldiers signed up for five-year terms of service and in return received room and board, clothing, and
thirteen dollars a month. (30)Serving in difficult conditions, they never knew for certain where they would be sent. (31)Since
they performed the tasks of engineers, construction workers, and police officers, they gained the respect of military leaders
and civilians alike. (32)The Buffalo Soldiers performed their tasks affectively, and by the 1890s they represented one-fifth of
the entire military West of the Mississippi River. (33)They left a legacy of achievement and astounding adaptability that still
inspires people today.
83. In sentence 22, how is settlers’ correctly written?
A. settler’s
B. settlers’s
C. settlers
D. As it is
84. In sentence 31, how is engineers, construction correctly written?
A. engineers construction
B. engineers; construction
C. engineers construction,
D. As it is
The Making of Star Wars
Joaquin’s media studies teacher asks the
students to write a paper on an influential event
in American filmmaking. Joaquin decides to
write about Star Wars.
Here are two drafts of the first part of Joaquin’s paper.
Twenty-five years ago, the original Star Wars movie was produced. It introduced us to things we had never seen before in a
movie. It was the first movie of its kind. It broke box-office records and earned seven Academy Awards.
In 1977, something happened that would change moviemaking forever: the film Star Wars was released in theaters. It mixed
action and special effects. It captured the imaginations of viewers everywhere. The movie's phenomenal success led many
studios to try to copy its exciting plot and sophisticated visual effects. Incredibly, no one in Hollywood had expected the film
to amount to much.
How did this beloved film come to be? The answer can be summed up in two words: George Lucas. A film-school graduate,
Lucas directed a flop after graduating but soon afterward redeemed himself with a box-office success. Lucas indicated that
the script he wrote for the movie studio was partly inspired by the old movies he loved as a child. A movie studio thn offered
Lucas some money to develop a script.
Twenty-five years ago, the original Star Wars movie was produced. Long before computer animation in films, it introduced
viewers to good robots, aliens, and heroes who wield light sabers. The first of its kind, the film broke box-office records and
earned seven Academy Awards.
Although the first Star Wars film ha suffered the twin ills of a low budget and a chaotic shooting schedule during its
production phase, nothing was uncertain about the film's release. To say that it was successful is a gross understatement of its
success and does not even begin to describe the success of the film. From the beginning, Star Wars became intimately
interwoven with the fabric of popular culture. Some film critics even go so far as to say that the current Hollywood trend of
producing big blockbusters originated with Star Wars. To comprehend the significance of the film, we must begin by
investigating the forces behind the film, particularly its creator, George Lucas.
As a boy, Lucas loved to watch movie after movie. He was captivated by their swashbuckling heroes, evil villains, and
damsels in distress. The images stayed with him as he embarked on his filmmaking career. In 1972, Lucas, a graduate of the
University of Southern California's film school, directed American Graffiti. His second feature film and his first box-office
success. Because of American Graffiti, 20th Century Fox, the movie studio, was willing to take a chance on Lucas's next
idea. They offered him $15,000 to develop a script.
85. In paragraph 2 of Draft A, how can Joaquin best combine these sentences without changing their meaning: It
mixed action and special effects. It captured the imaginations of viewers everywhere.?
A. By mixing action and special effects, it captured the imaginations of viewers everywhere.
B. It mixed action, it mixed special effects, and it captured the imaginations of viewers everywhere.
C. Mixing actions and special effects and capturing the imaginations of viewers everywhere were what the film was doing.
D. It mixed and captured action and special effects and the imaginations of viewers everywhere.
86. Joaquin finds an incomplete sentence in Draft B. Which sentence should be revised because it is not a complete
A. He was captivated by their swashbuckling heroes, evil villains, and damsels in distress.
B. In 1972, Lucas, a graduate of the University of Southern California's film school, directed American Graffiti.
C. His second feature film and his first box-office success.
D. They offered him $15,000 to develop a script.
Read the next part of Joaquin's rough draft. This section has groups of underlined words. The questions ask about
these groups of underlined words.
As millions of fans know, Star Wars is about a young man, Luke Skywalker who becomes a Jedi knight and leads rebel
forces in a war against an evil empire. However, George Lucas's early drafts were very different from the final version. At
one point, the smuggler Han Solo would be going to be a green-skinned alien with gills.
When the filming began, it was plagued with endless problems, including a tight budget and an unrealistic schedule. The
movie was being shot in the Tunisian desert, which was freezing cold at night, insufferably hot during the day, and often
prone to sandstorms. Some of the actors had to deal with uncomfortable costumes as well. For example, British actor
Anthony Daniels lost an average of four pounds a day through perspiration, the result of wearing his robot costume in the
desert heat.
When the film was finally completed, 20th Century Fox was nervous. Producer Gary Kurtz had advertised the film at various
science fiction conventions, but the studio had done much else to promote it. Even Lucas's friends were skeptical about the
film. One of the few friends who liked it was Steven Spielberg, who predicted Star Wars would make a fortune.
Spielberg was right. On opening night, long lines formed outside theaters. People who had seen Star Wars advertised at
conventions had done something Fox had not expected: spread the word to the general public. Star Wars had the most big
and exciting opening weekend of any film that had preceded it, and that was only the beginning. Since that first movie,
several Star Wars movies have been released, and fans keep clamoring for more.
87. How is most big and exciting correctly written?
A. most big and excitingest
B. biggest and most exciting
C. biggest and most excitingest
D. As it is
Here are two drafts of the first part of Keisha's paper.
Joseph Banks was born in England in 1743. Even at a young age, he was fascinated by the rich variety of plants that nature
produced. From his tutor, Banks learned how to collect, group, and name plants. With his knowledge at his disposal, he could
not be stopped. His knowledge grew, and in 1766 he made his first long trip as a naturalist. Sailing through the waters of
Newfoundland and Labrador, Banks collected, pressed, dried, and labeled many plants he had never seen before.
Banks's work won the respect of other scientists; soon after his return to England, he was invited to join a group of scholars
called the Royal Society. Partly through his new connections, Banks was able to join an expedition led by the great sea
explorer Captain Cook. The Royal Society was founded in 1660, almost 350 years ago. The lon gsea voyage took Banks
around the world. One of his most exciting plant discoveries was the breadfruit tree of Tahiti. Grains such as wheat did not
grow well in hot, moist places like Tahiti, but filling, delicious breadfruit was a good substitute for bread.
In England in the mid-1700s, botany, the study of plants, was still in its early stages. Many of the people of the day would
have laughed at the idea that the study of plants could be a valuable science. Plants and flowers were considered a suitable
hobby for women, and not much more. To a young man named Joseph Banks, however, plants were so fascinating that he
decided to brave society's disapproval. Banks was disappointed to learn that his school, Oxford University, had no courses
about plants, but he was not one to give up easily. He hired a private tutor who taught him a recently invented system for
collecting, grouping, and naming plants. In 1766, Banks made his first long ocean voyage as a naturalist. At the end of this
voyage, Banks published his extensive notes.
Banks's work attracted the attention of other scientific minds back in England. He became a respected scholar. His new
prestige gave Banks the opportunity to go on several other sea voyages, including one that took him around the world. Banks
was exposed to many new kinds of plants on these voyages. One of the plants that Joseph Banks saw on his voyage was the
breadfruit tree that impressed him. Apparently, the fruit of the breadfruit tree is quite delicious and filling, not only feeling
like fresh bread but also tasting like it.
88. In Draft B Keisha wants to add this sentence describing a breadfruit tree: A nutritious two- to five -pound melon
with starchy yellow flesh, breadfruit ripens to about the consistency of an unsweet mango. Where would it best fit?
A. At the beginning of paragraph 1
B. At the beginning of paragraph 2
C. At the end of paragraph 1
D. At the end of paragraph 2
Read the next part of Keisha's rough draft. This section has groups of underlined words. The questions ask about
these groups of underlined words.
Banks wondered if breadfruit trees could be grown successfully in other hot places, like Jamaica. As the years passed, he
became more important in the scientific circles. He was a Fellow of the Society of Antiquities, a Trustee of the British
Museum, and an adviser to the Royal Botanical Gardens, a position to which he was appointed by King George III. By 1787,
he had enough influence to organize a voyage to Tahiti to collect some breadfruit trees. The breadfruit trees would be
delivered as ship's cargo to Jamaica. Banks's duties in England prevented him from going on the voyage, but he had
confidence that his friend Captain Bligh was able to carry out the project productively.
It was not to be however. Captain Bligh's ship, the Bounty, became the scene of one of the most famous revolts of all time.
The crew disliked Captain Bligh and resents having to care for the young breadfruit trees. Taking over the Bounty, they set
Captain Bligh and his few loyal men adrift in a small boat in the Pacific Ocean, expecting them to drown or die of thirst.
Amazingly, after forty-seven days on the open sea, Bligh succeeded in guiding his men to a safe harbor.
In spite of the captains agonizing experience, he still wanted to be the one to transport breadfruit trees to Jamaica. In 1793, he
finally succeeded in taking those trees. When Banks died twenty-seven years later, on June 19, 1820, it was with the
satisfaction of knowing that his dream of bringing breadfruit to the Americas had come true.
Several films offer more information and entertainment concerning Captain Bligh's voyage. The 1935 movie classic Mutiny
on the Bounty, starring Clark Gable and Charles Laughton, is about the events that took place on this ill-fated voyage.
Anthony Hopkins and Mel Gibson star in the 1984 version, The Bounty.
89. How is they set Captain correctly written?
A. they sit Captain
B. they sat Captain
C. them set Captain
D. As it is