A large suspension bridge is a remarkable structure, a precise blend of engineering and imagination. In its construction, its designers must ensure its stability and endurance. To do so, they must understand how to balance the many forces acting on it so that it remains motionless. They must recognize how the bridge responds to the enormous forces acting on it—how its parts stretch or flex under the bridge’s load. And the designers must certainly be able to calculate the maximum forces that can be applied to bridge members, such as beams or cables, before such members fail. In this chapter, we study how any structure—from a bridge to a tree to a knee joint—must be designed in order to support itself and external loads. We will see under what conditions an object under load will remain motionless, and how it responds to changes in the forces acting on it. Is the structure stable if outside forces disturb it, or does it come crashing down? How do its members bend and stretch as forces act? And are the members strong enough to resist such bending, or is their ultimate strength exceeded, with disastrous results? 8.1 Static Equilibrium In the preceding chapters, we have made an in-depth study of motion and its causes. In many disciplines, it is just important to understand under what conditions objects do not move. In structural engineering, buildings and dams must be designed such that they remain motionless, even when huge forces act on them. In sports science, a correct stationary position is often the starting point for a successful athletic event. And a study of, say, the knee joint must understand the enormous forces that the joint must sustain, even when the subject is standing at rest. Recall from Section 5.2 that when any object is at rest, we say that it is in static equilibrium. In that section we also found the condition necessary for a particle to be in static equilibrium: the net force Fnet on the particle must be zero, so that it does not accelerate. Such a situation is shown in Figure 8.1a, where the two forces applied to the block balance, and the block can remain at rest. But in Chapter 7 we moved beyond the particle model to study extended objects that could rotate as well as move translationally. For an extended object, having Fnet 0 is by itself not enough to ensure static equilibrium. In Figure 8.1b, the same two forces are applied, but this time off center. The net force is still zero, so the block will not undergo an overall acceleration. But the block will begin to rotate, because now there is a net torque applied to it. So there is a second condition for static equilibrium: the net torque net on the object must be zero. Figure 8.1 A block with no net force acting on it may still be out of equilibrium. For an object to be in static equilibrium, then, it must have both zero net force acting and zero net torque acting on it. If we write the net force in component form, these conditions are Fx 0 Fy 0 0 Conditions for static equilibrium STOP TO THINK 8.1 Whichof the objects below could be in static equilibrium? EXAMPLE 8.1 Lifting a weight Weightlifting can exert extraordinary forces on the body’s joints. In the strict curl event, a standing athlete lifts the barbell using only the forearms. The record weight lifted in the strict curl is over 200 pounds (about 900 N). Figure 8.2a shows the arrangement of the arm bones and the main lifting muscles when the forearm is horizontal. With the arms held stationary in this position, what is the tension in the lifting biceps muscle when 900 N is lifted? Figure 8.2 Forces and torques in holding a barbell. Prepare Figure 9.2b shows a simplified model of the arm, indicating the forces acting on the forearm. Fm is the tension force due to the muscle, Fw is the downward force of the weight, and Fe is the force of the elbow joint on the forearm. to be in static equilibrium, the net forceand net torque Solve For the forearm on it must be zero. Setting thenet force to zero gives F F y m Fe Fw 0 We know the magnitude of the weight force, Fw = 450 N (assuming that each arm supports half the 900 N total weight). We don’t know either of the other two forces Fm and Fe , nor does the force equation above give us enough information to find them. Using the fact that the torque must be zero gives us that extra information. Choosing the elbow joint to be the axis of rotation, we have net Fw d Fm dm 0 Note that Fe makes no contribution to the torque, since it acts directly at the pivot. We can solve the above equation for Fm to find Fm Fw d 35cm (450N) 3150N 700pounds . dm 5cm Assess We see that we need to use the fact that both the net force and the net torque are zero for an object in equilibrium. The short distance d m from the muscle to the elbow joint means that the force of the muscle has to be very large in order to counter the torque generated by a force applied at the end of the forearm. Choosing the Pivot Point In Example 8.1 above, we calculated the net torque using the elbow joint as the axis. But we have learned that the torque on an object depends on which point is chosen as the axis of rotation. Was there something special about our choice of the elbow joint as the axis? Consider the hammer shown in Figure 8.3, supported on a pegboard by two pegs A and B. Because it’s in static equilibrium, the net torque around the pivot at A must be zero: the clockwise torque due to the weight w is exactly balanced by the counterclockwise torque due to the force nB of peg B. But if instead we take B as the pivot, the net torque is still zero. The counterclockwise torque due to w (with a large force but small moment arm) balances the clockwise torque due to n A (with a small force but large moment arm). Indeed, for an object in static equilibrium, the net torque about every axis must be zero. This means that when you calculate the torque, you can pick any point you wish as an axis. Even if we use the arbitrary point C, which is not a real pivot point for the hammer, we would find the torque to be zero. Figure 8.3 The net torque on an object in static equilibrium is zero when calculated about any axis.. Although any choice of axis will work, some choices are better because they simplify the calculations. Often, there is a “natural” axis of rotation in the problem, an axis about which rotation would occur if the object were not in static equilibrium. Example 8.1 is of this type, with the elbow joint as a natural axis of rotation. If no point naturally suggests itself as an axis, you should look for a point on the object where a force acts. Good choices are where either several forces act at once, or where a force whose magnitude you don’t know acts. Such points are good choices because any force acting at the axis does not contribute to the torque. By choosing the axis where a force acts, that force will not appear in the torque equation. Don’t agonize too much about this choice of axis. If you can’t decide, pick any point on the object where a force acts. You will still be able to solve the problem. PROBLEM-SOLVING STRATEGY 25.1 Static equilibrium problems Prepare Model the object as a simple shape. Draw a pictorial representation that shows all forces and distances. List known information. Pick a point about which the torques will be calculated. Determine the moment arms of all forces about this pivot point. Determine the sign of each torque about this pivot point. Solve The mathematical representation is based on the fact that an object in static equilibrium has no net force and no net torque. Fnet 0 and net 0 Write equations for Fx 0, Solve the resulting equations. F 0, 0 . y Assess Check that your result is reasonable and answers the question. EXAMPLE 8.2 A board on sawhorses A board weighing 100 N sits on two sawhorses, as shown in Figure 8.4a. What are the magnitudes of the two forces F1 and F2 of the sawhorses acting on the board? Figure 8.4 A board sitting on two sawhorses. Prepare The board and the forces acting on it are shown in Figure 8.4b. F1 and F2 are the forces on the board due to the sawhorses, and w is the weight of the board, acting at the center of gravity. As discussed above, a good choice for the pivot is a point where an unknown force acts, since then the unknown force contributesnothing to the torque. Two such points are Point A in Figure 8.4b, where force F1 acts, or point B, where F2 acts. Either will work; let’s choose point A for this example. With this choice of pivot, we see that the moment arm for w, which acts halfway down the board, is L / 2. Since w tendsto rotate the board clockwise, its torque is negative. The moment arm for F is the distance d2 , 2 and, since F2 tends to rotate the board counterclockwise, its torque is positive. Solve Since the board is in static equilibrium, the net force Fnet and the net torque net must both be zero. The forces acting have only y components, so we needn’t worry about the x components. So we have F y F1 w F 2 0 , from which we can solve for F1 : F1 w F 2 . Next we compute the torque around axis A, and set it to zero. We have L 2 net w d2 F2 0 , from which we find F2 Lw (3.0 m)(100 N) 75.0 N 2d2 2(2.0 m) From the force equation above, we also have F1 w F2 100 N 75.0 N 25.0 N Assess It seems reasonable that F1 F2 since more of the board sits over the right sawhorse. EXAMPLE 8.3 Choosing a different axis Let’s repeat Example 8.2, but with the axis at a different point. Let’s put the axis at the center of gravity where the weight w acts. Will this change our results? Prepare In Figure 8.5 we define new distances d1 and d2 from the axis to where the forces F1 and F2 act. Moment arm d1 and force F1 produce a negative torque, while d2 and F2 produce a positive torque. Figure 8.5 A board on two sawhorses, with axis at the center of gravity. Solve The force equation still reads F1 w F2 0 , from which we have, as before, F1 w F2 Now we need to calculate the net torque about the center of gravity. The weight w, acting at the pivot, now does not contribute to the torque. We have net d1F1 d2 F2 0 If we insert the expression for F1 from the force equation into the torque result, we get d1 w F2 d2 F2 0 . We can solve this for F2 to get F2 d1w (1.5 m)(100N) 75N d2 d1 1.5 m 0.5 m as before. Again, we can use the force equation to find that F1 = 25 N. Assess Even with a very different choice of axis from Example 8.2, we get the same result for the forces. STOP TO THINK 8.2 A uniform beam is suspended from a wire, and has a pivot on its left end. In in which direction is the force of the pivot on the beam? A. B. C. D. E. An interesting application of the principle of static equilibrium is the determination of the position of the center of gravity of the human body. As we’ll see later, the position of a person’s center of gravity plays an important role in many aspects of sports and athletics. Because the human body is highly flexible, the position of the center of gravity is quite variable, and depends on just how the body is posed. Figure 8.6 Board-and-scale method of finding a subject's center of gravity. The position of the body’s center of gravity can be located accurately from simple measurements with a reaction board and a scale. Figure 8.6 shows the method. The subject lies or stands on the board in the desired posture. The board has a pivot at its left end, while its right end is supported on a spring scale. The spring scale pushes up on the board with a force F; the magnitude F of this force is the scale reading. The following example shows how the position of the subject’s center of gravity can be using this method. EXAMPLE 8.4 Finding the center of gravity of the human body A subject, weighing 730 N, lies on a reaction board that is 2.5 m long and weighs 60 N. The scale on the right reads 300 N. Find the distance d from the pivot to the subject’s center of gravity. Figure 8.7 Finding the center of gravity of the human body. Prepare The forces and distances in the problem are drawn in Figure 8.7. We’ll calculate all torques around the pivot at the left end of the board. Then the torque due to F is positive, and those due to w and wb are negative. The torque due to n, which acts at the pivot, is zero. Solve Since the board and subject are in static equilibrium, we require that the net force and net torque on the board be zero. The force conditions reads F y n wb w F 0 The net torque must also be zero in static equilibrium, so we have L 2 w b dw LF 0 Here we assumed that the board was uniform, so that its weight w b acts at a point halfway along the board, that is, a distance L 2 from the pivot. We can now solve the torque condition for d : LF 12 Lwb (2.5 m)(300 N) 12 (2.5 m)(60 N) 0.92 m w 730 N If the woman is 5’ 6” (1.68 m) tall, her center of gravity is about (0.92 m)/(1.68 m) 55% of her height. d Assess Note that in this solution we didn’t actually need the information from the Fy 0 equation. This is because in this method we measure w, wb , and F. The Fy 0 equation serves only to determine the normal force n of the pivot on the board, which we don’t need for our analysis. 9.2 Stability and Balance Picture several common items—a dinner plate, a wine glass, a tall vase with flowers—sitting on a table. All three are motionless, and so in static equilibrium, but they differ in an important respect. The top-heavy vase could be easily toppled by a small bump against the table; the wine glass might take a larger blow from an errant elbow to knock it over; the plate, however, would take a great disturbance to flip it. All these objects, then, differ in their resistance to being toppled; we say that the plate is very stable while the vase is only marginally so. Why is the tall candlestick easy to knock over, but the squat bowl is very stable? These examples lead us to think about the stability of an object in the following way: how far can the object be tilted without it falling over? For a vase this might be only a few degrees; for a plate, you’d have to lift its edge more than 90 to get it to fall all the way over. The greater the angle to which an object can be tilted before falling over, the greater its stability. What determines how far we can tilt an object before it topples? Consider the pop can in Figure 8.8a, sitting at rest on a table. Now slightly tilt the can, as in Figure 8.8b, and release it. There is then a torque on the can produced by its weight w that tends to rotate the can back towards its original equilibrium position, where it would again end up sitting upright. If, however, we tilt the can to a large angle and release it, as in Figure 8.8c, the torque acts so as to rotate the can even farther to the right: the can will now fall over. Figure 8.8 How far can a pop can be tilted before it falls? From Figure 8.8, we can see the essential difference between angles at which the can falls back, and angles at which it falls over. When the can was sitting upright, it sat on a base of support that spanned the region between points A and B. The base of support, then, is the region between the pivots about which the object would tilt if pushed from various directions. In Figure 8.8b, where the can will return to its original position, we note that a vertical line dropped down from the center of gravity will fall within the base of support, while in Figure 8.8c, where the can will fall over, the vertical line from the center of gravity falls outside the base of support. Finally, there is a special angle, shown in Figure 8.8d, at which the center of gravity is directly over the edge of the base of support B. This is the largest angle to which the can can be tilted without falling over. When this maximum angle is large, an object is very stable; when this angle is small, an object is only slightly so. Example 8.5 How far can the block be tilted? A block of wood is 7 cm high and 2 cm long. It is placed on a board, and the board slowly tilted. How far can the board be tilted before the block falls? Prepare From the discussion above, we know that an object becomes unstable when its center of gravity is directly over the outside edge of its base of support, that is, the point that it will rotate about when it starts to fall. In Figure 8.9 we draw the block at this angle. Figure 8.9 A block at the angle at which it is just about to fall. Solve As shown in the inset to Figure 8.9, the small triangle on the block has short sides of lengths 1.0 cm and 3.5 cm. We have then 1.0 cm 0.286 3.5 cm arctan(0.286) 17.7 tan Assess This angle looks about right from the drawing. TRY IT YOURSELF Balancing pop can Try to balance a full—or empty—pop can on the narrow bevel at the bottom. It can’t be done, because when full or empty, the center of gravity is near the center of the can,XXX as in Figure 8.8b. But if you put about 2 ounces (60 ml) of water in the can, the center of gravity will be right over the bevel when the can is sitting on the bevel, and the can can be balanced. Relative Stability We’ve seen that an object becomes unstable when its center of gravity Just how stable and object is depends on the size of its base of support, and how high its center of gravity is. In Figure 8.10 are shown two blocks with equally high centers of gravity, but with different bases of support. The wide block in (a) can be tilted substantially farther before its center of gravity (CG) is over its pivot point than can the narrow block in (b). So we have out first criterion for stability: The broader an object’s base of support, the more stable it will be. Figure 8.10 A broader base of support increases stability. In Figure 8.11 we have two blocks with identical bases of support, but whose centers of gravity differ in their height above the base. (These blocks are obviously not of uniform composition.) We see that the block in (a), with a high CG, can be tilted only slightly before it starts to fall. Conversely, the block in (b), with a very low CG, can be tilted quite far before it will fall. This illustrates our second stability criterion: The lower an object’s CG, the more stable it is. Figure 8.11 A lower center of gravity increases stability. We can quantify these observations by examining how far an object such as the one shown in Figure 8.12a can be tilted before falling. When the object is sitting in its equilibirum position, the center of gravity is a height h above the ground. We’ll call d the distance from the point on the ground directly below the center of gravity to the pivot point about which the object will be tilted. As we’ve seen, once the object is at the maximum angle m to which it can be tilted without falling, the center of gravity is directly below the pivot point. Then, from the small triangle in Figure 8.12b, we see that tan m d / h, or m arctan(d / h) (8.1) Figure 8.12 Finding the maximum angle to which an object can be tilted without falling. One area where stability plays a vital role is in the design of motor vehicles. With the increasing popularity of sports-utility vehicles (SUVs), this topic has become one of major concern. SUVs are particularly prone to rollover accidents, in which the vehicle flips and rolls several times before coming to rest. These type of accidents are especially deadly, being responsible for some 25% of all traffics deaths each year. SUVs are prone to such accidents because their centers of gravity are generally quite high compared to their widths. Figure 8.13 shows front views of a large SUV and a passenger car with their measured centers of gravity indicated. The SUV’s center of gravity is at a height above the pavement that is about 47% of its width, while the passenger car’s center of gravity height is only about 33% of its width. The following example shows how this difference affects the angle at which the two vehicles can be tilted (usually by hitting a stationary object such as a curb) before rolling over. Figure 8.13 Compared to passenger cars, SUVs have high centers of gravity relative to their widths. Example 8.6 Stability of vehicles At what angles would the two vehicles in Figure 8.13 tip over? Prepare We’ll use Equation (8.1) to find the maximum possible angle of tilt m . To do so, we’ll need to find the distances d and h for each car. We know that the SUV in Figure 8.13 has its center of gravity at a height h that is 47% of its width. But its width is twice the distance d defined in Figure 8.12. Thus for the SUV we have h 0.47w 0.47(2d), so that Error! Objects cannot be created from editing field codes. Similarly we have that for the car, d / h 1 / (2 0.33) 1.51. Solve We can use Equation (8.1) to find that, for the SUV, m arctan(1.06) 46.7 while for the car, m arctan(1.51) 56.5 Assess Rember that m is the maximum angle an object can be tilted before tipping, so a greater value of m implies a more stable object. The car can be tilted nearly 10 further than can the SUV, making it significantly more stable against rolling over. Stability and Balance of the Human Body The human body is remarkable for its ability to constantly adjust its stance so that its stability is optimized. This ability of humans (and other animals) to In many cases we wish to maximize our stability, but there are also cases where we trade off some stability for improved mobility. A shortstop’s crouch, for instance, is a fairly stable position, but also allows for quick movement to either side to field the ball. And in all athletic contests, participants are in constant motion. To keep her balance, the athlete must continuously (and unconsciously) adjust her pose so that her CG is over her (constantly-changing) base of support. A simple example of how the body naturally realigns its center of gravity is found in the act of standing up on tiptoes. Figure 9.13(a) shows the body in its normal standing position. The position of the center of gravity, found using the board-and-scale method, is also shown. Notice that the CG is wellcentered over the base of support (the feet), ensuring maximal stability. If the subject were now to stand on tiptoes, without otherwise adjusting the body position, the center of gravity would fall behind the base of support, which is now the balls of the feet, and he would fall backwards. So the body naturally leans forward, regaining stability by moving the CG over the balls of the feet (Figure 9.13(b). Figure 9.14 (Left) When standing normally, the center of gravity is centered over the feet. (Right) On tiptoes, the body must lean forward so that the CG is over the small portion of the feet still on the ground. TRY IT YOURSELF Noisy magnets The striped pole structure of refrigerator magnets can be demonstrated by using two identical such magnets. You can try this yourself: stand facing a wall with your toes touching the base of the wall. Now rise onto your tiptoes. You will be unable to stand without falling backwards. As we see from Figure 9.13(b), in order to stand on tiptoes the body has to lean significantly far forward. With the wall in your way, you cannot lean far enough forward to maintain your balance, and you will begin to topple backwards. Even the simple act of walking can be broken down into a sequence of stable and unstable positions. If you walk slowly forward, you will notice that as you extend your leg forward to initiate the next step, a point is reached where the body is no longer stable—the CG has moved forward of the base of support, the rear foot. At this point, the body begins to fall forward—onto the leading foot. Then the body leans forward, setting its CG over the front foot, so that the rear foot can be lifted without falling. As the rear foot swings forward, the process begins again. Note that this description is oversimplified, and ignores details such as the side-to-side loss of stability as each foot is raised. Fields such as kinesiology and sports mechanics are often concerned with the stability and balance of human subjects whose CG can move with respect to the body. In our everyday movements, we are constantly shifting our centers of gravity from stable to unstable positions. In doing so, the body naturally adjusts so that the CG is moved back to a stable position. This can occur by either repositioning the body so that the CG moves back within the base of support (this happens, for instance, when you bend over), or by changing the base of support itself, as happens constantly as you walk. STOP TO THINK 9.4 Rank order the three shapes shown according to how stable they are, from least stable to most stable. The dots show their centers of gravity. This is because all matter is, at an atomic level, in some sense “springy.” To understand what this means, we will first take a look at springs work, and then make a model for solids that incorporates this information. Many materials, and particularly many biological materials, are soft or “stretchy,” changing their dimensions considerably when forces act on them. Even very stiff objects like metal beams deflect when forces are applied to them. The top of a very tall building may sway back and forth by several feet in a strong wind. No matter how stiff an object might appear, it will bend, if only microscopically, under an applied force. 9.4 Springs & Elastic Materials In considering objects in equilibrium, we have assumed that they maintain their shape as forces and torques are applied to them. In reality this is an oversimplification. Every solid object stretches or compresses, if only slightly, when a force acts upon it. . If you stretch a rubber band, a force appears that tries to pull the rubber band back to its equilibrium, or unstretched, length. A force that restores a system to an equilibrium position is called a restoring force. Systems that exhibit restoring forces are called elastic. The most basic examples of elasticity are things like springs and rubber bands. If you stretch a spring, a tension-like force pulls back. Similarly, a compressed spring tries to re-expand to its equilibrium length. Other examples of elasticity and restoring forces abound. The steel beams bend slightly as you drive your car over a bridge, but they are restored to equilibrium after your car passes by. Your leg bones flex a bit during each step you take. Nearly everything that stretches, compresses, flexes, bends, or twists exhibits a restoring force and can be called elastic. Elasticity has many important applications, but we have another motive for introducing elasticity at this point. One of the goals of this textbook is to understand the atomic structure of matter. We have already introduced a simple model of a solid in which particle-like atoms are held together by spring-like molecular bonds. Figure 10.14 reminds you of this model. We devoted the first seven chapters to understanding the dynamics of particles. Now it’s time to look more closely at the elastic behavior of the bonds, the “glue” that holds matter together. Springs We’re going to use a simple spring as a prototype of elasticity. Suppose you have a spring whose equilibrium length is L 0 . This is the length of the spring when it is neither pushing nor pulling. If you now stretch the spring to length L, how hard does it pull back? One way to find out is to attach the spring to a bar, as shown in Figure 8.15, then to hang a mass m from the spring. The mass stretches the spring to length L. Lengths L 0 and L are easily measured with a meter stick. Figure 8.15 A spring of equilibrium length L0 is stretched to length L by a hanging mass. The mass hangs in static equilibrium, so the upward spring force Fsp exactly r balances the downward weight force w to give Fnet 0 That is, Fsp w mg (8.2) By using different masses to stretch the spring to different lengths, we can determine how Fsp , the magnitude of the spring’s restoring force, depends on the length L. Figure 8.16 shows measured data for the restoring force of a real spring. Figure 8.16 Measured data for the restoring force of a real spring. Notice that the quantity graphed along the horizontal axis is y L L0 . This is the distance that the end of the spring has moved, which we call the displacement from equilibrium. The graph shows that the restoring force is proportional to the displacement. Recall from Math Model XX that this means that we can represent the relationship between the restoring force and the displacement as Fsp ky (8.3) If the motion of the spring had been horizontal, moving in the x-direction, we would write instead Fsp kx (8.4) The proportionality constant k, which is the slope of the force-versusdisplacement graph, is called the spring constant. The units of the spring constant are N/m. The force does not depend on the spring’s length L, but on the displacement x or y of the end of the spring. b NOTE c The spring constant k is a property that characterizes a spring, just as mass m characterizes a particle. If k is large, it takes a large pull to cause a significant stretch, and we call the spring a “stiff ” spring. If k is small, the spring can be stretched with very little force, and we call it a “soft” spring. Every spring has its own, unique value of k that remains constant for that spring. The spring constant for the spring in Figure 8.16 can be determined from the slope of the straight line to be k 35 N/m Just as we used massless strings, we will adopt the idealization of a massless spring. While not a perfect description, it is a good approximation if the mass attached to a spring is much larger than the mass of the spring itself. b NOTE c Hooke’s Law Experiments show that Equation 10.25 is valid whether the spring is stretched or compressed. The only difference is the direction of the force—pulling in one case, pushing in the other. But because the spring force really is a vector, we do need to write Equation 10.25 in a form that gives the correct sign to the vector component of Fsp Figure 10.17 shows a spring along a generic s-axis. The equilibrium position of the end of the spring is denoted se This is the position, or coordinate, of the free end of the spring, not the spring’s equilibrium length L 0 FIGURE 10.17 The direction of Fsp is always opposite the displacement r s When the spring is stretched, the displacement from equilibrium s s se is positive while Fsp s , the s-component of the restoring force pointing to the left, is negative. If the spring is compressed, the displacement from equilibrium s is negative while the s-component of Fsp , which now points to the right, is positive. No matter which way the end of the spring is displaced from equilibrium, the sign of the force component Fsp s is always opposite to the sign of the displacement s We can write this mathematically as F ks sp s Hooke's law (10.26) where s s se is the displacement of the end of the spring from equilibrium. The minus sign is the mathematical indication of a restoring force. Equation 10.26 for the restoring force of a spring is called Hooke’s law. This “law” was first suggested by Robert Hooke, a contemporary (and sometimes bitter rival) of Newton. Hooke’s law is not a true “law of nature,” in the sense that Newton’s laws are, but is actually just a model of a restoring force. It works extremely well for some springs, as in Figure 10.16, but less well for others. Hooke’s law will fail for any spring if it is compressed or stretched too far. Figure 8.17 The direction of Fsp is always opposite from the displacement ∆s.. Figure 8.17 Example 8.7 Pull until it slips Figure 8.18a shows a spring attached to a 2.0 kg block. The other end of the spring is pulled by a motorized toy train that moves forward at 5.0 cm/s. The spring constant is 50 N/m and the coefficient of static friction between the block and the surface is 0.60. The spring is at its equilibrium length at t 0 s when the train starts to move. When does the block slip? Figure 8.18 A toy train stretches the spring until the block slips. Prepare Model the block as a particle and the spring as an ideal spring obeying Hooke’s law. Figure 8.18b is a free-body diagram for the block. Solve Recall that the tension in a massless string pulls equally at both ends of the string. The same is true for the spring force: It pulls (or pushes) equally at both ends. Imagine holding a rubber band with your left hand and stretching it with your right hand. Your left hand feels the pulling force, even though it was the right end of the rubber band that moved. This is the key to solving the problem. As the right end of the spring moves, stretching the spring, the spring pulls backward on the train and forward on the block with equal strength. As the spring stretches, the static friction force on the block increases in magnitude to keep the block at rest. The block is in static equilibrium, so f F Fnet x Fsp x s x sp fs 0 where Fsp is the magnitude of the spring force. The magnitude is Fsp kx, where x vx t is the distance the train has moved. Thus fs Fsp kx The block slips when the static friction force reaches its maximum value fs max s n s mg This occurs when the train has moved 2 fs max s mg 060 20 kg 98 m/s x k k 50 N/m 0235 m 235 cm The time at which the block slips is t x 235 cm 47 s v 50 cm/s Assess Elasticity: The Springiness of Matter Imagine taking a very close up view of a thin metal rod, as shown in Figure 8.19. In Chapter 4 we introduced a simple model of matter. We picture a solid material as being made up of particles—atoms and molecules—held together by bonds that we can model as little springs. In fact, until the very last chapters of this book, this model will serve us quite well. Figure 8.19 An elastic solid can be modeled as particle-like atoms held together by spring-like molecular bonds. If you pull on the end of the rod, as shown in Figure 8.20a, you will slightly stretch the spring-like bonds between the particles that make it up, and so the rod itself will stretch. The stretched bonds pull back on your hands with a restoring force that causes the rod to return to its original length when released. In this sense, the entire rod acts as a (very stiff) spring: we say that the rod is elastic. If you instead bend the rod gently, as shown in Figure 8.20b, the top surface of the rod will need to stretch a bit, and the lower edge compress. This is possible because the molecular springs stretch on the top and compress on the bottom. Because each spring has a restoring force that is trying to return the spring to its equilibrium length, the entire rod will pull back on your hand with a restoring force; if the rod is released it will spring back to its original shape. Again, this Figure 8.20 When an object is stretched or bent, atomic springs stretch and compress. All elastic systems follow the same general rule: if you compress, bend, twist, or otherwise deform them, they develop a restoring force that acts to restore them to their original shape. Let’s look at one quick example, and then we will do a more thorough investigation in the next section of the chapter. An Elastic System: The Diving Board Figure 9.21 When a person stands on the end of a diving board, the board deflects downward. The amount of the deflection is proportional to the weight of the person. Suppose you are standing on the end of a diving board: the board will be bent downward under your weight. In the previous section, we saw data for the stretch of a spring as a function of the weight hung from it. You could take similar data for a diving board, measuring the deflection of the board as a function of the force applied to the end. FIGURE 9.4.5: Force is applied to a diving board at the end. The deflection is measured from the equilibrium position, as with a spring. If you take real data for a real diving board, you would get a result like the following: Figure 9.22 Restoring force vs. displacement for a diving board. As with a spring, the restoring force is linearly proportional to the displacement. So the diving board is elastic: a deformation produces a restoring force that has the same form as the restoring force of a spring: F = kboard d Many other systems exhibit similar rules, as we will see. When a diver lands on the end of the board, it deflects. This produces an upward force, but it also stores elastic potential energy in the deflection of the board. A portion of this elastic potential energy will be returned to the diver as the board rebounds. 9.5 Stress and Strain The restoring force in springs has the form that it does because it is due to the “springiness” of bonds between atoms. Since all matter is made of atoms, it is no surprise to find that all matter has a certain amount of elasticity to it. We think of materials such as rubber as being elastic, but concrete, steel, copper—and bone—all are materials that have some elasticity. A bone can bend a certain amount, as can a steel girder. Let’s look at the restoring force that occurs when you stretch a metal rod as an example. Tensile Stress and Young’s Modulus Suppose you clamp one end of a solid rod while using a strong machine to pull on the other with force F. Figure 9.5.1 shows the experimental arrangement. Figure 9.23 Stretching a solid rod. In fact, machines that do just this are used to measure the elastic properties of building materials—and biological materials as well! When the force is applied, the solid rod will stretch. If the rod is made of rubber, it will stretch a good deal; if it is made of steel, it will stretch just a little. But the form of the stretch is the same, because it is due to the stretching of spring-like molecular bonds. If we make a graph of the force needed to produce a certain extension, we get a graph like this: Figure 9.24 Force vs. extension for a solid rod. The shape of the graph and the slope can vary significantly from material to material, but for most materials there is an elastic region, an elastic limit and a breaking point more or less as shown. Figure 9.5.2 shows graphically the amount of force needed to stretch the rod by the amount ∆L. This graph contains several regions of interest. First is the elastic region, ending at the elastic limit. As long as is less than the elastic limit, the rod will return to its initial length L when the force is removed: it works like a spring. A stretch beyond the elastic limit will permanently deform the object; it will not return to its initial length when the force is removed. And, not surprisingly, there comes a point when the rod breaks. For most materials, the graph begins with a linear region, which is where we will focus our attention. If is within the linear region, the force needed to stretch the rod is: F = k∆L (9.5.1) where k is the slope of the graph. Equation 9.5.1 has exactly the same form as the equation for the stretch of a spring that we saw previously, as we would expect. The difficulty with Equation 9.5.1 is that the proportionality constant k depends both on the composition of the rod—whether it is, say, plastic or aluminum—and on the rod’s length and cross-sectional area. It would be better to put the equation in a different form so that we can see whether the stiffness of the rod results from its geometry (a thick steel rod will be stiffer than a thin steel rod, of course) or the material (a steel rod will be stiffer than a rubber rod of the same dimensions). Experiments show that the following equation is a pretty good approximation for most materials in their elastic region: F L Y A L (9.5.2) The constant Y is called Young’s modulus. Young’s modulus is a constant that is characteristic of a material: all steel rods of any length or area will have the same Young’s modulus. The area of the rod and the length of the rod now appear as separate variables. If we combine Equations 9.5.1 and 9.5.2, we can come up with an expression for the k of the rod: k YA L (9.5.3) When a force is applied to the rod, it will stretch. And the k value for the rod will depend on the geometry (the length and the area) and the material (the Young’s modulus) according to the above equation. Stop to Think 9.6.1 A 10 kilogram mass is hung from a cable of length 1 meter. This makes the cable stretch by 2 millimeters. Suppose a 10 kg mass is hung from a similar cable of length 2 meters; how much does the cable stretch? a) 1 mm b) 2 mm c) 4 mm Equation 9.5.2 is a bit different than other equations you have seen. The force F is not alone, but shows up in the fraction F/A. This quantity is called tensile stress. Notice that it will have the same units as pressure. The change in length ∆L shows up in the ratio ∆L/L. This quantity is the fractional increase in the length, and is called strain. Note that strain is dimensionless. In practical calculations, the numerical values of strain are generally very small because solids cannot generally be stretched very much before reaching the breaking point. With these definitions, Equation 9.5.2 can be written stress = Y x strain (9.5.4) Because strain is dimensionless, Young’s modulus Y has the same dimensions as stress: N/m2, or Pa. Table 9.5.1 gives values of average or typical values of Young’s modulus for several common materials. Large values of Y characterize materials that are stiff and rigid. “Softer” materials, at least relatively speaking, have smaller values of Y. You can see that steel has a larger Young’s modulus than aluminum: steel is in some sense stronger than aluminum. Biological materials are an interesting case. Bones in your body are made of two different kinds of bony material: cortical (or compact) bone (which is dense and rigid) and cancellous (or spongy) bone (which is porous and more flexible.) Most bones of your body are a mix of the two different kinds of bony material: Figure 9.25 A cross section of a long bone. The exterior is cortical bone; the interior is cancellous bone. The two kinds of bone in the body, cortical and cancellous, have very different values of Young’s modulus. TABLE 9.5.1: Young’s Modulus for Common Materials Material Young’s Modulus (1010 N/m2) Aluminum 7 Bone (cancellous) .02 – 0.3 Bone (cortical) 1.6 Cast Iron 20 Concrete 3 Copper 11 Glass 7 Plastic (polystyrene) 0.3 Steel 20 Wood (Douglas Fir) 1 The values of Young’s modulus in the table are large; it takes a large stress to produce even a small strain. Let’s look at a practical example. EXAMPLE 8.8 Stretching a wire In the Physics Department of Colorado State University, a Foucault pendulum was recently installed. (A Foucault pendulum is one that is designed to illustrate the rotation of the earth. As time goes on, the plane of swing of the pendulum changes from our point of view. This change is due to the rotation of the earth: it’s not the pendulum that is changing orientation, it is the earth!) This pendulum has a long cable, so that the pendulum can have a long swing. A heavy steel ball is hung at the end of the cable. One of the key factors to consider in the design was how much the cable would stretch when the ball was hung from the cable. A pointer on the bottom of the ball was designed to come within a few centimeters of the floor, so even a small stretch could be a problem. The cable has a diameter of 2.5 mm (giving it a cross-sectional area of approximately 5 x 10-6 m2) and is made of steel, giving it a Young’s modulus of 20 x 1010 N/m2. This is a stout cable, but the ball that is hung from it has a mass of 122 kg, giving it a weight of approximately 1200 N. When the ball was hung from the cable, how much did the cable stretch? PREPARE The ball is in static equilibrium, so the force on it due to the cable is equal to its weight. This means that an equal force will be on the cable; it is this force that will make the cable stretch. SOLVE To compute how much the cable will stretch when the ball is hung from it, we use Equation 9.5.2: F L Y A L Rearranging terms, we get: L LF AY All the quantities on the right are known, so we can compute: L = (6.0 m)(1200 N) = 0.0072 m = 7.2 mm (5.0 x 10 -6 m2 )(20 x 10 10 N / m2 ) ASSESS This stretch was quite noticeable when the ball was attached to the cable, but not enough to cause a problem. When the ball’s weight was released, it briefly bounced up and down on the cable due to the elastic stretch of the cable. Other Stress-Strain Relationships Young’s modulus is one example of an elastic modulus: a measure of how an object responds to an applied stress. As we saw, Young’s modulus is the appropriate measure of the response of a solid to a force along its length, such as when you stretch a wire. There are other kinds of stresses that can be applied which produce other kinds of deformations. Table 9.5.2 shows some of these. TABLE 9.5.2 Different types of elastic modulus Stretch along one axis: Elastic modulus: Formula: Young’s modulus (Y) Compress on all sides: change volume: {insert diagram: volume strain, with ∆V noted} Apply force parallel to side: change shape: Elastic modulus: Bulk modulus (B) Elastic modulus: Shear modulus (S) F L Y A L Formula: F V B A V Formula: F x S A h In each case, the basic form of the equation is exactly the same: a stress (the force that produces the change) is proportional to a strain (a relative deformation: change in length divided by length, change in volume divided by volume): stress = Y x strain (9.5.4) This similarity among the different relationships is because the variations are due to the same root cause. In each case, the stress is defined as a force divided by an area, and so will have units of N/m2. And in each case the strain is dimensionless; it is defined as a length divided by a length or a volume divided by a volume. Usually, the elastic modulus that is most important is Young’s modulus. When we speak of the elastic modulus we are generally speaking of Young’s modulus. 9.6 Applications to Bodies and Buildings In the previous section, we looked at the restoring forces in elastic materials when they are deformed. In practical situations, the deformations that occur are a bit more complicated. We are going to consider the case of the bending of a beam. A beam is a structural member that has one long dimension. Some examples are a diving board, a floor joist under the floor of your house—and the long bones in your legs. Bending Beams In section 9.5, we looked at the example of a diving board: applying a force to the end bent it downward. This is a case of deforming an elastic system, but there isn’t a simple stretch as there is in a stretched spring or a stretched rod: there is a change in shape. This change in shape is what produces the restoring force. Suppose we have a beam that is fixed at one end and free to move at the other; this particular kind of beam is known as a cantilever. Figure 9.26 A beam fixed at one end is known as a cantilever. A bending force applied to the free end will cause a deflection. This deflection is a result of a change in shape of the beam. Let’s look in detail at the change in shape of the beam in Figure 9.6.1. In Figure 9.6.2, you can see that the top of the beam stretches: it becomes longer. The bottom of the beam compresses; it becomes shorter. Figure 9.27 Look at a small piece of the beam in detail, we see that the bending of the beam stretches the length of the top of the beam and compresses the length of the bottom of the beam. Bone: A Compound Material When you bend a beam, as above, the top stretches and the bottom compresses. Your bones, to be strong, must resist both kinds of deformations. But most pure materials are good at resisting one or the other, but not both. Concrete is very good at resisting compression, but it can be cracked if it is stretched. Plastics tend to be very resistant to stretching, but they are easily compressed. To make a strong beam, it is often a good idea to use a mix of two materials. Bone is a mix of calcium (a mineral, which is good at resisting compression but poor at resisting stretching) and collagen (a protein, a long-chain molecule that is very resistant to being stretched but easily compressed.) The mix of the calcium and the collagen makes for quite a strong material. Osteoporosis, a disease in which calcium in the bones is reduced, changes the nature of the bone and can precipitate certain types of fractures, as the loss of calcium makes the bones much weaker against compressive forces. Since the deformation of a beam is more complicated than a simple stretch, the equation relating the deformation and the applied force now takes on a bit more character. Suppose our beam has length l, thickness t and width w: The equation relating force and deflection is: Y w t 3 F d 3 4 l (9.6.1) The force is still proportional to the deflection, as for a spring. The quantity in brackets plays the role that the spring constant k plays in Hooke’s Law: a higher value means a stiffer beam. The form of this equation has certain consequences: The stiffness of a beam is inversely proportional to the cube of the length. If you double the length of a beam, you will increase the deflection for a given force by a factor of 8! If you have ever tried to carry or maneuver a long board, you have noticed this. The stiffness of a beam is proportional to the cube of the thickness. If you are supporting the floor in a house, an 8-inch joist is 8 times as stiff as a 4-inch joist. Building codes for houses and other dwellings specify the necessary size of beams to span different distances—based on this sort of equation. In a house, there are certain expected loads on the floors: people, furniture, and so on. You don’t want the floor to deflect too much when people walk on it, or when furniture is placed on it. To keep this from happening, building codes specify floor joists (beams that support the floor) of a minimum width and thickness for a given span. Wider rooms with longer joists require thicker joists. TABLE 9.6.1: Required joists for various spans of floors, from Uniform Building Code Size of Joist Maximum Span (if joists are spaced 16” apart) 2” x 4” 4’11” 2” x 6” 7’9” 2” x 8” 10’3” 2” x 10” 13’1” 2” x 12” 15’11” Stop to Think 9.6.1 2” x 6” joists span a 12’ living room area in an older home, but the floor that they support is too “soft”: walking on the floor produces too much deflection. Which of the following changes would produce the most stiffening of the floor: a) Replacing the joists with 2” x 8” joists b) Doubling up the joists: putting another 2 x 6” joist right next to each existing joist c) Adding a beam in the middle of the room to support the middle of each joist, making the effective length of the joists 5’ instead of 10’ The long bones in your body work as beams as well. But, as you may know, they aren’t uniform. Your bones are much less dense in the center. In other animals, where weight is more of a factor, this effect is much more pronounced. You may have heard it said that birds have “hollow bones.” This isn’t quite true, but the cross-section of their bones shows much less dense material in the center. Figure 9.28 The long bones of birds are very dense on the outside, and much less dense in the center. This results in great strength at reasonable weight. You may have noticed that the cross-section of beams in bridges and other such structures is not uniform either. Beams on bridges are often “I beams” which have a cross section as in Figure 9.6.5. Figure 9.29 A beam with rectangular cross section, and an I beam with the same width and thickness. When a beam bends, the restoring force comes largely from the top and the bottom of the beam; as we have seen, there is very little stretching or compression in the center of the beam. It makes sense to do away with the parts of the beam that are contributing relatively little to the structural strength—most of the mass in the middle—while keeping the top and bottom. A similar reduction in mass while keeping most of the structural strength can be obtained in a beam of circular cross section by eliminating the mass in the center: turning a rod into a pipe—or making bones “hollow.” Beyond the Elastic Limit In section 9.5, we considered the elastic modulus of different materials. We said that materials with a higher elastic modulus are stiffer. You might be tempted to think of them as stronger, and in some sense this is true. But there is more to the story. You can see in Table 9.5.1 that glass has the same elastic modulus as aluminum; glass is actually pretty rigid. But glass will fail at very small strains: it won’t bend very far before breaking, and so will not support very much stress. In addition to the elastic modulus of building materials, it is important to consider the ultimate stress of materials: how much stress can they take before failing. The table below lists some ultimate stresses for common materials; these numbers are averages and approximations, as defects and other minor variations can greatly effect ultimate stresses: TABLE 9.2: Ultimate Stresses of Common Materials Material Ultimate Stress Possible Before Failure Cancellous Bone 5 x 106 N/m2 Oak 20 x 106 N/m2 Glass 60 x 106 N/m2 Cortical Bone 100 x 106 N/m2 Cast Iron 150 x 106 N/m2 Steel 1000 x 106 N/m2 Cast iron—which has about the same elastic modulus as steel—fails at a much lower stress than steel. It is more brittle. The same is true of glass; it will fail at a reasonably low ultimate stress. But note that it has an ultimate stress that is higher than that of oak! In fact, if you made a glass floor that was as thick as a typical oak floor, it would be just as sturdy. Bone is an interesting case. The values listed in the above table are for static forces. But bone can withstand significantly higher forces than the values listed in the table if the forces are applied for a very short period of time. A simple example: if you break a block with a blow from your hand, as we saw in the energy chapter, the blow is very brief. Your hand can withstand a force of more than 25,000 N during the blow!