YEAR GROUP: 2 TERM: 1 CREATIVE CURRICULUM TOPIC: Healthy Living Subject National Curriculum links Find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food Science and air) Describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene. History Learn and understand the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements Outcomes/focus Can ask scientific questions and think about how I can find the answers Predict what they think may happen Communicate what happens, using observations and measurements Make simple comparisons using their knowledge and understanding Can identify how to stay healthy Can identify ways to help people remain healthy Can identify why, Florence and Cavell did what they did Can talk about the lives of Florence and Cavell Can ask and answer questions about the past using a range of sources Can identify the impact of what they did for the wider world Compare aspects of life in different periods Geography DT NO GEOGRAPHY Use the basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes HEALTHY MEAL Can plan and develop their ideas when making a product Can cut food items safely Knows how to keep safe in the kitchen Art Music NO ART NO MUSIC Use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content COMPUTING Can select and use the materials they need safely to make a salas Can evaluate their product, saying what they like and dislike Use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private E-SAFETY & WORD PROCESSING Can identify ways of staying safe on the internet Can talk about who they can get help from (if needed) Know that they must not share personal information with others Can use technology safely and respectfully, Can identify where to go for help and support when they have con concerns about content and contact on the internet or other technologies. TOPIC SCHEME OF WORK Lesson Wk1 Subject Topic LO Success Criteria Activity (including differentiation) To recap on I can talk about what I KWL grid on what they know. In tp’s children to discuss what they know about previous already know health and growth. Give ch a chance to ask each other questions in the experience I can think about what I want to know classroom. On post it notes, ch to write 1 question they really want to know about health. Share with the rest of the class. Add these to the KWL grid for children’s books. I can share my ideas with the class Wk2 Music PETER COOK SESSION Science/ To know the I know that we must eat Ch to plan salad. Ch to have pics of items including some unhealthy choices as DT importance of healthy ‘red herrings’. Ch to choose best choices and put onto planning plate in their humans eating the right type of food I can make healthy food choices I can explain why I have books. Discuss work under the visualiser. Think about healthy and non healthy foods and why they have chosen the foods for their plate. chosen certain foods Wk3 Music PETER COOK SESSION Science To know the I know there are Discuss with children why some food when eaten in too large amounts is bad for importance for different types of food our health – e.g. sugar, salts and fats. Have actual food for children to sort humans of eating the right I know too much physically into 3D lunchboxes. amounts of food unhealthy food can be bad for us I can choose healthy food Ch to sort the food eg, do we need the entire bag of crisps? The whole apple? Chn create a healthy meal on a paper plate. MA: to use printed images / LA: use plastic food on plates to create their meal Science/ To evaluate new I can taste different DT flavours healthy foods To plan a healthy I can compare tastes and choosing our own flavours. In a circle chn try different options for flavouring dish choose favourites their breakfast e.g. cranberries, apricots, raisins etc. Discuss (using lolly sticks) I can plan my own choice of flavours Talk about why it is so important to eat breakfast in TPs. Explain that we are going to design and make our own healthy breakfast, what we thought of each ingredient, how did they compare? Chn create their own design for a ‘granola’ breakfast choosing their favourite ingredients from the tasting. Wk4 Music PETER COOK SESSION DT To prepare a I can make healthy food In classroom, children to be placed into groups with the range of ingredients healthy dish choices following last weeks tasting; cranberries, apricots, raisins etc. I can prepare food safely With health and safety of using scissors/knives children to prepare a healthy and hygienically breakfast into bowls discussing why they have chosen those items and what I can cut fruits safely makes them healthy. Key skills: snip, mix, spoon, stir Sit down to taste the breakfasts. Chn evaluate what they think went well and how could they’ve improved their meal. Ext. Try other peoples recipes and respond. Music PETER COOK SESSION Wk5 History To make I can talk about my comparisons of experiences famous people I can compare conditions over time I can note facts about Florence Nightingale History To make I can compare lives of comparisons of famous people famous people I can talk about famous people I know why they are famous Talk to children about their experiences of hospital and doctors surgery – show a pic of a hospital nowadays and a pic from years ago. Compare the pictures and note down the differences between them onto large sugar paper. Ch watch video of Florence Nightingale. Discuss what conditions were like back then and what she did and how she changed the way doctors and hospitals are now. Ch use Mash cam on purple mash for Florence Nightingale – take pic of self as Florence and then write facts next to it Recap learning about Florence Nightingale and conditions back when she was a nurse. Explain that we are going to compare her to another nurse from a different time. Show children on a map England, Belgium and Austria as this is where she worked. Ch to watch videos on Edith Cavell . Compare her life and what she did to Florence Nightingale – discuss the similarities and differences of them. On Ipads ch to use 2 publish to make a booklet about facts about Edith Cavell HA: to include their own viewpoint MA: to write sentences LA: to have a photo of Edith Cavell and label her with what she did etc Topic/PE To stay healthy I know how to stay through exercise healthy I can participate fully to make my heart beat faster I can discuss changes to my body Wk 6 KENT WEEK Wk 7 Science To understand the importance of cleaning I know about bacteria I understand that bacteria spreads fast I know how to wash my hands correctly Discuss the importance of exercise in Talk Partners. Discuss changes to our bodies when we exercise. Chn draw how their bodies are feeling ‘before' to exercising. Ch to hold a skipping competition. All year 2 children to go to the hall to compete. After discuss how they feel and whether it is different from before. Ask children to produce ‘ after’ descriptions. Talk with children about what is meant by exercise and being healthy. Identify different kinds of exercise children can do outside school. eg I was hotter after PE, I felt really tired after I went swimming, I felt thirsty after football Discuss the importance of cleaning ourselves properly – ask the children how often we wash and what parts of our body we wash. Make a large class mindmap of washing, how often etc. Ask the children if they know about germs and bacteria. Discuss how there are bad bacteria but also good bacteria and that we need to wash regularly to keep ourselves healthy. Put glitter hand gel on teachers hand and children to shake each others hand to show how easily germs spread. Show children germ stopper poster Teacher to demo washing hands in a bowl in the classroom explaining the steps. Ch to then go and wash their hands correctly in the toilets using step by step guide pre stuck in toilets on the mirrors Photos to be taken of every child