Section 4: Material Masters SECTION 4: MATERIAL MASTERS 4.0 Overview There are 2 common material types in SAP: Type 001 Materials or Stock Materials, and; Type 002 Non-Stock or Direct Purchase Materials. The creation, change, extension and/or deletion of a material master are centrally managed by 3SO and are the responsibility of the Procurement Analyst. If the material is a Type 001 material (Stock Material) then the Operations Analyst is responsible to set-up and maintain the MRP screens to identify how the material should be planned by the system (i.e.: ROP, ROQ, Central Inventory or SCI, etc.). After the initial load of materials that occurs during the on-boarding process, if a new material is required, a request form must be completed and submitted to 3SO. Material Masters are only extended (made available) to hospital plants that require them. However, all materials in the SAP system can be searched within any hospital plant, regardless of whether it has been extended to that Plant. If a hospital finds a material that already exists in SAP for use by another Hospital that it now also requires, it can be “extended” to them for their use as well. If the material is not in SAP at all for any plant then the request form would be completed to request a new material be created. As part of the Material Master Creation process, the G/L Account (MIS Code) is confirmed by a Finance representative at KGH to ensure that the material is correctly classified for accurate reporting to the Ministry of Finance. All new materials created or extended will be communicated back to the requestor as well as that Hospital’s Finance Manager to allow for the material to be set-up in a Mapping table to go back to the Hospital’s legacy system for financial reporting. Only KGH uses SAP for their full financial reporting system. 4.1 Components of Material Master The Material Master record in SAP is made up of many different tabs of data set up as follows: Basic Data Tab: (same for all hospitals) • Contains description of the material (Max. 40 characters) • Contains base unit of measure (cannot be changed after creation) • Contains material group Rev 003 August 26, 2011 Page 1 Section 4: Material Masters • Contains other pertinent product data (expiry, latex content, DIN etc…) Purchasing Tab: (Plant Specific) Purchasing Group (Buyer Code for Buyer from that Plant) Identifies the tax code indicator Contains Manufacture Name & Catalogue Number (note: it does not contain vendor information) Contains the Automatic PO indicator (this must be flagged on in both the material master and Vendor master for an item to be managed by Auto PO). Accounting 1 Tab: (Plant Specific) Valuation Class (which is directly related to a g/l account and verified by KGH Finance) Moving Price – this price is set at the material master creation step and only fluctuates for Stock materials based on the actually cost/quantity of goods that are received. For Non-stock materials this does not change, however purchase order price does not come from the material master. The Basic Data, Purchasing and Accounting 1 tab are created for all types of materials, however the MRP and Plant Data/Stor 1& 2 screens are only required for Stock Materials (SAP Type 001): MRP 1 to MRP 4 Tabs & Plant Data/Stor 1 & 2: Determines if the material is supplied by 3PL, CI or external vendor. Determines which plants and which USL the materials will be made available. Determines the ROP and ROQ for each USL that the material has been extended to. Determines how MRP manages replenishment of the material 4.2 Material Master Descriptions In an effort to promote consistency and make searching easier for the end user, 3SO has implemented a standard Abbreviations Dictionary. This is used to create descriptions and can be used to assist you in searching SAP for required materials. A full copy of this dictionary is included as additional documents at the end of Section 4. For example, if you are looking for a Catheter then it will have been created in SAP as CATH so you should search accordingly. Other common terms that will be abbreviated are: Sizes: SM (small), MED (Medium), LRG (large) and XLRG (X-Large) Latex content: LF (Latex Free) Rev 003 August 26, 2011 Page 2 Section 4: Material Masters Colours: BLK (Black), YEL (Yellow), GRN (Green), etc. The standard dictionary can be found on the 3SO intranet under forms. Forms can be found on the 3SO intranet at login (top right corner)/email address: “forms@3so” / password: “3soforms”. Then go to / 3SO tab / 3SO forms. The dictionary is found in the document 3SO_MM_Abb_Ref. Please use this while creating new material masters. The latest copy is included at the back of this section. 4.3 Display Material Masters MM03 Use this function to go into view the details of the material master. You can find items by description, vendor catalogue number, by plant, other plants or material group and material type. See BPP_MM MATERIAL MASTER (MM01) this will give you screen shots on what you will see when in MM03 display. 4.4 Searching SAP for Material Masters (MM03) When looking for a material master you can search in various ways; using attributes of the description, the vendor’s catalog number or even in some cases, the old material number from your hospital’s legacy system. In all cases you would begin by going to the Material Master Display screen as shown below: Using the menu tree in SAP "PRD" - go to Logistics→Materials Management→Material Master→Material→Display→Display Current Or, enter Transaction Code MM03 in the command field: Rev 003 August 26, 2011 Page 3 Section 4: Material Masters Click in the “Material” Field. Use the drop down selection beside the material field to bring up the different search option tabs. A. SEARCH BY VENDOR MATERIAL NUMBER Click on the list option and choose “Material by Vendor's Material Number”. Rev 003 August 26, 2011 Page 4 Section 4: Material Masters Enter all or part of the Vendor Material number (with * before and after*) then select the green check mark. Rev 003 August 26, 2011 Page 5 Section 4: Material Masters Note: If searching by part of the number, check for the exact number in the list that is provided when search is complete. B. SEARCH BY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Rev 003 August 26, 2011 Page 6 Section 4: Material Masters If you didn’t find the material by vendor catalogue number you can do the search again but this time select the search option "Material Number/Material Description” from the list. Put your cursor in the “Plant” field and use the drop down to choose your specific plant number. . Rev 003 August 26, 2011 Page 7 Section 4: Material Masters Enter a key portion of the description, (i.e.: the noun, screw (but remember to use the abbreviations listing to help with your description)) and select the green arrow. Check the list to find the material. Note: You could also search for the Vendor Material number in the description line as many descriptions do include this number. If you still can not find the material in your plant you can remove the plant number from the Material Description search and see if it is already in SAP but at another plant. C. SEARCH BY OLD DESCRIPTION In some cases, as part of the initial upload of your hospital’s materials the material number that was in the hospital’s legacy system has been loaded into SAP. To search using your hospital’s old material number select the search option called “3SO Material by Old Number” from the drop down list. Rev 003 August 26, 2011 Page 8 Section 4: Material Masters Select your plant from the Drop Down List and enter in the previous number for the material you are trying to find in the “Old Material Number” field and select the green arrow or hit enter. If the cross reference to the hospital’s old number was uploaded into SAP then it will return the material and will show what the new SAP number is. Rev 003 August 26, 2011 Page 9 Section 4: Material Masters 4.5 Creating and Changing a Material Master Material Masters are considered Master Data and all Master Data in SAP is managed by 3SO by the Procurement Analyst. Hospital site buyers will not have access to create (extend) or make changes to Material Masters. The Transaction Code for Material Master Creation is MM01. The Transaction Code for Material Master Change is MM02. 4.6 Requesting Materials to be Created or Extended Once all searches in SAP are complete and you can’t find the item you are looking for you will need to complete a request for a new material number using the 3SO form. Exhaustive searches must be performed, to minimize duplicates in the system. If you find a material that exists in SAP but is not available for your Hospital to use, then you would use the form to request the material to be “extended” to your Plant. For this type of request you would reference the existing SAP number. Forms can be found on the 3SO intranet at login (top right corner)/email address: forms@3so / password: 3soforms / 3SO tab / 3SO forms. The dictionary is found in the document 3SO_MM_Abb_Ref. Please use this while creating new material masters. The Material Master Request Form is used to CREATE, CHANGE, DELETE, EXTEND, SUBSTITUTE materials. The form must be complete prior to sending to the appropriate Rev 003 August 26, 2011 Page 10 Section 4: Material Masters Contract and Procurement Specialist. (A spreadsheet outlining the responsibilities of the Contract and Procurement Specialist can be found in Section 15 The form must be completed as follows. Use the drop downs where available Indicate CREATE, CHANGE, DELETE, EXTEND, SUBSTITUTE CREATE (A new SAP material that does not exist at any site) COMPANY CODE – your site PLANT - your SAP plant code DATE REQUESTED – Today’s date END USER DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON – Person who has requested this material CONTACT PHONE NUMBER – End User’s phone number REQUESTED BY – initiator of request CONTACT PHONE NUMBER – your phone number SUBSTITUTE FOR CURRENT SAP# - only if substitute, indicate the number REGIONAL – is this material regional or hospital specific HOSPTIAL SPECIFIC – is this material regional or hospital specific STOCK OR NONSTOCK – per the definitions above MATERIAL DESCRIPTION – maximum 40 characters, always use singular VENDOR NAME – purchased from VENDOR NUMBER/NEW VENDOR REQUIRED – vendor number of existing vendor or is new vendor required? VENDOR CAT# - as defined by vendor MFG NAME – as defined by vendor MFG CAT # - as defined by vendor LATEX? YES/NO – does this product contain latex? DRUG IDENTIFICATION # - when required MSDS REQUIRED YES/NO LEAD TIME – the time required from the time the material is required until it is delivered to the hospital. Remember if you only process orders weekly, you lead time cannot be less than 7 days. BASE UOM – stocking unit of measure PURCHASE UOM – unit of purchase MINIMUM ORDER QUANTITY – minimum quantity a vendor will allow the hospital to purchase NUMBER of BASE UNITS PER ADDITIONAL PURCHASE UOM – after the initial quantity is purchased, what are the lot size quantities of purchase $ COST PER PURCHASE UOM – cost per Purchase uom TAXES HST yes or no? SAP MATERIAL GROUP CODE - SAP material group code for this item GL ACCOUNT NUMBER – per SAP GL accounts COST CENTRE – per SAP cost centre assignment If the item is stock Rev 003 August 26, 2011 Page 11 Section 4: Material Masters ESTIMATED MONTHLY USAGE - using base unit of measure. Estimate should be from end user. AREAS USED – define where this material will will be used IS STOCK CINV OR 3PL – define where the material will be stored IS STOCK REPROCESSED – yes/no SAFETY STOCK QUANTITY - estimated quantity of safety stock required. IS STOCK INTERNALLY PRODUCED – i.e. in-house printed forms SPECIAL STORAGE REQUIREMENTS – Define any special storage requirements SUBSTITUTE FOR CURRENT SAP# - only if substitute, indicate the number CHANGE (An SAP number that exists at your site) All fields are to be completed as per the Create (above) DELETE (An SAP number that exists at your site) All fields are to be completed as per the Create (above) EXTEND(An SAP number that exists at another site, but not yours) EXTEND FROM PLANT – The plant where the material currently exists. All fields are to be completed as per the Create (above) SUBSTITUTE (An SAP number at your site can not be supplied, this SAP number will replace it) All fields are to be completed as per the Create (above) Fully completed forms should be sent to the appropriate Contract and Procurement Specialist. The Contract and Procurement Specialist will review and approve and forward to the Procurement Analyst for processing. 4.7 Key Searching Techniques The following are some suggestions to help you when searching for a material master: It is better to use only a portion of the item’s description or vendor catalogue number to start your search. You can always refine your search if this initial search returns to many results. Make your first search plant specific (i.e.: BG01, KG01, SML1) - if no results are found then remove the plant and search the entire data base. Rev 003 August 26, 2011 Page 12 Section 4: Material Masters There are many different ways to search for a material in SAP - try one way, such as using the Vendor Material Number Search and if no results are found then try another way, such as by description (i.e.: key word in the description or part of the vendor material number in the description field). Exhaust all attempts to find a material number prior to generating a material master form. Rev 003 August 26, 2011 Page 13