

Art History 129 -3-

*ivory casket with scenes from the Passion, c. 420, each panel 3 x 4", British Museum, London

*Way to Calvary

*Christ's Crucifixion with Suicide of Judas

Spring 2003

Sant' Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna, dedicated 504

*mosaic on upper register of nave wall: Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes

* San Vitale, Ravenna, 526-547, martyrium, central plan, apse, ambulatory above which are

galleries or tribunes, elaborate marble revetment

* mosaics in presbytery: * Justinian and Theodora and court with Bishop Maximian

* Hospitality and Sacrifice of Abraham

Four Evangelists

* mosaic in apse: Christ as Ruler of the World with St. Vitalis and Bishop Ecclesias

* mosaic in vault: Lamb of God (Agnus Dei)

(Some art historians consider the mosaics at San Vitale examples of early Byzantine art; others classify them as Late Antique art, beginning Byzantine art in c. 700)

Sant' Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna, c. 533-549 aisled two-story basilica with arcade, clerestory, open timber roof, and apse apse mosaic of Transfiguration with St. Apollinaris

* Hagia Sophia, Constantinople (now Istanbul), 532-537 (dome raised in later 6th c. after earthquake

damaged original hemispherical dome), 184' h. x dome 112' diam.

commissioned by Justinian, designers (engineers) Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus central plan domed structure with apse, narthex, tribunes, and clerestory visual culture of daily life and pilgrimage (Maguire and Vikan reading)

For identification, students need to know what the object is and proper name if any (e.g., Projecta's bridal casket), its significance, and material, but no date other than that of Late Antiquity (3-7th C.) except for the amulet with YHVH on it.

*floor mosaic with knot and inscription: God with us, Shuneh-Nimrin, Jordan

*mirror with knot grip, Syria, 3-4th C., silver, 2.2 x 34.6 cm diam., Museum of Art, Cleveland OH

*hair comb, wood, 23 x 6.5 cm, Kelsey Museum, Ann Arbor MI

*mirror plaque, 5th C., Syria or Palestine, 15 x 10 cm, Divinity School, University of Chicago

*ampulla and bronze mirror with circles, Tesoro del Duomo [cathedral treasury], Monza, and

Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto

*Projecta's bridal casket (part of the Esquiline Treasure), c. 380, silver with some gilding, 11 x 22",

British Museum, London

Projecta and Secundus medaillon on lid

*Venus between 2 Tritons on front

*Nereids in Nilotic setting, 5-6th C., Coptic, wool and linen tapestry, 84 x 64", Textile Museum,

Washington D.C.

*curtain hook in shape of thumb, 6th C. or later, 12 x 17 x 2.5 cm, Malcove Collection, University

of Toronto

*amulet with name of God: YHVH (Jehovah), 7-6th C. BCE, silver, Jerusalem

*lamp with Chi Rho, 5-6th C., earthenware, 3.2 x 14.4 x 8 cm, private collection

*pilgrim token depicting Symeon Stylites the Younger, 6th C., 3.1 diam. x 1.1 cm thickness, Royal

Ontario Museum, Toronto

* ampulla with Veneration of the Cross and Women at the Tomb, Jerusalem, c. 600, tin-lead,

Dumbarton Oaks, Washington D.C.

Art History 129 -4- Spring 2003

*Woman with jewelry box, c. 300, ceiling fresco from imperial palace, Trier, now in Episcopal Museum,


* icon of Virgin and Child between Saints Theodore and George with angels, St. Catherine's, Mt. Sinai,

6th C. or early 7th C., encaustic on wood, 27 x 19"

ISLAMIC terms: caliph, hypostyle hall, imam, mihrab, minaret, minbar muezzin, qibla wall Quran, surah,

*Dome of the Rock, on the Temple Mount, Jerusalem, 687-92, 75' h x c. 60' diam.

commissioned by Caliph Abd al-Malik double-shelled wooden domed octagon

Great Mosque, Damascus (Syria), 706-15, commissioned by Caliph al-Walid, son of al-Malik hypostyle prayer hall with large open courtyard mosaics: paradisical imagery

Quran fragment with Kufic script, 8-9th C., ink and gold on vellum, 7 x 10", Freer Gallery,

Washington D.C.

*Great Mosque, Qayrawan (Kairouan), c. 836-75, 450 x 260' hypostyle prayer hall with large open courtyard

*Great Mosque, Córdoba (Spain), 784 and 9-10 C. hypostyle prayer hall with large open courtyard ?? ribbed vault in dome before mihrab, commissioned by Caliph al-Hakam II, 961-65

*Mosque of Selim II, Edirne (ancient Adrianopolis), 1568-75, designed by architect Sinan central plan with dome and open courtyard with ablution fountain ( shadirvan ) mosque complex with madrasa (medresa), arasta , etc.

marabout, holy man's tomb, dome-on-cube form


Add stars (to be studied for the exams) to the following works from pp. 1 & 2:

* Christ Helios, c. 300, mosaic, St. Peter's, Rome, necropolis ceiling

Dura-Europos, Synagogue

*torah niche with Sacrifice of Abraham

*Crossing of the Red Sea (Exodus)

*Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome, Separation of Lot and Abraham

(Note also that the mosaics of the entire arch to the apse is starred.)

Remove stars (not to be shown on exams) from the following:

Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome, Israelites threaten revolt and Stoning of Moses, Joshua, Caleb
