Female Genital organs Anatomy lab: 4 Date: 12/4/2011 Uterus: Is

Female Genital organs
Anatomy lab: 4
Date: 12/4/2011
Is found between urinary bladder anteriorly and rectum posteriorly.
Douglas pouch is a fold of peritoneum, between the rectum and uterus, that contains
ligaments. Most important ligament is the uterosacral ligament. The uterosacral ligament
(attached to uterus and sacrum) brings the uterus backward, at the same time, the round
ligament (attached to uterus and mons pubis) brings the uterus forward.
Those two ligaments are responsible for the antiverted- antiflexed position of the uterus.
If the round ligament is cut, the uterus will not descend as there are many factors that keep
the uterus in position. (Those factors will be discussed in the lecture).
Uterovesical pouch is a fold of peritoneum, between the uterus and the urinary bladder.
The peritoneum covers the cervix, the body, and the fundus of uterus posteriorly, and covers
the fundus and the body anteriorly.
Broad Ligament of uterus:
Fold of peritoneum, has two layers (posterior and anterior).
1) Ovary.
2) Uterine artery.
3) Ovarian artery.
4) Uterine tube (found between the round ligament and ovarian ligament).
Parts of uterine tube: a- Infundibulum: trumpet-shape, wide.
b- Ampulla.
c- Isthmus.
d- Intramural part: narrowest part of the uterine tube, only 1 cm in
length and 1 mm in diameter.
Note: any infection in the uterine tube (called salpingitis) will close the intramural part rapidly.
5) Ovarian ligament (connects ovary with the uterus, also found near the posterior surface of
broad ligament).
6) Round ligament of uterus.
7) Suspensory ligament of ovary.
Parts of the Broad Ligament:
1- Mesovarium: (mesentery of ovary) connects the ovary to the posterior surface of broad
2- Mesometrium: is attached to the lateral border of uterus.
3- Mesosalpinx: is found below the uterine tube.
4- Infundibulopelvis ligament (also called suspensory ligament of ovary): the outermost part,
extends from ovary or infundibulum to the pelvic wall.
Note: the ovarian artery passes through the suspensory ligament of ovary.
The uterine artery is found above the ureter. ( ureter is found outside the broad ligament while
uterine artery is found inside it).
Its anterior wall is related to the urinary bladder and urethra.
Its posterior wall is divided into 4 parts, the lower forth is related to perineal body, the middle
two forths are related to anal canal, and the upper forth is related to posterior fornix.
The vagina around the vaginal part of the cervix forms four fornices (one anterior, one
posterior, and two lateral).
The most important fornix is the posterior one, as we can reach the peritoneal cavity and the
pelvic cavity through it.
The ureter is found above the lateral fornix. Any carcinoma in the cervix is going to close the
ureter. In this case, the patient will die due to renal failure.
External Genitalia:
Consists of:
1) Labia majora: two folds of skin, full of fat.
Both folds meet at the mons pubis.
The space between the two labia majora is called pudendal cleft.
2) Labia minora: two folds of skin, devoid of fat.
Are found within the pudendal cleft.
Both folds meet at clitoris.
The space between the two labia minora is called vaginal vestibule. In the vestibule, both the
vagina and the urethra open.
The external urethral orifice is anterior to the vagina, while anus is posterior to the vagina.
Between anal canal and the vagina there is perineal body.
Clinical Note:
Third degree perineal tear: if severe tear occurs in the posterior vaginal wall during delivery,
it might reach the perineal body and the anal canal (causes damage to the external sphincter).
If tags of skin are found around the anus, it might be hemorrhoids. (Tags of skin are not
always considered hemorrhoids).
*Hemorrhoids: enlargement of the blood-filled cushions in the wall of anus, lie in the anal
columns at the 3,7,11 clock positions, start as internal hemorrhoids then become external.
*Symptoms: bleeding. Those hemorrhoids are painful only if infection or thrombosis occur in the
*Treatment: only by surgery.
Fistulae in ano: an opening in front of the anus, opens to the anal canal. Due to perianal
abscess (the major symptom of abscess is throbbing pain).
*If the abscess is not treated, it will open at the mucosa of anal canal from inside and at the skin
from outside. (Actually, it opens at the mucosa before the skin).
*Treatment: needs surgery to close it. The surgery is dangerous if the fistulae is high-up (away
from the anus), because the incision might damage the external sphincter.
Anal fissure: (the dr. only mentioned the name)
Occurs when the anal valves (the lower ends of the anal columns) are torn down to the anus.
Done By:
Haneen Abu Al-Rous 
I would like to thank my friends : Hadeel Salameh, Shatha Mahmood, Asma al Ghzawi
W l2nno ymkn tkoon hai 25er sheet 2li :D:D bs 7abbeh 27ki enni jad kont mabsoota b ma3refet
kol wa7d mn hai el dof3a…:D:D w ba3tezer kteer mn 2i wa7ad dai2to w batmanna y2bal
e3tezari… w batmanna lal jamee3 2yyam 27la w 2hna mn el 2yyam elli madat…