
Name …………………………………………………………………………………………. Student Code …………………..…………………
1. Which one of the following is NOT a biomaterial?
a. contact lens
b. dental implant
c. silk vascular graft
d. porcine vascular vessel derived from a pig
2. (3 points) State the three main properties of biomaterials.
3. (4 points) Explain the graph below that shows the behavior of protein adsorption on a
solid surface. Estimate the bulk concentration that leads to the formation of fibrinogen
monolayer on the solid surface.
Name …………………………………………………………………………………………. Student Code …………………..…………………
4. (2 points) Explain Vroman effect.
5. Estimate the shape of fibrinogen protein on the surface grafted with hydroxyl groups
Surface with hydroxyl groups:
c. both
d. none of the above
6. (1 point each) A tissue is sectioned from a patient who is diagnosed with cancer and sent
to the pathology department for histology routine. The tissue is stained with
________________ to indicate the cell nuclei and ________________ to indicate the cell
cytoplasms and ECM proteins around the cells. After the H&E staining process, the
pathologist visualizes the tissue by ____________________ to examine the stage of
cancer development.
7. (2 points) From the following diagram, which integrin can bind to both collagen (CN)
and fibronectin (FN)? Also which integrin only binds to fibronectin?
Name …………………………………………………………………………………………. Student Code …………………..…………………
8. (2 points) From the table below, state the minimal peptide sequence found in most
extracellular matrix proteins that promote cell adhesion.
What is the advantage of using adhesive peptide over the entire protein to functionalize
your biomaterial surface?
9. (2 point) During bypass surgery, a polyurethane tube is used as a conduit to bypass blood
over the clotted vessel. What is likely to happen on the inner surface of polyurethane tube
that is a) grafted with fibronectin and b) with polyethylene glycol (PEG) after a few days
of in contact with blood? (Note: PEG highly absorbs water)
Name …………………………………………………………………………………………. Student Code …………………..…………………
10. Briefly explain the following term (0.5 point each):
focal adhesion
blood clot
in vivo evaluation
11. (3 points) Blood sample is drawn from a patient into a test tube. After centrifuge, three
layers are formed inside the test tube. What kinds of cells or components are found in a)
the top most layers, b) the middle layer and c) the bottom most layer?
12. (2 points) Most of the time patients with injuries to their spinal cords are left in paralysis,
whereas patients with second degree burn injuries have a good chance of skin recovery.
What is the cause behind these two extreme scenarios? (Hint: cell types in tissue
Name …………………………………………………………………………………………. Student Code …………………..…………………
13. (2 points) State the characteristic symptoms of inflammation.
14. What is NOT true about pink granulation tissue?
a. It marks the onset of healing.
b. It is mainly composed of collagen.
c. The pink color is due to the formation of new blood vessels.
d. The appearance of pink granulation tissue ensures the subsequent regeneration of
tissue without scarring.
15. (1 point each) The body uses hemostatic mechanism to arrest bleeding in injured blood
vessels. The break in the vessel wall exposes ____________, which activate __________ in
the blood circulation to change their shape, become sticky and secrete factors such as TxA2,
Thrombin, PF4 and ADP. Similar to collagen binding, platelets can also be activated by
___________ adsorbed on the biomaterial surface. This also leads to the same end result,
which involves the conversion of soluble fibrinogen to __________ that gels and stabilizes
platelet aggregate on the material surface.
16. (3 points) List the following steps that occur during host reactions to foreign materials in
a correct order: granulation, chronic inflammation, fibrous encapsulation, acute
inflammation, injury, foreign body reaction
Name …………………………………………………………………………………………. Student Code …………………..…………………
17. (2 points) What are the functions of neutrophils and macrophages at the wound site?
18. (1 point each) In 3° degree burn injury, the skin is often damaged down to the
subcutaneous tissue. After the removal of dead tissue, __________________ is
immediately used to cover the wound to prevent__________________. Following the
moist wound healing approach, a good wound dressing should drain/absorb
_________________ and prevent _________________while new skin tissue is
19. (1 point) Give two examples of materials (either in research or commercially available)
used to fabricate wound dressings.
21. (5 points) You are hired as a consultant at Johnson and Johnson to develop a new
generation of synthetic blood vessels fabricated from polyurethane. Polyurethane itself is
thrombogenic. Explain how would you solve this problem and outline the steps you would
carry out to modify polyurethane.
Name …………………………………………………………………………………………. Student Code …………………..…………………
22. (5 points) After you finish the fabrication of polyurethane tube in question 21, explain the
procedure you will use to evaluate the cytotoxicity and biocompatibility of the polyurethane
tube before placing it inside the human body.