Handout - Hopkinton School District

1.00 atm = 101.3 kPa = 760 Torr = 10.3 m H2O = 14.7 psi
EXAMPLE: Convert 75.0 kPa to Torr: (If this looks like an easy dimensional
analysis problem that is because it is an easy dimensional analysis problem)
Wicked Tough Problems
1. Convert 92 kPa to Torr
2. Convert 850 kPa to Torr
3. Convert 980 Torr to kPa
4. Convert 980 Torr to atmospheres (atm)
5. Convert 3.0 atm to kPa
6. Convert 1.5 atm to Torr
7. If a car tire holds 32 psi, what will be its pressure in kPa?
8. A diver dives down 25 meters in Lake WoBegon. What will be the water
pressure on him in units of kPa? What will be the total pressure on him,
assuming a standard day?
9. Add 1.25 atm + 150 kPa + 800 Torr