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Six SIGMA: The Breakthrough Management Strategy Revolutionizing the World's Top
In-Stock: Ships 2-3 days.
Mikel J. Harry,Richard Schroeder / Hardcover / Doubleday & Company, Incorporated / December 1999
Our Price: $19.25, You Save 30%
The Six Sigma Phenomenon
We believe that Six Sigma is the most powerful breakthrough management tool ever devised.
What is Six Sigma? It is a business process that allows companies to drastically improve their
bottom line by designing and monitoring everyday business activities in ways that minimize
waste and resources while increasing customer satisfaction. Six Sigma guides companies into
making fewer mistakes in everything they do-from filling out a purchase order to manufacturing
airplane engines-eliminating lapses in quality at the earliest possible occurrence. Quality-control
programs have focused on detecting and correcting commercial, industrial, and design defects.
Six Sigma encompasses something broader: It provides specific methods to re-create the process
so that defects and errors never arise in the first place.
Throughout this book, you will encounter new ideas and principles-some of which will run
contrary to what managers have learned in school or professional practice. Six Sigma represents
extraordinary sense, not ordinary or common sense; common sense rarely produces extraordinary
results. It is our belief that once managers and their companies understand what Six Sigma is and
how it works, they will begin to see that many well-accepted past management practices and
quality-control methods are less than optimal, or are even wrong.
Industries are desperate to find new ways to buoy profitability. That is why companies as diverse
as AlliedSignal, General Electric, Sony, Honda, Maytag, Raytheon, Texas Instruments,
Bombardier, Canon, Hitachi, Lockheed Martin, and Polaroid have adopted Six Sigma. Many of
these companies are averse to management fads. But they have embraced Six Sigma because
they believe the initiative will help them increase market share, decrease costs, and grow profit
margins. As a result, they are beginning to tie quality directly to their bottom line.
Six Sigma produces superior financial results, using business strategies that not only revive
companies but help them leapfrog ahead of their competition in terms of market share and
profitability. By reaching for the seemingly impossible, companies achieve the impossible.
But the biggest reason for the incredible buzz about Six Sigma throughout the business
community has been its astonishing success at dramatically improving a company's bottom-line
profitability. As a result, Six Sigma has become the darling of Wall Street. Jennifer Murphy, an
analyst with Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover & Co., spent three days at our ranch in
Payson and at our Six Sigma Academy in Scottsdale, Arizona, a teaching facility we designed to
educate and train executives in the principles of Six Sigma so that they can transform their
companies into world-class organizations. Impatient with the negligible effect quality programs
have had on the bottom line, Murphy was astonished by what she learned. "Six Sigma companies
. . . achieve faster working capital turns; lower capital spending as capacity is freed up; more
productive R&D spending; faster new product development; and greater customer satisfaction,"
she wrote upon her return. She estimates that by the year 2000, GE's gross annual benefit from
Six Sigma could be as high as $6.6 billion, or 5.5 percent of sales.
Here are just a few reasons for the enthusiasm so many analysts on Wall Street voice:
General Electric's Jack Welch, a self-proclaimed cynic when it comes to quality programs,
describes Six Sigma as "the most important initiative GE has ever undertaken." GE's operating
income, a critical measure of business efficiency and profitability, hovered around the 10 percent
level for decades. In 1995, Welch mandated that each GE operation, from credit card services to
aircraft engine plants to NBC-TV, work toward achieving Six Sigma. GE averaged about 3.5
sigma when it introduced the program. With Six Sigma embedding itself deeper into the
organization's processes, GE achieved the previously "impossible" operating margin of 16.7
percent in 1998, up from 13.6 percent in 1995 when GE implemented Six Sigma. In dollar
amounts, Six Sigma delivered more than $300 million to GE's 1997 operating income, and in
1998, the financial benefits of Six Sigma more than doubled, to over $600 million.
Larry Bossidy, CEO of AlliedSignal Inc., brought the $14.5 billion industrial giant back from the
verge of bankruptcy by implementing the Six Sigma Breakthrough Strategy. The company has
now trained thousands of employees from every business unit and staff function in Six Sigma
and the Breakthrough Strategy, with the goal of increasing productivity 6 percent each year in its
industrial sectors. Broad-base Six Sigma initiatives allowed operating margin in the first quarter
of 1999 to grow to a record 14.1 percent from 12 percent one year earlier. Since Bossidy
implemented the program in 1994, the cumulative impact of Six Sigma has been a savings in
excess of $2 billion in direct costs.
Former AlliedSignal executive Daniel P. Burnham, who became Raytheon's CEO in 1998, has
made Six Sigma a cornerstone of the company's strategic plan. By pursuing Six Sigma quality
levels throughout the company, Burnham expects Raytheon to improve its cost of doing business
by more than $1 billion annually by 2001.
Since taking over GE's industrial diamonds business in Worthington, Ohio, in 1994, William
Woodburn has increased the operation's return on investment fourfold and cut the operation's
costs in half by employing the Six Sigma Breakthrough Strategy. He and his team have made
their existing facilities so efficient that they have eliminated the need for new plants and
equipment for at least another ten years. Woodburn and GE's industrial diamond business
exemplify how Six Sigma can enable a company to cut costs, enhance productivity, and
eliminate the need for new plant and equipment investments.
Polaroid Corporation's Joseph J. Kasabula, quality strategy manager for product development
and worldwide manufacturing, believes that the most compelling reason companies embrace Six
Sigma is its impact on the bottom line. While other programs may improve quality, Kasabula
believes they do not focus on increasing a company's profits. With Six Sigma, companies focus
on the processes that affect quality and profit margins on a project-by-project basis. Six Sigma is
helping Polaroid to add 6 percent to its bottom line each year.
Asea Brown Boveri (ABB), which successfully applied the Six Sigma Breakthrough Strategy to
its power transformer facility in Muncie, Indiana, has reduced measurement equipment error by
83 percent; piece count error from 8.3 percent to 1.3 percent; and no-load loss to within 2
percent. ABB also improved material handling, resulting in an annual estimated cost savings of
$775,000 for a single process within a single plant.
We believe the Six Sigma Breakthrough Strategy should be of paramount interest to any
forward-thinking executive, manager, and public administrator who wants to make his or her
organization more competitive and profitable, and enhance its ability to drive change. Six Sigma
principles apply to any business of any size. It applies to far more than just industrial processes-it
applies to engineering, product design, and any commercial process, from processing mortgage
applications, to credit card transactions, to customer service call centers. By attacking "variation"
during the design of products and services, it's possible for any organization to achieve
unprecedented profitability.
How does Six Sigma work? The first step in the Breakthrough Strategy is to ask a new set of
questions, questions that take you out of your comfort zone, that force you to query what you
have taken for granted, and that ultimately provide you with new direction. Six Sigma forces
businesses to let go of bad habits. Bureaucracy becomes delayered. Those employees closest to
the actual work and to the customer become motivated to meet or exceed consumer
requirements. By questioning the speed with which products are produced and services are
rendered, people begin to think about new systems that can be put into place to produce a higherquality product or service in a shorter amount of time. As those closest to the work discover
more effective and profitable ways of working, they are able to inform senior management about
what changes need to be made, and as a result, push those higher in the organization to
reexamine the ways in which they do business.
Six Sigma is about asking tougher and tougher questions until we receive quantifiable answers
that change behavior. Through Six Sigma, companies relentlessly question every process, every
number, every step along the way to creating a final product. Managers, employees, and
customers ask different kinds of questions of each other than they've asked before. As Six Sigma
takes hold across an organization, it creates an internal infrastructure that includes executives,
managers, engineers, and operations and service personnel. When 50 percent or more of an
organization's staff embrace Six Sigma, those individuals are able to mobilize massive changes
in the way business is done, dramatically increasing profitability.
Questions, of course, are not meant to exist in a vacuum. The methodology behind Six Sigma is
designed to pave the way to find the right answers for your company. In the classic children's
story "The Wizard of Oz", Dorothy's persistent questions about what she sees and where she is
going lead her down the Yellow Brick Road and into the Land of Oz. Similarly, when an
organization starts to question what it does and why it does it, it too can begin to lay a Yellow
Brick Road that will lead to its own long-term goals.
The fact is, organizations need ways of measuring what they claim to value. Measurements, or
"metrics" as we prefer to call them, carry relevance to every member, for every activity, of an
organization. You can't change what you can't measure. The foundation of Six Sigma uses
metrics to calculate the success of everything an organization does. Enthusiastic speeches,
colorful posters, and corporate mandates will not produce quantum change-only measuring the
things a company values can do this. Without measuring a company's processes-and its changes
to these processes-it's impossible to know where you are or where you are going. Six Sigma tells
We don't know what we don't know.
We can't do what we don't know.
We won't know until we measure.
We don't measure what we don't value.
We don't value what we don't measure.
So, in a general way, Six Sigma is a process of asking questions that lead to tangible,
quantifiable answers that ultimately produce profitable results. This book will share what Six
Sigma is, how it is applied, and what it can do for your company, business, or organization. It
will be your guide for transforming knowledge into a living vision.
To date, every company that has followed our Six Sigma methodology has achieved
breakthrough profitability. Our intention in these pages is to pass on to you the knowledge that
has taken us nearly two decades to learn.
We wish you well in your journey toward breakthrough profitability.
Implementing Six Sigma: Smarter Solutions Using Statistical Methods
Forrest W. Breyfogle
From The Publisher
Implementing Six Sigma demystifies Six Sigma methods for today's users and offers invaluable
guidance on how to choose and use Six Sigma tools effectively. Through the use of the Six
Sigma implementation road map the book describes basic methods such as FMEA, QFD, process
flowcharting, and continuous improvement tools (e.g., Pareto chart and cause-and-effect
diagram) with a full range of powerful statistical techniques and concepts -- crucial knowledge
for implementation practitioners and managers.
The Smarter Six Sigma Solutions program guides the user through:
 Incorporating the organization's strategic vision into the aim of the Six Sigma project
 Planning for and kicking off the project by attaining executive sponsorship and selecting
the proper project team "champions"
 Conducting executive, management, and team education and training
 Developing the proper organizational infrastructure along with committed management
and employee participation
Implementing the project charter using measurement, analysis, improvement, and control
From John Wiley & Sons Publishing - Booknews
A business initiative first espoused by Motorola in the early 1990s, the Six Sigma
strategy has become a standard statistical technique for quality improvement.
Breyfogle, founder and president of a quality consulting firm, explains the
implementation of Six Sigma. The text is divided into five sections centered on using
his "Smarter Six Sigma Solutions" -- deployment, measurement, analysis,
improvement, and control -- and includes examples that describe the mechanics of
implementation as well as application possibilities. Annotation c. Book News, Inc.,
Portland, OR (
"I have seen many Six Sigma approaches, but Breyfogle's Implementing Six Sigma is
the most comprehensive of them all." --Frank Shines, Principal, IBM Global
Services, Measurement Methods Consulting
"The key to business success is doing the right thing faster and better and more
efficiently than your competition. The Six Sigma approach aims at achieving this and
Forrest Breyfogle has written the most systematic and comprehensive manual
available on the subject." --Paul Tobias, Manager, Statistical Methods Group,
"[This book] illustrates how most organizations can become more competitive, reduce
defect levels, and improve cycle times. It consolidates not only the traditional Six
Sigma process measurements and improvement tools, but also many other useful
methodologies into one easy-to-understand text." --Bill Wiggenhorn, Senior Vice
President of Motorola Training and Education; President, Motorola University
Table of Contents
Six Stigma Overview and Implementation
Knowledge-Centered Activity(KCA) Focus and Process
Overivew of Descriptive Statistics and Experimentation Traps
Process Flowcharting/Process Mapping
Basic Tools
Overview of Distributions and Statistical Processes
Probability and Hazard Plotting
Six Sigma Measurements
Basic Control Charts
Process Capability and Process Performance
Measurement Systems Analysis(Gauge Repeatability and
Reproducibility-Gauge R&R)
Cause-and-Effect Matrix and Quality Function Deployment
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis(FMEA)
Visualization of Data
Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Tests
Inferences: Continuous Response
Inferences: Attribute(Pass/Fail) Response
Comparison Tests: Continuous Response
Comparison Tests: Attribute(Pass/Fail) Response
Variance Components
Correlation and Simple Linear Regression
Single-Factor(One-Way) Analysis of Variance
Two-Factor(Two-Way) Analysis of Variance
Multiple Regression
Benefiting from Design of Experiments(DOE)
Understanding the Creation of Full and Fractional Factorial 2k
Planning 2k DOEs
Design and Analysis of 2k DOEs
Other DOE Considerations
Variability Reduction Through DOE and Taguchi
Response Surface Methodology
Short-Run and Target Control Charts
Other Control Charting Alternatives
Exponentially Weighted Moving Average(EWMA) and
Engineering Process Control(EPC)
Pre-Control Charts
Control Plan and Other Strategies
Reliability Testing/Assessment: Overview
Reliability Testing/Assessment: Repairable System
Reliability Testing/Assessment: Nonrepairable Devices
Pass/Fail Functional Testing
Application Examples
Appendix A
Equations for the Distributions
Appendix B
Descriptive Information
Appendix C
DOE Supplement
Appendix D
Reference Tables
FORREST W. BREYFOGLE III is founder and President of Smarter Solutions, a
company specializing in training and consulting in Six Sigma methodologies. He is
the author of Statistical Methods for Testing, Development, and Manufacturing
(Wiley) and his articles have been published in Quality Engineering, Quality and
Reliability Engineering International, and other publications.
The Six SIGMA Way: How GE, Motorola, and Other Top Companies Are Honing Their
In-Stock: Ships 2-3 days.
Peter S. Pande,Roland R. Cavanagh,Robert P. Neuman / Hardcover / McGraw-Hill Companies, The /
May 2000
Our Price: $20.96, You Save 30%
Six Sigma is a system for improving the quality of organizational processes. It was originally
developed at Motorola in the 1980's and has become one of the most widely discussed and
reported trends in business over the past two years, thanks largely to the phenomenal successes
of the Six Sigma program at one of the world's most successful companies, GE. GE CEO Jack
Welch, has been preaching about and implementing the Six Sigma philosophy throughout GE,
and credits the program with millions of dollars in annual cost savings and product quality
From The Publisher
Six Sigma-the organizational quality system made famous by GE's legendary Jack Welch-has set
new standards for process improvement. The Six Sigma Way is the first book to provide basic,
non-technical information on understanding and implementing Six Sigma. Eye-opening success
stories show how companies including GE, Motorola, Allied Signal, and others have used Six
Sigma to produce millions in cost-savings and quality improvements.
Written to give managers a basic overview of what Six Sigma is and how to implement it, The
Six Sigma Way covers the application of Six Sigma across all industries.
Table of Contents
PREFACE _Toc468501690
Six Sigma: Changing Business Habits _Toc468501691
So What Is Six Sigma? _Toc468501692
Is Six Sigma REALLY Different? _Toc468501693
Six Sigma. s Hidden Truths. and Potential Payoff _Toc468501694
Key Features of The Six Sigma Way _Toc468501695
A Word of Philosophy _Toc468501696
A Guide to the Six Sigma Way _Toc468501697
Acknowledgements _Toc468501720
An Executive Overview of Six Sigma _Toc468501721
Chapter 1: A Powerful Strategy for Sustained Success _Toc468501722
Six Sigma Success Stories _Toc468501723
MOTOROLA . and some Six Sigma history _Toc468501727
AEROJET CORP. _Toc468501729
The Six Sigma Wave _Toc468501730
The Benefits of Six Sigma _Toc468501731
The Tools & Themes of Six Sigma _Toc468501732
Six Themes of Six Sigma _Toc468501733
Chapter 2: Key Concepts of the Six Sigma System _Toc468501741
A Six Sigma Vision of Business Leadership _Toc468501742
Creating a Closed-Loop System _Toc468501743
An Introduction to Sigma Measurement (aka the Big Y) _Toc468501747
Six Sigma Improvement &Management Strategies _Toc468501753
Developing a Process Design/Redesign "Core Competency" _Toc468501756
Process Management: The Infrastructure for Six Sigma Leadership _Toc468501757
The DMAIC Six Sigma Improvement Model _Toc468501758
Defining the "Six Sigma Organization" _Toc468501760
Use & Value of the Six Sigma Name _Toc468501761
Chapter 3: Why is Six Sigma Succeeding Where Quality "Failed"? _Toc468501762
The Groundwork Laid by TQM Efforts _Toc468501763
Six Sigma and the Pitfalls of TQM _Toc468501770
Chapter 4: Applying Six Sigma to Service or Manufacturing _Toc468501771
Clarifying "Service" and "Manufacturing" _Toc468501772
The Changing Role of Manufacturing _Toc468501773
Service Process Opportunities. and Realities _Toc468501774
What Makes "Six Sigma Services" More Challenging? _Toc468501775
Making Six Sigma Work in Services _Toc468501776
Manufacturing Challenges _Toc468501783
Making Six Sigma Work for You _Toc468501787
Chapter 5: The Six Sigma Roadmap _Toc468501788
Advantages of the Six Sigma Roadmap _Toc468501789
The Roadmap, Step-by-Step _Toc468501790
STEP ONE: Identify Core Processes & Key Customers. _Toc468501791
STEP TWO: Define Customer Requirements. _Toc468501794
STEP THREE: Measure Current Performance. _Toc468501798
STEP FOUR: Prioritize, Analyze & Implement Improvements _Toc468501801
STEP FIVE: Expand & Integrate the Six Sigma System _Toc468501805
Gearing Up & Adapting Six Sigma to Your Organization _Toc468501815
Chapter 6: Is Six Sigma Right for Us Now? _Toc468501816
Assessing Your Six Sigma Readiness _Toc468501817
When Six Sigma is NOT Right for an Organization _Toc468501824
Summarizing the Assessment: Three Key Questions _Toc468501825
Six Sigma from a Cost/Benefit Perspective _Toc468501826
Estimating Potential Benefits _Toc468501827
The Costs of Six Sigma Implementation _Toc468501828
Chapter 7: How and Where Should We Start our Efforts? _Toc468501831
Where to Start: Objective, Scope and Timeframe _Toc468501832
On-Ramps to the Six Sigma Roadmap _Toc468501836
The Roadmap and your Strengths and Weaknesses _Toc468501840
Piloting Your Six Sigma Effort _Toc468501841
Six Sigma Start-up Summary _Toc468501844
Chapter 8: The Politics of Six Sigma: Preparing Leaders to Launch & Guide the Effort _Toc468501845
Leading the Six Sigma Launch _Toc468501847
Chapter 9: Preparing Black Belts & Other Key Roles _Toc468501856
Roles for a Six Sigma Organization _Toc468501857
Options in Defining Roles & Structure _Toc468501865
Black Belts, Master Black Belts and Role Structures _Toc468501866
Black Belts & Master Black Belts _Toc468501867
Considerations for Defining the Black Belt Role _Toc468501868
Role Clarity Issues _Toc468501869
Selecting Project Team Members _Toc468501870
Being a Smart "Team Traveler" _Toc468501871
Key Questions for Choosing Team Members _Toc468501872
Chapter 10: Training the Organization for Six Sigma _Toc468501873
Essentials of Effective Six Sigma Training _Toc468501874
Planning a Six Sigma Curriculum _Toc468501875
A Model Six Sigma Curriculum _Toc468501876
Chapter 11: The Key to Successful Improvement: Selecting the Right Six Sigma Projects _Toc468501877
Project Selection Miscues _Toc468501878
Inadequate Executive/Leadership Training _Toc468501879
Launching Too Many Projects _Toc468501880
Inadequate "Scoping" of Projects _Toc468501881
Focusing on Internal, Efficiency-Based Projects _Toc468501882
Steps to Effective Project Selection _Toc468501883
Choosing Sources for Project Ideas _Toc468501884
Understanding What Will Qualify as a "Six Sigma" Improvement Project _Toc468501885
Project Selection Scenarios _Toc468501886
Defining Criteria for Project Selection _Toc468501887
Creating the Project Rationale _Toc468501888
Understanding & Selecting Projects "Dos and Don. ts" _Toc468501889
Choosing Your Six Sigma Improvement Model(s) _Toc468501890
Why. and Why Not. to Adopt "DMAIC" _Toc468501891
Potential Advantages of DMAIC _Toc468501892
PART Three:
Building a Six Sigma Organization _Toc468501893
Chapter 12: Identifying Core Processes and Key Customers (Roadmap Step One) _Toc468501894
Introduction & Key Deliverables _Toc468501895
A. Identify "Core" Business Processes _Toc468501898
Concepts Behind the Core Process _Toc468501899
A Transitional Tool: the Relationship Map _Toc468501903
"Generic" Core & Support Process Descriptions _Toc468501904
Defining and Tailoring Your Core Processes _Toc468501907
B. Define Process Outputs & Key Customers _Toc468501910
C. Create High-Level Core Process Maps _Toc468501911
The "SIPOC" Process Model _Toc468501912
SIPOC and Completing the Core Processes _Toc468501914
Using the Core Process Maps _Toc468501917
Chapter 13: Defining Customer Requirements (Roadmap Step Two) _Toc468501919
Introduction and Key Deliverables _Toc468501921
A. Gather Customer Data & Develop "Voice of the Customer" Strategy _Toc468501923
Key Factors in Voice of the Customer Systems _Toc468501924
B. Develop Performance Standards and Requirements Statements _Toc468501932
Types of Requirements: Output and Service _Toc468501933
C. Analyzing & Prioritizing Requirements; Linking Requirements to Strategy _Toc468501940
Defining Requirements Dos & Don. ts _Toc468501941
Chapter 14: Measuring Current Performance (Roadmap Step Three) _Toc468501942
Introduction and Key Deliverables _Toc468501943
Understanding Business Process Measurement _Toc468501945
A. Plan & Measure Performance Against Customer Requirements _Toc468501955
Select What to Measure _Toc468501956
Develop Operational Definitions _Toc468501957
Prepare Collection & Sampling Plan _Toc468501960
Implement and Refine Measurement _Toc468501967
B. Develop Baseline Defect Measures & Identify Improvement Opportunities _Toc468501969
Output Performance Measures _Toc468501970
Total Process Performance Measures _Toc468501975
Including "Cost of Poor Quality" _Toc468501977
Using Baseline Measures _Toc468501978
Baseline Measurement Dos & Don. ts _Toc468501979
Chapter 15: Six Sigma Process Improvement (Roadmap Step Four-A) _Toc468501980
Introduction & Key Deliverables _Toc468501981
Tools: Handling with Care _Toc468501983
Overview of the Process Improvement Story _Toc468501985
The Back & Forth Nature of Process Improvement _Toc468501986
DEFINE: Clarifying the Problem, Goal & Process _Toc468501987
Six Sigma Project Charter _Toc468501988
Identifying & Listening to the Customer _Toc468501996
Identifying & Documenting the Process _Toc468501997
DEFINE "Dos and Don. ts" _Toc468501999
MEASURE: Baselining & Refining the Problem _Toc468502000
Measurement Choices _Toc468502001
MEASURE "Dos and Don. ts" _Toc468502003
ANALYZE: Becoming a Process Detective _Toc468502004
The Root Cause Analysis Cycle _Toc468502005
Starting Points on the Root Cause Cycle _Toc468502006
Process Mapping & Analysis _Toc468502009
Logical Cause Analysis _Toc468502010
Visual Tools for Data Analysis _Toc468502012
Completing the ANALYZE Phase _Toc468502017
ANALYZE "Dos and Don. ts" _Toc468502018
IMPROVE: Generating, Selecting and Implementing Solutions _Toc468502019
Idea Generation Objectives & Methods _Toc468502020
Synthesizing & Selecting Solutions _Toc468502022
Implementing Process Improvements _Toc468502024
Completing the IMPROVE Phase _Toc468502025
IMPROVE "Dos and Don. ts" _Toc468502026
Chapter 16: Six Sigma Process Design/Redesign (Roadmap Step Four-B) _Toc468502028
Introduction & Key Deliverables _Toc468502029
Critical Steps to Process Design/Redesign _Toc468502030
Benefits of "Design for Six Sigma" _Toc468502031
Getting Started on Process Design/Redesign _Toc468502036
DEFINE: Defining the Redesign Goal, Scope & Requirements _Toc468502041
The Design/Redesign Charter _Toc468502042
The Project/Process Scope _Toc468502043
Defining & Revising Process Outputs and Requirements _Toc468502046
Process Design/Redesign DEFINE Dos and Don. ts _Toc468502048
MEASURE: Establishing Performance Baselines _Toc468502049
Overview of MEASURE and Design/Redesign _Toc468502050
Process Design/Redesign MEASURE Dos and Don. ts _Toc468502052
ANALYZE: Building a Foundation for Redesign _Toc468502053
Process Design & ANALYZE _Toc468502054
Process Value Analysis _Toc468502055
Process Time Analysis _Toc468502058
Wrapping Up ANALYZE _Toc468502059
Process Design/Redesign ANALYZE Dos and Don. ts _Toc468502060
IMPROVE: Designing & Implementing the New Process _Toc468502061
Steps in the IMPROVE Phase _Toc468502062
Essentials Ingredients for Process Design _Toc468502063
Process Flow & Management Options _Toc468502064
Reviewing and Refining the Design _Toc468502065
Implementing the New Process _Toc468502067
Process Design/Redesign IMPROVE Dos and Don. ts _Toc468502070
Chapter 17: Expanding & Integrating the Six Sigma System (Roadmap Step Five) _Toc468502071
Introduction & Key Deliverables _Toc468502072
A. Implement Ongoing Measures & Actions to Sustain Improvement (Control) _Toc468502074
Build Solid Support for the Solution _Toc468502075
Document the Changes and New Methods _Toc468502076
Establish Meaningful Measures and Charts _Toc468502077
Building Process Response Plans _Toc468502080
Ongoing Measures & Controls "Dos & Don. ts" _Toc468502081
B. Define Responsibility for Process Ownership and Management _Toc468502082
Six Sigma and the Process Management Vision _Toc468502083
The Process Owner _Toc468502084
C. Execute "Closed-loop" Management & Drive to Six Sigma. _Toc468502088
Tools for Process Management _Toc468502089
Moving Towards Six Sigma _Toc468502093
Managing for Six Sigma Performance "Dos and Don. ts" _Toc468502094
Chapter 18: Advanced Six Sigma Tools: An Overview _Toc468502095
Statistical Process Control & Control Charts _Toc468502096
When and Why to use SPC/Control Charts? _Toc468502097
What does the "Control" in SPC/Controls Charts Mean? _Toc468502098
Control Charts and Customer Requirements _Toc468502102
Using Control Charts _Toc468502103
SPC & Control Chart "Dos and Don. ts" _Toc468502106
Tests of Statistical Significance (Chi-Square, t-test, ANOVA) _Toc468502107
Uses of Tests of Statistical Significance _Toc468502108
Basics of Statistical Analysis: the Null Hypothesis _Toc468502109
Testing for Statistical Significance: Methods and Examples _Toc468502110
Basic Steps in Statistical Tests _Toc468502111
Tests of Statistical Significance "Dos and Don. ts" _Toc468502112
Correlation and Regression Analysis _Toc468502113
Uses of Correlation and Regression Analysis _Toc468502114
Types of Correlation & Regression Analysis _Toc468502115
Correlation and Regression "Dos and Don. ts" _Toc468502116
Design of Experiments (DOE) _Toc468502117
Uses of Design of Experiments _Toc468502118
Basic Steps in Design of Experiments _Toc468502119
Design of Experiments "Dos and Don. ts" _Toc468502120
Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (FMEA) _Toc468502121
Uses of FMEA _Toc468502122
How FMEA Works _Toc468502123
FMEA "Dos & Don. ts" _Toc468502124
Mistake Proofing (or Poka-Yoke) _Toc468502125
Uses of Mistake-Proofing _Toc468502126
Basic Steps in Mistake-Proofing _Toc468502127
Mistake-Proofing "Dos and Don. ts" _Toc468502128
Quality Function Deployment (QFD) _Toc468502129
Uses of Quality Function Deployment _Toc468502130
Basics of Quality Function Deployment _Toc468502131
Quality Function Deployment "Dos & Don. ts" _Toc468502132
Chapter 19: Skills for Boundaryless Collaboration _Toc468502133
Essentials of Six Sigma Collaboration _Toc468502134
Essential Factors: Trust & Responsibility _Toc468502139
Conclusion: Twelve Keys to Success _Toc468502140
Keys to Success _Toc468502141
A Final Word _Toc468502142
From the Preface
Key Features of The Six Sigma Way
This book is designed with maximum customer satisfaction in mind. We hope that by reading it
thoroughly you'll have a complete picture of what's behind the Six Sigma movement, how it's
paying off, and how you can implement the system to best fit your circumstances. At the same
time, our goal is to provide a flexible resource and reference whether you've been engaged in Six
Sigma for several years or are just starting to learn and apply it. Some of the features to help you
get the most out of the book include:
 1. A guide on where to find what you need.
 2. Real help on doing Six Sigma. Whether it's fixing a process problem or implementing
Six Sigma company-wide, we'll review important information to help you get started and
keep moving.
 3. Insights, comments and examples from real people -- business leaders, experts and
managers -- who are using Six Sigma in their organizations. These thoughts have helped
reinforce and refine our ideas; we're confident you'll learn a lot from them, too.
4. Checklists or templates for a number of the essential steps in Six Sigma improvement.
We hope to prepare you to go out and do Six Sigma activities, so we've mapped out key
steps to help ensure you make the right choices.
5. An orientation to advanced techniques. This is not a technical manual; plenty of other
texts cover the nuances of process statistics and advanced experimental design. We will,
however, help anyone understand what the "sophisticated" tools of Six Sigma are, why
and how they're used and when they can or should be applied.
6. Our own perspectives and advice. Giving you a guide to best practices means we've
had to synthesize different viewpoints, guided by our experience and understanding about
what works best, when and how. Some of our thoughts challenge the views of Six Sigma
"experts" -- where we do, we'll give evidence for our perspective. Because we've worked
with some of the most visible Six Sigma companies and have applied these concepts in
many types of businesses, we feel our views can make Six Sigma even more powerful
than it might otherwise be.