Atomic Theory Timeline Project Standards Addressed: SCSh7. Students will analyze how scientific knowledge is developed. Students recognize that: b. Universal principles are discovered through observation and experimental verification. c. From time to time, major shifts occur in the scientific view of how the world works. More often, however, the changes that take place in the body of scientific knowledge are small modifications of prior knowledge. Major shifts in scientific views typically occur after the observation of a new phenomenon or an insightful interpretation of existing data by an individual or research group. Assignment Requirements: Your group will create a timeline illustrating the major changes in our understanding of the atom. Your timeline should include the timeframe you signed up for. Resources available for your research include: your textbook o – National Science Digital Library o Using the resources, you will identify major contributions of scientists and events which caused changes in our thinking regarding the atom. You will remember the work of Dalton, Rutherford, and Bohr from your physical science course, but there are many other scientists who made significant contributions. Events also occurred in the history of the world which caused changes in the current perception of the atom. Your timeline should include as many contributors as you can find. I encourage you to work together. Your timeline will be created on a sheet of construction paper. This will be provided. Other art supplies will be available, such as rulers and markers. Your work on the timeline should be neat, but you may add your own personal touches including diagrams, drawing, or other embellishments. Due Date: You will have the entire class period on Thursday and Friday to complete your work. Your timeline should be turned in at the end of class on Tuesday. Assessment: Your timeline will count as a 45 point Test Grade. Do your best!!! See rubric on back for specific information regarding scoring. Assessment Rubric: Standard Content Score: ______ Creativity Score: ______ Effort/Task Commitment: 1 point Research on significant events in the selected time period has significant omissions and some information not accurate. 2 points Research on significant events in the selected time period is adequate and accurate. Timeline poster is produced in a typical manner with no illustrations. Information is written in an unorganized fashion. Timeline poster is produced in a typical manner with few illustrations. Information is mainly written, but organized well. Inadequate effort and time on task. Appropriate effort and time on task. Score: _______ Score Total _____ x 5 = ___________ Final Grade 3 points Research on significant events in the selected time period is extensive and accurate. Timeline poster is produced in a unique, colorful, and insightful manner. Handwriting is neat. Good organization. Eye catching. Extensive research efforts. Used time well.