5th Grade Reading Syllabus The mission of William James Christian K-8 School is to ensure that every student is prepared to compete in the vastly changing global society and become productive, lifelong learners; by providing a diverse, rigorous, and nurturing learning environment; through positive and continuous collaboration among all stakeholders. Our fifth grade reading program is designed around numerous strategies including: interactive activities, learning games, printable worksheets, reading logs, outside assessments, working in small groups, positive reinforcement, etc. Guided reading is a vital part of a fifth grade reading program. Textbook: Scott Foresman Reading Street Utilizing your class textbook you will be responsible for weekly test (comprehension, skill and vocabulary. According to the Alabama State Course of Study: Demonstrate word recognition skills and vocabulary knowledge Use a wide range of reading strategies Identify literary elements and devices Compare genres and story elements Respond in writing to open ended questions Apply mechanics in writing Organize information Demonstrate good listening skills Demonstrate critical thinking Prefixes, Roots & Suffixes: One of the tools we will be employing to build vocabulary will be learning five to six new prefixes, roots & suffixes (monthly). http://teacher.scholastic.com/reading/bestpractices/vocabulary/pdf/prefixes_suffixes.pdf Blogging: Our class blogging is the posting of journal-like writings on Kidblog. While these pages can contain photo, media or text, they are primarily focused on the easy ability to post written thoughts that will promote critical thinking. The posting will be commented on by classmates. The class blogging support our 2010 Common Core Standards. Rules for Class Blogging: Must respond to bi-monthly posting and respond to at least two classmates posting Must be students’ original thoughts Original post should address the discussion question /mirror understanding of topic Must write positive comments Must write at least five complete sentences Must post by due date (Students will be allowed to complete this assignment before school, if they do not have internet at home, etc. Monday-Thursday by appointment or during Unify Arts with teacher permission). Posts must be relevant, well-thought out, and aid to class discussion Classroom Participation: Students are expected to participate daily in class discussion and activities. Pop-Quizzes: I use Pop-quizzes as a way to increase student vigilance. Quizzes will be employed to encourage students to study nightly. Quizzes will be giving on skills covered the previous day. Novel Study: Fifth grade will be required to read two novels December/January: We Beat The Street by The Three Doctors Fifth grade May: Bud Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis At-Home Reading Log: Assigning monthly reading logs will aid in developing the total child. It… Aid in creating strong reading habits Equips you with lifelong skills Prepare you for standardized tests Develops writing skills Develops communication skills Increase word base Develops prior knowledge Monthly Reading Log: Students will record any material read OUTSIDE/INSIDE of class. This can include magazines, newspapers, internet articles, assigned reading for any class as homework, etc. You will record the date, the type of material you read and the number of pages you read. Important to note is that the Monthly Reading Log is due (signed by your parent) on the first school day of each month for the prior month’s reading. See form attached. I will NOT accept any LATE Reading Log. 1. Each book must be at grade level or higher. 2. You must read at least one non-fiction book (please mark each non-fiction book**) 3. You cannot re-read any book that you have already read. 4. You will need to create your own MONTHLY READING LOG (view example log) Name __________________________________ Grade/Section ______ {5th Grade Reading Goal 350 or more pages} Name of Book/Magazine/Etc Author # Pages Parent Signature: _____________________ No points will be received without a parent signature! Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 TOTAL PAGES READ THIS MONTH: ____________ (ADD THEM UP!) THIS FORM IS DUE ON THE FIRST SCHOOL DAY OF EACH MONTH IT IS A RECORD OF THE PRIOR MONTH’S OUTSIDE READING. Thanks for aiding your child in completing assignments on time. Complete Three Creative Non-Traditional Book Reports: You will be required to complete three non-traditional book reports. You will be permitted to select THREE reports to complete over the next nine months. All reports will be presented in class on the due dates {dates to be announced). 5th Grade 1) Design a poster advertising the book. {1/2 of a poster- any color} Non-Fiction Book 2) Videotape/DVD: Make a videotape/DVD of your favorite part of the story. Have family members or friends play the parts of other characters in the story. Dress up and wear things that Opal and other characters from the story would have worn. This requires some practice and some skill at using the video camera. (3 to 4 minutes) (You may work in groups of 3 to 4 students). Non-Fiction Book 3) Videotape/DVD: Prepare a television commercial to advertise your book to upcoming 4th or 5th grade students. This requires some practice and some skill at using the video camera (3 to 4 minutes). (You may work in groups of 3 to 4 students) NonFiction Book 4) Create a PowerPoint researching a topic of interest from your non-fiction book (no more than five slides). 5) Create a PowerPoint: Write a different ending to the story in your book (no more than five slides. Much contain story elements). Fiction Book 6) Cheeseburger Report (Fiction Book) http://345classinfo.wikispaces.com/file/view/Cheeseburger+Book+Report+File.pdf 7) Cereal Box Book Report: Guideline Posted on Web Page(Fiction Book) 8) Character-Suitcase (Fiction Book) http://teacherweb.com/PA/ImmaculateConceptionAcademy/FourthGrade/CharacterSuitcase.pdf One Additional Non-Optional Report: February Black History Living Wax Museum {Please sign, cut, and return by August 25th} I have read the back-to-school letter. Parent Signature ____________________________________________________ Date________________ Student Signature ___________________________________________________ Grade/Section_______ Comments: