Cherry Hill Zone PTA

Cherry Hill Zone PTA
Attending: Ruth Tily, Lorraine Rossi, Gayle Sardone, Susan Manser, Denise Deshon,
Trish Maraski, Barb Zeiger, Susan Clothier, Sonja Morrow, Kelly Bivins, Sherrie Cohen,
Allison Snyder, Carol Matlack, Suzanne Abrams, Greg Bruno, Gretchen Cusick, Harte
Representative, Kathy Judge, Colleen Horiates, Terry Malik, Lydia Economou, Lynne
Ruth Tily called the meeting to order at 9:31 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance
Treasurer’s report presented by Lynne Bruno: Reported that 60 families were helped
for the Thanksgiving holiday with gift cards to Shop Rite. Bank Balance of 11-30-06 is
14,447.75. (A full copy is attached)
Allison Snyder of Woodcrest PTA donated 5 $50 gift cards to the Sunshine Fund, which
were donated to Woodcrest PTA by Stop & Shop.
Gayle Sardone reminded those PTA’s that have NOT paid the Character Education dues
of $175.00 to the Board of Education to due so now.
Administrative Vice President report presented by Lorraine Rossi:
In the Executive Meeting with Dr. Campbell the following items were discussed,
1. Grammar taught in Cherry Hill Schools
2. Class Rank
3. Retesting Policy
Dr. Campbell will address these issues.
Presidents’/Committees’ Concerns:
1. What type of items should be in a school Newsletter – can’t find guidelines and
issue of listing all students with straight A’s. After discussion decided it is
against Privacy policy to publish this type of information.
2. Room Parent Guidelines who can/can not be room parent when there is a custody
issue. Handle this via the district attorney.
3. West Stop & Shop Gift Certificates for sale…no one is buying them.
4. Woodcrest is losing 2 Ed Assistants due to IEP’s at other schools. How will the
district handle this going forward?
5. Print Shop issues, 4 week turn around is to long.
6. Update on grade changing.
School Supplies Committee submitted their Report: a copy is attached. Discussion
about the inferior products the teachers are getting as supplies. We requested these faulty
supplies be returned to the suppliers.
Committee Reports:
Arts & Education: We don’t have a representative Ruth Tily handled this position with
help from Sherrie Cohen. Thank you Sherrie. Cherry Hill had many entries to the
reflections contest including 2 from the High Schools.
Discussion on Holidays in the Schools; they are suppose to be educational not
celebratory. Holiday Parties are to have winter or New Year theme.
Guest Tom Redmond: Reminded everyone to vote today on the Referendum. Hours
are from 2PM-9PM. Shared letter from Dr. Campbell (attached). Bottom line approval
of referendum is only an authorization to look into the sale of the bond and if it is good
for the district and for the bottom line go forward but nothing can change without the
Referendum Approval AND the Board of Education approval.
If the Referendum is defeated then the bond cannot be sold.
Guest Jen DiStefano: Discussed the QPR training that she and Robin Olin (nurse from
Cooper) provided to the Zone Table. All staff will be trained by June. Aides at the
Middle Schools have been trained. The Mayor’s office confirmed that police, fire and the
Mayor’s office staff would be trained on QPR. Will offer QPR training at PTA meetings
next year, if possible she would like to have more than 1 PTA trained at a time. Training
takes about 1 ½ hours.
Teen Screen at West completed. East Teen Screen is scheduled for January.
3/27/06 is the Mental Health initiative at Kilmer hopefully will help reduce the stigma of
Mental Health issues.
Guest TJ Locke: Ruth Tily wished him well in his new position in LA for the entire
Zone Table.
Guest: TJ Locke: – Reassessment update: This is really a middle school and high school
- Standard of practicing policy is to allow all kids to become proficient.
- Controversy came with retesting and regarding. There was an incremental change
early in Dr. Campbell’s tenure
o Compromised language
o Reassessment is about Student learning to get all students to High Standards
o Not proxy for laziness
o Regrading/Grading there are a variety ways to test/retest; maintain
professionalism and autonomy.
- The incremental step is to average grades if there is a retest and not a different type
of reassessment.
- Students have the right to revisit work; if a teacher “doesn’t do that” that is a red flag
and you need to see the principal.
Guest Lisa Mulhall:
o Attached the district plan for grammar; to help build consistency throughout
the district.
o Grammar is taught but not in a systemic way.
o Excited about the 3rd grade-writing curriculum.
o If a parent feels grammar is not being taught; talk to the teacher and say
something to the fact that you want to support what she/he is doing for
grammar how can I help at home?
o Grammar will be the Middle School topic during the January Inservice Day.
o District is conscience of grammar
o Grammar helps us to communicate better
o Focus on vocabulary is also needed.
o The Public library is working to have ‘To Go Book Clubs’ over the summer
for grades 3-6; while keeping character education in mind. The library will
host training sessions to help volunteers learn how to facilitate these
neighborhood book clubs.
o She is working on an eboard and will notify us when it is up and running.
Dr. Campbell added that the measures the district has are the GEPA and HSPA and we
look great.
Guest: Jim Riordan:
o Class Rank, we still rank.
o Perhaps in the future the district would give students a choice to report class
rank or not. If student opts to report or not it MUST be the same for every
college in which they apply.
o Long discussion on how classes are weighted. It can be found online in the
COURSE SELECTION BOOK on each of the high school websites.
Guest Dr. Campbell:
o Supplies that are cheap – low bid is a legal requirement. School Supply
committee stated that the quality of supplies available to teachers is inferior. He
will look into it and read the recommendations of the committee.
o Update on East Issue:
o Potential student discipline has to insulate the Board from the information
since have to approve/disapprove discipline action.
o No updates until the investigation is complete
o Look at every student to make sure EVERY student record is clean
o Very few people actually involved
o Expects closure this week
o Every higher ed institution got a letter from the district verifying the
o Keep reporters off school property
o Woodcrest - Educational Assistants
o This actually impacts 5-6 elementary schools
o Educational Assistants are assigned randomly
o Cumulative effect of leaders with different points of views of staffing
o Currently inequitable distribution of aides
o 7 or 8 legitimate IEP’s for 1 on 1 aides that HAD to be filled
o With budget challenges more responsible to move aides not legally
required positions to one that are legally required.
o Interim step to fill IEP requirements until has better handle on why aides
are where they are.
o Mrs. Franklin is looking closely at Aides.
o The Federal and/or State Governments do not pay for the required aides as
promised but the district must provide them.
BOE Report: Why does TJ Locke have deferred retirement status? In NJ if you work
for a district for more than 10 years and at his age, when he does retire at some later date
he will be eligible for some benefits from the district.
Budget Report: Budget committee has met; more next month.
Meeting adjourned at 12:29 PM.
Reported by Lynne Bruno