May - New Page 1

Cherry Hill Zone PTA
Meeting Minutes
May 8, 2007
Attending:Ruth Tily, Lorraine Rossi, Lynne Bruno, Jane Silver, Lynette Howard,
Sherrie Cohen, Colleen Harron Horiates, Suzanne Abrams, Jackie Baumgarten, Kelly
Bivins, Gretchen Cusick, Kathy Judge, Lisa Saidel, Beth Folkman, Terry Malik, Susan
Clothier, Gayle Sardone, Susan Manser, Denise Deshon, Carol Matlack, Leslie Skolnick,
Trish Maraski, Allison Snyder, Elise An, Amy Moore, Jerri Griffith.
Visitors: Anne Einhorn & Kendra Strurner
Ruth Tily called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m. with the pledge.
The Minutes of the April 10, 2007 Zone Meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s report presented: A copy of the Treasurer’s Report is attached. Lynne
Bruno requested that her report be given to the new treasurers as it contains the new zone
dues and the relevant due dates. The spring council dinner on May 24, 2007, is a
legitimate PTA expense. If you are attending, please provide Lynne Bruno with a check
Administrative Vice President’s report presented: Lorraine Rossi reported that the
Zone Executive Board met with Dr. Campbell. The Executive Board and Dr. Campbell
discussed school supplies. Dr. Campbell explained that principals have discretion as to
how much of their schools budget is allocated towards supplies. We also discussed
newsletters. Dr. Campbell came up with three guidelines with the principals: (1) two
leaders in the school will read the newsletter before it is printed (i.e., the principal and
either an assistant principal or teacher designated by the principal); (2) the newsletters
must be factual in nature – no editorializing; and (3) an effort should be made to be
positive. The Executive Board and Dr. Campbell also discussed part-time summer SACC
as well cell phones at the elementary level.
Vice President of Hospitality report presented: The spring luncheon will be May 29,
Susan Manser made a motion to write a letter of support for Savonne Forkan as a
candidate for NJPTA. The motion was seconded by Lynne Bruno. The motion passed.
A committee was formed to perform the audit. The committee will consist of the
following volunteers: Lorraine Rossi, Leslie Skolnick and Barb Zeigler.
For purposes of the election of next year’s Executive Board and Committee Chairs, the
table went in caucus and all those present at the meeting who were not members of the
table were asked to leave the room. A vote was taken to approve the nominating
committee’s slate of candidates for next year’s Executive Board. The slate was
unanimously approved. Next, a vote was taken to approve the Committee on
Committees’ slate of candidates for next year’s Committee Chairs: 15 voted in favor of
the slate; 7 voted against the slate. The motion to approve the Committee on Committee’s
slate was approved.
Loraine Rossi thanked Ruth Tily for all her hard work as Zone Chair. Susan Manser
discussed a petition for green spaces in Cherry Hill and anti pay to play politics. She also
spoke about Anheuser-Busch’s product Spykes. She reported that Ann Arnold wrote a
letter to Anheuser-Busch. She also discussed Reef sandals with a flask and Camel 2
cigarettes targeted to young women.
Presidents’/Committees’ Concerns:
 School Supplies
 Summer SACC
Guest Jenn DiStefano reported that Dr. Bradley’s engagement on April 26, 2007 went
well. Jenn DiStefano advised that we got a best practices award from Columbia
University Teen Screen. Zone PTA was a factor cited as contributing to best practices.
Jenn thanked those leaving the table.
Guest Jim Gallagher advised that Dr. Campbell is at a conference and is, therefore,
unable to attend the meeting. He thanked Zone for helping to get the budget passed. He
reported on increased efforts regarding recycling. He advised that with respect to
summer SACC, the district cannot commit to part-time students but will look into
families sharing weeks. With respect to cell phones at the elementary level, he advised
that the current cell phone policy banning cell phone use during school is a pre-k through
12 policy. He also reported that the use of electronic devises is something that needs to
be reviewed annually. We discussed school supplies. Susan Manser asked whether the
prom could be on a Friday. Jim Gallagher explained that proms have been held on
Thursdays to enable us to have them at places we want. It was resolved that the East and
West presidents need to deal with this at the school level. Finally, the need for additional
lighting and trash and recycling cans at Kingston and Johnson was discussed.
Lynette Howard encouraged new and returning PTA presidents to attend the Wheel of
PTA on August 17-18 in Monroe Township.
Ruth advised that there will be a meeting for new presidents on June 12, 2007, at 9:30
and a meeting for new treasurers at the same time.
Committee Reports:
 Community Outreach: Lynette Howard reported that the book drive begins
 Board of Education: Kathy Judge reported on the status of the lease purchase
financing. At this time, there is no plan to refinance; there is no time limit on the
lease purchase refinancing.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:14 a.m.
Reported by Jane Silver