RIGHT WING right flap……………….. check condition & security 2. right aileron…………… check condition, security and freedom of movement 3. nav/strobe lights………… check 4. right wing leading edge… condition 5. wing tie down………… disconnect 6. right main wheel………… condition, creep, chock & leaks 7. fuel tank sumps…............. drain 8. fuel quantity……………. check visually 9. fuel filler cap……………. secure 10. wing upper surface……… check condition 1. CESSNA 172N CHECKLIST PRE-FLIGHT INSPECTION CABIN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. pitot tube cover…………. remove pilot operating handbook.. available airplane weight & balance. compute parking brake…………… as required control wheel lock……… remove ignition switch…………. off, key removed radios & avionics ……… off master switch ………….. on fuel quantity indicators… check qty fuel selector valve……… both flaps…………………… extend pitot heat……………… on, check operation then off master switch…………… off fire extinguisher………… check baggage door…………… check closed EMPENNAGE 1. 2. 3. 4. control surfaces………… check condition, security, freedom of movement rudder gust lock ………. remove tail tie down……………. disconnect trim tab…………………. check LEFT WING fuel quantity…………… check visually fuel filler cap…………… secure pitot tube……………… clear fuel tank vent…………… clear stall warning opening…… clear wing tie down…………… disconnect left wing leading edge….. condition nav/strobe lights………… check left aileron……………… check condition, security and freedom of movement 10. left flap…………………. Check condition & security 11. fuel tank sumps…............. drain 12. left main wheel………… condition, creep, chock & leaks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. START CHECK carb heat………………… cold throttle…………………. open 1/8 inch mixture…………………. rich primer…………………… twice brakes…………………… hold propeller area……………. clear master switch…………… on ignition switch………….. start throttle………………… 1000 rpm oil pressure……………… check (registering within 30 sec) 11. nav lights……………… as required 12. radios & avionics………. on 13. flaps…………………… retract 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. TAXI CHECK 1. brakes…………………… check 2. instruments……………… check 3. transponder……………… standby NOSE BEFORE START CHECK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. oil……………………… check qty, secure filler cap fuel sump……………… drain engine cooling air inlet… clear alternator drive belt……. condition propeller & spinner……. check (nicks & security) landing light…………… check engine air filter…………. check nose wheel strut & tire… extension & condition static port opening……… clear 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. pre-flight inspection…… complete passenger briefing ……… complete crew briefing…………… complete seats, belts, shldr harness.. adjust and lock circuit breakers………… check radios & avionics……….. off switches………………… off beacon light ……………. on fuel selector…………….. both RUN-UP CHECK 1. seats, belts, shldr harness.. check 2. cabin doors……………… locked 3. flight controls…………… free & correct 4. flight instruments………. check & set 5. fuel quantity…………… check 6. fuel selector valve……… both 7. mixture…………………. full rich 8. elevator trim……………. check & set 9. throttle………………… 1700rpm a. magnetos……. check i. max drop 125rpm ii. max diff 50rpm b. carb heat……. check operation c. suction gauge…. check d. engine instruments…check e. ammeter……… check 10. throttle…………………. check idle 11. throttle………………….. 1000rpm 12. friction lock…………….. adjust BEFORE TAKEOFF CHECK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. flaps……………………. select mixture………………… full rich trim…………………….. set for take off carb heat………………… cold radios & avionics……….. set strobes………………….. as required landing & taxi lights…… as required transponder……………… on PRE-MANOEUVRE CHECK altitude………………….. sufficient area……………………… clear loose articles……………. secure seats, belts, shldr harness.. upright & secure 5. fuel selector valve……… both 6. mixture…………………. full rich 7. carb heat………………… check 8. landing/taxi lights……… as required 9. master switch…………… on 10. magneto switch………… both 1. 2. 3. 4. POST TAKEOFF CHECK (200’ AGL) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. flaps…………………… up throttle…………………. set climb power airspeed………………… 70kts ball……………………… center temps & press…………… normal operating GO AROUND/ BALKED LANDING CHECK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. throttle………………… full carb heat………………… cold flaps…………………… 20 degrees air speed………………… 65kts (confirmed positive climb) flaps……………………. 10 degrees post takeoff check………. complete POST-LANDING CHECK 1. DESCENT CHECKS 1. 2. 3. 4. altimeter………………… set QNH power …………………… as required mixture………………… enrich fuel selector valve……… both CRUISE CHECK (LEVEL OFF CHECK) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. runway…………………. clear of the active wing flaps………………. up (visual confirmation) carb heat………………… cold transponder……………… standby strobes………………….. off landing/taxi lights………. as required SHUTDOWN CHECK BEFORE LANDING CHECK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. power…………………… set as recommended mixture……………….. lean adjust trim…………………… set fuel selector valve……. both fuel quantity………….. check true airspeed & eta…… compute engine instruments…… check 11. seats, belts, shldr harness.. upright & secure 1. fuel selector valve………. both 2. mixture…………………. full rich 3. carb heat………………… check 4. landing/taxi lights………. as required 5. master switch…………… on 6. magneto switch…………. both FINAL LANDING CHECK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. flaps…………………….. as required mixture………………… full rich airspeed…………………. 60kts wind…………………….. check landing clearance……….. confirm runway…………………. clear 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. radios & avionics……… off electrical switches………. off mixture………………….. idle cutoff ignition switch …………. off master switch…………… off control lock…………… install SECURING THE AIRCRAFT 1. 2. 3. 4. pitot tube cover………… install windows and doors…….. lock rudder gust lock………… install wheels…………………… chock RADIO FREQUENCIES Tinson Tower………………… Manley Radar……………….. Manley ATIS………………… Manley Tower………………. Manley Ground……………… Sangster Radar……………… Sangster ATIS………………. Sangster Tower……………... Sangster Ground……………. UNICOM……………………. Emergency………………….. 118.25 120.60 127.70 118.65 121.70 120.80 127.90 118.75 121.70 122.80 121.50 C172 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION “V” SPEEDS (KIAS) Vr…………………….. Vx…………………….. Vy……………………... Va……………………... Vs1……………………. Vso……………………. Vfe…………………….. Vno……………………. Vne……………………. Best Glide……………... 60 59 73 80-97 85 127 158 60