Sample D: Grade 8 Mathematics Yearly Plan 1B from Mathematics Teaching Resource TR8 Yearly Plan 1B This yearly plan starts with Pythagorean relationships (including squares and square root) since this is a topic that involves numerical operations and incorporates many applications for topics throughout the year. In this plan, these operations are done early in the year due to the volume of numerical operations at the grade 8 level and also because they serve as a background for the rest of the topics. Measurement, proportion, 3-D geometry, and data management alternate December through April. This variation is to maintain student interest and to avoid the monotony of doing a single topic over a long period of time. Algebra operations, patterns, and relations are taught at the end of the year as a prelude to grade 9. Dealing with SI units may be incorporated into several units throughout the year. Refer to the mental math yearly plan to help plan your daily mental math. September Number Theory (approximate time: three weeks) Outcome Chapter/Section Pages Assessment A1 model and link various representations of the square root of a number A2 recognize perfect squares between 1 and 144 and apply patterns related to them A3 distinguish between an exact square root of a number and its decimal approximation A4 find the square root of any number, using an appropriate method 1.1 1.3 2Task 1.1 1.2 2Task 1.2 2Task 14–19 25–35 102–103 14–19 20–24 102–103 20–24 102–103 Summative BLM 2T Task Rubric 1.2 1CP Wrap-Up 2Task 20–24 45 102–103 D9 demonstrate an understanding of the Pythagorean relationship, using models 1.3 1.4 1CP Wrap-Up 2Task 25–35 36–41 45 102–103 Formative BLM 1.2 Rubric Summative BLM 1CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric BLM 2T Task Rubric Formative BLM 1.3 Rubric Summative BLM 1CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric BLM 2T Task Rubric Summative BLM 2T Task Rubric Summative BLM 2T Task Rubric D10 apply the Pythagorean relationship in problem situations 1.4 1CP Wrap-Up 2Task 36–41 45 102–103 A5 demonstrate and explain the meaning of negative exponents for base 10 A6 represent any number written in scientific notation in standard form, and vice versa 6.1 246–253 6.2 8Task 254–261 380–381 Formative BLM 1.4 Rubric Summative BLM 1CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric BLM 2T Task Rubric Formative BLM 6.1 Rubric Formative BLM 6.2 Rubric Summative BLM 8T Task Rubric October Numerical Operations (approximate time: three weeks) Outcome Chapter/Section Pages A8 represent and apply fractional percentages, and percentages greater than 100, in fractional or decimal form, and vice versa B1 demonstrate an understanding of the properties of operations with integers and positive and negative rational numbers (in decimal and fractional forms) 4.1 148–157 6.5 6CP Wrap-Up 8Task 276–283 287 380–381 B3 create and solve problems that involve finding a, b, or c in the relationship a% of b = c, using estimation and calculation 4.1 4.3 148–157 168–177 Assessment Formative BLM 6.5 Rubric Summative BLM 6CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric BLM 8T Task Rubric Formative BLM 4.1 Rubric BLM 4.3 Rubric B4 apply percentage increase and decrease in problem situations A7 compare and order integers and positive and negative rational numbers (in decimal and fractional forms) 4.1 4.3 4CP Wrap-Up 6CP Wrap-Up 6.3 148–157 168–177 181 287 262–267 287 6CP Wrap-Up Summative BLM 4CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric BLM 6CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric Formative BLM 6.3 Rubric Summative BLM 6CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric October/November Operation Sense (approximate time: five weeks) Outcome Chapter/Section Pages B5 add and subtract fractions concretely, pictorially, and symbolically 2.1 2CP Wrap-Up 2Task 56–69 101 102–103 B6 add and subtract fractions mentally, when appropriate 2.1 2CP Wrap-Up 2Task 2.2 2Task 56–69 101 102–103 70–81 102–103 B8 divide fractions concretely, pictorially, and symbolically 2.3 82–91 B9 estimate and mentally compute products and quotients involving fractions 2.2 2.3 2CP Wrap-Up 2Task 70–81 82–91 101 102–103 B7 multiply fractions concretely, pictorially, and symbolically Assessment Formative BLM 5.1 Rubric Summative BLM 2CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric BLM 2T Task Rubric Summative BLM 2CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric BLM 2T Task Rubric Formative BLM 2.2 Rubric Summative BLM 2T Task Rubric Formative BLM 2.3 Rubric Formative BLM 2.2 Rubric Summative BLM 2CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric BLM 2T Task Rubric B10 apply the order of operations to fraction computations, using both pencil and paper and calculator 2.4 2CP Wrap-Up 92–97 101 B11 model, solve, and create problems involving fractions in meaningful contexts 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2CP Wrap-Up 2Task 6.4 6CP Wrap-Up 8Task 56–69 70–81 82–91 92–97 101 102–103 268–275 287 380–381 6.4 8Task 268–275 380–381 B12 add, subtract, multiply, and divide positive and negative decimal numbers, with and without a calculator B13 solve and create problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of positive and negative numbers Formative BLM 2.4 Rubric Summative BLM 2CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric Summative BLM 2CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric BLM 2T Task Rubric Formative BLM 6.4 Rubric Summative BLM 6CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric BLM 8T Task Rubric Formative BLM 6.4 Rubric Summative BLM 8T Task Rubric December Measurement (approximate time: three weeks) Outcome Chapter/Section Pages D3 estimate areas of circles 10.2 436–443 D4 develop and use the formula for the area of a circle D5 describe patterns, and generalize the relationships between areas and perimeters of quadrilaterals and areas and circumferences of circles D6 calculate the areas of composite figures 10.2 436–443 10.1 10.2 10.3 430–435 436–443 444–455 10.3 10CP Wrap-Up 444–455 477 Assessment Formative BLM 10.2 Rubric Formative BLM 10.1 Rubric BLM 10.3 Rubric Formative BLM 10.3 Rubric Summative BLM 10CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric January Ratios, Rates, and Proportions (approximate time: three weeks) In outcomes C3 and C5, the intent is to focus on the part of the elaboration that relates to ratios, rates, and proportions. Theses outcomes will be revisited later on in the year. For outcome E2, work with dilatations is to be addressed here and the rest of the outcome will be dealt with in the geometry unit. Outcome Chapter/Section Pages A9 solve proportion problems that involve equivalent ratios and rates B2 solve problems involving proportions, using a variety of methods 4.2 158–167 4.2 4.3 4CP Wrap-Up 158–167 168–177 181 C3 construct and analyse tables and graphs to describe how change in one quantity affects a related quantity C5 solve problems involving the intersection of two lines on a graph D1 solve indirect measurement problems, using proportions E2 make and apply generalizations about the properties of rotations and dilatations, and use dilatations in perspective drawings of various 2-D shapes 8.2 341–347 8.4 361–367 4.2 4.3 9.1 158–167 168–177 121–130 388–394 410–417 421 9CP Wrap-Up Assessment Formative BLM 4.2 Rubric Summative BLM 4CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric Formative BLM 8.2 Rubric Formative BLM 8.4 Rubric Formative BLM 3.3 Rubric BLM 9.1 Rubric Summative BLM 9CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric February 3-D Geometry (approximate time: 4 weeks) The outcomes in this section could be done as 2 two-week units, with E1 and E3 done together and then E2 and E4 done together. E7 and the work in E2 on perspective drawings could be addressed either through the technology education or art curriculum. Outcome Chapter/Section E1 make and apply informal deductions about the minimum sufficient conditions to guarantee the uniqueness of a triangle and the congruency of two triangles 3.1 E2 make and apply generalizations about the properties of rotations and dilatations, and use dilatations in perspective drawings of various 2-D shapes 3.3 E3 make and apply generalizations about the properties of similar 2-D shapes 9.2 E4 perform various 2-D constructions and apply the properties of transformations to these constructions 3.3 E7 draw isometric and orthographic views of 3-D shapes and construct 3-D models from these views 9.4 Pages Assessment 108–113 114–120 Formative BLM 3.1 Rubric 121–130 388–394 410–417 421 Formative BLM 3.3 Rubric BLM 9.1 Rubric Summative BLM 9CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric 395–402 421 Formative BLM 9.2 Rubric Summative BLM 9CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric Summative BLM 3CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric 3.2 9.4 9CP Wrap-Up 9CP Wrap-Up 121–130 141 3CP Wrap-Up 9CP Wrap-Up 410–417 421 Formative BLM 9.4 Rubric Summative BLM 9CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric Note: An alternative to teaching 3-D geometry as a three-week block is to designate a set period, such as Friday afternoon all year long, as an established time frame to spend on this topic. March Data Management (approximate time: three weeks) Outcome Chapter/Section Pages F1 demonstrate an understanding of the variability of repeated samples of the same population F2 develop and apply the concept of randomness 5.1 188–197 5.1, 5CP Wrap-Up 188–197, 237 F3 construct and interpret circle graphs 5.5, 5Task 220–225, 238– 239 F4 construct and interpret scatter plots, and determine a line of best fit by inspection 5.6 226–233 237 238–239 5CP Wrap-Up 5Task F5 construct and interpret box-andwhisker plots 5.4 5CP Wrap-Up 5.6 5CP Wrap-Up 5Task Formative BLM 5.1 Rubric Summative BLM 5CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric Formative BLM 5.5 Rubric Summative BLM 5T Task Rubric Formative BLM 5.6 Rubric Summative BLM 5CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric BLM 5T Task Rubric 213–219 237 238–239 Formative BLM 5.4 Rubric Summative BLM 5CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric BLM 5T Task Rubric 226–233 237 238–239 Formative BLM 5.6 Rubric Summative BLM 5CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric BLM 5T Task Rubric 5Task F6 extrapolate and interpolate information from graphs Assessment F7 determine the effect of variations in data on the mean, median, and mode 5.3 206–212 Formative BLM 5.3 Rubric F8 develop and conduct statistics projects to solve problems F9 evaluate data interpretations that are based on graphs and tables 5Task 238–239 Summative BLM 5T Task Rubric throughout ch5 186–233 April Measurement (approximate time: three weeks) Teachers should revisit fractions and percentages through measurement word problems. Outcome Chapter/Section Pages D7 estimate and calculate volumes and surface areas of right prisms and cylinders 10.4 10.5 10CP Wrap-Up 456–463 464–473 477 D8 measure and calculate volumes and surface areas of composite 3-D shape 10.4 10.5 10CP Wrap-Up 456–463 464–473 477 E6 recognize, name, describe, and make and apply generalizations about the properties of prisms, pyramids, cylinders, and cones 9.3 131–137 403–409 421 9CP Wrap-Up Assessment Formative BLM 10.4 Rubric BLM 10.5 Rubric Summative BLM 10CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric Formative BLM 10.5 Rubric Summative BLM 10CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric Formative BLM 3.3 Rubric BLM 3.4 Rubric BLM 9.3 Rubric Summative BLM 9CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric April/May Patterns and Relations (approximate time: four weeks) Outcome Chapter/Section Pages Assessment C1 represent patterns and relationships in a variety of formats and use these representations to predict unknown values E5 make and apply generalizations about the properties of regular polygons 8.1 8.5 8Task 330–340 368–375 380–381 Formative BLM 8.1 Rubric Summative BLM 8T Task Rubric Formative BLM 3.4 Rubric Summative BLM 3CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric Formative BLM 8.2 Rubric BLM 8.5 Rubric Summative BLM 8CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric Formative BLM 8.2 Rubric 3.4 3CP Wrap-Up 131–137 141 C2 interpret graphs that represent linear and non-linear data 8.2 8.5 8CP Wrap-Up 341–347 368–375 379 C3 construct and analyse tables and graphs to describe how change in one quantity affects a related quantity C4 link the visual characteristics of a slope with its numerical value by comparing the vertical change to the horizontal change C5 solve problems involving the intersection of two lines on a graph B14 add and subtract algebraic terms concretely, pictorially, and symbolically to solve simple algebraic problems 8.2 341–347 8.3 348–360 Formative BLM 8.3 Rubric 8.4 361–367 7.1 7CP Wrap-Up 8Task 296–304 325 380–381 Formative BLM 8.4 Rubric Formative BLM 7.1 Rubric Summative BLM 7CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric BLM 8T Task Rubric B15 explore addition and subtraction of polynomial expressions concretely and pictorially 7.1 8Task 296–304 380–381 B16 demonstrate an understanding of multiplication of a polynomial by a scalar concretely, pictorially, and symbolically 7.2 305–309 Formative BLM 7.1 Rubric Summative BLM 8T Task Rubric Formative BLM 7.2 Rubric May/June Patterns and Relations (approximate time: two weeks) Outcome Chapter/Section Pages C6 solve and verify simple linear equations algebraically 7.3 7CP Wrap-Up 8Task 310–321 325 380–381 C7 create and solve problems, using linear equations 7.3 7CP Wrap-Up 8Task 310–321 325 380–381 Assessment Formative BLM 7.3 Rubric Summative BLM78CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric BLM 8T Task Rubric Formative BLM 7.3 Rubric Summative BLM78CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric BLM 8T Task Rubric June Probability (approximate time: one to two weeks) Outcome G1 conduct experiments and simulations to find probabilities of single and complementary events G2 determine theoretical probabilities of single and complementary events G3 compare experimental and theoretical probabilities Chapter/Section Pages 5.1 5CP Wrap-Up 188–197 237 Summative BLM 5CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric 5.2 198–205 5.2 198–205 237 Formative BLM 5.2 Rubric Formative BLM 5.2 Rubric Summative BLM 5CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric 5CP Wrap-Up G4 demonstrate an understanding of how data is used to establish broad probability patterns Assessment throughout ch5 186–233 Recurring Outcomes The following outcome will be addressed on a daily and ongoing basis. Outcome Chapter/Section Pages B1 demonstrate an understanding of the properties of operations with integers and positive and negative rational numbers (in decimal and fractional forms) 6.5 6CP Wrap-Up 8Task 276–283 287 380–381 D2 solve measurement problems, using appropriate SI units 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10CP Wrap-Up 430–435 436–443 444–455 456–463 464–473 477 Assessment Formative BLM 6.5 Rubric Summative BLM 6CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric BLM 8T Task Rubric Summative BLM 10CP Chapter Problem Wrap-Up Rubric