The Money Connect J.Magone, lift, buck, main letter

Jeremiah Magone - Financial Copywriting Services
April 20th, 2013
(619) 445 -4319
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{Envelope teaser. Printed on one side. }
To springtime.
Here's to our youth. To the unlimited possibilities for those who know how to use smart financial
planning to bring their futures to them, today.
Here's to young love. Remembering when 10 dollars for a movie that you scarcely watched was all the
money in the world.
And here's to precious memories. To the pride you'll feel as you watch your son or daughter growing
into a financially mature individual.
Spring has come and it's a time for new beginnings...
{End envelope teaser}
{Description. LIFT NOTE: 2 pages, 8 ½” by 11” to run on corporate letterhead, 2/c}
Strengthen your child’s college application
with real world skills and experience.
Dear Parents,
Remember the excitement you felt when you landed your first paying job?
It was about more than just the money. It was about taking your first step into the real world.
With the experience you gained and the support of your employer, you were on your way up in the
We at THE MONEY CONNECT want to give your child that same opportunity.
That's why this August we will be holding our annual competition... to both encourage the spirit of
financial literacy among our students... and find the most qualified person to work with us.
Set your son or daughter on the path to financial maturity, today.
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If awarded a position with us as a call representative, your child will be doing a lot more than just
earning a nice paycheck. He or she will be responsible for helping youth around the country learn the
importance of financial education in their lives. And that experience can go a long way in helping
your son or daughter get into the college of their choice.
Job experience is so critical these days.
Getting your first job is hard in this economy. But it’s also so important. That’s why we have been
certified as a “Job Experience and Career Exploration Program”. Children as young as 14 years old
may be considered for employment.
{Side bar -With Financial Education, kids learn to make smarter decisions, and that just benefits
everyone in the economy, their city, their neighborhood” – Jose Sarmiento, Citi Bank}
Demand is growing.
Aided by the national attention that we've received from President Obama's declaration of April as
“National Financial Literacy Month”, we are finding that we need more call service representatives
than ever.
Enroll today and give your children the financial education they need, while setting them up for a wellpaying job with us.
No other financial education program can match the opportunities that we are offering.
The skills and experience that your child receives from working with us will serve to help him or her in
many different ways. Your child will;
Gain valuable training from our professional advisers.
Build confidence from working in the real world.
Start building a resume and develop the leadership skills that will help them land
'that next job'... and the one after that.
And even before August.
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THE MONEY CONNECT also shows your son or daughter what other opportunities are available to
them in the job market, right now. We give them detailed advice on 1. what employers are looking for
and 2. which kinds of jobs would best suit their interests. Then, through our unique system, we give
your child all of the encouragement and practical skills that they’ll need to go out there and get them.
Our money back guarantee.
If, for any reason, we can't make your son or daughter see the promising future that smart financial
planning holds for them, then we'll automatically refund any unused portion of your subscription and
you won't be billed another penny. Let us prove to you that we can turn the once boring subject of
personal finance into something that your kids will truly use. And if you cancel within the first two
weeks we will refund your entire subscription.
Enroll your child today.
Give them the skills to manage one of the most powerful forces in their lives, taught in a way that is
active and entertaining. But we go even farther than that. THE MONEY CONNECT will also give
your child a real opportunity for employment. And that could bring your child confidence, self-esteem
and the satisfaction of helping others.
{Signature here}
Annamaria Lusardi
Professor of Economics and Accountancy at the George Washington School of Business and recipient of the
Fidelity Pyramid Prize, awarded to authors of published applied research that best helps address the goal of
improving lifelong financial well-being for Americans.
P.S. In the spirit of “National Financial Literacy Month” won't you take just a minute to write down 3
financial goals that you'd like to set for your children this year?
{End lift note}
{Description. BUCK SLIP. Double sided to be run on money green paper. 2/c}
Give your child a real world edge when applying to college.
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Calling all MONEY CONNECT students.
{Side bar – “The more you learn, the more you’ll earn.” – Warren Buffet}
{Insert 2 pictures, right side. 1. Customer talking 2. Call staff listening, smiling}
Give your child real job experience from home
Flexible schedule, 2-4 hours a day.
Earn up to $640 a month + valuable work experience
Add valuable leadership skills to your college application
Also qualify to earn a Financial Literacy certification with us.
Be a featured speaker at events
Teach classes
Host financial literacy events
Conduct National Financial Educator's Council events.
This August we will be hiring the best and brightest to work as call representatives with
“One success leads to another”
Enroll today at or call toll free 1(800) 445 - 4319
We are a certified “Job Experience and Career Exploration Program”. 14+ -yr.- olds may apply.
{End buck slip}
{Description. MAIN SALES LETTER. 22 pages, 8 ½” by 11” white paper, 2/c }
Your child's financial independence
– the key to bringing your family together.
Dear Parents,
Most people don't understand what Financial Literacy really means to the family.
We all know that money is important. But what does it really mean to 'get your finances right'?
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It can mean more than you know...
Just to start with, if you have a monthly budget, then you’ll know that you are smarter with your
You can avoid paying interest or penalties and plan ahead for major purchases.
And generally, you’ll feel more secure about your retirement and be better prepared in case of
In fact, smart budgeting is really at the center of any family’s financial security.
But I'm writing today to tell you that good money management can mean so much more.
It can be the key to the success of your marriage.
In an article published in THE NEW YORK TIMES, Professor Jeffrey Dew, expert in family studies at
Utah State University, says that couples who can't agree on their finances face a very difficult future.
Backed by a study of 2,800 couples over 5 years, he concludes that, simply - money fights predict
divorce rates.
Even if it's only once a week, disagreeing on your finances can add another 30% to your risk of divorce
on top of everything else.
And that's more than any other single factor – more than personal differences, more than problems with
sex or infidelity, even more than the damaging effects of drugs or alcohol.
Couples can make it through a lot, but financial disagreements predict a very rough road for a marriage.
That’s why I’m here to tell you that it's so important to know that you and your spouse can 'get it right'.
{Side bar – “Rarely do two people see eye to eye regarding finances. When there isn't a plan, it's easy
to lose sight of the big picture of where you're going as a family. You lose sight of what's important,
each other." – Kay Hood}
Financial education can help make sure that your whole family gets it right.
Because when you do get it right, you can be sure that you have a better shot at happiness than most
couples... you will communicate better... and of course, your family will be more financially secure.
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{Side bar "Financial stability is an essential ingredient to maintaining a strong, healthy family unit."
-Texas Credit Union Foundation executive director, Courtney Moran.}
And I'll tell you a little secret that can change your lives. The key to actually reaching your dreams,
together as a family, doesn't really start with you or your spouse. It starts with your kids.
I’ll tell you why that is in just a moment.
But first, I just want to show you how much our unique system of educational challenges and
opportunities can do for your children.
THE MONEY CONNECT can give your child “The big picture”
Build trust, support and cooperation within your family.
Teach your children a sense of real-world responsibility.
Show them the steps they'll need to take to reach their dreams.
And provide the encouragement and rewards that it'll take to get them there.
Start talking about success with your family
Home finance has become a taboo subject for many Americans these days.
According to a recent poll, it turns out that for a majority of people, talking about your credit card debt
is just as personal as discussing details of your love life.
We don't want to talk about it.
But what about your kids then?
How are they going to learn the right way to manage their own family finances when so many adults
won't even mention the subject?
{Side bar – What’s an appropriate age to start teaching kids about money? Warren Buffet response:
It’s never too early.}
There must be a better way to teach them
As parents, we have a lot of responsibilities.
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We have to interest our 10-year-olds in the basics of money before they get caught up in their teenage
We need to inform our 17-year-olds so that they'll be able to choose a financially stable major for their
college education.
And we must coach our 20-year-olds so that they can establish their credit and begin building up their
savings for the time when they start their own families.
I know it sounds like a lot.
But you just can't leave any of these crucial steps to chance.
Good money management is, after all, one of the most important ways for your child to gain their
And, as I said before, teaching them these skills early on also means that your son or daughter will have
a better chance of 'getting it right' in their marriage as well.
Our children need to become financially responsible BEFORE they sign up for their first credit cards.
{Side bar - “To motivate kids, you have to connect where they connect – find a window and enter
through that.” - Doug Kipperman. San Diego, Ca.}
A good friend of mine once told me that, as parents, we have to “teach them early”.
We have to give them the tools they need early on and then encourage them to succeed
This is the simple yet powerful idea that has also become the key to our motto here at
“One success leads to another.”
We have to lay the educational foundation for one success that will lead to another - and we have to do
it early on.
{Side bar – “Financial literacy is the new civil rights movement.” – Tarra Jackson}
We also have to give them a picture of how to use those skills.
Let’s face the facts. We have a big responsibility as parents.
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But maybe like you, even though I knew it was important - I just didn't have the time.
Still, after doing some research, I found that we can't leave this responsibility to our schools either…
no matter how good we think they might be.
The hard fact is that only 11 states in our whole country even make financial education a requirement
in their curriculum.
And even then, if your child does get a class on personal finances, 9 times out of 10 it's still only going
to be for a single semester.
These are critical skills that can determine how well your son or daughter does in life. But only one
semester! And they're lucky if they get that... Really?
{Side bar – “Loan education becomes prerequisite as student debt balloons.” – John Hope Bryant}
Many schools simply can’t make it a priority.
A study by the non-governmental President's Advisory Council on Financial Capability found that an
astounding 80% of teachers in the US say that they don’t even feel confident to teach on financial
Being good with money has never been a part of the SATs, and it doesn't have anything to do with
getting into college (just paying for it).
So, more than just lacking the human resources, when it comes time for our schools to make their
yearly budgets, financial education simply doesn’t receive the funding it deserves.
They are just focused on other things.
Maybe that's why we can see headlines like this:
“Financial Literacy: U.S. Trails … Brazil and Mexico?” - Time, April 23, 2012.
{Side bar – “Immigrants more likely to achieve home ownership the longer they live in the U.S.” –
The Huffington Post}
It's clear that, as a nation, we need to do something more.
That's why on March 29th, 2013 President Obama urged Americans to recommit “to teaching ourselves
and our children about the basics of financial education,” adding that, “A better understanding of the
financial system can help prevent another economic crisis.”
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Former Federal Reserve Bank Chairman, Alan Greenspan agrees, adding,
“An informed borrower is simply less vulnerable to fraud and abuse.”
If we've learned anything from the 2008 sub-prime housing crash, it's this: 'ignorance' in financial
matters is never bliss.
Schools are unable to make the investment that is almost guaranteed to improve the quality of your son
or daughter's life. Unfortunately that also means that our future workers are tragically under-equipped
to deal with the financial aspects of this fast-moving, global economy.
And so, we really need to pay attention to the N.F.E.C. (the National Financial Educators Council)
when it says that, “To have a real, long-lasting impact, a dedicated personal finance class should last an
entire semester for each of the four years kids attend high school.”
{Side bar – “For many young people, financial literacy is a slip through the cracks kind of subject.” –
Richard Barrington}
We need to give them four semesters. Not one.
This is why THE MONEY CONNECT was created.
As the free market answer to financial education, we give your children everything they need to
establish their independence in the real world.
You can be sure of it.
Because unlike government programs, our success depends on your success.
For unbeatable results, we have developed a powerful 3-step approach.
Capture your child's interest and imagination with a learning environment that is tailored to this
generation's multimedia sophistication.
Transform the once-boring subject of home finance into an innovative system of challenges,
friendships and rewards.
And give your child the real world advice and opportunities that he or she will need to
successfully step out into the job market.
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The TIME article that I mentioned earlier goes on to say that “Mexicans talk with their kids about
money 42 days a year, on average, and Brazilians, 38. American families talk with their kids about
finances 26 days a year.”
{Side bar – “We need to learn the Language of Money.” – Tarra Jackson}
We at THE MONEY CONNECT are going to open the doors to communication.
By enrolling your children in our program you will be doing so much more than helping their futures…
You will be leading by example.
You will be starting a conversation on the subject of personal finances.
And that’s how you will be able to help your family plan for the future.
That's how your family can learn to build one success upon another.
That's how important this is.
Using money to connect families.
But before I detail all of the innovative learning opportunities that we offer, let me introduce myself
and tell you a little story about how the idea of THE MONEY CONNECT first came to me.
{Insert picture of Dr. Jennifer Garret here}
My name is Jennifer Garret. M.D. OB/GYN, and like you I was worried about my children's future in
today's economy. And I know what you're thinking. “But you're a doctor. I'm sure you could provide
for your children's needs...” And in a way you'd be right. But let me tell you why I don't always think
that's such a good idea.
Things haven't always been so easy for me. I went back to school after having my first child. As a
single mother, I worked every summer just to have enough money for school.
Even though my parents helped me, they had four other children to take care of and they had already
retired. I had to learn to manage my finances and plan for my future from very early on.
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And so, one of the first courses I took was Family Financial Management. They taught me how to
figure out my yearly finances.
Aided by their advice, I was able to follow a strict budget and win a scholarship for “financially
responsible students” worth $20,000, 2 years in a row.
That, plus all of the love and support of my family, was the essential ingredients that saw me all the
way through 12 years of higher education.
Where have all of those opportunities gone?
For children who have been raised, largely, during a period of economic prosperity, the “Great
Recession” is much more than a shock.
As I'm sure you know; with the sky-rocketing costs of college; the general sluggishness of the economy
and the temptation to use your credit card for everything, it’s almost impossible for kids to keep any
savings in the bank at all.
It's no wonder that in a recent PEW study they've found that it hasn't been this hard for a young adult to
move out and gain his or her independence since the 1950s.
{Side bar – “We as society must make sure that students graduate with the financial literacy skills they
need to navigate in the modern financial world.” – Chairman of the FED, Ben Bernanke}
I thought that my children should have more opportunities in life than I did.
Senior fellow Isabel Sawhill of the Brookings Institute underlined this feeling exactly when she spoke
in a recent CNN interview. She had just completed a nationwide survey called “Pathways to Middle
Class”, and what she had to say should serve as a warning to all of us.
We all know that times are tough, but...
I’m sure you’ve heard of the ‘boomerang kids’ phenomenon. These are the 25% of our young men and
women (23-28 yrs. old) who have gone back to live with their parents.
But that is just a symptom.
Mrs. Sawhill's findings go on to show that the middle class is slowly being split in two. Children born
in households with education and opportunity have a much better chance of reaching a middle class
wage and lifestyle than those who were born without.
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This is something that’s been building for a long time now.
“This is a wake-up call!”
“I would not like to be a teenager these days.” – I. Sawhill
29% of this generation is failing to establish their independence, and it comes down to two things:
Inadequate education and the lack of real opportunity.
{Side bar – “Preparing students for success requires a different educational experience than it did a
generation ago.” – Arne Duncan}
THE MONEY CONNECT is here to solve that inequality.
{Insert picture of THE MONEY CONNECT’S introductory literature package and graphics here}
We do more than provide the practical, day-to-day skills of money management.
We help your family plan for your children’s future.
We provide your children a quality financial education in the form of up to date, real world advice that
helps them to make their own 'blueprints' for success.
Then we help them to start making that dream a reality with the motivation of real world opportunities.
Simply put, we help your family by first teaching your children how to help themselves.
The power of the Internet.
Like you, I knew that I had to give my children the skills they needed. But I also knew that they didn't
really want to hear it from “Mom”, no matter how well-intended.
This is why I organized a team of financial advisers, designers and programmers to create a virtual
“3-D life mapping” application that takes the “me” out of the equation and puts their imaginations and
their feeling of excitement in control.
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This is a visually stunning application that gives your children the powers not only to design the future
of their dreams, but also to help them understand how to really make it ‘happen’.
Let me explain.
Using an ever-growing database of 3-D modeling choices, your child begins his or her experience here
at THE MONEY CONNECT by role playing. Your children can choose where they’d like to live...
what kind of car they’d like to drive... the types of restaurants they'd like to go to... and the kinds of
clothes and accessories that they'd like to dress up with for a night out on the town.
These are the kinds of real world choices that empower your children to dream.
And then, with the guidance of our avatar host, we begin showing them how they can earn points
through our site to begin building on their virtual plan.
And this is my favorite part.
I think it's great that schools aren't talking about “grades” as much as they're talking about “outcomes”
these days. Because the truth is, that's what parents want: practical, measurable results.
And that is exactly what THE MONEY CONNECT will give your children.
You see, using our 3-D life mapping application, we aren't just filling your children's heads with
dreams; we are showing them how to get there in the real world.
Because, with every decisions that children make in their 3-D life maps, we are also giving them the
expert advice and experience that they’ll need to do the same thing in the real world.
These are real decisions, only with the exception that they are made in a virtual world.
And so, if your child buys a car through our application, he’ll also understand how interest works, and
be able to choose the best payment plan.
She will know which kinds of financial aid she needs to get for college.
And your children will even have a realistic picture of how much a tropical wedding costs… for when
the time comes.
Let me tell you a little bit about how that works.
We start by showing your children how to earn virtual income through our site.
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Every point that they earn through our games or challenges is treated just like real money that they can
then use to upgrade their 3-D life maps.
For example, when your daughter decides to buy a new car from our virtual car dealer, our avatar guide
will tell her how many points she needs to have to get it.
On the gaming side, your daughter will be shown how she can use the features of our site to build up
points for what she wants.
And THEN at the very same time, your daughter will get the real world tutorial on how she can turn
that dream car into reality.
We tell her in very clear terms. “If you want to add these options on your car, you need to be making
$27.20 an hour working full-time. Here are 10 career options that can give you that.”
She will then also be able choose a career path from one of those selections in our virtual world, and by
leveraging her financial credit and job experience, she’ll be able to reach a higher-paying salary.
And that means that in a few more levels, she`ll be able to afford to start making payments on that nice
Mustang that she's had her eye on.
Have a look at some of our popular games and challenges.
Celebrity Calamity and Celebrity Calamity Mobile. Help a bankrupt starlet get back on the road to
fashion and success in Hollywood. Together, played over 204, 355 times.
Groove Nation. 5 dance teams compete for success and stardom on a limited budget. Played over
72,464 times.
Farm Blitz. Learn how to protect your income and avoid interest and penalty charges by keeping your
credit card paid down and saving for a rainy day. Played over 87,760 times.
Bite Club. Even vampires have to think about their retirement. Make your investments grow and save
for a comfortable future. Played over 68,331 times.
Refund Rush. Learn what kinds of investments are good for which kinds of people. Everybody is
different and it takes a keen sense of math and planning to choose the perfect portfolio. Played over
30,910 times.
{Side bar – “Technology can provide that entrance not only to the knowledge, but to the
conversation.” – Neale Godfrey}
We give your children the chance to make friends.
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After your son or daughter accepts our invitation to join THE MONEY CONNECT they will be
contacted by one of our call service representatives and invited to join in one of our age and interest
appropriate on-line RPG (role play game) competitions.
These are the team versions of the titles that I mentioned up above, but with a twist.
Over a secure Skype connection, two teams of 10 players each compete for valuable virtual
merchandise that they can proudly display in the yard of their virtual homes.
From horses to helicopters, your children will have something to show their friends. And they will also
have learned to budget for all of the upkeep and maintenance that big ticket items involve - a mini
lesson all its own.
This is a great way for kids to have fun in the spirit of competition while learning and even learn
important financial skills that can last a lifetime.
And not to worry. All of our titles and competitions include parental permission and security features.
Why games?
There's a technical answer. Cisco systems says that, “Recent technological advances confirm that
students using well-designed combinations of visual and text learn more than students who only use
This is confirmed by some of the results that we’ve compiled from 200 children after one single play of
Farm Blitz.
Description of child’s
Opinions on -
Before playing
(on a scale of 1-5)
After 1 play
Percentage of
on- -
basis. 3.59
So, technically, it's true. A multi-media environment provides a very effective learning experience.
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It’s also just more fun.
And isn't that what kids really want?
Of course it is.
That's exactly why, by using games, we have the chance to turn the once dull subject of home finance
into a something that they’re really interested in.
And just a note on security.
All of our competitions are monitored for language and appropriate behavior. As well, exchanging
personal information such as phone numbers or your home address is expressly forbidden.
We want to create a space where you can feel confident about letting your children enjoy themselves,
without any need to worry.
That also means that this is a space for children only. Sorry.
I know. Even though these games are informative and entertaining enough for adults, parents are not
allowed to participate in any of the on-line competitions.
Each child will, generally, only be able to talk with children of his or her own grade.
However, we want you to encourage your whole family to share in these lessons of personal finance.
And so, with your paid subscription, you can have access to the single player or 2-player versions of all
of our popular titles in the comfort of your living room.
Just log on through the 'home competitions' portion of our site, and find out who the real “King of the
Financial Hill” in your family is.
Build your life upon a dream.
I'd like to spend just a moment here to personally comment on the extraordinary power that giving your
children a clear, fixed financial goal can have.
I was born in Montana. And when I was young, I didn't want to be a doctor so much, even though now
I absolutely love my job; I just really wanted to escape the long, cold winters. I wanted to live
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someplace warm... someplace close to the beach... someplace exactly like where I'm living today in
sunny southern California.
That's the power of having a fixed goal, and I really believe that helped give me direction on my path to
education and financial freedom.
{Side bar – “My friend tells me there are 3 types of people – adders, sub tractors, and multipliers.
Which one are you?” – John Hope Bryant}
Because ‘Luck’ isn’t the answer to your children’s financial futures.
Lead by example. Start talking with your children about the importance of money in their lives.
And then take the time to reassess just what kind of financial goals you'd like to set for your family
over the next 10 years as well.
Start sharing those dreams and, together, start taking steps to get there.
That's how you will inspire them, and that's how “money talk” will really begin to sink in.
Smart financial planning is one of life's biggest lessons.
Yes, as a doctor I could support my children after they grew up.
But I don't believe that I'd really be helping them all that much.
I would much rather show them how to succeed on their own.
You see, in Montana, we have an old saying that serves to warn anyone who would give their children
the family ranch without ever giving them the sense of responsibility that they need to run it.
“From son to son... and then it's done”, we say. The grandfather built the ranch and made it
profitable… the son learned to work it… and the grandson only enjoyed the spoils without learning
how to protect it.
Sadly, the next generation will never see any of it.
{Side bar - Percentage of teens who think they will be financially dependent on parents until age 25-27
more than doubles.” - Annamaria Lusardi }
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That is not the legacy that I want to leave behind.
I want my children to be happy. I want them to make their own way in the world and have their own
lives. And I want to be proud of them and share in all of the success and achievement that I know
they're capable of.
And that means that they have to stand up for themselves.
{Side bar – “Someone once said, “the chains of habit are too light to be felt until they’re too heavy to
be broken.” We’re trying to help kids develop healthy (financial) habits that will help them their whole
life.” – Warren Buffet}
The simple truth is this.
Children need self-discipline and personal accountability so much more than they’ll ever need you to
pay their credit card bills.
I know that can be a very tough lesson to teach at times.
But you don't have to do it alone.
THE MONEY CONNECT can help you - by first showing your kids how to make their own way in the
{Side bar – “Student debt is a top fear of college-bound.” – Dan Hebert}
How do we do that?
My son learned about credit the hard way. In college he missed a payment on his credit card because
his roommate hadn’t paid him. As a result, the total was due immediately and his interest rate shot up
to 21%. This ruined his credit for years and ate into his budget every month.
So when my daughter decided to follow in my footsteps and earn her medical degree, I knew that I had
to teach her how to use her online banking to pay her bills on time.
Faced with over $57,000 of debt each year, it was clear to me that if she ever fell behind with her
payments, then it could even make her unable to rent an apartment.
{Side bar “Kids don't have the time to learn things the way we did.” - Isabel Sawhill}
Did you know that, these days, employers are regularly checking applicants’ credit scores when
considering them for a position in their businesses?
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They want to know how you conduct your personal affairs... and they'd better like what they see.
So I knew that I had to find a way to teach her the good habits that she needed before it was too late.
{Side bar – “Online banking now accounts for 53% of U.S. banking transactions, compared with 14%
for in-branch visits.” – The Wall Street Journal}
THE MONEY CONNECT'S on-line banking system.
THE MONEY CONNECT has created the perfect way to get your children in the habit of making
regular payments.
It seems like it’s just a way for your children to use their gaming points to buy things for their 3-D life
But it's so much more than that.
Our e-banking system also :
Takes the mystery out of real world on-line banking.
Gets kids in the habit of checking their balances and paying their bills regularly.
Advises children on how to make more money and fine tune their budgets in the real world.
Teaches financial responsibility for 3 age groups; youth, teens and young adults.
And, as an added feature, our e-banking system plays an important part in helping your son or daughter
turn the financial education that we provide into the real world “opportunities” they need.
How does it do that?
By giving them:
Responsibility. To encourage students to balance their e-budgets and take care of all of their
virtual bills, THE MONEY CONNECT will send your son or daughter an actual $5 check for every
month that they've paid down all of their debts and added to their savings.
Think of it, most kids don't receive much in the mail at all. What do you think your son or daughter
will have to say when he or she is receiving checks month after month?
Reward. Your son or daughter will have the chance to double their virtual savings while
earning real world rewards. Through our “Win - Win” contract, your child will be learning the real
value of a professional working relationship, at home. More on this later.
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Respect. To encourage your children to save their points and keep their credit scores high, this
August THE MONEY CONNECT will hire the best and brightest to work with us. These are wellpaid, part-time positions that your child can do from home. Details to follow.
This is our way of saying, “The world is out there for the taking... as long as you're willing to work for
Because if we can prove the real money value of a financial education in your children’s minds, then
we can really begin to motivate them to achieve their potential.
{Side bar –“Teach them to think through a problem. The ability to analyze a problem, consider alternative solutions, and then follow a solution to a successful conclusion is invaluable. This is especially true in terms of personal finances.” -Gary Foreman}
Start a conversation with your kids about success.
Start asking your son or daughter about their aspirations in life. Talk with them about their 3-D life
map. What types of careers are they thinking about? What kind of neighborhood would they like to
live in? And what activities would they like to enjoy with their friends on the weekends?
Get to know how they see themselves in the future and start encouraging that dream.
And remember - it's your example of smart financial planning, dedication and pulling together as a
family that will motivate them to reach out and get it.
So inspire them with your financial success stories.
What's the financial story of the house that you're living in now?
How long did it take you to save up for your wedding day?
Give your children the benefit of your experience, and help them to understand the way things really
work out in the real world.
And this is the secret that I wanted to tell you about earlier.
By talking about financial security in an open and honest way with everyone in the family – you will
also be closer as a family.
You will be better able to help and support each other when times get tough.
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And you will have the peace-of-mind of knowing that your marriage will never be troubled by the
kinds of disagreements that far too many couples have. Because you will both be able to understand
your finances, your dreams and each other, better.
Your family deserves to succeed.
We want to see your children grow into financially mature individuals who are ready to confidently
step out into the job market.
And we at THE MONEY CONNECT believe that means giving them a sense of real world
responsibility from early on.
But who ever really wants to work for free?
This is where we connect your child’s success with your family’s best interests.
We have created a very special way for you to encourage your son or daughter's financial responsibility
and at the same time, strengthen your working relationship in the house.
Called the “Freedom through Respect” contract, this, in essence, gives your son or daughter an actual
“professional job” within your family.
Why does it have to be a contract?
Because there is something that's just so different about choosing your own responsibilities and earning
your own rewards in life – something an allowance can never give.
Think of it. Everyone has some kind of contract with their employer. That's what gives you the
understanding of your 'professional working relationship' with your coworkers.
And so it also makes sense that, to succeed, your child needs to understand this too.
Sooner rather than later.
{Side bar – “Freedom is participation in power.” – Cicero, from the 1st century B.C.
AKA, “No taxation without representation.” – The American Revolution}
With this contract we're not talking about paying them for doing chores.
We want to give your children real incentives for living up to a professional level of responsibility…
for going above and beyond the daily work that a family does to keep the house in order.
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And we make sure it’s fair for everyone.
After two weeks of your paid enrollment in THE MONEY CONNECT, a customer service
representative will call you and talk about five things that you'd really like to see your son or daughter
accomplish this year. Whether it be raising his grades, painting the house or learning to fill out his own
tax return. We want to know the level of excellence that you’d like to set in your child’s mind.
{Side bar – “High schools across the country are turning students as young as freshmen into IRScertified tax preparers and having them do free tax returns for their neighbors.” - USA TODAY}
We then contact your child and ask them about their aspirations as well.
What would they like to do? Where would they like to go? What kinds of hobbies could you help
them out with?
After assigning real world money values to both what you are asking, and what your son or daughter
really wants in return, we can then make a contract that shows your family - in very clear terms what kinds of goals should receive what kind of rewards.
Cleaning the house could mean 2 credits, but going to the movies (including drinks and popcorn) can
cost from $20 – 25 per person these days.
And that means they'll need to save up 2 more credits before they can go.
With this contract, we show your son or daughter exactly how much their work is worth in the real
world so you don't have to.
Also, you'll never have to 'make sure they're doing their chores'.
To reinforce the fact that these “jobs” are really opportunities, THE MONEY CONNECT regularly
sends your son or daughter time sensitive e-mail reminders.
This is a chance for your child to double their e-bank savings AND earn credits that they can apply
towards their contracted rewards.
But it is only good for a day or two.
This teaches them to live up to their responsibilities and rewards their timely, responsible action.
We keep track of everything for you.
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When your yard is clean and your trees are trimmed, your child will send you an invoice through the ebank, and then, just like any employer, simply log onto THE MONEY CONNECT and virtually pay
your child the contracted rate for their work.
We think that you'll be proud with the end results.
You get your yard cleaned for a fair price. Your son or daughter learns how things work in the real
And by rewarding them with points for the contract and their 3-D life map, we continue to encourage
them to reach for that next level.
Help your child by setting the expectation for success and motivating them with a plan.
And on this point, let me tell you an interesting fact about THE MONEY CONNECT that makes our
“Freedom through Respect” contract truly hassle-free.
Our call service representatives know exactly what your children are going through.
We know what it's like to be a kid these days… because most of our staff are kids.
That's right. In fact, our call service staff is comprised of young boys and girls just like your son or
They are smart, friendly and dedicated to showing your child all of the potential that financial
education can bring to their lives.
So when your son calls us, he will be talking with someone just like himself. When your daughter has
questions about the program, she can contact someone who truly understands what it's like to be a
And just like our call representatives all over the country, this August your son or daughter has the
chance to make a big difference.
{Side bar – “Your reputation depends on something greater than making money. It depends on
creating prosperity for all.” – Robert M.}
We are a unique organization of youthful energy…
and we're hiring.
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This August we will be holding local and national online competitions to find out which of our students
has the knowledge, financial maturity and drive to become one of our team.
Enroll your child in THE MONEY CONNECT today and guarantee your son or daughter consideration
for an actual job.
This is a well-paid, part-time position.
Work from home
Earn up to $640 per month
$10 - $20 health care contribution depending on your health care plan.
We are a certified Youth Experience and Career Exploration Program. (14+-year-olds are also
eligible for consideration as long as they work no more than 2 hours on a school day and 4 hours on a
non-school day.)
If awarded a position with us, your son or daughter will also have the chance to receive, free,
N.F.E.C (National Financial Educators Council) training, worth $297, which opens doors to a wide
variety of paying opportunities in your own community.
But this is just a part of the success that we think your family deserves.
Just like our motto says...
“One success leads to another”
Don't you think that you should make a small investment to give your child access to all of our unique
technologies, rewards and opportunities today?
This is how you can give you son or daughter a clear, self-created 'blueprint' for their future... start the
conversation on financial health... and encourage your child to plan for his or her dreams...
…all the while helping your family understand what you need to do to be more financially stable.
Look at all we offer
Just think of how your son will feel when he gets his first $5 check in the mail.
Or how much your daughter will enjoy talking with her new friends in our team competition RPG
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Think of the great sense of responsibility that our “Freedom Through Respect” contract can give your
And, maybe even, the sense of pride and self-esteem that your son or daughter will feel when they land
their first well-paying job with us.
THE MONEY CONNECT is much more than an educational investment.
We want to give you the satisfaction of knowing that your children have the discipline it takes to make
it in the real world... and give you the security of knowing that your family is financially smarter
because of it.
We can make the difference
Order today and for one low price you'll get instant access to all of our innovative teaching
technologies and valuable opportunities.
This is your chance for your family to plan for your future together and, more importantly, a way for
you to succeed together.
To your family’s future
As an added bonus, by enrolling in THE MONEY CONNECT today, your entire family is given the
chance to make a real difference in your hometown by participating in our yearly “Financial Education
Help us show everyone how financial education can be fun, engaging, and motivating in your
This September, we call upon your family to get out there and inspire participants of all ages to take
positive financial action that will improve their lives.
This yearly competition is simple.
Do something to improve the financial literacy of your neighborhood and ask your local paper to write
about it. Then clip your article and send in the results to our headquarters. We will judge your entry,
and based upon your effort and the impact that you've had on your community, we will award a number
of contestants 1 of 3 valuable prizes.
3rd place will receive NFEC training and materials for a local teacher of your choice. Your child can
become a financial leader and make a lasting impression on the youth of this generation. A $297 value.
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2nd place will be given employment as a call service representative within THE MONEY CONNECT.
Your child can learn valuable skills, experience and save for college. Valued at up to $670-680 per
But for two 1st place winners, we have something really special.
For one boy and one girl, each of your families (limit 3 family members) will be flown to Washington
D.C. for 2 nights. There, your family will be given a formal dinner in honor of the work that you've
done for your community. Your son or daughter will be awarded the honorary title of “Financial Youth
Leader”, and he or she will then receive a one-year contract for advertising and speaking engagements
to promote financial literacy with THE MONEY CONNECT.
Airfare and accommodation, paid for by a grant from the Presidential Advisory Council on Financial
{Side bar – “Our Nation’s future prosperity depends on the financial security of all Americans. This
month, let us each take time to improve our own financial knowledge and share that knowledge with
our children. Together, we can prevent another crisis and rebuild our economy on a stronger, more
balanced foundation.” – President Barak Obama}
This is a chance for your family to distinguish itself, reward itself and see our nation’s capital.
A unique chance.
Don't you think that your family would benefit from all of our learning challenges and opportunities?
As I said earlier, I knew that I had to help my children learn how to manage their lives, even if I didn’t
have the time. I looked at hiring a private tutor to come to my house. But they cost between $40 and
$50 per visit, and they're kind of hard to find.
I even asked our school system to set up a special class, only to be informed that it would have to go
through the committee. And, realistically, there’s no telling how long that could take.
But with THE MONEY CONNECT, what we are talking about is affordability, quality and ease.
We can give your children an entertaining and practical financial education... one that inspires them to
dream... one that motivates them with real world opportunities....
And we can do it all with a focus that makes your family financially stronger.
There is no other system like this on the market today, and certainly not at our low subscription price.
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Sign and send in the enclosed invitation card today or visit our website to register your child or
You won't just be helping your son or daughter take their first steps towards financial independence,
you will be leading your entire family by example.
How much does it all cost?
$29.95 a month
Let's look at some of the other extras that you’ll get with your subscription.
Your son or daughter will receive our weekly e-newsletter which uses true stories of icons in
industry, pop culture and sports to encourage your kids to think about their futures.
This week, “Steve Jobs talks about finding inspiration to always reach for 'one more thing'.”
We send each child enrolled a pocket-sized “points bank” book that they can use to show you
how much they are saving towards their goals (and how much they’re learning).
And, to encourage the spirit of competition even more, your child has the chance to have his or
her “money” score recorded along with their own “3-D” characters on local and national leader
These opportunities are too good to pass up.
Just think, if your son or daughter earns employment with us (or through any other job they get with
our career training advice), they could easily be earning more in one month than the cost of 14 months
of our services at this low subscription price.
Won't you make this investment to give your children a better shot at success?
Order today and give them a learning head start for our next jobs competition in August and set them
on the road to a financially mature life.
It's only $29.95 but if you'd prefer to pay in yearly installments we can give you everything that I've
mentioned above for $336.00. (A savings of $23.40) That comes to $27.75 a month.
And as long as your child is receiving his or her $5 check for balancing their bills, which means that
your family is only paying $22.75 per month for this exceptional system of services and opportunities.
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And we'll give you our guarantee that your subscription dues will never go to waste.
We at THE MONEY CONNECT believe so much in our abilities to keep your children engaged and
entertained that if your child ever loses interest in our educational opportunities, then we will close
their account and the remainder of your subscription balance will be automatically refunded to your
credit card.
That's right, if your child doesn't log into our site for more than a month, we will refund your balance
for that month and you won't receive any other bill from us.
Why do we do this?
Simply speaking, we want you to feel confident that any money you're spending with us is going
directly to improving your son or daughter's life. And we believe that is so important that we are
willing to stake our reputation and our success as a company on it.
That means we guarantee to inspire your son or daughter to action.
We give your children much more than information... we do more than help them build good financial
habits... even more than provide them with opportunities for a job.
Our goal is to equip your son or daughter with the experience that will lead to informed action.
And so, if you don't see a marked difference in the way that your son or daughter thinks of money in
the first two weeks of your subscription, just give us a call and we'll refund 100% of your subscription
dues. No questions asked.
In other words, you are guaranteed to see an improvement in one of the most important areas of your
child’s adult life – in two weeks – and it’s at absolutely no risk to you.
There's one last bonus, especially for you.
In the spirit of National Financial Literacy month, when you order in April we will also send you an
authorized copy of Quick Books® “Tips and Tricks For Your Household”, a $49.95 value.
Connect to your bank and see your expenses and account activity in real time. Lead by example and
help your family understand your daily, weekly and long-term budgeting goals with this powerful and
easy-to-use software.
Order today! Because the greatest investment that you can make is in your family's future.
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For just $29.95 a month or $336.00 a year (a $23.40 savings) you can give your family the kind of
entertaining and comprehensive financial education that you just can't find anywhere else.
Start planning for next year's security, right away.
And also, know that if you cancel your subscription at any time, you are free to keep this useful
financial software as our gift to your family. Set your financial goals for the future and use this
software's budgeting guide to help you get there.
But we only have 500 copies in stock and when they're gone we won't be re-ordering them again until
next year. So order now and avoid any delays.
Fill out our business reply card and drop it in the mail. Or visit us online to enroll your son or daughter
in the most innovative and life-changing financial education on the market.
THE MONEY CONNECT - “One success leads to another”
Order today!
Best Regards,
{Signature here}
Jennifer Garret. M.D.
P.S. Money is one of the greatest motivators that has ever been invented.
But for some reason only a few people really know how to use it – the rich people.
You can make financial knowledge the answer to your family's future, today.