Rutgers University at Camden Psychology Department Psychology 215: Statistics for Social Science Fall 2003 Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 11:15 AM – 12:10 PM, Armitage 121. Instructor: Office: E-mail: Phone: Office hours: Katerina Bezrukova Armitage 307 856-225-6120 By appointment Teaching Assistant: Rosetta Dweh E-mail: Office hours (Armitage 307): Mondays (9-11am) or by appointment Course Description This course is designed to provide you with an introduction to statistical methods in the behavioral and social sciences, both descriptive (organization and presentation of data) and inferential (drawing conclusions from data). Topics include graphical descriptive techniques and numerical descriptive statistics, sampling distributions, point and interval estimation, tests of hypotheses, correlation and simple linear regression, analysis of variance and test for qualitative data. Major emphasis is given to practical applications in psychological research. The objectives of this course are: To gain some experience in using samples of data to make inferences about a population To learn some of the basic statistical tools used to analyze data To get hands-on experience in computing with data. Required Course Materials: Spatz, C. (2001). Basic Statistics: Tales of Distribution (7th ed.).Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. Additional Supplies Calculator (with square root and memory function) **Bring your book and calculator to every class session!! Student Responsibilities My goal is to provide you with the best educational experience possible. However, it is up to you to take advantage of the instructional activities that are planned. Some of your responsibilities include: -Attend all class and lab sessions -Arrive on time - Read all assignments on the schedule prior to class -Allow sufficient time to prepare for class (6 to 9 hours per week outside of class) -Academic Honesty (outlined in University Catalog) 2 Homework There will be approximately three homework assignments in this course. These assignments will count towards your final grade, and hence you each must submit your own homework solution. Though homework only accounts for 10% of the final grade, it is important to do the assignments for practice. Similar problems will appear in the exams. Homework will be assigned at lectures, usually a week prior to its due date. All of the homework assignments will be graded, and solutions will be made available. Graded homework will usually be returned one week after the due date. NO LATE HOMEWORK will be accepted. Exams There will be two written midterms and a final exam for this class. The first midterm will take place on Friday, October 10. The second midterm will take place on Friday, November 14. The final exam is at 9:00 am on Thursday, December 18. The location for the final exam will be announced later. The only excuses for missing an exam are: a serious illness or a major family crisis. You must provide proof in the form of an official document. A note from a family member is not sufficient. To be clear -- To prove that you are seriously ill, you need to have a note from a Rutgers physician documenting that you could not take the particular exam. A note from a physician saying that you were seen for a problem is NOT sufficient. Minor illness or problems are not acceptable to be excused from an exam. Colds, sinus problems, upset-stomach, slight fever and the like are not valid reason for missing an exam. THERE ARE NO MAKEUP MIDTERM EXAMS. If you miss an exam and do not have an acceptable excuse as described above, you will receive a ZERO for that exam. The exams will be closed book exams. You will need a calculator for all exams. Grading/Re-grading Policies Your final grade will be based on: 10% homework, 25% for each midterm, 40% final exam. The approximate grading curve for final grades is: 20-30% A's, 30-40% B's, and the rest C's,D's and F's. No late homeworks will be accepted, but your lowest homework score will be dropped when calculating your final overall homework score. There are no makeup midterm exams. Any dispute arising in grading of homeworks and exams should be submitted in writing. This letter should clearly state clearly the question(s) where you think there has been a grading error and what you think that error is. Simply asking for a "re-grade of question #2" is not sufficient. Requests that are incomplete or that do not clearly explain the problem will not be considered. Note that upon resubmission the entire exam or homework may be re-graded and not just the disputed question. No re-grades will be accepted for exams or homework written in pencil. There is a one week time limit for submission of disputes for both exams and homeworks. The one week limit starts from the day the homeworks/exams have been returned in class. If you are not present in class when the exams/homeworks are returned, it is your responsibility to collect them. For the final exam each student is given two weeks from the beginning of the new semester to examine their exams and submit any written request for re-grading. No requests will be entertained after the two week deadline has passed. 3 Tentative Weekly Schedule of Lectures Sep 3-5 Class Overview of course and Introduction Book 1 – 18 Sep 8-12 Data: Organization, Graphs, and Central Tendency 22 – 47 Sep 15-19 Variability 50 – 63 Sep 22-26 Combination Statistics / Review Sep 29-Oct 3 Correlation and Regression 66 – 75 Homework #1 due (Sept 22) 80 – 112 Oct 6 Review Oct 8 NO CLASS Oct 10 Midterm #1 Oct 13-17 Theoretical Distributions 113 – 133 Oct 20-24 Samples and Confidence Intervals Oct 27-31 Hypothesis Testing: One-Sample Designs 134 – 156 Homework #2 due (Oct 24) 157 – 177 Nov 3-7 Hypothesis Testing: One-Sample Designs/ Two Sample Designs Nov 10-12 Hypothesis Testing: Two-Sample Designs / Review Nov 14 Midterm #2 Nov 17-21 Analysis of Variance: One-Way Classification 210 – 231 Nov 24-26 Analysis of Variance: One-Way / Factorial Design 234 – 262 Dec 1-5 Factorial Design / Chi-Square 278 – 296 Homework #3 due (Dec 5) Dec 8-10 Chi-Square / Review and Catch-up Dec 18 Final Exam 180 – 207