CITY OF TRENTON MUNICIPAL PREVENTION POLICY BOARD KICK-OFF MEETING SUMMARY REPORT Date ......................Tuesday August 4, 2009 Time .....................1:00pm – 3:00pm Location ...............Office of the Mayor of Trenton The Senator Walter Rand Institute for Public Affairs at Rutgers – Camden 411 Cooper Street, Camden, NJ 08102 Page | 1 I) WELCOMING REMARKS Douglas H. Palmer, Mayor, City of Trenton o Mayor Palmer welcomed the attendees and thanked them for their time. o He articulated his strong belief in the mission of the Prevention Policy Board (PPB), and its potential to effectuate lasting change in the lives of Trenton’s youth. If the programs are successful, he is hoping that the state will continue the funding as well as provide funds to other cities in the state. o He is expressed that he supports the Governor’s Crime Plan as he is hopeful that it will decrease juvenile crime and gang membership as well as decrease the truancy rates. II) OPENING REMARKS Lisa Macaluso, Deputy Director of Crime Prevention, Office of the Attorney General o Deputy Director Macaluso welcomed those in attendance and thanked them for their commitment to serving Trenton’s youth. o Ms. Macaluso provided an overview of Governor Corzine’s three-pronged Strategy for Safe Streets and Neighborhoods: Law Enforcement, Reentry, and Prevention. PPB’s Organizational Structure Each of the six cities will develop a Prevention Planning Board and Municipal Advisory Council via existing structures. The Municipal Advisory Council should consist of all services part of the municipality’s prevention system. This larger advisory group would meet bi-annually, with its main function to share information between it and the PPB and viceversa. The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) will provide support for the work in the following forms: o Staff Support-The Walter Rand Institute at Rutgers-Camden has assigned the PPB a project manager, Tracy Swan, who will be responsible for day to day operations of the project and serve as the primary contact person; a research assistant, Kristin Curtis, and graduate student project assistants, whose initial responsibility will be to collect and synthesize data into a cohesive form to create a picture of risk and protective factors relevant for Trenton. Gwendolyn Harris, Associate Director of the WRI will supervise the overall effort by the Institute. o Training- each PPB will be trained on Results-Based Accountability through consultants from the Annie E. Casey Foundation. This training will provide the Board with the tools to move its members from talk to action. o Funding- There may be some funding available to the six municipalities to help in implementing its defined strategies. The Senator Walter Rand Institute for Public Affairs at Rutgers – Camden 411 Cooper Street, Camden, NJ 08102 Page | 2 The Guiding Principals underlying the Prevention Strategy are: o Multi-Level Collaboration: Thorough prevention planning needs to occur across all levels of government, and not exclusively held at only one level of government. There is a state level interagency group coordinated by the OAG that will be focusing on these same issues. o Community Empowerment: Provide support for local government by creating a system out of a host of different programs that are already in existence. OAG will also make available support for the prevention work by providing training for local Boards, staff to the Boards, and processes for system enhancement. o Solutions-Oriented Use of Data: o Data, not people, are the primary drivers of programs. o Data levels the playing field; everyone has equal opportunity to interpret the data o Government should, and must, follow through from planning to implementation to results; data will help check if results are being achieved. o Accountability and Transparency: o Programs must be accountable to ensure outcomes are achieved. o Board participants must be transparent to each other and users. PPB’s Goal is for all of its Board participants to have the same understanding of what its municipality’s prevention system is. o In order for a system of crime prevention to be successful, each of its parts must understand what the system is. If preventing crime and encouraging the wellbeing of young people is the ultimate goal, each stakeholder must be on the same page. PPBs will engage in systems management by examining the current array of programs and services in its municipality to identify service gaps and duplications. It is crucial that this be a City-County partnership since a majority of the State prevention dollars are funneled through the counties to individual municipalities. The Prevention Policy Board has two overarching tasks: o Creating or enhancing a prevention system from the current array of existing programs o Using Network Analysis, the PPB will map out what its municipality’s current prevention system looks like. This will allow individual PPB participants to add value to their current work by better understanding the work of others. This process will also aide programs and services in analyzing their individual The Senator Walter Rand Institute for Public Affairs at Rutgers – Camden 411 Cooper Street, Camden, NJ 08102 Page | 3 agencies, their missions, their partners, and how they connect to other systems. o Network Analysis will also allow all PPB participants to better understand where services overlap and where there are gaps in services. It is here that the opportunity exists for the system to be enhanced into a more comprehensive and functional entity. o The Network Analysis will start with the PPB participants and then branch out to map other prevention programs and services serving the municipality. o Describe the municipality through juvenile risk and protective factors o This snapshot will help to get PPB participants on the same page with what their municipality looks like today in terms of the risks and protections youth are exposed to currently in that municipality. o Based on this snapshot, PPBs will determine and prioritize its desired outcomes. Then, the PPBs will develop strategies to reach these defined outcomes, assign specific work to implement these strategies (may be assigned to participants of the PPB and/or may be assigned to other groups in the community who are already working on the identified outcomes), and finally, track outcomes. o This is a results driven process not a report driven one. III) OPEN DIALOGUE Brian Hughes, Mercer County Executive o County Executive Hughes thanked everyone present for their commitment to improving the lives of at-risk juveniles, and extended the support of his office to the Board. Chair Marygrace Billek, Director, Mercer County Health and Human Services Department Chair Irving Bradley Jr., Director, Trenton Police Department Chair Carolyn Lewis-Spruill, Director, Trenton Health and Human Services Department o Each of the above-named chairs thanked everyone for their commitment to the Board. They also each stated that this is groundbreaking and exciting work. Further, they reiterated the need to communicate with one another on a regular basis. Barry Colicelli, YouthStat Coordinator o Mr. Colicelli stated that he was looking forward to having the YouthStat Advisory Group provide data and information to the Board. The Senator Walter Rand Institute for Public Affairs at Rutgers – Camden 411 Cooper Street, Camden, NJ 08102 Page | 4 IV) NEXT STEPS o The Chairs will reach out to the members of the Board with the next scheduled Board meeting (most likely after Labor Day). The Senator Walter Rand Institute for Public Affairs at Rutgers – Camden 411 Cooper Street, Camden, NJ 08102 Page | 5 Attendance and Contact Information Last Name First Name Title Organization/group Telephone No. Amantia Brian Captain Trenton Police 609-989-3375 Billek Marygrace Director Mercer County - DHS 609-989-6526 Bradley Irv Director Trenton Police Department 609-989-4055 Colicelli Barry J. Youth State Coordinator City of Trenton - Youth Stat 609-310-0200 Condit Henry Youth Worker Mentor Juvenile Alert 609-743-0494 (M) 609-392-1977 (H) Cosmo Alex Project Assistant Walter Rand Institute, Rutgers-Camden 856-225-6259 Curtis Kristin Research Associate Walter Rand Institute, Rutgers-Camden 856-225-6236 Harr Sean Probation Supervisor Mercer County Probation 609-571-4448 The Senator Walter Rand Institute for Public Affairs at Rutgers – Camden 411 Cooper Street, Camden, NJ 08102 Mailing Address 225 N. Clinton Ave. Trenton, NJ 08609 640 South Broad St. Trenton, NJ 08625 225 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, NJ 08609 319 E. State St. Trenton, NJ 08609 1109 Revere Ave. Trenton, NJ 08629 411 Cooper Street Camden NJ 08102 411 Cooper Street Camden NJ 08102 175 S. Broad Street Trenton, NJ 08625 Email Last Name First Name Title Organization/group Telephone No. Harris Gwendolyn Associate Director Walter Rand Institute, Rutgers-Camden 856-225-6268 Hughes Brian Mercer County Executive Mercer County 609-989-3518 Jones Charles R. Area Director DYFS 609-777-2007 Judkins Evon Statewide Alliance Coordinator GCADA 609-777-1829 Ken Director Rutgers T.E.E.M Gateway/ YES Center 973-919-9896 Krause Lois Law Enforcement Social Services Liaison Trenton Police 609-989-4094 Lewis-Spruill Carolyn City of Trenton-DHS 609-989-3332 Macaluso Lisa Office of the Attorney General 609-577-2571 Karamichael Director Deputy Director of Crime Prevention The Senator Walter Rand Institute for Public Affairs at Rutgers – Camden 411 Cooper Street, Camden, NJ 08102 Mailing Address 411 Cooper Street Camden NJ 08102 640 South Broad St. PO Box 8068 Trenton, NJ 08650 50 E. State St., 5th Floor PO Box 717 Trenton, NJ 08625 135 W. Hanover St. PO Box 345 Trenton, NJ 08625 102 Ryokus Lane New Brunswick, NJ 08901 225 N. Clinton Ave. Trenton, NJ 08609 319 E. State. St. Trenton, NJ 08608 Email Last Name First Name Title Organization/group Telephone No. Melvin Kayra Coordinator City of Trenton- MOET 609-815-2195 Morris Flyod President Children's Futures 609-695-1977 Morton Bryan Project Assistant Walter Rand Institute, Rutgers-Camden 856-225-6259 Palmer Douglas Mayor City of Trenton 609-989-3030 Rogers Jason Fathers & Men United for a Better Trenton 695-0393 635-4069 Starlo Justice Pastor Swan Tracy Project Manager Walter Rand Institute, Rutgers-Camden 856-225-6705 Taylor Robert Acting Chief, Division of Youth Services Mercer County -DHS 609-278-4845 Weatington David Assistant Superintendent Trenton Public Schools 609-656-4900 Ext. 5739 609-638-88811 The Senator Walter Rand Institute for Public Affairs at Rutgers – Camden 411 Cooper Street, Camden, NJ 08102 Mailing Address 319 E. State St., Rm. 23 Trenton, NJ 08608 28 W. State St. Trenton, NJ 08608 411 Cooper Street Camden NJ 08102 319 E. State Street Trenton, NJ 08608 PO Box 23065 Trenton, NJ 08607 131 Perry St. Trenton, NJ 08619 411 Cooper Street Camden NJ 640 South Broad St. Trenton, NJ 08611 108 N. Clinton Ave. Trenton, NJ 08603 Email bmorton0671@camlink.rutgers.e du Last Name First Name Title Organization/group Telephone No. Weaver Monica L. Provost & Dean Mercer County Community College 609-570-3161 Young William Coordinator-School Support Services Trenton Board of Education 609-656-4671 The Senator Walter Rand Institute for Public Affairs at Rutgers – Camden 411 Cooper Street, Camden, NJ 08102 Mailing Address PO Box B Trenton, NJ 929 Parkside Ave. Trenton NJ Email