New Perspectives on Computer Concepts (11th Edition) Instructor’s Manual 1 of 19 Computer Concepts Tutorial Three: Computer Software A Guide to this Instructor’s Manual: We have designed this Instructor’s Manual to supplement and enhance your teaching experience through classroom activities and a cohesive chapter summary. This document is organized chronologically, using the same heading in blue that you see in the textbook. Under each heading you will find (in order): Lecture Notes that summarize the section, Figures and Boxes found in the section (if any), Teacher Tips, Classroom Activities, and Lab Activities. Pay special attention to teaching tips, and activities geared towards quizzing your students, enhancing their critical thinking skills, and encouraging experimentation within the software. In addition to this Instructor’s Manual, our Instructor’s Resources CD also contains PowerPoint Presentations, Test Banks, and other supplements to aid in your teaching experience. For your students: Our latest online feature, CourseCasts, is a library of weekly podcasts designed to keep your students up to date with the latest in technology news. Direct your students to, where they can download the most recent CourseCast onto their mp3 player. Ken Baldauf, host of CourseCasts, is a faculty member of the Florida State University Computer Science Department where he is responsible for teaching technology classes to thousands of FSU students each year. Ken is an expert in the latest technology and sorts through and aggregates the most pertinent news and information for CourseCasts so your students can spend their time enjoying technology, rather than trying to figure it out. Open or close your lecture with a discussion based on the latest CourseCast. Table of Contents Chapter Objectives Section A: Software Basics Section B: Popular Applications Section C: Buying Software Section D: Installing Software and Upgrades Section E: Security Software Glossary of Key Terms 2 2 4 11 12 16 18 New Perspectives on Computer Concepts (11th Edition) Instructor’s Manual 2 of 19 Chapter Objectives Students will have mastered the material in Chapter Three when they can: Describe the way software is categorized and identify the purpose for each major software category Explain the key features and uses for word processing, desktop publishing, and Web authoring software Describe the major features of spreadsheet software Describe the key features of database software List the types of software available for graphics, video, music, education and reference, entertainment, and business List guidelines that are important for software shoppers Describe the rights granted by copyright law, commercial software licenses, shareware licenses, freeware licenses, open source licenses, and public domain software Explain how to install and uninstall software, whether it is supplied on CDs or as a Web download Differentiate between local, portable, and Web applications Describe the purpose of software updates, patches, and service packs List and describe the various types of malware mentioned in this chapter Explain how antivirus software works SECTION A: SOFTWARE BASICS Software Categories LECTURE NOTES A software package is a collection of files with different purposes. You can show a file listing for a typical program, as Figure 3-1 does, and point out the support modules (DLL files), program files (EXE files), and data modules (DAT, HLP, and TXT files). FIGURES Figure 3-1 CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES 1. Class Discussion: Have students list the types of software they’ve worked with. Compile the list on a whiteboard to illustrate the point that there are many types of software. Application Software LECTURE NOTES Demonstrate common applications, such as a word-processing program, accounting programs, media player, and address book, and discuss the types of tasks you can perform with them. Ask students to identify other categories of application software, and name particular packages in each category. You can also discuss where a student or consumer can find or purchase software packages, and what they might expect to pay for certain packages. Discuss how a computer language helps a programmer build an application. Demonstrate what a software development environment looks like by showing a simple program in Visual Basic or another development environment. New Perspectives on Computer Concepts (11th Edition) Instructor’s Manual 3 of 19 Explain that the days of the in-house custom programmer are numbered. Most companies buy their software off the shelf. Most people do not write programs for their own computers. You can buy or download almost any kind of software you can think of. Mention which programming languages a student might study in additional courses at your school. Some universities provide Web-based calendars that allow students, faculty, and staff to maintain their own calendars, and access the calendars of others in order to schedule group meetings. This is an example of groupware. TEACHER TIP You may also wish to discuss with students the change from COBOL to C++ as the most popular language for beginning programmers. COBOL (a high-level language) includes many powerful features for business applications; C++ (a high-level language) contains the same features, plus others, and can also be used to write extremely efficient code for operating systems. Inform the students that Visual Basic programs can be used as the front end of software (the user interface) and that C++ might be used to perform the functions (actions of the program). Mention other languages such as Java. Have students heard of these? FIGURES Figure 3-2 CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES 1. Quick Quiz: 1. ______ software is any type of application software that has the potential to help people do their work more efficiently. (Answer: Productivity.) 2. ________ is designed to help several people collaborate on a single project using local network or Internet connections. (Answer: Groupware.) 3. True/False: Running application software works the same with all operating systems. (Answer: False.) 2. Class Discussion: Ask students if they have experience using groupware. How did/do they use it? What purpose does it serve? Utility Software LECTURE NOTES How many of the utilities listed on pages 122 and 123 are students familiar with? Can they name others? Show students widgets like those in Figure 3-5. If possible, show Web sites like the Google Desktop Gadgets page at for more examples. TEACHER TIP Point out that antivirus software has become extremely popular in recent years and for good reason. If possible, demonstrate antivirus software on a classroom computer. FIGURES Figure 3-3, Figure 3-4, Figure 3-5 New Perspectives on Computer Concepts (11th Edition) Instructor’s Manual 4 of 19 CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES 1. Assign a Project: Have students look on classroom or home computers for utility software. Have them make a list of all the utility software they find. 2. Quick Quiz: 1. A(n) ______ is a specialized utility program that appears on a computer’s screen-based desktop, looks like a control, and might display a snippet of information. (Answer: desktop widget.) 2. ________ is designed to help you monitor and configure settings for your computer system equipment, the operating system, or application software. (Answer: Utility software.) Device Drivers LECTURE NOTES A brief discussion of device drivers reinforces the concept presented in Chapter 2 that when you install a peripheral device you must often also install software to make it work. If you want to give your students a concrete example use the following: Suppose your computer uses an ink jet printer, but you decide to purchase a new laser printer and use it instead. After you connect the printer, you need to make sure the computer sends the appropriate electronic signals, so you must install software to do this. This software—called a printer driver—is usually supplied with the printer. Some operating systems, such as Windows, contain pre-installed drivers for many popular printers. If the operating system contains the driver for your printer, you just need to select the appropriate printer. FIGURES Figure 3-6 CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES 1. Assign a Project: Have students browse and search the Internet for device drivers. Have them view the system requirements and relate their needs to their existing PC system. 2. Quick Quiz: 1. A(n) ______ is software that helps a peripheral device establish communication with a computer. (Answer: device driver.) 2. True/False: Once installed, a device driver automatically starts when it is needed. (Answer: True.) SECTION B: POPULAR APPLICATIONS Document Production Software LECTURE NOTES Explain that document production software includes a wide variety of packages, from simple wordprocessing software to more complicated packages that enable creation of desktop published newsletters as well as home pages for Web sites. Ask students to identify the kind of document production software they’ve used, if any. You can also discuss where a student or consumer may obtain or purchase software packages, and what they might expect to pay for document production software packages. Compare the features of each kind of program. New Perspectives on Computer Concepts (11th Edition) Instructor’s Manual 5 of 19 On the demonstration computer, show examples of word processing, desktop publishing, and Web authoring software for a variety of operating systems, if possible. Point out how the features of application software can integrate with operating system software. It is important for students to understand compatibility issues with different documenting software. Review fonts and other formatting options. Remind your students to use fonts sparingly, remembering the variations available within each font (boldface, italic underscore, caps, lower case, small caps) as well as left, center, and right justification. They should also make sure line length is appropriate for the type point size used. Use a magazine page to reflect suggested formatting features for a document. Point out that while the grammar check feature included in many word processing software packages is helpful, students should learn to use it properly. You may want to suggest to your students that they walk away from their work before a final proofreading, or ask someone else to proofread their documents. Many students will be curious about how to transform their word processing documents or worksheets into Web pages. Consider showing students an example of a document saved as a Web page. Let students view the page normally, as they would if they were accessing the document on the Web, and in HTML. Remind students that most programs today do not require them to know HTML in order to save their documents in Web-accessible formats. FIGURES Figure 3-7, Figure 3-8, Figure 3-9, Figure 3-10, Figure 3-11 TEACHER TIP Practice using a simple word processor. If all students can access document production software, such as WordPad, in class, have them write 1-2 paragraphs describing the features of WordPad or other document production software using 3-4 of the common features described in the chapter. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES 1. Assign a Project: Have students create a simple document using word processing software and explore the spelling checker, grammar checker, and thesaurus. 2. Quick Quiz: 1. ______ software has replaced typewriters for producing many types of documents. (Answer: Word processing.) 2. True/False: Desktop publishing software helps you design Web pages. (Answer: False.) 3. The _____ for a document refers to the way that all the elements of the document are arranged on the page. (Answer: format.) LAB ACTIVITY Refer students to the New Perspectives Web site for a Student Edition Lab called “Word Processing.” New Perspectives on Computer Concepts (11th Edition) Instructor’s Manual 6 of 19 Spreadsheet Software LECTURE NOTES The best way for students to understand the purpose and features of spreadsheet software is to let them work directly with popular spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel. If it is not possible for students to work with spreadsheet software in class, use the figures in this section to explain how spreadsheet software works. Emphasize to your students that a well-organized worksheet should be easily understood by anyone using it. Have your students use discrete categories that are clearly labeled when creating a worksheet. Explain that this is important if they will be sorting or exporting the worksheet to a database. Formatting spreadsheets (or any other document for that matter) for projection can be tricky; 14point boldfaced type (upper and lower case preferred) is generally acceptable. Use different borders, shadings, and patterns instead of color for emphasis. Remind your students to keep it simple. One of the most confusing aspects of spreadsheet operations is the use of relative and absolute cell references. Be sure to cover relative and absolute cell references thoroughly and until students understand the differences between them. TEACHER TIP For emphasis, as an in-class demonstration, you can create two versions of the same spreadsheet—one that was intended for reading on screen or in printed form; another larger, more simplified version for projection. Ask the students in the back of the room which one they would rather have projected in class. FIGURES Figure 3-12, Figure 3-13, Figure 3-14, Figure 3-15 CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES 1. Assign a Project: Have students create a simple spreadsheet using spreadsheet software and enter some text and numerical data. Have them take note of cells, columns, rows. If students attempt creating a simple formula using Figure 3-13 as a guide. 2. Quick Quiz: 1. A(n) ______ uses rows and columns of numbers to create a model or representation of a real situation. (Answer: spreadsheet.) 2. True/False: Microsoft Word is an example of spreadsheet software. (Answer: False.) 3. A(n) _____ reference never changes when you insert rows or copy or move formulas. (Answer: absolute.) LAB ACTIVITY Refer students to the New Perspectives Web site for the Student Edition Labs called “Spreadsheets” and “Advanced Spreadsheets.” New Perspectives on Computer Concepts (11th Edition) Instructor’s Manual 7 of 19 “Number Crunching” Software LECTURE NOTES Contrast spreadsheet software with number crunching software. While spreadsheets allow you to create your own formulas and scenarios, number crunching software can provide the formulas and opportunities for you. Give examples of tasks that you can perform with number crunching software, such as statistical analysis and mathematical modeling. Accounting and finance software, personal finance software, online banking, and small business accounting software all help users manage their money, from tracking expenses and income, to making investments, to paying bills. Discuss the difference between this type of numeric software and spreadsheets. On the demonstration computer, show sample files in a personal finance package and in a spreadsheet package. FIGURES Figure 3-16 CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES 1. Class Discussion: Ask students if they’ve used any “number crunching” software, such as tax preparation software or personal finance software. What programs and for what uses? 2. Quick Quiz: 1. ______ software helps you analyze large sets of data to discover relationships and patterns. (Answer: Statistical.) 2. True/False: Number crunching software is not for home use. (Answer: False.) 3. Quicken is an example of ___________ software. (Answer: personal finance.) Database Software LECTURE NOTES Students should think of databases as electronic filing systems that provide efficient storage, management, and retrieval of information. Information in a database is organized much like files in a file cabinet; information is grouped with other, similar information, everything is labeled, there is a sorting order (alphabetic, numeric, etc.). Review the parts of a database. Databases are comprised of records, which are compilations of information used to describe each object in a database. Records are comprised of fields, which are groups of cells that contain the same type of information, referenced by the same name. Refer back to the task of creating spreadsheets with discrete categories—spreadsheet information is often exported to databases. Both spreadsheets and databases should be organized carefully with limited or discrete information within each column, row, or field, so that operations such as sorting and querying can be performed easily. Discuss the reasons for using a database program instead of a spreadsheet program. (Displaying formatted reports is a major reason.) New Perspectives on Computer Concepts (11th Edition) Instructor’s Manual 8 of 19 How do you find information in a database? Queries allow users to ask questions about the information in the database. Queries can be simple or complex; in either case you must know the language of your query interface before using. Natural language queries allow the user to enter questions. TEACHER TIP Consider explaining how the school uses databases and demonstrate one that you have access to. FIGURES Figure 3-17, Figure 3-18, Figure 3-19, Figure 3-20 CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES 1. Class Discussion: Ask students to brainstorm uses for databases. What types of home uses are there for databases? What types of business might use databases? For what purpose? 2. Quick Quiz: 1. A(n) ______ is a collection of data that is stored on one or more computers. (Answer: database.) 2. True/False: A field holds data for a single entity—a person, place, thing, or event. (Answer: False.) 3. True/False: A database can contain any sort of data. (Answer: True.) LAB ACTIVIY Refer students to the New Perspectives Web site for a Student Edition Lab called “Databases.” Graphics Software LECTURE NOTES Distinguish among the different types of graphics software. These are paint, photo-editing, drawing, 3-D graphics, and presentation. Show examples of each, if possible. Emphasize that students should determine the graphics format of a file by checking its extension, such as BMP, GIF, JPEG, or WMF. Discuss careers in graphics software. Graphics-related jobs are some of the fastest growing in the computer industry. You could have your students search the Web for more information on jobs that involve graphics software. TEACHER TIP If your students are interested in pursuing computer-related careers, discuss the kinds of jobs that involve computer graphics. FIGURES Figure 3-21, Figure 3-22, Figure 3-23 CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES 1. Assign a Project: Have students use whatever graphics program they have installed to create a simple graphic. 2. Quick Quiz: New Perspectives on Computer Concepts (11th Edition) Instructor’s Manual 9 of 19 1. ______ software provides a set of electronic pens, brushes, and paints for painting images on the screen. (Answer: Paint.) 2. True/False: You can manipulate graphics using graphics software. (Answer: True.) 3. True/False: Presentation software is a type of graphics software. (Answer: True.) LAB ACTIVITY Refer students to the New Perspectives Web site for a Student Edition Lab called “Presentation Software.” Music Software LECTURE NOTES Explain that today, most operating systems come with music software. Have any students used MIDI sequencing software? It’s possible to make very sophisticated music on a computer. Have any students sung or played an instrument in a recording studio? What kind of software was in use? FIGURES Figure 3-24 CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES 1. Class Discussion: Ask students about their experiences using computers to listen to or create music. 2. Quick Quiz: 1. ______ software pulls a track off an audio CD and stores it in raw digital format on your computer’s hard disk. (Answer: CD ripper.) 2. True/False: Only musicians or composers have a need for music software. (Answer: False.) 3. True/False: Music can be stored in a variety of digital formats. (Answer: True.) Video Editing and DVD Authoring Software LECTURE NOTES Video editing software for nonprofessionals is increasing in popularity. Both Windows and Mac operating systems include accessories that allow users to transfer video footage from a camcorder to a computer and then edit the video. More sophisticated packages such as Adobe Premiere let you add special visual effects and a sound track. Refer to Figure 3-25 to illustrate how video editing software works. TEACHER TIP Sophisticated packages allow students to become independent filmmakers, and distribute their video via DVD. Have any students seen a video that was produced and distributed this way? FIGURES Figure 3-25 New Perspectives on Computer Concepts (11th Edition) Instructor’s Manual 10 of 19 CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES 1. Class Discussion: Once too advanced for novice users, video editing software is now popular on home computers. Do students have experience using video editing or DVD authoring software? How can people use these types of applications at home? Educational and Reference Software LECTURE NOTES Demonstrate a few examples of educational software. Products are available that help you learn a language, work with software, or prepare for a standardized test. Debate the merits of educational software—is it better than traditional instruction? When is it appropriate? When is it not appropriate? Demonstrate reference software. Show an online encyclopedia, dictionary, or atlas. What advantages do they offer? What might a user miss if he or she relies on reference software instead of printed reference works? Entertainment Software LECTURE NOTES Some of the most striking breakthroughs in software development have come from entertainment software—you might ask your students to identify which techniques software in other categories have borrowed from entertainment software. Use the chart in Figure 3-26 to discuss the various kinds of games. Discuss massive multiplayer games. Have any students played games like EverQuest? Ask them to describe their experience. FIGURES Figure 3-26 CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES 1. Class Discussion: Use the table in Figure 3-26 to start a discussion of popular entertainment software. Which examples do students have experience with? Business Software LECTURE NOTES Explain that vertical market software is specialized software for certain types of businesses, such as scheduling and billing software for medical offices, sales and inventory tracking software for retail stores, and student record management software for schools. Explain that horizontal market software is software designed for any type of business, and includes payroll, accounting, and project management software. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES 1. Quick Quiz: 1. Software that is designed to automate specialized tasks in a specific market or business is known as _____________ software. (Answer: vertical market.) 2. True/False: Horizontal market software is generic software that just about any kind of business can use. (Answer: True.) New Perspectives on Computer Concepts (11th Edition) Instructor’s Manual 11 of 19 LAB ACTIVITY Require the students to produce a file in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Have them send the files to you as an attachment. This activity demonstrates their ability to use the software products. SECTION C: BUYING SOFTWARE Consumer Basics LECTURE NOTES Review how to interpret the system requirements. Show students the system requirements printed on a software package or on a Web site, or refer them to Figure 3-29. Explain how to determine whether you can successfully install the software on your computer. This is a good time to relate the system requirements to the hardware discussed in Chapter 2. Remind students that software selection should be major criteria when designing the computer system. Why? If there is not enough RAM what will happen? If the disk space is not available, what will happen? New computers usually come equipped with software suites. Use computer ads to compare the prices of software suites with the prices of the different components purchased individually. Explain that you can usually save money by purchasing software suites. FIGURES Figure 3-27, Figure 3-28, Figure 3-29 CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES 1. Assign a Project: Give students a series of other sets of system requirements similar to the one in Figure 3-29 and ask them to parse the components. Alternately, give them a series of fictional computer system specifications and ask them which software applications could run on which computer systems. 2. Quick Quiz: 1. _____________ specify the operating system and minimum hardware capacities necessary for a software product to work correctly. (Answer: System requirements.) 2. True/False: You can purchase software by downloading it. (Answer: True.) 3. A(n) _________ is a collection of software applications sold as a single package. (software suite.) Software Copyrights and Licenses LECTURE NOTES If your school has a software use policy, you might want to provide your students with a copy in conjunction with this section. Make sure your students understand what it means for software to be copyrighted. Under U.S. copyright law, rights granted to the copyright holder include the right to copy, distribute, or sell the software, and to modify the software. Rights granted to the user of copyrighted materials include use of the software on the user’s computer (including installing the software on the hard drive and making a back-up copy), to copy entered data without restriction, and to copy or modify the software under certain circumstances. New Perspectives on Computer Concepts (11th Edition) Instructor’s Manual 12 of 19 Students have difficulty distinguishing among software copyright, copy protection, and write protection. To check your students' understanding, you might hold up a disc and ask, "Is this disc copyrighted, copy protected, or write protected?" The software on the disc is probably copyrighted, but the disc itself is not. It is unlikely that the disc is copy protected—this form of protection has fallen out of favor with software publishers. Shrink-wrap licenses and installation agreements. What are buyers agreeing to? Review the license on page 148 to see if students understand the legalese. FIGURES Figure 3-30, Figure 3-31, Figure 3-32, Figure 3-33 CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES 1. Assign a Project: Have students create a list of characteristics that identify pirated software. 2. Quick Quiz: 1. A(n) _____________ is a form of legal protection that grants the author of an original work an exclusive right to copy, distribute (sell), and modify that work, except under special circumstances described by the laws. (Answer: copyright.) 2. True/False: A software license is a legal contract. (Answer: True.) 3. Copyrighted software which is marketed under a “try before you buy” policy is known as a. Freeware b. Shareware c. Open source d. Public Domain (Answer: B.) LAB ACTIVITY Have students browse and search the Internet for public domain software. Have them view the system requirements and relate their needs to your existing PC system. Will the software run on their systems? SECTION D: INSTALLING SOFTWARE AND UPGRADES Installation Basics LECTURE NOTES Why is it necessary to install most software? What activities are usually performed by the computer during installation? Explain how the software determines where to store files. Describe the relationship between the main executable file and the support programs and data files associated with that program. Refer to Figure 3-35 to discuss the main executable file. TEACHER TIP Software requires many files. If possible, show students where the files are stored for a particular application to illustrate this point. Emphasize that students should not move or delete any of those files. New Perspectives on Computer Concepts (11th Edition) Instructor’s Manual 13 of 19 FIGURES Figure 3-34, Figure 3-35 CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES 1. Class Discussion: Do any students have experience installing software? Was the process easy or complex? Have them describe their experiences. 2. Quick Quiz: 1. A(n) _____________ is designed to be started by users or automatically launched by the operating system. (Answer: executable file.) 2. True/False: Today’s software is usually only composed of a few files. (Answer: False.) LAB ACTIVITY Refer students to the New Perspectives Web site for a Student Edition Lab called “Installing and Uninstalling Software.” Installing Local Applications LECTURE NOTES Demonstrate an installation from distribution media. Perform an installation similar to the one illustrated in Figure 3-37. Consider demonstrating a standard and a customized installation. Be sure to explain to students how to change customized options, and how to add or remove program features at a later date. The Registry plays an important role in the boot process, providing technical information about the configuration of your computer. It contains a myriad of information about your computer and your software. Explain to students that when they change configuration information using the Control Panel or various settings dialog boxes in applications programs, that they are making changes to the Windows Registry. Demonstrate an installation from the Web. Caution students that viruses are often disguised as self-installing files, so they should download and install software only from reliable sources. Demonstrate how to work with zip files and to run a setup program to complete the installation. A perfect demonstration would be the installation of an update to virus software. Have students go to the Web site and walk them through the file selection to download. FIGURES Figure 3-36, Figure 3-37, Figure 3-38, Figure 3-39 Installing Portable Software and Web Apps LECTURE NOTES What are the advantages of using Web apps over using software that is installed locally? Under what circumstances would the use of Web apps be problematic or unadvisable? FIGURES New Perspectives on Computer Concepts (11th Edition) Instructor’s Manual 14 of 19 Figure 3-40, Figure 3-41 CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES 1. Assign a Project: Have students visit and view the available portable software. 2. Quick Quiz: 1. _____________ is designed to run from removable storage, such as a CD or USB flash drive. (Answer: Portable software.) 2. True/False: A Web application is software that is accessed with a Web browser. (Answer: True.) 3. True/False: All Web applications require installation. (Answer: False.) Software Updates LECTURE NOTES Explain why students should update software. Discuss the difference between a software patch and a service pack. TEACHER TIP As a demonstration of updating software, consider upgrading the Windows operating system by downloading a service pack from Microsoft’s Web site. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES 1. Class Discussion: Ask students to differentiate between updates, patches, and service packs. 2. Quick Quiz: 1. A(n) _____________ is a small section of program code that replaces part of the software you currently have installed. (Answer: software patch.) 2. True/False: Software publishers regularly update their software to add new features. (Answer: True.) 3. True/False: It is rarely a good idea to install patches and service packs when they become available. (Answer: False.) Uninstalling Software LECTURE NOTES Explain that in Windows and Mac OS, you generally cannot remove a software application by simply deleting its files. Instead, you must run an uninstall routine to remove the software. The uninstall routine finds and removes the files the setup program copied to various folders and then restores any settings the setup program changed in the Windows Registry. Demonstrate how to uninstall. Uninstall one of the applications you installed earlier using an uninstall tool provided by the application. FIGURES Figure 3-42, Figure 3-43 CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES 1. Assign a Project: Have students list the types of software they have installed on their systems. Did they have problems installing any of it, and if so, how did they find the solution? 2. Quick Quiz: New Perspectives on Computer Concepts (11th Edition) Instructor’s Manual 15 of 19 1. Windows software typically contains a/an ______ program that guides you through the installation process. (Answer: setup.) 2. True/False: Downloaded files with .zip extensions automatically run the setup program to install the software. (Answer: False.) 3. A(n) ______ value is a unique number derived from encoding one or more data sets, such as names, serial numbers, and validation codes. a. zip b. hash c. source d. executable (Answer: B.) LAB ACTIVITY The New Perspectives Lab “Installing and Uninstalling Software” deals with issues that relate to this section of the textbook. You might want to go through the lab during class time if you have a computer with a projection device. Or, assign this lab for students to do on their own. New Perspectives on Computer Concepts (11th Edition) Instructor’s Manual 16 of 19 SECTION E: SECURITY SOFTWARE Security Software Basics LECTURE NOTES How can you detect Trojan horses on your computer and how do they differ from a virus? What measures should be taken to protect your computer from this type of threat? How do worms spread via e-mail? Discuss the importance of keeping your computer current with the latest updates and antivirus tools. Also discuss the basic rules that should be adhered to when surfing the Web, downloading files, and opening attachments. Any software that can automate a task or autonomously execute a task when commanded to do so is called an intelligent agent. Because an intelligent agent behaves somewhat like a robot, it is often called a bot. Looking toward the future, experts predict an increase of blended threats that combine worm-like distribution with virus and bot payloads. What steps should be taken by the software industry to protect consumers? Virus hoaxes can be as destructive as an actual virus. Review virus hoaxes and the proper responses. Direct students to Web sites that debunk virus hoaxes, such as Remind them that antivirus software manufacturers’ home pages often contain articles about virus hoaxes, too. FIGURES Figure 3-44, Figure 3-45, Figure 3-46, Figure 3-47 CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES 1. Assign a Project: Have students search the Internet for news of recent viruses. How much information is available? Did they learn of any new threats they need to protect themselves against? 2. Quick Quiz: 1. ______ is designed to protect computers from various forms of destructive software. (Answer: Security software.) 2. True/False: A Trojan horse is a self-replicating program. (Answer: False.) 3. A(n) ______ is any software that can automate a task or autonomously execute a task when commanded to do so. e. malware program f. bot g. Trojan horse h. spyware program (Answer: B.) Security Suites LECTURE NOTES Review security suites. Because so many different types of security suites exist, from so many different vendors, it is important to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each product. New Perspectives on Computer Concepts (11th Edition) Instructor’s Manual 17 of 19 If possible, visit a consumer Web site in class and discuss some of the reviews of both open source and commercial security software products. FIGURES Figure 3-48, Figure 3-49 CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES 1. Assign a Project: Have students search the Internet for security suites. Which one seems most appropriate for their use? 2. Quick Quiz: 1. A(n) ______ integrates several security modules. (Answer: security suite.) 2. True/False: Open source security software is dangerous and should not be used. (Answer: False.) Antivirus Modules LECTURE NOTES While many students may be familiar with the concept of antivirus software, many will not be aware of the recommendations for software updates. Emphasize that in order for virus software to remain current it must be updated frequently. Review current virus threats. Visit the Web site of an antivirus developer to learn about the latest viruses. Examine an antivirus application on the demonstration computer. Open an antivirus application and review its settings and options. Point out that many antivirus applications include tips for avoiding viruses in their online Help. FIGURES Figure 3-50, Figure 3-51 CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES 1. Assign a Project: Have students browse and search the Internet for three viruses listed in this section. Have them create a table listing the virus type and how it can be repaired or removed. 2. Quick Quiz: 1. A(n)_____ is a type of malicious activity that floods a network with useless traffic in order to overwhelm the network’s processing capability. (Answer: Denial of Service attack.) 2. True/False: Antivirus software is a set of utility programs that looks for and eradicates viruses. (Answer: True.) 3. A computer under the control of a bad bot is sometimes referred to as a _______. a. multi-partite virus b. zombie c. stealth virus d. Trojan horse (Answer: B.) New Perspectives on Computer Concepts (11th Edition) Instructor’s Manual Glossary of Key Terms 3-D graphics software (137) absolute reference (132) accounting software (142) antivirus software (167) audio editing software (139) audio encoding software (139) automatic recalculation (132) blended threat (162) bot (164) botnet (164) BSD license (150) CAD software (computer-aided design software) (138) CD ripper software (139) cell (130) cell references (131) clip art (129) commercial software (149) computer-aided music software (139) computer virus (163) computer worm (163) concurrent-use license (147) copyright (146) copyright notice (147) database (134) database software (134) demoware (149) desktop publishing software (125) desktop widget (123) device driver (124) distribustion media (146) document production software (125) drawing software (137) DVD authoring software (140) ear training software (139) educational software (140) EULA (end-user license agreement) (148) executable file (152) field (134) font (127) footer (128) format (127) formula (131) 18 of 19 freeware (150) fully justified (128) function (131) GPL (General Public License) (151) grammar checker (127) graphics (137) graphics software (137) groupware (121) hash value (157) header (128) horizontal market software (142) keylogger (163) label (130) leading (128) line spacing (128) local application (154) mail merge (129) malicious software (162) malware (162) mass-mailing worm (163) mathematical modeling software (133) mathematical operators (131) MIDI sequencing software (139) money management software (133) multiple-user license (147) natural query language (136) non-executing zip file (157) notation software (139) open source software (150) page layout (128) paint software (137) paragraph alignment (128) paragraph style (128) payroll software (142) personal finance software (133) photo editing software (137) point size (127) portable software (158) presentation software (138) product activation (157) productivity software (121) project management software (142) proprietary software (149) public domain software (149) quarantined file (169) query (136) New Perspectives on Computer Concepts (11th Edition) Instructor’s Manual query by example (136) query language (136) readability formula (127) record (134) reference software (141) relative reference (132) Remote Access Trojan (RAT) (163) rootkit (165) Search and Replace (127) security software (162) self-installing executable file (157) self-executing zip file (157) service pack (159) security suite (166) setup program (154) shareware (149) shrink-wrap license (147) single-user license (147) site license (147) software installation (153) software license (147) software patch (159) software suite (144) spelling checker (126) spelling dictionary (126) spreadsheet (130) Top of Document spreadsheet software (130) spyware (164) statistical software (133) system requirements (145) table (129) tax preparation software (133) thesaurus (127) Trojan horse (163) unzipped (156) utility software (122) value (130) vertical market software (142) video editing software (140) virus definitions (168) virus hoax (166) virus signature (167) Web application (Web app) (158) Web authoring software (125) what-if analysis (130) Windows Registry (154) word processing software (125) worksheet (130) zipped (156) zombie (164) 19 of 19