Binah Institute of Advanced Judaic Studies for Women Initial Review

Binah Institute of Advanced Judaic
Studies for Women
Initial Review: March 14, 2008
Binah Institute of Advanced Judaic Studies for
Women is a four year degree granting institution
approved by the Maryland Higher Education
Commission. Binah Institute requested review of
courses to allow transfer of credit while they are
applying for regional accreditation. The mission of
the Binah Institute is to provide its students with
opportunities to pursue a multifaceted curriculum
comprising a full program of Judaic Studies and
academic and professional career programs
alongside a strong foundation in general education.
The Judaic Studies curriculum is anchored in the
study of the vast canon of Biblical and Rabbinical
writings with a focus on deepening students'
philosophical insights and developing their moral
judgment and ethical character. The academic and
professional career programs enable students to
achieve their full potential in ways consistent with
traditional Jewish life. Internships and study abroad
programs and research opportunities integrate
thought with action and prepare the students for full
and meaningful lives of distinction.
and paragraph structure and the appropriate use of
words and terms in oral communication. Written
summaries, outlines and critiques are also required.
ENGL201: English Composition (3 cr. Basic)
Location: Binah Institute campus in Baltimore, MD.
Length: 40 hours of classroom instruction
January, 2003 – March, 2013
This course encourages independent thinking,
strategies of analysis and documentation. Students
are taught to evaluate sources and to use analysis to
write clear and persuasive arguments. Several short
essay assignments based upon readings in the
textbook and other relevant materials are required.
The final exam is a major research paper of the
student's own design. Students practice drafting and
revising, and benefit from in-class workshops and
discussion. Research skills are emphasized. Paper
topics are individually chosen and may be drawn
from a range of disciplines. At the conclusion of
this course students will be more adept at creative,
expository writing on the undergraduate level.
EDUC 261: Human Growth and Development
(3 cr. Basic)
Location: Binah Institute campus in Baltimore, MD.
Length: 40 hours of classroom instruction
January, 2001 – March, 2013
This course will provide the student with an
overview of the life span. Human development is
influenced by an interplay of biological, social, and
cognitive processes. Biological processes include
change in physical characteristics. Social processes
include changed in relationships with other
individuals, emotions and personality. Cognitive
processes include changes in thought, intelligence
and language. We will explore the developmental
tasks at the following stages: pregnancy; prenatal
period; infancy; toddlerhood; early, middle and late
childhood; adolescence; and early, middle and late
ENGL102: Communication: Public Speaking (1
cr. Basic)
Location: Binah Institute campus in Baltimore, MD.
Length: 55 minute session per week over period of
15 weeks: total 13.7 hours
January, 2001 – March, 2013
In this course, students employ a wide variety of
speaking opportunities to gain confidence and
competence in their ability to present a message to
an audience. Through speeches before a live
audience of fellow students who then critique the
speech, students learn to critically analyze the
elements of effective oral communication. Students
also improve their vocabulary, learn proper sentence
Educ215: Educational Psychology (3 cr. Basic)
Location: Binah Institute campus in Baltimore, MD.
Length: 40 hours of classroom instruction
September, 2003 – March, 2013
This course studies learners, learning and teaching.
The students will explore psychological theories
which will lead them to understand how children
learn and develop. It will also equip students with
the principles leading to educated decisions
regarding teaching practices. Educational research
will be discussed to provide students with hard facts
regarding the most effective teaching strategies.
Torah sources are utilized to present the traditional
Jewish perspective on teaching.
Source of official records:
Registrar, Binah Institute
6214 Pimlico Road
Baltimore, MD 21209
MATH130: Elementary Statistics (3 cr. Basic)
Location: Binah Institute campus in Baltimore, MD.
Length: 40 hours of classroom instruction
January, 2001 – March, 2013
This course enables the students to understand the
role and usages of statistics in accurately gathering,
interpreting, and presenting information. Gives a
general overview of modern statistical techniques.
SCIE220: Classical Physics (3 cr. Basic)
Location: Binah Institute campus in Baltimore, MD.
Length: 40 hours of classroom instruction
September, 2003 – March, 2013
This course is an overview of classical physics for
liberal arts students who are seeking a connection
between science and they world they live in. It
includes topics in the laws of motion, fluids, heat,
electricity, sound and light. The topics chosen relate
to the students' everyday experience. The course is
conceptual, focusing on physics concepts without a
reliance on mathematical formulations or extensive
problem solving. This course is designed to five
students familiarity with the basic principles of
Physics and the scientific method, and an
understanding of the natural limits and relationships
imposed by the laws of Physics.
COMP215: Introduction to Algorithms (3 cr.
Location: Binah Institute campus in Baltimore, MD.
Length: 40 hours of classroom instruction
January, 2007 – March, 2013
The course focuses on the algorithmic thinking and
the algorithmic approach to problem solving. The
students will learn how to gradually design
algorithms using visual representation tools such as
pseudocode and flowcharts.