Notes – Genetic Technology (Chapter 13)

#__ Notes – Genetic Technology (Chapter 13)
Section 13.1 Applied Genetics
Selective breeding is
Why do farmers and animal breeders selectively breed for particular traits? For example, a strawberry farmer may cross
plants that tend to have redder fruit, but not cross plants that have pale fruit even if they are sweeter.
A test cross is
Problem-Solving Lab 13.1 (modified): Your pet guinea pig has black fur. The allele for black fur (B) is completely
dominant over the allele for white fur (b). Your neighbor has a white guinea pig.
1. What are the possible genotypes of your guinea pig?
Your neighbor’s guinea pig? _______
2. How can you use your neighbor’s guinea pig to find out the genotype of your own guinea pig?
3. What is this process called?
4. If you wanted to breed guinea pigs, what can you do to guarantee that all the offspring would have black fur?
5. Give at least two reasons why you can’t do a test cross for humans.
Section 13.2 Recombinant DNA Technology
1. genetic engineering – changing the ____________ of an organism for a specific purpose
2. restriction enzymes – enzymes that cut _______ molecules into smaller pieces at
cleavage sites (“cleave” means “to cut”; “site” means “location”)
each cut sequence is a palindrome (e.g. A man, a plan, a canal: Panama.)
3. plasmid – a loop of DNA found inside ____________________
4. r
DNA – DNA with parts that are “cut and pasted” from other sources/organisms
- organisms with this kind of DNA are called g
(e.g. the glow-in-the-dark tobacco plant on page 341)
Minilab 13.1 (p. 343 of text)
Name of Restriction
Cutting Pattern of
Cleaved Fragments of DNA
The DNA Sequence (on p.343)
that this Enzyme will cut
If you wanted to make bacteria that can produce insulin (a protein) for the use of diabetics:
Step 1: Isolate the gene. Remove the
enzyme to cut the DNA.
for insulin from human DNA by using a ___________________
Step 2: Produce recombinant DNA. Use the same _______________________enzyme to cut a bacterial plasmid, then
insert the human gene for insulin. You now have recombinant DNA --- DNA that contains genes from two different
Step 3: Clone the DNA. Insert the p
(containing recombinant DNA) into a host bacterium.
(bacterium = singular, bacteria = plural) The host bacterium is a t
organism, meaning that it
has recombinant DNA. Let the host bacterium multiply. Each resulting bacterium has the DNA to produce insulin.
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) - man-made DNA replication
- how you can get enough DNA to test when you only have a small sample
Section 13.3 The Human Genome
Read p. 346 on gel electrophoresis.
1. DNA is a positively/negatively charged molecule. The top of the gel is positively/negatively charged.
2. Longer/shorter fragments of DNA end up closer to the top of the gel. (e.g. football players in mud)
Problem Solving Lab 13.3.
1. Which parental DNA matched the soldier’s DNA?
2. What percent of the soldier’s DNA matched his mother’s DNA?
His father’s DNA? ________
3. Could an exact identification have been made with only one parent’s DNA? Explain your answer.