Sample report using an Individual Learning Plan for some domains

Year 3 Semester 2
Learning Area
Health and Physical Education
Civics and Citizenship
The Arts
The Humanities
Number and Algebra
English Measurement and
English Statistics and
Information and Communications
Design, Creativity and
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Work habits
Needs Attention
Very Good
Class Behaviour
Well above the standard expected at this time of year
Above the standard expected at this time of year
At the standard expected at this time of year
Below the standard expected at this time of year
Well below the standard expected at this time of year
Your child's achievement this year
The expected level of achievement
Year 3 Semester 2
What James has achieved
James is able to use concrete materials to help him in understanding and has had some success with
naming fractions, by using visual prompts. James’ design using tessellation patterns to create a mural was
very well done and very creative. James made a substantial contribution to the group task using survey data
to create graphs. James created an excellent Science poster on liquids, gases and solids in the home and
has acquired a good science vocabulary. The visit to the farm and the power-point presentation on
classifying living things provided James with the opportunity to show his knowledge and love of animals.
In the Arts, James was able to express his ideas and observations only with much prompting and
encouragement. James’ ability to fully complete a set task has improved.
James’ motor skills have improved significantly this year and as a result his enjoyment and success in HPE
has increased. His basketball skills have improved and he successfully took part in a round robin tournament.
James enjoys all ICT lessons and is competent in using the computer to complete publishing and
presentation tasks. On occasions he has even helped other class members with their ICT projects. James
had a very good idea and plan for building a toy in the technology unit but struggled with constructing the toy
according to the plan.
Areas for improvement/future learning
James has difficulty with understanding and working with abstract ideas in Mathematics. He needs to focus
on developing his skills through the continued use of concrete materials.
James requires support and encouragement to work cooperatively with other class members and in teams.
He needs to develop an understanding of the importance of persevering with a task and that everything he
makes cannot be perfect the first try. This is particularly important in the Arts where James has a tendency to
give up easily and to hand in poor quality work. He needs to listen to advice carefully and act on it so that he
can continue to improve his art work. James’ skills in ICT can be further developed by learning how to make
short animation stories and presentations.
The school will do the following to support James in his learning
An Individual Learning Plan for Mathematics will be developed for next year to enable James to have more
time to develop his Mathematical skills and understanding.
James will continue to have regular sessions with the speech pathologist to assist him to continue to develop
good speech habits and social skills.
The school will assist James with more visual aids to support him to plan and design projects.
What you can do at home to help James progress
Provide opportunities for James to estimate and recognise quantities in everyday life, for example, while
preparing meals or while shopping.
Encourage James to work with other members of the family on small projects at home.
Encourage James to join a local sporting group to help him develop physical and social skills.
Student Comment
I liked playing in the basketball round robin. I think I worked well with my friends on the graphs in
Mathematics. I really liked doing the animal project and I was proud of my presentation to the class. I am
starting to enjoy Art more and I will try harder to finish all my pictures. I will work harder trying to get along
with people and not lose my temper. I will keep trying hard even when things get hard for me.
James has been absent for 12 days this semester.
Teacher: Ms Lloyd
December 2013
Year 3 Semester 2
Individual Learning Goals Record Sheet
Overall assessment of progress towards goals
Learning Areas
Learning Goal
Read Reading Recovery Level 15, and
English Reading
interpret the text by responding to who,
where, when, why, and what questions.
Personal Learning
Type 1 - 2 paragraphs based on his
class projects, with correct spelling,
punctuation and sentence structure.
Contribute ideas during classroom
discussions and present a short oral
report on set topics in two literacy
React appropriately to changes to the
daily routine. For example, no
screaming, pushing tables, or hitting
when asked to use a different pencil,
when there have been timetable
changes, or when his normal teacher is
Participate in a class activities involving
social interaction. For example, helping
to compile the school newsletter.
During class activities, James will
display acceptable social behaviours
which include waiting his turn, talking
appropriately and following staff
Learn about DeBono’s thinking hats and
begin to use them to plan activities he
undertakes in class.
Achievement Ratings:
No progress
Little progress
Satisfactory Progress
Good progress
Very good progress
Excellent progress
Entry Skills
James is able to sight read
books at this level, but does
not show an understanding
of the ideas in the stories.
He is able to use written
information to follow
James has difficulty writing
legibly and struggles with
writing tasks. He has
difficulty focusing on and
presenting ideas
James has difficulty
focussing on the set topic
and often reverts to favourite
topics with which he feels
more comfortable.
James becomes upset
during change over times, or
when the set routines
change. He needs prior
warning when there have
changes to his routine to
ensure he does not become
distressed or disruptive.
James is usually able to
work in a group, but
sometimes has difficulty
contributing consistently to a
group project. He is easily
distracted and will complain
and become disruptive if he
has to wait too long for his
James has limited
knowledge of thinking tools
and how to use them.
Year 3 Semester 2
What James has achieved
James has made progress staying on task during classroom discussions by using visual cue cards to help him to
answer basic questions. He is now able to focus on the set topic without switching to topics he is more familiar with.
He is able to take turns during classroom discussions without interrupting. There has been a considerable
improvement in his ability to understand the content of stories. He is now able to answer ‘who’ what’ ‘when’ and
‘where’ questions and is developing skills in interpreting and giving reasons and consequences when responding to
‘why’ questions.
During his brief oral class presentation on “Being Healthy”, James was able to speak clearly and stay on the topic
for almost one minute. He also used photos to support he presentation.
James’ manner when talking to people is improving. He is able to use his “friendly voice and happy face” without
having to be prompted. He is beginning to follow instructions more often, but still complains when he is tired. He is
also beginning to ask for permission politely when he wishes to proceed to another activity but often needs
prompting or reminders to use his “friendly voice and happy face”.
James is comfortable when he knows his daily schedule. He will cooperate when completing group tasks when he
knows how long he has to complete it and that something more enjoyable will follow. He will remain on a set task for
at least fifteen minutes with the assistance of a staff member. James still prefers to have his personal space and
does not like having other students beside him.
James’ ability to sit and wait his turn during group work is a good example of his growing patience and ability to
concentrate on the set task. James is able to use De Bono’s Thinking Hats with assistance and has used them to
plan some of his written work.
Areas for improvement/future learning
James had difficulty presenting ideas sequentially in his oral and written work. James will benefit from regular
practice in putting familiar experiences in order in which they happened and from activities that require him to
interpret and reflect on stories that he has read. James needs to learn to follow instructions consistently without
reverting to using a whining voice as a tool to express his disapproval. He also needs to develop an understanding
that he can express his disapproval in an assertive but not aggressive manner. There has been a notable
improvement in his continued and obsessive speech habits while working, however, more improvement is needed
as he still finds it necessary to repeatedly say “Good, good work.”
James needs to continue to develop his understanding of De Bono’s Thinking Hats and to use them when planning
his work.
The school will do the following to support James in his learning
James will be encouraged to extend the types of texts he reads. Comprehension questions will be developed to help
him improve his understanding of the texts. Oral reports focussing on ordering and sequentially presenting ideas
with reduced visual support will be included in his tasks. James will continue to be encouraged to speak clearly and
not rush his speech.
The school will provide personal social script books on appropriate behaviours and in a variety of situations, for
example, when James is taken on Community Access or when he is involved in a new drama activity. He will also
be provided with a visual timetable so he can follow planned activities.
A timeframe and constant visual reminders will be provided for James when changes to the normal routine occur. To
assist James to reduce his obsessive speech habits, he will be reminded through the use of appropriate cues by his
teachers and aides that he is talking obsessively. Furthermore, he will be encouraged to talk about the group work
he is currently involved in. The timeframe required for James to complete a task before he is allowed to proceed to
one he considers more enjoyable will be gradually increased.
What you can do at home to help James progress
Encourage James to borrow books from the local library and to talk about the stories he has read. Talking Books
may assist James to develop a deeper understanding of the content.
Encourage James to talk about his day organising daily events in the order in which they happened while staying on
the topic.
Assist James to continue to develop his logical and ordered thinking buy using visual support cards.
Provide personal social scripts on appropriate behaviours when James is on a family excursion or before a family
Revise the daily routine each morning to prepare James for the day’s activities and events.
Assist James to reduce obsessive speech habits by using verbal and signing prompts.
Teacher: Ms Lloyd
December 2013