DNA Technology Flip Flop


DNA/Biotechnology 1


DNA or Deoxyribonucleic acid, is a nucleic acid that carries and transmits genetic information. The structure of DNA is the double helix, which looks a lot like a twisted ladder. The sides of the ladder are made out of phosphate and sugar. The sugar is deoxyribose.

The rungs of the ladder are the nitrogen bases, which pair together based on complimentary base pair rules.

Adenine (A) pairs with Thymine (T) and Guanine (G) pairs with Cytosine (C). Therefore the amount of adenine in a DNA molecule will always equal the amount of thymine and the amount of guanine will always equal the amount of cytosine. A nitrogen base, a sugar, and a phosphate together make up a nucleotide.


The copying of DNA is called DNA replication. DNA replication makes an identical DNA strand. This process begins when the double-stranded DNA unwinds with the help of the enzyme DNA helicase.

DNA polymerase, another enzyme, then travels along the strands and adds nucleotides. Therefore each of the two newly formed DNA molecules are made up of one old strand and one new strand. This is called semi-conservative replication.






The process of making DNA into RNA is called transcription. DNA must first unwind again, just like in DNA replication. A new enzyme, RNA polymerase, must then add new nucleotides as it reads the DNA. RNA is just like DNA except for three things:


RNA is single stranded, DNA is doublestranded


RNA contains the sugar ribose, and DNA contains the sugar deoxyribose


RNA has the nitrogen base uracil (U)

So the transcript formed is called the messenger

RNA (mRNA). The mRNA then travels from the nucleus (which is where transcription occurs) to the ribosomes for translation





What is the full name of DNA?

What is the structure of DNA?

What are the base pairing rules in DNA?

The amount of guanine = _______________________

The amount of adenine = _______________________

What is in a nucleotide?


What is DNA replication?

Which enzyme unwinds DNA?

Which enzyme adds new nucleotides?

Find the complimentary strand to: AGCTACCA

Each new DNA molecule is made up of one _____ strand and one ______ strand, which is why it is called

________________________________ replication.

What are the three differences between DNA and


Find the transcript to ATAGGCCATA:

Which type of RNA travels from the nucleus to the ribosome?

DNA and Biotechnology 2


The next step in this process is to make the mRNA into proteins. When the mRNA travels to ribosomes, the mRNA code must be cracked! Each three letters or nucleotides are read together as codons. The codons code for amino acids. The codons on the mRNA match up with the anticodons on the tRNA

(transfer RNA). The job of the tRNA is to bring the amino acids in the cytoplasm to the mRNA. A bunch of amino acids bonded together in a long chain is called a protein.

Codon = ACA



Gel electrophoresis is a technique used to separate

DNA pieces by size. It is used to create DNA fingerprints, the band patterns that are different for every individual. To create a DNA fingerprint, the

DNA is cut by a restriction enzyme and the pieces are run through a gel. The bigger pieces get caught at the beginning of the gel and the smaller pieces can run towards the end.

CS 1 2 3 4

____ _____ _____ _____ _____

_____ _____

____ _____ _____ _____ _____

____ _____ _____ _____

Here, suspect 2 matches the crime scene.


Gene technology can also be used to make human proteins by changing genes in animals to produce these proteins. Human insulin, for example, can be made in the milk of cows or goats. Scientists can also make genetically modified crops, such as crops resistant to pesticides or to bugs. Scientists have changed a gene in certain bugs that produces a protein that injures the gut of chewing insects. Crops can also be made that have better nutrition. Some rice plants have been grown with more vitamins to make rice more nutritious. This happens more often than you might think, nearly 36 million acres of soybeans were genetically altered plants.


Three letter codes on the mRNA are called:

What is the job of the tRNA?

What do the codons code for?

Find the anticodon to each codon below:


What is a protein?


A pattern of cut DNA bands is called a:

What cuts the DNA?

CS 1 2 3 4

____ _____ _____ _____ _____


____ _____ _____ _____

____ _____ _____ _____

Which suspect matches the crime scene?


What can the milk of goats and cows produce?

What kind of crops can scientists make?

Is genetically engineered food common?

Is all this genetic experimentation, such as cloning or modified plants ethical? Why or Why Not?
