ENGLISH 10 – WORLD CULTURES CURRICULUM COURSE DESCRIPTION World Cultures 10 is an integrated class of two class periods for two trimesters where the students earn credits for both English/Language Arts 10 and World History. By combining the study the students are able to ascertain the themes of literature from a historical perspective. Students are expected to practice skills and processes of historical thinking and inquiry that involve chronological thinking, comprehension, analysis and interpretation, research, issues-analysis, and decision-making. Also, students will practice daily reading, comprehension, and vocabulary study. COURSE OBJECTIVES Through a combined emphasis of literary and historical perspective, the class will emphasize events and developments from the past that greatly affected large numbers of people across broad areas of the earth. The main focus will be on key events that pertain primarily to transcultural interactions and exchanges between various peoples and places in different parts of the world. Finally, students are expected to apply content knowledge to the practice of thinking and inquiry skills and processes through the teaching and learning of history and literature. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS World Cultures will focus on these three overriding themes: What constitutes a culture of people? How did modern day society arrive from the influences of historical civilizations? How does the literature reflect the historical era it represents? INDIANA STATE STANDARDS Standard 1 READING: Word Recognition, Fluency, and Vocabulary Development Students apply their knowledge of word origins (words from other languages or from history or literature) to determine the meaning of new words encountered in reading and use those words accurately. Standard 2 READING: Comprehension and Analysis of Nonfiction and Informational Text Students read and understand grade-level-appropriate material. The selections in the Indiana Reading List (www.doe.state.in.us/standards/readinglist.html) illustrate the quality and complexity of the materials to be read by students. At Grade 10, in addition to regular classroom reading, students read a wide variety of nonfiction, such as biographies, autobiographies, books in many different subject areas, essays, speeches, magazines, newspapers, reference materials, technical documents, and online information. Standard 3 READING: Comprehension and Analysis of Literary Text Students read and respond to grade-level-appropriate historically or culturally significant works of literature, such as the selections in the Indiana Reading List (www.doe.state.in.us/standards/readinglist.html) illustrate the quality and complexity of the materials to be read by students. At Grade 10, students read a wide variety of literature, such as classic and contemporary literature, historical fiction, fantasy, science fiction, folklore, mythology, poetry, short stories, dramas, and other genres. Standard 4 WRITING: Processes and Features Students discuss ideas for writing with other writers. They write coherent and focused essays that show a well-defined point of view and tightly reasoned argument. Students progress through the stages of the writing process (prewriting, writing, editing, and revising). Standard 5 WRITING: Applications At Grade 10, students combine the rhetorical strategies of narration, exposition, persuasion, and description in texts (research reports of 1,000 to 1,500 words or more). Students compose business letters. Student writing demonstrates a command of Standard English and the research, organizational, and drafting strategies outlined in Standard 4 — Writing Processes and Features. Writing demonstrates an awareness of the audience (intended reader) and purpose for writing. Standard 6 WRITING: English Language Conventions Students write using Standard English conventions. Standard 7 LISTENING AND SPEAKING: Skills, Strategies, and Applications Students formulate thoughtful judgments about oral communication. They deliver focused and coherent presentations of their own that convey clear and distinct perspectives and solid reasoning. Students deliver polished formal and extemporaneous presentations that combine the traditional speech strategies of narration, exposition, persuasion, and description. They use gestures, tone, and vocabulary appropriate to the audience and purpose. Students use the same Standard English conventions for oral speech that they use in their writing. UNITS OF INSTRUCTION (STATE STANDARDS) Unit 1: Ancient Civilization Unit 2: Classical Civilization Unit 3: Dark Ages and Medieval Life Unit 4: The Renaissance and Reformation Unit 5: The French Revolution Unit 6: Imperialism of European Nations Unit 7: 19th Century Progress Unit 8: The Industrial Revolution ENGLISH 11 – AMERICAN STUDIES Revision: 1 Page 2 of 6 Unit 9: Chinese and Japanese Culture Unit 10: The American West COURSE ASSESSMENTS STUDENT PRODUCTS FOR ASSESSMENT Daily vocabulary Daily silent reading Essays Individual and group projects and presentations Research/research writing Reading quizzes Unit exams TIMELINE Trimester A Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Ancient Civilization “ “ Classical Civilization Frankenstein Greek & Roman Mythology Julius Caesar “ “ “ “ Dark Ages & Medieval Life King Arthur Indiana Standards #1 ,2 #2, 3 #4, 5 Renaissance & Reformation “ Week 12 Trimester B Week 1 Indiana Standards #5 French Revolution Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Scientific Revolution “ Nineteenth Century Progress Research Paper “ “ Chinese & Japanese Culture Lord of the Flies #6, 7 #8 #2,3,5 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 “ American West “ World War I Week 12 “ #8, 9 Final Exam ENGLISH 11 – AMERICAN STUDIES Revision: 1 #8, 9 Page 3 of 6 COURSE MATERIALS: MAJOR TEXTS, PRINCIPAL MATERIALS AND FILMS KEY TEXTS: FRANKENSTEIN GREEK MYTHS JULIUS CAESAR KING ARTHUR LORD OF THE FLIES POCKET WADSWORTH HANDBOOK SELECTED READING BOOKS VARIOUS HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS ASSORTED VIDEOS AND FILMS DUE TO TIME CONSTRAINTS, SHARING OF MATERIALS, ALTERED SCHEDULES, ETC., SOME SELECTIONS, UNITS, AND ACTIVITIES MAY BE ALTERED OR OMITTED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE INSTRUCTOR. ENGLISH 11 – AMERICAN STUDIES Revision: 1 Page 4 of 6 ENGLISH 11 – AMERICAN STUDIES Revision: 1 Page 5 of 6 ENGLISH 11 – AMERICAN STUDIES Revision: 1 Page 6 of 6