Academic Senate 2008-2009 Irvine Valley College, 5500 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine, California 92618 949/451-5408 Meeting of the Representative Council Thursday, January 29, 2009 2:00 – 4:00 pm, A-205 AGENDA A. CALL TO ORDER The president will call the meeting to order. B. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Item 1 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Agenda: January 29, 2009 New The cabinet submits the agenda for review and approval N/A Adoption as submitted or as amended N/A C. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Senate meetings are open. Guests are welcome and invited to contribute to discussion on agenda items. D. PUBLIC COMMENTS E. RECORD OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Item 2 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Minutes of the Previous Meeting January 15, 2009 New The minutes of the previous meeting of the Representative Council are submitted for review and approval. A (in mailbox) Adoption as submitted or amended N/A Irvine Valley College Academic Senate 2008-2009 January 29,2009 F. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES Academic Affairs: Chair Yemmy Taylor will provide a report. Curriculum Committee: Chair Kathy Schmeidler will provide a report. G. CONSENT CALENDAR Grievance Panel Pool: Nominations remain open. Grievance Panel Member: ________________________ District Health & Benefits Committee: Craig Grossman Revised Spring 2009 College Committee Appointments (Handout) H. OLD BUSINESS Item 3 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Item 4 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Item 5 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Page 2 of 5 Agenda – January 15, 2009 Curriculum Revisions for 2008-09 Continued Per new Senate procedures curriculum has been posted on the Intranet for review. None Approval Shall the Representative Council approve the recommendations of the Curriculum Committee? 2009-2010 Faculty Hiring Committee Appointments Update Continued Per BP 4011.1 the Senate appoints four faculty per committee. Please forward nominations to B (at meeting) Discussion/Action. N/A Board Policy Revisions Continued BP XXXX Delegation Authority to College President – BOT Approved 01/20/09 BP XXXX Reassigned Time-Stipends AR 5611 Open Enrollment AR 6XXX Distance Education BP 5600 Associated Degree Requirements BP XXXX Energy and Sustainability C, D, E, F (in mailbox) Discussion/Action. N/A Irvine Valley College Academic Senate 2008-2009 January 29,2009 Item 6 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Bookstore Task Force – Report Chandos/Hurlbut Continued Senate representatives will provide an update. None. Discussion/Action. N/A Item 7 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Emeritus Status for Retirees - Update Continued Vice President Fahimi will provide an update. None. Discussion/Action. N/A Item 8 Status: Background: Research Analyst Hiring Committee – Update Continued. The Hiring Committee has commenced. The process is in progress. None. For information only. N/A Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Item 9 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Item 11 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Item 12 Status: Background: Page 3 of 5 Agenda – January 15, 2009 Scholarship Task Force Continued. Tiffany Tran and Parisa Soltani have been nominated. None. Close nominations and appoint. N/A College-wide Green Task Force Proposal Continued. Pursuant to the adopted procedures, a Task Force proposal has been submitted to the Senate for consideration. G (in mailbox). Discussion/Action. N/A 2009-2010 District Goals – Planning Workshops Continued Per the 2006 District Planning Process Task Force recommendations the Chancellor’s Cabinet will be holding the first of two District Planning Workshops on 02/12/09 from 8:30-10:00 in LIB 213 (IVC). A second planning session will occur on Irvine Valley College Academic Senate 2008-2009 January 29,2009 Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Item 13 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: I. 03/19/09 from 8:30-10:00 in SSC 212 (SC). The College community is invited to attend. Attached for review are the 2008-2009 SOCCCD Districtwide Goals. None. Discussion/Action N/A Commencement Speaker Task Force – Rochford/Alvarez Continued Senate representatives will provide an update. None. Discussion only. N/A Item 14 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: 2010 Self-Study-Update Accreditation Institute Continued. An update will be provided. None. Discussion/Action. N/A Item 15 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: 2010 Accreditation Self-Study Continued. An update will be provided. None. Discussion/Action. N/A Item 16 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: 2010 Self-Study Accreditation Survey Continued. An update will be provided. None. Discussion/Action. N/A NEW BUSINESS Item 17 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Page 4 of 5 Agenda – January 15, 2009 Revised ISLOs New. Attached are proposed minor revisions to ISLOs. H (in mailbox). Discussion/Action. N/A Irvine Valley College Academic Senate 2008-2009 January 29,2009 J. Item 18 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: 2009-2010 Strategic Planning New. An update will be provided. None. Discussion/Action. N/A Item 19 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: BSI Project Coordinator New. An update will be provided. None. Discussion/Action. N/A REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES K. PRESIDENT’S REPORT L. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND OPEN FORUM M. ADJOURNMENT Page 5 of 5 Agenda – January 15, 2009