Academic Senate 2008-2009 Irvine Valley College, 5500 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine, California 92618 949/451-5408 Meeting of the Representative Council Thursday, September 11, 2008 2:00 – 4:00 pm, B-103 AGENDA A. CALL TO ORDER The president will call the meeting to order. B. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Item 1 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Agenda: September 11, 2008 New The cabinet submits the agenda for review and approval N/A Adoption as submitted or as amended N/A C. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Senate meetings are open. Guests are welcome and invited to contribute to discussion on agenda items. D. PUBLIC COMMENTS E. RECORD OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Item 2 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Minutes of the Previous Meeting August 28, 2008 New The minutes of the previous meeting of the Representative Council are submitted for review and approval. A (in mailbox and digital) Adoption as submitted or amended N/A Irvine Valley Colley Academic Senate 2008-2009 September 11, 2008 F. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES Academic Affairs: no report Curriculum Committee: no report. G. CONSENT CALENDAR Fall 2008-Fall 2009 Rep Council/Cabinet Meeting Dates H. OLD BUSINESS Item 3 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Item 4 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Item 5 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Item 6 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Page 2 of 5 Agenda – September 11, 2008 Curriculum Revisions for 2008-09 Continued Per new Senate procedures curriculum has been posted on the Intranet for review. None Approval Shall the Representative Council approve the recommendations of the Curriculum Committee? University Studies Replacement: Associate Degrees with Emphasis Continued The summer cabinet approved modifications to the Degrees with Emphasis in response to recommendations from the Systems Office. B (digital & in mailbox) Approval Shall the Representative Council affirm the actions of the summer cabinet? Committee Grid 2008-2009 Continued Some schools submitted a surplus of faculty to serve on committees. These schools have been notified and requested to selected alternates (alternates must attend all meetings). C (digital & in mailbox) Approval Shall the Representative Council approve the revisions to the Committee Grid? Accreditation: Progress Report Due 10-15-08 Continued An update will be provided. None Discussion/Action N/A Irvine Valley Colley Academic Senate 2008-2009 September 11, 2008 Item 7 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Special Representative Council Meeting – Consultant Site Visit—September 4, 2008 Continued An update will be provided. None Action/Discussion. N/A Item 8 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: 2008-2009 Faculty Hiring Priority List Continued An update will be provided. D (at meeting) Action/Discussion N/A Item 9 Status: Background: 2010 Accreditation Self-Study Process Continued The Senate Cabinet recommends that Accreditation Focus Group members continue to serve on the 2010 Accreditation Self Study Focus Group. None Action/Discussion N/A Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Item 10 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Item 11 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Page 3 of 5 Agenda – September 11, 2008 2010 Accreditation Self-Study Training 9-25-08 Continued Members of the 2010 Accreditation Self Study Focus Group will be attending a training session with commission member Jack Pond. None None. Information item. Dean: School of Humanities & Languages, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Library Services Hiring Committee Continued Nominations were opened on August 28, 2008. Jayne Sinegal has been nominated. None Close nominations and appoint. N/A Irvine Valley Colley Academic Senate 2008-2009 September 11, 2008 I. Item 12 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: 2007-2008 Institutional Effectiveness Report Continued An update will be provided None Discussion/Action N/A Item 13 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: IVC 25th Anniversary Work Group Continued Nominations are open. None Open nominations. Close nominations and appoint. N/A Item 14 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Grievance Panel Pool—Faculty Needed Continued An update will be provided. None Action/Discussion N/A NEW BUSINESS Item 15 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: District Calendar Committee New One representative is needed. None Open nominations, close nominations and appoint. N/A Item 16 Status: Background: BOT Discussion Topics New The chancellor is soliciting future discussion topics for board meetings. The Representative Council requested that this item be agendized. None Action/Discussion N/A Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: Page 4 of 5 Agenda – September 11, 2008 Irvine Valley Colley Academic Senate 2008-2009 September 11, 2008 Item 17 Status: Background: Attachment: Action Requested: Issue: J. Re-establishment of Journalism Program New An update will be provided. None Action/Discussion N/A REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES K. PRESIDENT’S REPORT L. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND OPEN FORUM M. ADJOURNMENT Page 5 of 5 Agenda – September 11, 2008