Attachment A Page A1 of A9 Academic Senate 2008-2009 Irvine Valley College, 5500 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine, California 92618 949/451-5408 Minutes Meeting of the Representative Council Thursday, January 29, 2009 2 - 4 p.m., A205 Senate Officers: Wendy Gabriella, President: Traci Fahimi, Vice President: Greg Bishopp, Past President: Lisa Davis Allen, Recorder: Yemmy Taylor, Chair, Ac. Affairs: Kathy Schmeidler, Chair, Courses: Senators: Business Science: Kenn Bennett Dave Shinnick Fine Arts Stephen Rochford Matt Tresler Guidance & Counseling Bari Rudmann Steve Lee Health/PE/Athletics Tom Pestolesi Martin McGrogan Present Present Absent Present Present Present Present Proxy Present Present Present Present Present Present Humanities & Languages Roy Bauer Julie Willard Library Services Carol Wassmann Fred Forbes Life Sciences & Technologies Priscilla Ross Diana Hurlbut Math/CIS/Engineering Miriam Castroconde Terry Barbee Dottie Sherling (alternate) Ray Chandos Social & Behavioral Sciences Elizabeth Chambers Yemmy Taylor Adjunct Faculty Jerry Rudmann CALL TO ORDER President Wendy Gabriella called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. B. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Item 1: Adoption of Agenda Discussion: None Actions Taken: Motion passed: Adopt the agenda S: Ross Y: 15 Minutes Representative Council, 29 January 2009 Page 1 of 9 Present Proxy Present Present Present Present Present Physical Sciences & Technology A. M: Bauer Present Present N: 0 A: 0 Present Present Proxy Present Attachment A Page A2 of A9 C. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Guests Present: Craig Justice, Vice President of Instruction; Joanne Chen, Chinese Instructor; Donald Bradshaw, Accounting Instructor; Bret Rudmann, History Associate Faculty. D. PUBLIC COMMENTS President Wendy Gabriella reported that the 01/28/09 Guest Speaker Event hosting author Ray Bradbury went “wonderfully”, and added that the audience was cross-generational which reflected the longevity of the author’s career. It was announced that the IVC-TV team recorded the event, and it soon will be available for educational viewing. In conclusion, it was noted that the ‘behind the scenes’ workload for such events is tremendous and campus processes are in development to direct future projects. E. RECORD OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Item 2: Approval of Minutes Discussion: None Action Taken: Minutes were approved. M: Bauer F. G. S: Ross Y: 17 N: 0 A: 0 REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES Academic Affairs: Academic Affairs Chair Yemmy Taylor reiterated comments made by President Wendy Gabriella on the success of the Ray Bradbury Guest Speaker Event. It was announced that the current Facilities Request Process will be reviewed by the Academic Affairs Committee and the Academic Senate. In addition, the Performing Arts Center faculty and management are planning to develop their own Facility Request Procedures for PAC facilities usage in order to ensure scheduling for both instructional and College-wide events. President Gabriella added that funds for future speakers and guests are available but that the distribution will be connected to the developing Speaker Selection Process and the Speaker Event Planning Calendar. Curriculum: Curriculum Committee Chair Kathy Schmeidler reported that the Curriculum Committee is reviewing a number of options to streamline the Curriculum process, including revisions to the Curriculum Manual and the development of an Instructional Manual for Campus CurricUnet users. In conclusion, Chair Schmeidler generally addressed curriculum issues such as repeatability, schedule information on labs and “TBA” designations, Carnegie unites, and new course/program prefixes. CONSENT CALENDAR Discussion: 1) Nominations remain open for the Grievance Panel Pool. 2) Grievance Panel Pool Member Tam Do was appointed to Grievance Panel. 3) Craig Grossman will continue to act as a member of the District Health & Benefits Committee. Minutes Representative Council, 29 January 2009 Page 2 of 9 Attachment A Page A3 of A9 4) Revised Spring 2009 College Committee Assignments Sheet will be distributed at the next Academic Senate meeting. Action(s) Taken: Motion passed; The Academic Senate moved to accept the Consent Calendar. M: Bauer H. S: Ross Y: 21 N: 0 A: 0 OLD BUSINESS Item 3: Curriculum Revisions for 2008-2009 Discussion: Curriculum was posted on the Intranet for review and approval. General Senate discussion addressed current curriculum postings and the general approval process. The Academic Senate moved to approve the recommendations of the Curriculum Committee. Action(s) Taken: Motion passed; The Representative Council approved the recommendations of the Curriculum Committee. M: Bauer S: Ross Y: 21 N: 0 A: 2 Item 4: Faculty Hiring Committee Appointments Per BP 4011.1 Discussion: President Gabriella announced that per BP 4011.1 the Senate appoints four faculty members per Faculty Hiring Committee, and that the College President was currently appointing three additional hiring committee members. President Gabriella reminded the Senate “we do not approve the College President’s appointments, only the four faculty nominations”. Faculty were encouraged to submit any recommendations for President Roquemore’s consideration to VPI Justice by 02/02/09. It was reported that the remaining four Faculty Hiring Committees have forwarded faculty nominations for Senate consideration: 1. Guidance and Counseling – Generalist Counselor a. John Licitra b. Tam Do c. Tiffany Tran d. Yolanda Gouldsmith 2. Physical Science – Physics a. Larry Oldewurtel b. Roy McCord c. Ray Chandos d. Amy Stinson 3. Business Science – Accounting Management a. Bob Urell b. Terry Thorpe c. Roopa Mathur d. Don Bradshaw Minutes Representative Council, 29 January 2009 Page 3 of 9 Attachment A Page A4 of A9 4. Guidance and Counseling – DSPS Counselor a. Bill Hewitt b. Bari Rudmann c. Steve Lee d. Tiffany Tran General Senate discussion followed. President Gabriella explained the HR process timelines for each Faculty Hiring Committee. HR representatives and closing dates will be presented at the next Representative Council Meeting on Februrary 12, 2009. Senators on the floor called for the question. M: Ross S: Bauer Y: 18 N: 0 A: 3 Motions were made to accept the remaining Faculty Hiring Committee appointments with the following considerations: Action(s) Taken: Motion passed; The Representative Council moved to approve the Faculty Hiring Committee faculty appointments for Guidance and Counseling, Generalist Counselor; Physical Sciences, Physics; and Business Science, Accounting Management. M: Rochford S: Bauer Y: 21 N: 0 A: 0 Action(s) Taken: Motion passed; The Representative Council moved to approve the DSPS Hiring Committee faculty appointments with the recommendation that the School of Guidance and Counseling consider the inclusion of a Math faculty member. M: Bauer S: Ross Y: 17 N: 0 A: 4 Item 5: Board Policy Revisions Discussion: President Wendy Gabriella reported on the following Board Policies: BP 2101 Delegation of Authority to the College President: The proposed policy was approved by the BOT at the January 20, 2009 Board of Trustees meeting. BP XXXX Stipends-Reassigned Time: The draft policy continues to be finalized and a corresponding AR is being developed. AR 5611 Open Enrollment: The regulation has been revised to reflect Title 5 language. AR 6XXX Distance Education: The proposed policy is still in revision to reflect Title 5 language. Curriculum Chair Kathy Schmeidler is addressing additional concerns. Minutes Representative Council, 29 January 2009 Page 4 of 9 Attachment A Page A5 of A9 BP 5600 Associates Degree Requirements: Reviewed by the General Education Committee with the recommendation that it move to approval. BPXXXX Energy and Sustainability: The proposed policy reflects the development of adoption of energy efficient and building sustainable practices. General Senate discussion followed concerning degree requirements, distance education proposals, and the titling of the proposed Board Policy on Energy and Sustainability. Senate motions were brought to the floor as follows: Action(s) Taken: Motion passed; The Representative Council moved to approve AR 5611 Open Enrollment. M: Bauer S: Rochford Y: 20 N: 0 A: 0 Action(s) Taken: Motion passed; The Representative Council moved to table AR 6XXX Distance Education. M: Schmeidler S: Barbee Y: 20 N: 0 A: 1 Action(s) Taken: Motion passed; The Representative Council moved to approve BP 5600 Associates Degree Requirements. M: Rochford S: Ross Y: 20 N: 0 A: 1 Item 6: Bookstore Task Force Discussion: Bookstore Task Force Representatives Ray Chandos and Diana Hurlbut reported on a meeting between the Bookstore Task Force members, Bookstore Regional Managers, and the Follett Corporation Vice President of Operations. A number of issues were discussed, concluding in the following comments: 1. It will be made clear to students whether “Recommended” materials are the recommendation of the Bookstore or the Course Instructor. 2. Bookstore ‘short ordering’ of “Required” materials will still continue based on the Bookstore’s projections, rather than previous semester course size. The Bookstore Management stated that it would require increased access to campus enrollment numbers in order to revise current practices. General Senate discussion followed, and Senators expressed continued concerns on behalf of the faculty. President Gabriella commented that it was important to note that the Bookstore appears willing to discuss faculty concerns. In conclusion, Representatives Chandos and Hurlbut reminded the Senate that IVC’s contract with Follett Corporation was through 2012, and reported that greater faculty participation was planned for future contract negotiations. The Academic Senate Minutes Representative Council, 29 January 2009 Page 5 of 9 Attachment A Page A6 of A9 has asked that Representatives Chandos and Hurlbut provide updates to the Senate on a regular basis until Bookstore concerns are resolved. Action(s) Taken: Discussion/Action. Item 7: Emeritus Status for Retirees – Update Discussion: Senate Vice President and Representative on Emeritus Status Traci Fahimi reported that there was no current information to report, and that she will provide an update at the next Senate meeting. Action(s) Taken: For information only. Item 8: Research Analyst Hiring Committee – Update Discussion: President Wendy Gabriella that the Research Analyst Hiring Committee had completed all applicant screening and that interviews were to begin in two weeks. President Gabriella added that it was a strong pool of candidates and that expectations were high. In conclusion, President Gabriella asked all faculty acting as Hiring Committee members to be aware that the relationship between “knowledge of” and ‘representative duties” in classified and possibly administrative job descriptions are possibly problematic. The criteria within the “knowledge of “ category are used to screen applicants. However, the “knowledge of” criteria do not correlate with the ‘representative duties”. This issue will be addressed with the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources. Action(s) Taken: Discussion/Action. Item 9: Scholarship Task Force Discussion: President Gabriella announced that Tiffany Tran and Parisa Soltani have been nominated to serve on the Scholarship Task Force. A motion was made to close nominations and appoint. Action(s) Taken: Motion passed; The Representative Council closed nominations and appointed Tiffany Tran and Parisa Soltani as Senate Representatives to the Scholarship Task Force. M: Rudmann S: Fahimi Y: 21 N: 0 A: 0 Item 10: Learning Communities Discussion: President Wendy Gabriella announced that Lisa Davis Allen was appointed by the Senate to act as ‘lead person’ for the investigation and development of the IVC Learning Communities. Action(s) Taken: None. For information only. Item 11: College-Wide Green Task Force Discussion: President Wendy Gabriella announced that pursuant to the adopted procedures, a College-Wide Green Task Force proposal has been submitted to the Senate for consideration. General Senate discussion followed. A motion was made to approve the formation of a campus-side “Green” Task Force with the recommendation that the Task Force title be changed to “Energy and Sustainability Task Force”, and that the member designations listed in the Minutes Representative Council, 29 January 2009 Page 6 of 9 Attachment A Page A7 of A9 document as “Faculty” and “Students” be changed to “Academic Senate” and “ASIVC” respectively. Action(s) Taken: Motion passed; The Representative Council moved to approve the formation of a campus-side “Green” Task Force with the recommendation that the Task Force title be changed to “Energy and Sustainability Task Force”, and that the member designations listed in the document as “Faculty” and “Students” be changed to “Academic Senate” and “ASIVC” respectively. M: Schmeidler S: Chambers Y: 19 N: 1 A: 0 Item 12: 2009-2010 District Goals – Planning Workshops Discussion: President Wendy Gabriella reminded the Senate that the Chancellor’s Cabinet would be holding the first of two District Planning Workshops on 02/19/09 from 8:30-10:00 am in LIB 213 (IVC). A second planning session has been slated for 03/19/09 from 8:30-10:00 am in SSC 212 (SC). President Gabriella distributed for review a draft of the “Saddleback College District Goal Recommendations 2009/2010”. General Senate discussion followed addressing the SC document’s content and structure. President Gabriella reminded the Senate that the District Goals are not “District-wide” and do not apply specifically to the Colleges, but that they are goals set for the District system itself. A motion was made to support the “Saddleback College District Goal Recommendations 2009/2010”. Action(s) Taken: Motion passed; The Representative Council moved to support the “Saddleback College District Goal Recommendation 2009/2010”. M: Schmeidler S: Rochford Y: 20 N: 0 A: 0 Item 13: Commencement Speaker Task Force – Rochford/Alvarez Discussion: Senate Representative Steve Rochford reported that although he was unable to attend the last Commencement Speaker Task Force meeting, Lisa Alvarez did attend. On Lisa Alvarez’s behalf, Stephen Rochford reported that the Task Force is continuing to solicit Commencement Speaker nominations. Steve Rochford will provide a Commencement Speaker Task Force update at the next Senate meeting. Action(s) Taken: Discussion/Action. Item 14: 2010 Accreditation Self Study – Update Accreditation Institute Discussion: President Wendy Gabriella reported that multiple members of the IVC “2010 Accreditation Self-Study Steering Committee” attended the “2010 Accreditation Institute” in San Jose, January 23-25, 2009. President Gabriella noted that all attendees expressed that the workshops were of great assistance in helping to identify our problems and possible solutions. Attendee Kathy Schmeidler added that one of the most worthwhile components was that the Work Group members were able to attend with the IVC Budget Director. This Minutes Representative Council, 29 January 2009 Page 7 of 9 Attachment A Page A8 of A9 collaborative attendance magnified the fact that the budget is directly and intrinsically connected to strategic planning. Action(s) Taken: For information only. Item 15: 2010 Accreditation Self Study Discussion: President Gabriella reported that work on the “2010 Accreditation Self Study” continues, and that recommendations for members of the four Accreditation Standards Task Forces are expected at the next Senate meeting. Action(s) Taken: Discussion/Action. Item 16: 2010 Self Study Accreditation Survey Discussion: Survey Coordinator Jerry Rudmann reported that the 2010 Self Study Accreditation Survey is planned for distribution after Spring Break 2009. Action(s) Taken: Discussion/Action. I. NEW BUSINESS Item 17: Revised ISLOs Discussion: President Wendy Gabriella distributed and summarized the revised draft of the “Irvine Valley College Institutional Student Educational Goals and Outcomes: 2009-2010”. General Senate discussion followed. President Gabriella noted that any changes to the document must be completed prior to late Spring 2009 IVC Catalog print deadline. A motion was made to accept the “Irvine Valley College Institutional Student Educational Goals and Outcomes: 2009-2010” with the recommendation to, 1) add the word technician to “Aesthetic Awareness”/bullet point #2, and, 2) change the title to ““Irvine Valley College Institutional Student Educational Goals and Learning Outcomes: 2009-2010”. Action(s) Taken: Motion passed; The Representative Council moved to accept the “Irvine Valley College Institutional Student Educational Goals and Outcomes: 2009-2010” with the recommendation to, 1) add the word technician to “Aesthetic Awareness”/bullet point #2, and, 2) change the title to ““Irvine Valley College Institutional Student Educational Goals and Learning Outcomes: 2009-2010”. M: Schmeidler S: Bauer Y: 17 N: 1 A: 1 Procedural Motion: The Academic Senate moved to extend the meeting ten additional minutes. Motion passed; The Academic Senate extended the meeting ten minutes. M: Rochford S: Ross Y: 19 N: 1 A: 0 Item 18: 2009-2010 Strategic Planning Discussion: Agenda Item 18 postponed. Will be re-agendized for next meeting. Action(s) Taken: None. Item 19: BSI Project Coordinator Discussion: Agenda Item 19 postponed. Will be re-agendized for next meeting. Minutes Representative Council, 29 January 2009 Page 8 of 9 Attachment A Page A9 of A9 Action(s) Taken: None. J. REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES No reports K. PRESIDENT’S REPORT President Wendy Gabriella reported that the anticipated letter concerning IVC Accreditation Status is expected to arrive in the IVC President’s Office (via fax) early on Friday 01/30/09. The President will then inform the administration, faculty and staff sometime around mid-day. Further details will be outlined at that time. President Gabriella reminded the Senate that the IVC Campus community should “hope for the best, and prepare for the worst”. L. M. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND OPEN FORUM ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:02 p.m. Minutes Representative Council, 29 January 2009 Page 9 of 9