Attachment A Page A1 of A7 Academic Senate 2008-2009 Irvine Valley College, 5500 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine, California 92618 949/451-5408 Minutes Meeting of the Representative Council Thursday, April 16, 2009 2 - 4 p.m., A205 Senate Officers: Wendy Gabriella, President: Traci Fahimi, Vice President: Lisa Davis Allen, Recorder: Yemmy Taylor, Chair, Ac. Affairs: Kathy Schmeidler, Chair, Courses: Senators: Business Science: Kenn Bennett Dave Shinnick Fine Arts Stephen Rochford Matt Tresler Guidance & Counseling Bari Rudmann Steve Lee Health/PE/Athletics Tom Pestolesi Martin McGrogan Absent Present Absent Present Present Absent Present Present Proxy Present Present Proxy Present Humanities & Languages Roy Bauer Julie Willard Library Services Carol Wassmann Fred Forbes Life Sciences & Technologies Priscilla Ross Diana Hurlbut Math/CIS/Engineering Miriam Castroconde Terry Barbee Dottie Sherling (alternate) Ray Chandos Social & Behavioral Sciences Elizabeth Chambers Donna Gray Jodi Titus (alternate) Adjunct Faculty Jerry Rudmann CALL TO ORDER Vice-President Traci Fahimi called the meeting to order at 2:12 p.m. B. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Item 1: Adoption of Agenda Discussion: None Actions Taken: Motion passed: Adopt the agenda S: Ross Y: 14 Minutes Representative Council, 29 January 2009 Page 1 of 7 Present Proxy Present Present Present Present Absent Physical Sciences & Technology A. M: Rochford Present Present N: 0 A: 0 Absent Present Absent Absent Present Irvine Valley College Academic Senate 2008-2009 April 16,2009 C. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Guests Present: Craig Justice, Vice President of Instruction; Melanie Haeri, Reading Instructor; Joanne Chen, Chinese Instructor D. PUBLIC COMMENTS E. RECORD OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Item 2: Approval of Minutes: March 12, 2009 and April 3, 2009 Discussion: None Action Taken: Minutes were approved. For Minutes of March 12, 2009 M: Ross S: Bauer Y: 14 N: 0 A: 0 For Minutes of April 3, 2009 M: Rochford S: Chambers Y: 16 N: 1 A: 0 F. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES Academic Affairs: No Report. Curriculum Committee: No Report. G. CONSENT CALENDAR Grievance Panel Pool: Nominations remain open. Grievance Panel Appointments: none H. OLD BUSINESS Item 3 Curriculum Revisions for 2008-09 Discussion: no curriculum was posted for approval at this meeting. Update on action taken at prior meeting with regard to ESL: Curriculum Chair Kathy Schmeidler and Vice President of Instruction Craig Justice explained the action plan agreed upon by the ESL Department and the Office of Instruction, and approved in Curriculum Committee, which rescinded its prior recommendation. For AY 2009-10, status quo will obtain for the ESL curriculum, while the department revises their curriculum to conform to “Carnegie unit” expectations and pedagogical best practices. Continuing with the existing curriculum prevents errors and problems encountered when precipitous decisions are made and followed. Action(s) Taken: For information only. Item 4 2009-2010 Faculty Hiring Committee Appointments Update Discussion: No updates were reported Action(s) Taken: None Page 2 of 7 Agenda – April 16, 2009 Irvine Valley College Academic Senate 2008-2009 April 16,2009 Item 5 Board Policy Revisions Discussion: Vice President of Instruction Craig Justice reported that at the prior meeting of BPAR Council there was consensus to move forward with a recommendation to the Chancellor’s Council (and thence to the Board of Trustees) a revised BP describing and delineating reassigned time and stipends. BPAR Council continues to work on the corresponding AR. Deputy Chancellor Gary Poertner has requested information from both colleges regarding prior use and projected needs for reassigned time and stipends. Dr. Justice outlined the IVC “strategy”and philosophy used in constructing our report. S. Rochford asked about cost calculations using backfill rather than full-time salary rates, and R. Bauer asked where the authority to decide who receives which assignment will reside. C. Justice stated that he is optimistic that the final AR will be sensible to these concerns, and will be in compliance with other BPs defining roles and responsibilities. Action(s) Taken: For information only. Item 6 Bookstore Task: Report Chandos/Hurlbut Discussion: Bookstore Task Force Representative Diana Hurlbut reported on the progress and proceedings of the Bookstore Task Force: Bookstore representatives will request time at department/school meetings for informational presentations and to get feedback. Bookstore representatives will be asked (in response to Senate discussion) to be present at the flex week faculty buffet for disseminating information and to encourage faculty to check the status of their courses’ texts. Bookstore has agreed not to place on the shelves, next to materials required or recommended by faculty, materials “recommended” by the bookstore that it wants to sell. However, material recommended but not required by the instructor will not have the “required” label. Bookstore has agreed to have books on the shelves by flex week, and asks faculty to come by to check. Helen Locke will contact all the deans: the bookstore will provide to each administrative assistant a printout that shows books ordered (and how many). It is the faculty member’s responsibility to follow through and ensure that the orders are correct. Legislation is in process that would stop publishers from bundling, create some sort of web-based open source option, and stop publisher/faculty kickbacks. Theft in the bookstore and around campus appears to be on the rise Publishers are offering 3-ring binder options: lower initial costs but no sell-back Bookstore can sell e-books (can be returned only if never used) Note: it is important to notify the bookstore immediately if a new course or section is added or deleted, or if class size will be increased Page 3 of 7 Agenda – April 16, 2009 Irvine Valley College Academic Senate 2008-2009 April 16,2009 If book orders are submitted before the end of the semester, buy-back prices for re-used books are significantly higher (better for students). If they accept their “cashback” as a debit card, they get value + 10%. Kris Murakami (from library) expressed her thanks for faculty responses to her email regarding library reserve materials. Bookstore is willing to grant a discount on non-textbook items for emeritus faculty, once there is an acceptable ID. A scantron vending machine will be set up at ATEP. Action(s) Taken: For information only. Item 7 Emeritus Status for Retirees - Update Discussion: Emeritus Status Task Force Representative Traci Fahimi reported that one idea is to use regular faculty ID with a note that says “emeritus faculty” to access benefits; continuing email access and an acknowledgement at Commencement should be available immediately, but some other components may take more time to arrange. Action(s) Taken: For information only. Item 8 Environmental Sustainability Task Force Discussion: Vice-President Fahimi announced that the Environmental Sustainability task Force has been approved by the president, so the Senate has been asked to recommend a faculty member for the steering “group”. Motions were made to: open nominations M: Schmeidler S: Rochford Y: 17 N: 0 A: 0 Nominations: Jefferey Kaufmann (Schmeidler/Rochford), who received 13 votes Diana Hurlbut (Hurlbut/Schmeidler), who received 12 votes Close and appoint: M: Rochford S: B. Rudmann Y: 17 N: 0 A: 0 Action(s) Taken: Motions passed; The Representative Council closed nominations and appointed, for the remainder of this academic year and for AY 2009-2010, J. Kaufmann, with D. Hurlbut as alternate, should Kaufmann be unable or unwilling to serve. Item 9 2010 Accreditation Self-Study Update Discussion: Vice-President Fahimi announced that the accreditation self-study survey has been extensively revised and pared down so that it is expected to require only about 15 minutes to complete. Questions regarding information that can be independently verified have been omitted. The survey has been vetted by Page 4 of 7 Agenda – April 16, 2009 Irvine Valley College Academic Senate 2008-2009 April 16,2009 the Std 4 Task Force and the Accreditation Steering Committee, and should be released on April 22, 2009. Action(s) Taken: For information only. Item 10 Dean of Academic Programs – Update Discussion: Vice-President of Instruction Justice announced that the position is agendized for approval by the Board of Trustees at their next meeting, April 27, 2009. If approved, he anticipates interviewing in June and July, with an anticipated start date of August 1, 2009. Action(s) Taken: For information only. Item 11 Distinguished Academic Lecture Series Discussion: Academic Affairs Chair Taylor and S. Rochford announced that several dates have been set aside in the PAC to be available for this series. Some concern was expressed that all available dates are Mondays; perhaps some Sunday evenings will also be set aside. S. Rochford agreed to seek some Sunday dates for Fall and Spring. At this time the open dates are 10/12/09, 11/16/09 and 2/1/10, 4/12/10. No nominations for speakers have yet been submitted. Action(s) Taken: For information only. Item 12 Senate Elections: President and Vice President Discussion: Elections Committee member B. Rudmann announced that nominations have closed, and that Wendy Gabriella is the only nominee for President and Lisa Davis Allen is the only nominee for Vice-President. Notices will go out next week when balloting begins. Action(s) Taken: For information only. Item 13 Senate Elections: Past President, Curriculum Chair, Chair Academic Affairs, Recorder Discussion: Vice-President Fahimi reminded the assembly that nominations are open. The following were nominated: Academic Affairs Chair: Stephen Rochford (nominated on 4/2/09) Curriculum Chair: Kathy Schmeidler Recorder: Traci Fahimi Past President: no nominations at this time Action(s) Taken: Two nominations were received. Nominations remain open. Item 14 SLO MOU Discussion: Senator J. Rudmann explained the need for an SLO MOU, and the history of the proposed document. It now pertains to faculty only. Action(s) Taken: Motion passed. The representative Council moved to accept this proposed MOU. Page 5 of 7 Agenda – April 16, 2009 Irvine Valley College Academic Senate 2008-2009 April 16,2009 M: Ross S: S. Lee Item 15 Y: 19 N: 0 A: 0 ACCJC Distance Education Policy Discussion: CC Chair Schmeidler reported that work is still in progress. Action(s) Taken: For information only. Item 16 Tech Refresh, Cap Outlay, Safety/Security Request Discussion: VPI Justice reported that the IVC request reflects our strategic planning process, and was vetted by the appropriate committees. The SC request is predicated on a different approach, and their requests amount to more than $300 million. Action(s) Taken: For information only. Item 17 Road Trip: Ohlone College-Newark Center Discussion: Schmeidler reported she is unable to go, but does not know to whom requests for an invitation (for that seat) should be sent. Action(s) Taken: For information only. Item 18 Administrative Unit Review & SSOs Discussion: Vice President Fahimi reported that the Institutional Effectiveness Committee is exploring models to demonstrate the “awareness stage” for accreditation purposes. Action(s) Taken: For information only. Item 19 Bi-Annual Outdoor Sculpture Invitational Discussion: The bulk of the announcement was postponed awaiting Lisa Davis Allen’s return; the first piece is scheduled for installation 4/23/09. Action(s) Taken: For information only. I. NEW BUSINESS Item 20 Printed vs. Online Schedule Discussion: Vice President Fahimi reported that the this issue arose at a Board of Trustees meeting, but had been an object of discussion at IVC for some time. We are already reducing our mailings and our need for print materials, but expect to continue to require some print schedules and catalogs for selected audiences. One approach being considered is to provide these for sale in the bookstore, at a nominal cost, for those not otherwise in receipt. Action(s) Taken: For information only. Page 6 of 7 Agenda – April 16, 2009 Irvine Valley College Academic Senate 2008-2009 April 16,2009 J. REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES K. PRESIDENT’S REPORT L. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND OPEN FORUM M. ADJOURNMENT Action(s) Taken: Motion passed. The representative Council moved to adjourn at 3:59 pm. M: Rochford S: Willard Y: 17 N: 0 A: 0 Page 7 of 7 Agenda – April 16, 2009