WWW HW - Catawba County Schools

List #1 Weekly Homework (8th Grade)
Use your list of words and word parts given in class to answer the following questions.
Yes, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure COUNT!
Due Wednesday::
1. In a dream you make friends with cool, leafy dendroid creatures. Describe their
personalities. What do dendroids do for fun?
2. What would a carbon atom look and sound like if you could shrink to the size of
a subatomic particle and move in near the nucleus?
Due Friday: :
1. Describe the emotional state of a person delivering invective and a person
receiving invective.
2. What are some creative ideas for creating harmony and cooperation in our
multilateral international political system?
List #2 Weekly Homework (8th Grade)
Use your list of words and word parts given in class to answer the following questions.
Yes, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure COUNT!
Due Tuesday:
Describe a painting you would paint for an ichthyologist.
Think of some good ways to promote the diffusion of new ideas in spite of
people’s resistance to change. Explain them below. ATLEAST 2.
Due Thursday:
1. What improvements in our lives would be possible if meteorology became a
precise science, able to predict weather with perfect accuracy up to a year in
2. What is the difference between cirrostratus and cirrocumulus clouds?
List #3 Weekly Homework (8th Grade)
Use your list of words and word parts given in class to answer the following questions.
Yes, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure COUNT!
Due Tuesday:
What would be the attitudes and viewpoints of a person with a cosmopolitan outlook?
Is someone who believes in a nuclear deterrent a warmonger or a realist?
Due Thursday:
What emotions could be considered causes of xenophobia?
2. In weird dream, you are shocked to find an article in an encyclopedia. What is the article about?
List #4 Weekly Homework (8th Grade)
Use your list of words and word parts given in class to answer the following questions.
Yes, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure COUNT!
Due Wednesday:
What do emotion and promotion have to do with motion?
Can you think of an aesthetic use for linguini?
Due Friday:
Should executives who challenge corporate policies be promoted or demoted?
Explain the common concept among the words diaphanous, diameter and dialogue.
List #5 Weekly Homework (8th Grade)
Use your list of words and word parts given in class to answer the following questions.
Yes, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure COUNT!
Due Tuesday:
1. What emotions do caustic comments produce?
2. Draw a Pithecanthropus, or some fantasy quadrapeds or an anthozoan.
Due Thursday:
1. What is difference between egomania and megalomania?
2. What does calisthenics mean? Show the breakdown of each stem in your explanation.
List #6 Weekly Homework (8th Grade)
Use your list of words and word parts given in class to answer the following questions.
Yes, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure COUNT!
Due Wednesday:
1. If you were searching for a biological metaphor to describe corporate America’s
relationship to the rest of the country, would you choose carnivorous or
symbiotic? Why?
2. If you designed an unusual dummy for a ventriloquist, what would it be?
Due Friday:
1. What trick would you play on a friend if you had the power of telekinesis?
2. Do you think authorities have the right to use dactylography as evidence against
students who vandalize public school property?