Study Guide: Unit 1 Chapters 1, 2.4, 2.5, 3.1 and 3.3

Study Guide: Unit 1
Chapters 1, 2.4, 2.5, 3.1 and 3.3-3.5
AP Environmental Science
Dimensional Analysis: Be able to answer quantitative questions and convert units using dimensional
analysis given the necessary information to construct conversion ratios.
Chapter 1:
Be able to define sustainability and sustainable yield.
Be able to define gross domestic product (GDP), per capita GDP, developing vs. developed nations.
Be able to define potentially renewable resource, open access resource, and nonrenewable resource
and be able to give examples of each type.
Be able to explain the “tragedy of the commons” and give examples of resources that might be
vulnerable to this effect.
Be able to distinguish between reuse and recycling. Be able to explain the difference between closed loop recycling and open-loop recycling (or downcycling) and give examples of resources that are
typically recycled in these by these processes.
Be able to define point source and nonpoint source pollution, and be able to classify examples.
Be able to define biodegradable and nondegradable, and be able to give examples of each.
Be able to explain the different factors that affect harmfulness of chemicals: chemical nature
(including fat soluble vs. water soluble), concentration and persistence.
Be able to define ecological footprint and per capita ecological footprint, and be able to identify factors
that affect an ecological footprint.
Chapter 2 Section 4
Be able to define energy and the difference between kinetic and potential energy.
Be able to state and explain the 1st Law of Thermodynamics (Law of Conservation of Energy). Be able
to give examples of energy conversions. Be able to identify the energy conversion has occurred when
a moving object slows down and comes to a rest.
Be able to state and explain the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. Be able to define entropy. Be able to
explain how increased entropy relates to energy quality. Understand the implications of the 2nd Law of
thermodynamics in the transfer of energy in a food chain.
Chapter 2 section 5
Be able to explain what positive and negative feedback loops are, and be able to identify examples of
each type. Be able to define synergy, time lag and tipping point.
Chapter 3 Sections 1, and 3-5
Be able to define prokaryotic cell, eukaryotic cell, organism, population, community, and ecosystem.
Be able to define abiotic and biotic, and be able to give examples of abiotic and biotic factors that
affect an ecosystem.
Be able to define limiting factors and be able to explain the limiting factor principle. Know some
examples of common limiting factors for organisms, such as temperature, salinity, nutrients, etc.
Be able to define range of tolerance.
Be able to define trophic level. Be able to explain the difference between a food chain and a food web.
Be able to define autotroph/producer, photosynthesis and chemosynthesis. Be able to explain that
most autotrophs perform photosynthesis. Be able to give an example of an ecosystem that depends
upon chemosynthesis.
Be able to define heterotroph/consumer. Be able to distinguish between primary consumers
(herbivores), secondary consumers (carnivores/omnivores), tertiary consumers (3rd level carnivores),
decomposers and detritivores (detritus feeders) and give an example of each.
Be able to explain there is a one-way flow of energy through food chains. Be able to define biomass.
Be able to explain why food chains form energy pyramids (relate to 2nd Law of Thermodynamics). Be
able to define ecological efficiency and know what the typical ecological efficiency is for a food chain.
Be able to define gross primary productivity (GPP) and net primary productivity (NPP). Be able to
name three ecosystems that typically have the highest NPP (rainforests, swamps/marshes and
estuaries) and explain some factors that could affect the NPP.
Be able to explain the following processes in the water cycle: transpiration, evaporation, precipitation,
condensation, infiltration and percolation.
Be able to describe the basic processes of the carbon cycle: photosynthesis (carbon fixation),
movement of organic molecules through the food chain, cellular respiration, and combustion.
Be able to explain that nitrogen-fixing bacteria found in the soil and on root nodules of certain plants
(legumes) convert atmospheric N2 into nitrogen compounds (ammonia- NH3) which can also be
converted into nitrates (NO3) by other bacteria that perform nitrification. Understand that plants
cannot use atmospheric nitrogen but can utilize ammonia and nitrate compounds as a source of
nitrogen. Be able to explain that nitrogen atoms are found in DNA and protein molecules and is passes
along the food chain and decomposition recycles nitrogen compounds.