Forstner AA, Hill LT, Huchzermeier MP, Volpi HM. Advisors: Lin H, Daley DJ P.E., Diemont SAW PhD.  Department of Environmental Resources and Forest Engineering

Forstner AA, Hill LT, Huchzermeier MP, Volpi HM. Advisors: Lin H, Daley DJ P.E., Diemont SAW PhD. Department of Environmental Resources and Forest Engineering
State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY 13210
Vermifilter Size
Oxygen Demand
Width = 0.7 m
Length = 3.786 m
Depth = 0.26 m
BOD = 390 mg/L
NOD = 1440 mg/L
Diffuser Efficiency = 9%
Area = 2.65 m2
Total Oxygen Demand
Air flow rate = 8.248 m3/d
*aeration time of 24 hours
TOD = 139.08 g/d
Vegetated Aerated Tank Size
Q = 0.006814 m3/d/pump
Design an ecological treatment system (ETS) to:
• be implemented in M.S. candidate Hui Lin’s research
• improve digester effluent quality by reducing BOD and TSS
• maintain adequate nutrient (N, P) loads to grow algae in the PBR
V = 100 gallons
Energy Source
Treat 20 gallons (76L) per day of waste water
Influent to be treated by ETS
Effluent standards to be met Phosphorus (P)1
62.825 mg/L
Nitrogen (N)
630 mg/L NH3‐N
5 < NOx‐N < 10 mg/L
390 mg/L
30 mg/L
670 mg/L
0 mg/L
Air Lift Pumps (2)
Ecological Treatment Traditional Treatment Natural and renewable energies
Nonrenewable energies
Large volumes of biosolids and Biosolids removal by chemical sludge for treatment vermiculture; Toxic and disposal; Toxic byproducts Wastes & Byproducts
byproducts are minimized of chemical disinfection by aerobic microbial activity
Operation, Low O & M costs due to High operations cost, frequent Maintenance Costs
natural processes
input of skilled operators
Characteristics of ecosystems
(a),(b): Concentrations will be maintained for optimizing algae growth in the PBR, where contaminant nutrients will then be reduced to acceptable discharge levels.
• Microorganisms Chemistry
Functional: cat tails, willows, bull rush,
hibiscus, marshmallow, pennywort Profitable harvest: tomatoes, cucumbers,
• Fauna
Composting worms, Eisenia foetida
Potential for Snails, fish
Vulnerable ecosystems under highly controlled conditions
Adapted from Tao4
• Ammonia reduction by nitrification‐denitrification
Anaerobic & Denitrifying bacteria • Floral
Sustainable ecosystems established through self‐
• For algae growth, N is required to be in the
form of nitrate (NO3+) as it leaves the treatment system, and not completely converted to nitrogen gas (N2)by denitrification3
• Capture biogas from anaerobic digestion process
‐ 60‐70% methane
‐ use as energy source (heat, electricity) for ETS operation
• Harvest solid fertilizer from vermifilter
‐ high nutrient compost
‐ grow value added plants
• Digest post‐consumer vs. pre‐consumer food waste
‐ increased chemical complexity yields more biogas
1.USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Nutrient Data Laboratory. “USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference”. Accessed Spring 2009.
2. NYSDEC, U.S. EPA Region 2, Environmental Finance Center at Syracuse University, Greenhouses A1 & A2 SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry
Syracuse, NY 13210
NYWEA. Handbook on Wastewater Management for Local Representatives. February 2007: Appendix B – page 134 Yusuf, Chisti. "Biodiesel from microalgae." Science Direct 25 (2007): 294‐306.S
Tao, Wendong. "Design Principles of Ecological Treatment Systems." Ecological Engineering for Waste Management (2009): 7‐16.
5. Johnson, Dave. "Anaerobic Digestion."
Figure 1. ESF Greenhouse Space
Figure 2. Eisenia foetida composting worms
Figure 3. Nitrogen Cycle. Treatment ends at nitrate
Source: Amy Forstner
Adapted from: