Electronic Devices and Circuits - Partial Exam An exam ticket consists on: one problem and one normal subject or three short subjects. The exam will take place in room N-II-1, at 16:00 on Friday, May 8, 2009 (or room N-II-8, at 15:00 on Wednesday, April 29). 1.1 PROBLEMS: 1. Voltage and current divider; 2. Diode rectifier; 3. C filter diode rectifier; 4. Diode limiters; 5. Zener shunt voltage regulator; 6. BJT emitter bias. 7. Four resistors bias network for BJT; 8. Q-point for two BJTs circuit; 9. Common Emitter (CE) amplifier; 10. Common Collector Amplifier (Emitter Follower); 11. CE amplifier with RE; 1.2 1. 2. 3. 4. NORMAL SUBJECTS: The diode: main characteristic, symbol, the Exponential Diode forward and reverse bias; Diode Rectifiers without Filters and Capacitive Input Filters for Diode Rectifiers; The Physical Basis of Transistor Operation and Equivalent Circuit Models. BJTs ac Equivalent Circuits and the Simplified ac Models; 1.3 SHORT SUBJECTS: 1. Ideal independent sources and their suppression; 2. Resistors in series and voltage divider; 3. Resistors in parallel and current divider; 4. Thévenin equivalent circuit; 5. The ideal diode; 6. The constant voltage-drop model of the diode; 7. Diode limiters; 8. Zener shunt voltage regulator; 9. BJT – definitions, symbols and modes of operation; 10. The transistor inverter; 11. The superposition theorem for ac-dc circuits; 12. Base bias for BJTs; 13. Emitter bias for BJTs. 14. Voltage Divider Bias for BJTs; 15. The Voltage Amplifier Model; 16. The Common Emitter Amplifier Parameters; 17. The Emitter Follower Parameters; 18. The “Complete” Hybrid- Model; 19. The Common Emitter with Emitter Resistance Amplifier Parameters; 20. The h-parameters Model of BJTs; 21. Power Amplifiers, Classification of Output Stages; --- *** ---1 of 1