Commentary Standards

MSE Project SQAP
Shufeng Li
Table of Contents
Purpose.......................................................................................................................... 1
Reference documents .................................................................................................... 1
3 Management ....................................................................................................................... 2
Organization Structure: ........................................................................................... 2
Tasks ....................................................................................................................... 2
Responsibility ......................................................................................................... 2
Documentation .............................................................................................................. 3
Purpose.................................................................................................................... 3
Minimum documentation requirements .................................................................. 3
SW requirements specification (SRS) ............................................................ 3
SW design description (SDD) ......................................................................... 3
User documentation ........................................................................................ 4
Standards, practices, conventions, and metrics ............................................................. 4
Purpose.................................................................................................................... 4
Documentation standards ........................................................................................ 4
Logic structure standards and design conventions.................................................. 4
Coding standards and conventions.......................................................................... 4
Testing standards and practices .............................................................................. 5
Product and process metrics.................................................................................... 5
Milestones ....................................................................................................... 5
Development time and productivity................................................................ 5
Reviews and audit ......................................................................................................... 5
Test ................................................................................................................................ 5
Code control .................................................................................................................. 5
Media control ................................................................................................................ 5
10 Supplier control ............................................................................................................. 6
1 Purpose
This Software Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP) describes the standards, processes and
procedures used to support the delivery of a high-quality and professional project of
Component Assembly Description Compiler. The quality assurance process is concerned
with establishing the authority of the SQAP function, standards, procedures, policies, and
monitoring, and evaluation processes to determine quality in relation to established
2 Reference documents
MSE Project SQAP
Shufeng Li
(1) IEEE Standard for Software Quality Assurance Plans (IEEE Std 730-1998).
(2) IEEE Guide for Software Quality Assurance Planning (IEEE Std 730.1-1995).
(3) Software Project Management --- A United Framework (Walker Royce, 2001).
3 Management
3.1 Organization Structure:
Committee: Drs. John Hatcliff, Matthew Dwyer, and William Hankley
Major professor: Dr. John Hatcliff
Developer: Shufeng Li
3.2 Tasks
In phase I, the developer must finish
Project overview
Cost estimate
Project plan
Requirement specification
In Phase II, the developer must finish
Detailed design (including object model and sequence diagram)
SQA plan
Test plan
Formal technical review
Formal specification
In Phase III, the developer must finish
Source code
User manual
3.3 Responsibility
The developer is responsible for designing and implementing the project
under the supervision of the major professor, Dr. Hatcliff. The developer shall
MSE Project SQAP
Shufeng Li
also write all the required documents and report to all the committee members
in the form of presentations at the end of each phase.
The major professor suggests the topic of the project and general
requirements, supervises and audits the whole development process of the
The committee will oversee and review the work performed by the developer, provide
feedback and advice, and audit the whole development process during the three
presentations of the project.
4 Documentation
4.1 Purpose
The purpose is to obtain a good quality product of software. As a minimum, Software
Quality Assurance requires the following documents:
1) SW requirements specifications,
2) SW design description,
3) User documentation.
The SQAP activities with each document review must be scheduled in accordance with the
development life cycle of the project.
4.2 Minimum documentation requirements
4.2.1 SW requirements specification (SRS)
The purpose of the SRS is to provide a description of the critical requirements (functions,
performances, design constraints, attributes, etc.) of the software and external interfaces. The
SRS should be developed under IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements
Specifications (IEEE Std 830-1998) standard. When the CADC SRS is developed, a review
which the major advisor shall be involved in is to check its accuracy, consistency,
completeness, verifiability, traceability, and so on. If any of these is not right, then the
developer should correct it.
4.2.2 SW design description (SDD)
MSE Project SQAP
Shufeng Li
The SDD is a technical description of how the software will meet the requirements of SRS.
Its most important function is to describe each component of the CADC project after
decomposing it into several separate functions.
The SDD should be consisting of the following documents:
1) Object models
2) Sequence diagrams
3) Scenario diagrams
And algorithms shall be written in pseudo code or a chunk of real code.
4.2.3 User documentation
Since this project is only a component of Cadena system, the user only needs to push some
buttons to involve this project. The user documentation only identifies the minimum content
and description of the followings: user interaction with the software, input and output
specifications, system limitations, anticipated errors and user responses.
5 Standards, practices, conventions, and metrics
5.1 Purpose
The purpose of this section is to identify the standards, practices, conventions, and metrics
that will be applied to develop the CADC project. Compliance with these items is achieved
by reviews and inspection.
5.2 Documentation standards
All documents, such as, the software requirements specification (SRS), and software quality
assurance plan (SQAP), shall be developed based on IEEE Software Engineering Standards.
The format should follow the requirement of MSE portfolio.
5.3 Logic structure standards and design conventions
Formal specifications will be expressed using Alloy Analyzer.
5.4 Coding standards and conventions
Java will be used to code CADC project. The comments, identifier names, indentation, and
file and package naming conventions of the source code should follow the Java programming
MSE Project SQAP
Shufeng Li
5.5 Testing standards and practices
Testing will be carried out in a systematic way. The exact details of testing will be included
in the Test Plan (TP).
5.6 Product and process metrics
5.6.1 Milestones
Milestones are set for each workflow in each phase. The milestones shall be used to manege
the process in which the CADC project is developed.
5.6.2 Development time and productivity
The staff hours will be logged toward the project, and shall be kept in engineering notebook.
6 Reviews and audit
The developer and the major advisor shall be involved for reviewing the major tasks.
The minimal required ones shall be the reviews for SRS and SDD. There shall be
three formal presentations prepared by the developer and evaluated by the committee
at the end of each phase to evaluate the project.
7 Test
Test needs to test the product for each stage, component, and item by using unit, integration,
and system tests. The developer is responsible to test the CADC project. This task is
operated based on the test plan.
The tool will be used is Junit-3.8.1, which is available though:
8 Code control
On the Unix machines, Concurrent Versions System (CVS) shall be used to store all
documents and code (including all deltas) as well as the detailed logs of change intentions.
9 Media control
MSE Project SQAP
Shufeng Li
The standard UNIX file permission standard shall be used to control access to files. The
electronical backups shall also be used to store work.
10 Supplier control
The OpenCCM, OpenORB, and IBM Eclipse manufacturers are identified as our suppliers.
We should also ensure that we have the up-to-date software releases, documentations to
cover new releases/updates.