
Hannah Nagi
TE 407 Lab
Reviewing the Parts of Speech
Audience: High School (9th/10th grade)
Placement within Unit: Beginning of Unit #1: Pedagogical Grammar
Duration: 10 minutes
* To provide an opportunity for students to review the parts of speech.
* To assess student strengths and weaknesses so that problem areas
can be addressed later on within the unit.
* To encourage and foster group work and classroom discussion.
Objectives: Students will be able to:
* Simplistically define, and begin to understand or question the functions
of certain parts of speech.
* Recognize the parts of speech within Lewis Carroll’s poem
* Utilize previous knowledge of the parts of speech and today’s lesson to
create MadLibs!
Materials Needed:
* Lewis Carroll’s poem “Jabberwocky”
* MadLib story and word list
* Create a review worksheet for the parts of speech
* Create or print off MadLib story and word list
* Copy Lewis Carroll’s poem “Jabberwocky”
* Teacher sparks a short discussion about grammar and the negative
connotations that surround it.
* He/she informs students that the year will begin with grammar
assessments and activities, but they will be fun and engaging!
Presentation: Activity One:
* Teacher will begin Unit #1 with the review of the parts of speech.
* Students will brainstorm the various parts of speech and their
functions from previous knowledge (assessment 1).
* If students do not remember all parts of speech and their basic
functions teacher will pass out “The Parts of Speech” review sheet.
Activity Two:
* After students have taken time to review the parts of speech teacher
will pass out “Jabberwocky” and begin to give background information
about the poem and author.
* Students will be asked if they have ever heard of the poem and in
what context.
* Next, teacher and students decipher the underlined words in the first
stanza by labeling them as a certain part of speech (assessment 2).
* All the while teacher asks students how they are able to
recognize which part of speech is what. (ex. Some adverbs end in –ly)
* Once the first stanza is completed teacher instructs students to put
away the poem because it will be used as a reference for homework.
Activity Three:
* Lastly, teacher will pass out the MadLib story and word list to every
student while asking how many have ever created MadLibs.
* Teacher instructs students to work in small groups or pairs and fill out
the MadLib word list in order to create the story.
* Once it seems like students have completed their MadLib stories they
may volunteer to share their MadLibs with the class (assessment 3).
^If time is limited teacher may divide the story up and
give each group a different part of the word list to
complete. Then teacher will combine each group’s
word list and fill in the blanks of the story.
* Students will be asked to choose a different stanza of “Jabberwocky”
than the one used in class.
* Then, just as the activity in class, students will identify each
underlined word as a certain part of speech and explain exactly how
they know this.
* Homework will be due the following day.