FREE Positive and Practical Courses for Parents 2015 Parents are really important in helping their children develop and grow up as responsible adults. Yet parenting can sometimes be a difficult job and everyone needs support and help. Parents Plus Programmes hope to help you in: Getting to Know and Connecting with Your Child or Teen. Communicating Effectively Managing and Negotiating Rules and Boundaries The courses do not propose to find magic answers but hopes to help parents and teens to gain the support of others and to find down-to-earth solutions for difficult situations. The focus of the course is positive and aims to build on your strengths. Venue: Fr McGrath Family Resource Centre, St. Josephs Road, Kilkenny. 056- 7751988 Ext 2. Parenting When Separated Mondays commencing 14/9/2015. From 11.00 - 1.30 pm for six weeks. A practical and positive six week course for parents who are preparing for, going through or have gone through a separation or divorce. Working Things Out For Adolescents (11 - 16 years) Commencing autumn 2015 Working things out is delivered to young people and aims to help them build communication and conflict resolution skills in to order to help them improve their relationships within their families. Adolescents Programme Commencing autumn 2015 A practical and positive course on parenting adolescents (aged 11 to 16) focusing on effective communication, problem solving and building positive relationships. Agencies / Professionals can refer parents / teens to the Fr.McGrath FRC using their referral form which can be found on their website Parents can refer themselves using the slip below. Please note places are limited so make sure to book as soon as possible. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------Reply Slip Name of Parent(s):_______________________________ __________________________________ Name of Child:_____________________ Date of Birth: _____________ Tel:_____________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________________ Course(s) I am interested in ____________________________________________________________ Please return the slip to Wendy Taylor, Fr. McGrath Family Resource Centre, St. Josephs Road, Kilkenny. 056 7751988 Ext. 2.