Annotated Bibliography

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Tiffany Lo
Mrs. Donnelly
Directed Studies Senior Project
26 December 2011
Annotated Bibliography
Boddaert, Nathalie. "Perception of Complex Sounds in Autism: Abnormal Auditory Cortical
Processing in Children." American Journal of Psychiatry 161.11 (2004): 2117-120. American
Journal of Psychiatry. American Journal of Psychiatry, Nov. 2004. Web. 03 Sept. 2011.
<>. Prior to beginning my research into the advocacy aspect
of my research paper, I educated myself about various common special needs conditions.
Through this journal article, I gained scientific insights into the causes and effects of autism
– it is caused by struggles in word recognition in the auditory cortex and can lead to
communication troubles for young children. The data and statistics were more scientific
information than I needed, but regardless, this source was effective in providing me an
understanding of a common mental condition.
Burke, Kristen. "Community Inclusion." Early Intervention Support. Web. 18 Nov. 2011.
Although this source was written with an intended audience of special needs parents, it was
helpful in providing me tips about the degree to which special needs children can be
included in a community.
Collard, Jennifer. "Exceptional Kids Club Reaches out to Special Needs Children." Daily
Herald [Eagle Mountain] 2 Sept. 2011. Daily Herald. Daily Herald, 2 Sept. 2011. Web. 27 Sept.
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2011. <>. I found this source to be a very prominent example
of successful community involvement in the lives of special needs children. It was nice to
read about the way others initiated a change in attitudes and the positive experience the
children gained from it. Quotes from appreciative parents were featured as evidence in my
research paper.
Douma, J. C. H., M. C. Dekker, and H. M. Koot. "Supporting Parents of Youths with Intellectual
Disabilities and Psychopathology." Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 50.8 (2006): 57081. Hasan UGUR. Fatih University. Web. 06 Sept. 2011.
0with%20intellectual%20disabilities%20and%20psychopathology.pdf>. This was one of my
most important sources, where the study conducted expressed exactly what special needs
parents desired in support and the challenges faced by parents from different demographics.
I used this insight to formulate much of the family support portion of my research paper
and as a jumping off point for more research ideas.
Hannah, Mark. "Issue Advocacy on the Internet, Part 1." MediaShift: Your Guide to the Digital Media
Revolution. Public Broadcasting Service, 07 May 2009. Web. 25 Nov. 2011.
<>. I knew beforehand that the internet and media were powerful tools for
spreading awareness about issues, but reading this source helped me think more critically
about the advantages and apparent disadvantages of new media advocacy. Prior to reading
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this source, my view was nearly 100% pro media advocacy. Now, my understanding is more
complex and it is reflected in my paragraph about information mediums.
Hannah, Mark. "Issue Advocacy on the Internet, Part 11 | PBS." MediaShift: Your Guide to the Digital
Media Revolution. Public Broadcasting Service, 02 June 2010. Web. 18 Nov. 2011.
<>. Basically, this blog post was an extension of the original Issue Advocacy article
on the MediaShift blog. It contained many interesting examples of past successful media
issue advocacy campaigns and more insights about the advantages and disadvantages of this
approach. I quoted a remark made by Hannah about the power of internet issue advocacy to
support my stance that fascinating and interactive information are the most effective and
important for successful issue advocacy.
Martens, Steven. "Bettendorf Students Find Ways to Serve Community." Quad City Times. 20 Dec.
2011. Web. 23 Dec. 2011. <>. This article
served as additional insight into the positive effects of greater interaction with special needs
children for the entire community. My first example with the program in Eagle Mountain
reflected the benefits families experienced and now, this example supplements the
community benefits. Although the article was short, it was an important source for me.
"Public Education and Community Outreach." Appendix 2: Public Education and Community Outreach.
Zender Environmental Health and Research Group. Web. 18 Nov. 2011.
<>. In my search to gain more
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knowledge about running effective awareness campaigns, I found this source and it outlined
a simple and thoughtful step-by-step plan for coordinating a successful campaign. The issue
it discussed was recycling efforts, but the strategies listed could definitely be translated to any
other issue, such as community integration of special needs children. I referenced to this
source in explaining advocacy in my research paper.
Silverman, Scott C. Creating Community Online: The Effects of Online Social Networking
Communities on College Students' Experiences. Ann Arbor: ProQuest Information and
Learning, 2008. Print. Professor Silverman wrote this book in order to discuss the
importance of online social networks and the effects they have on the relationships fostered
in small communities such as a college. His study findings regarding participation increases
and rapid dissemination of information provided insight into the most efficient methods of
spreading the word through technology. It was an interesting source to review.
United Nations Educational, Scientific, & Cultural Organization. Making It Happen: Examples of Good
Practice in Special Needs Education & Community-Based Programmes. Publication. United Nations
Educational, Scientific, & Cultural Organization. Web. 18 Nov. 2011.
<>. I was fascinated by the
comprehensive range of programs already in place across the world to bring communities to
better embrace special needs children. The specific example of Guyana I featured in my
essay inspired me to keep fighting for this cause and spreading the good feelings of support
in my community. It was also a great example to support my points about direct community
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Wong, Chun. "How to Interact with a Child with Autism | Autisable." Autisable - Real Blogs from
People Tackling the Puzzle of Autism. 06 July 2009. Web. 18 Nov. 2011.
<>. As a
part of my basic research about special needs conditions, I read more about dealing with
autistic children. The simple approaches and tips suggested by Dr. Chun Wong were good
notes to keep in mind in the implementation of direct community interactions with the
children, but did not provide especially influential evidence for my research paper.
World Health Organization. Better Health, Better Lives: Children and Young People with Intellectual
Disabilities and Their Families. Issue brief. World Health Organization, 08 Oct. 2010. Web. 09
Sept. 2011. <>.
In this report, programs for special needs children in several European countries were
described, along with the basic need of support for the families of these children. The
diverse range of policies, programs, and standards for providing care to the children in these
countries broadened my ideas of methods of support.