CLIENT: AUDIT PROGRAM _____________________________________________________ PERIOD: _____________________________________________________ SUBJECT: INTANGIBLE ASSETS Est. Hrs. Phase/ Level W/P Ref. Procedures AUDIT OBJECTIVES To determine whether: A. B. C. These represent company’s ownership of such assets which is evidenced by legal documents or otherwise. These are valued at fair values and any amortization is appropriately recorded and presented. These are properly described and classified in the balance sheet, and disclosures have been made for any restrictions against the assets and adequate disclosures have been made in accordance with the Companies Ordinance, 1984 and the relevant IASs. SUBSTANTIVE PROCEDURES 1. Overall Analytical Review 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Obtain the schedule of all intangible assets and its amortization. Foot and trace ending balances to the lead schedule. Tie the additions, retirements and amortization provision for the year to supporting schedules. Discuss with appropriate client personnel the company’s policies for capitalizing and amortizing intangible assets. Consider the acceptability of the stated policies and the relationship of the intangible assets to the client’s business. Evaluate any changes in policy as to whether they constitute a change in accounting principles or otherwise require disclosure in the financial statements. For all major additions, obtain a listing of additions and review whether the intangible assets are acquired or self generated. Ensure that internally generated goodwill, brands, masthead, publishing titles, customers list and items similarly substance have not been recognized as an intangible asset. Page: 1/4 L/AP/1 By Comments/Explanations CLIENT: AUDIT PROGRAM _____________________________________________________ PERIOD: _____________________________________________________ SUBJECT: INTANGIBLE ASSETS Est. Hrs. Phase/ Level W/P Ref. Procedures 2. Movement / Additions during the year 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Have the client prepare an analysis of activity in intangible assets for the period and reconcile it to the general ledger control accounts, including the following information: A description of each intangible asset; Method of amortization; Balances at the beginning and end of the period; Additions; Transfer, sales; and Amounts amortized or written off. Where applicable, verify the value of the intangible assets with patents and other third party documents. Ensure that we have obtained a detail of cost comprising the internally generated intangible assets and ensure that the cost includes the following: Expenditure on material and services; Salaries, wages and other employment related costs; Any expenditure that is directly attributable to generating the asset; and Overheads that are necessary to generate asset. Ensure that following costs have not been added to the aforesaid cost: Selling and other administrative and general costs; and Other cost that is not directly related to intangible assets. Verify the clerical accuracy of the analysis. Trace beginning balances to prior period’s working papers and cross-reference ending balances and amounts amortized or written off to the applicable lead schedules. Examine critical forms and documents ( ) to support additions to intangible assets. Discuss with client personnel the criteria used to establish the amortization period for current period additions. Determine that the recorded amounts and amortization periods assigned are proper. Scope: ( ) Examine support for other significant activity in the accounts during the period. Obtain details of any transfer / sales of intangible assets and verify. Page: 2/4 L/AP/1 By Comments/Explanations CLIENT: AUDIT PROGRAM _____________________________________________________ PERIOD: _____________________________________________________ SUBJECT: INTANGIBLE ASSETS Est. Hrs. Phase/ Level W/P Ref. Procedures 3. Amortization 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Compute the percentage of amortization of intangible assets for the current period to total intangible assets as of the balance sheet date. Compare the percentage with similar percentages for prior periods. Investigate significant or unusual fluctuations. Perform a predictive test of the total amortization of intangible assets for the current period. Compare the predicted amount with the recorded amount and investigate any significant variations by reference to the supporting detail. Note that estimated useful lives and amortization methods are consistent with those used in the prior period and other companies within the industry. Ensure that the maximum period for the amortization has not exceeded 20 years and amortization should be on straight line basis only. Also examine whether the method of amortization of intangible assets is in accordance with IAS-38. Foot the supporting detail of the amounts amortized during the current period and tie it to the analysis. Recalculate the current period amortization for a sample of items in the supporting detail. Scope: ( ) 4. Revaluation In case where the intangible asset is revalued ensure that the whole class of assets has been revalued and any surplus on revaluation has been directly credited to revaluation surplus in accordance with the relevant IAS. 5. Impairment 5.1 5.2 Have the management review the economic life of the intangible asset and in case where it is felt that the future economic benefits will not accrue to the company, ensure that the remaining cost has been charged to profit and loss account immediately or the carrying amount is appropriately written down. Discuss with management the continuing value of the unamortized balances of intangible assets. Determine whether they appear reasonable in relation to the external environment in which the entity operates and any relevant data that might be obtained as a result of other auditing procedures. Page: 3/4 L/AP/1 By Comments/Explanations CLIENT: AUDIT PROGRAM _____________________________________________________ PERIOD: _____________________________________________________ SUBJECT: INTANGIBLE ASSETS Est. Hrs. Phase/ Level W/P Ref. Procedures L/AP/1 By Comments/Explanations Other tests as deemed necessary Management Letter Prepare management letter points including: Internal control weaknesses; Business improvement opportunities; Legal non-compliance; Accounting system deficiencies; and Errors and irregularities not material at the financial statements level. Disclosure Ensure appropriate disclosure have been made in accordance with the reporting framework and fill relevant portion of Financial Statements Disclosure Checklist (FSDCL). Supervision, review and conclusion 1. 2. 3. 4. Perform Senior review and supervision. Resolve Senior review points. Resolve Partner and Manager review points. Conclude response to the audit objectives. Audit conclusion Based on the substantive test procedures, I/we performed as outlined above, it is my/our opinion that the audit objectives set forth at the beginning of this audit program have been achieved, except as follows: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date:____________ ______________ Signature ___________ Job Incharge Page: 4/4 ________ Manager _______ Partner