ORGANIZATION MASTER BANK MASTER GO MENU SETUP LIST MASTER (order on drop down list on Employee Master) LIST GROUP – (order on GO button on Employee Master) Tip: set up based on user duties i.e. setting up new employee EMPLOYMENT STATUS o JOB CODES Expected Months employees assigned to this job code area expected to work (optional) Pay Class – populate Pay Class associated with this job when setting up new job (optional) EMPLOYEE CATEGORIES Select defaults to populate various screens when setting up a new Employee and assigning an Employee Category If accruing leaves –using Leave Profile will load leave codes & accrue process will load time EMPLOYEE CATEGORY GROUPS Groups are used to process payrolls and to generate reports for a specific group of employees Keep one group of ALL Employee Categories – if you add a new Employee Category to your database, also add to the ALL group. EMPLOYEE DEDUCTION/BENEFIT PROFILES Optional – set up groups of ded/ben codes commonly applied to new employees, then apply to new employees on Employee Master or Employee Category (optional) - set up ”TERM” profile with all ded/bens that will be end dated/stopped as of term date - POST TERM profile to automatically end date ded/bens as of specific date - set up various ded/ben groups for new employee (i.e. full time employees receives: retirement, life ins, health, dental, union dues, etc.; another new employee may only receive: health & dental then create another group) EMPLOYEE LEAVE PROFILES Optional – set up groups of leave codes commonly applied to new employees, then apply to new employees on Employee Master or Employee Category EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCE PROFILES Optional – set up groups of experience codes commonly applied to new employees, then apply to new employees on Employee Master or Employee Category (i.e.: in state, out of state, in district) EARNING CODES Create unique earning codes that meet your particular needs. They define different types of pay that an employee can receive. Provides description of earnings on reports and payroll checks. Short Description appears on employee’s paycheck Set defaults to auto populate jobs and payroll input (optional) ETHNIC CODES Used for Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) reporting EEO CODES Defining the EEO codes is optional – Use Government Codes DIRECTORY ACCESS TYPES Will exclude what type you enter: A=exclude Address, N = no exclusion–display all information on Employee Directory Report (HRS Reports – Employee Reports) Enter on the Payroll tab of the Organization Master; to override a specific employee enter on the Employee Miscellaneous screen for specific employees GENDER MASTER GENERATION MASTER Optional field on Employee Master SALUTATION MASTER Optional field on Employee Master MARITAL STATUS Optional field on Employee Master – But STRONGLY recommend you enter information Employee Master (refer to Employee Master Screens document) PAY CLASSES Retirement? - refers to Retirement Hours (not wages) Create new Pay Classes as needed – for example: - Additional Pay, No Med/SS/Fed/State - Regular Pay, Not Subject to Retire PAY TYPES Preloaded – “Buckets” that hold totals for calculations For example: PADD - all Additional amounts PREG - Regular Pay only PTOT - Regular Pay and Additional PGRS - Regular Pay and Additional and Reimbursement PAY CLASS TYPES Brings Pay Class and Pay Types together Pay Class Types must include PGRS if pay processes through Labor Distribution and post to FAS. For example reimburse MEAL or paying an employee on an a/p check and then processing through payroll to increase taxable wage. MEAL MEAL MEAL MEAL MEAL MEAL MEAL MEAL MEAL MEAL MEAL MEAL MEAL WRKP WRKP WRKP PFED PMED PRET PMED PLOC PGRS PSS PSTA PFED PMED PLOC PSS PSTA PNET PGRS REIM Pay Subject to Federal Tax Pay Subject to Medicare Pay Subject to Retirement Pay Subject to Medicare Pay Subject to Local Tax Gross Pay (includes reimbursements)* Social Security Wages State Taxable Wages Pay Subject to Federal Tax Pay Subject to Medicare Pay Subject to Local Tax Social Security Wages State Taxable Wages Net Pay Gross Pay (includes reimbursements)* Reimbusements Increase Net w/o Increase Net Work Permit Reimbursement *needed to post to exp acctg PAY CYCLES Entered on Employee Pays screen and payroll input screen as a way to pay specific Job/Pay for a specific payroll. For example an employee gets paid twice a month, but gets cell phone reimbursed on first payroll of month (salary = S and cell phone = M; on 1st payroll of month you would pay both S and M; then on 2nd payroll of month you would pay only the S Pay Cycle) TAX FACTORS Defines the number of pay checks that employees receive in a year. Used to calculate federal tax withholding amount per pay period. Multiples the number of checks times the Tax Factor, extracts annual tax amount from table, then divides the number of checks from the tax factor to calculate the withholding amount per pay period. LOCATION TYPES If no CHCK location, then defaults to WORK (recommend entering both codes on all employees LOCATION MASTER Employee Master – Locations (refer to Employee Master Screens document) Employee Master – Employee Jobs and Pays (refer to Employee Master Screens document) Employee Master – Distributions (refer to Employee Master Screens document) DEDUCTION/BENEFIT CLASSES Define deductions and benefit classes used on the Ded/Ben Master Display Order–determines order displayed on Ded/Ben Pays form and Ded/Ben Class List of Values Do not delete PNET Ded/Ben Pays Do NOT change the defaults – this could impact W2’s and reports When TSA is deducted from check, a subtraction is made from Net Pay, Federal and State Taxable Wages (-1); and the bucket for Tax Sheltered Annuities is increased (1) DED/BEN CATEGORY Used for WRS State Retirement reporting DEDUCTION/BENEFIT MASTER Accommodating Employee Direct Deposit with Printed Check Distribution – must select Allow Check and Direct Deposit check box on the Employee Direct Deposit screen if an employee will receive a printed check. Create “ACH” ded/ben master (see page 87 in Guide to Payroll Master File Maintenance) To create a new Ded/Ben Code – enter new code Corresponding Ded/Ben Code: enter Benefit code that corresponds to a Deduction, will print the benefit and deduction next to each other on check stub. Do not enter the Deduction code on the Benefit master. Pay Type: indicates which pay bucket the deduction/benefit will use to calculate amount Use PREG, not PGRS, if you do NOT want benefits (i.e. insurance) posted to salary accounts for extra pay (i.e. coaches, advisor). Input extra pay, enter as Pay Class 11, 12, 18 (additional pay, which goes into PADD) which results in benefit not being posted against those accounts. Exempt Rate: use if only 1 exemption rate for Married and Single, otherwise use Organization Master, Payroll tab, “State Amount” button (used for taxes only) FYI – Utah State Taxes are set up using the “State Amount” button in the Organization Master screen Short Description: prints on check stub (up to 15 alphanumeric characters) Print Order: order to print on check stub, if 9999 then will not print on check; ded/bens in 22nd place or lower are grouped together and printed with the combined totals on the check. Long Description: prints on reports (up to 40 alphanumeric characters) Category: if a retirement Ded/Ben, then need to have retirement category for printout Calc Sequence: The order in which ded/bens are calculated. i.e.: some ded/bens are calculated pre-tax, others after tax. (See manual for calc sequence) Start/End Date: Leave blank if always effective Vendor: use if creating vendor liability a/p checks, and all employees using this Ded/Ben code will have the checks issued to the same vendor Plans: Information entered here is for global default that is used on employee master Ded/Ben screen, can override amount/percent for an individual employee on their master Ded/Ben screen. (If using multiple plans on a Ded/Ben must start/end date each plan, otherwise will get a message as to which plan you wish to use.) Start/End date in Plans block is for when the premium starts/ends, not the deduction. No. of Premium: If using Salary Admin, and want alio to calculate the Ded/Ben budgets, you must fill in the number of premiums. Alio will calculate premium x # of premiums to populate budgets. Also used to calculate benefits for PI-1202 in Wisconsin. Percent Limit: Maximum percentage amount that can be taken for a ded/ben. When limit is reached ded/ben is no longer applied. (3.5% enter as 3.5, not .035) Amount / Percent: Enter dollar amount or percentage amount for ded/ben; employee ded/ben will default to amount entered, but can be over ridden on Employee Ded/Ben screen Min/Max Wage: Wage on which ded/ben is calculated Credit Amount: Credit amount for taxes for specific states Total Limit: Grand total of running balance not to exceed this amount (database total, not year). Ded/Ben becomes inactive when limit is reached. Period Limit: Total limit based on Period Type selected. (i.e. Monthly health premium is 100.01, set Period Type to monthly, Limit to 100.01, and 50.01 in amount. Will deduct 50.01 on first check of month, then second check will only deduct 50.00 because of the Period Limit set.) Ded/Ben is no longer applied until the next period. Period Type: Identifies the time period used in conjunction with Period Limit, Min Wage, and Max Wage fields. Arrears Priority / Arrears Payroll Limit / Earn Code Group: Leave blank - reserved for future use Accounts: - Debit Account Mask (expenditure account number for a benefit) For example: tells system to use salary account, except replace “211” in the object field, the indicator with “000000”, and the type with “2”. - Credit Account Mask creates journal to the liabilities account. - Deduction codes – leave Debit Account Mask blank - Can have multiple lines (sequence 1, 2, etc.) 1 2 ??-???-?-????-????-??? 21-???-?-????-????-??? ??-???-?-????-????-243 ??-999-?-????-????-243 10-???-?-????-9999-??? 21-???-?-????-9977-??? When setting up a new Ded/Ben find another one similar and pattern your new one after the existing record When adding a new Ded/Ben remember to add to the appropriate Ded/Ben Groups also Tax Table Import is available with HRS Year End Processing and Reporting in December DED/BEN GROUPS create Ded/Ben groups Employee Master – Employee Deduction/Benefit (refer to Employee Master Screens document) Mass Load Employee Ded/Bens (heutl16a.fmx) LEAVE MASTER LEAVE PLANS See: Guide to Payroll Master File Maintenance - Page 114 Complete these fields if you Accrue this leave: - Periods (Beginning & Ending) use 01 to 01 if accruing leaves at beginning of year - Check box for “Accrue” - Maximum Accrual Rates box - Leave Rates: Accrual Rate EMPLOYEE MASTER – EMPLOYEE LEAVES (refer to Employee Master Screens document) DATE TYPES HIRE* * = Required TERM* BRTH* REHI REH2 FNGR DATE CODES Add a code to a Date Type on the Employee Dates screen (i.e. Date Type: Last Review Date with Date Code: Needs Improvement, Excellent, etc.) EMPLOYEE MASTER – EMPLOYEE DATES (refer to Employee Master Screens document) BANK ROUTING TABLE Employee Master – Employee Direct Deposit screen (refer to Employee Master Screens document)