Oglesby -Dunegan_1 MFC 6

Please confine your competency statements to ONE page.
2) All statements MUST BE TYPED! You may, however, duplicate the forms on a computer as long as you
follow the same general format.
Be sure to fill out a form for each area of competence. If there are other areas of preparation you would like
to document for the Committee, please attach an addendum.
4) Graduate level courses: Please list name of course, where it was offered and number of credit hours. Other
brief identifying comments are acceptable. (If you intend to take a course but have not done so yet, please put it
in parenthesis.) Courses may be listed on more than one statement.
5) College level courses: Please list name of course, where it was offered, number of credit hours and year it
was taken.
6) Life experience, workshops, trainings, etc. You may list your experiences with relevant identifying date, or
you may write a short narrative summary.
7) Reading and independent study: Please list books you have read and areas of individual inquiry. Include the
books you have read from the Reading List. If there are books you would recommend to others, please indicate
those with an asterisk (*).
8.) An additional competency may be added as long as it is relevant to professional ministry
The Statements of Competency are as follows:
SOC2 Theology
SOC3 Church History
SOC4 Hebrew & Christian Scripture
SOC5 World Religions
SOC6 Social Theory/Social Ethics
SOC7 Human Development/Family Life Education/ Ministry with Youth and Young Adults
SOC8 Unitarian Universalist History and Polity
SOC9 Religious Education History, Theory, Method and Practice
SOC10 Professional Ethics, UUMA Guidelines
SOC11 Worship, Music, Aesthetics, Preaching
SOC12 Pastoral Care and Counseling
SOC13 Leadership and Organization
SOC14 Administration and Management
SOC15 Personal and/or Spiritual Development
SOC16 Anti-Racism, Anti-Oppression and Multiculturalism
SOC17 Sexual Health, Sexual Boundaries, Sexual Justice
Abbreviations Used:
First Unitarian Society of Denver
Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder
Boulder Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Laramie
Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Front Range Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association
(UUMA cluster)
General Assembly
Iliff School of Theology, Denver, CO (all credits are quarter credits)
Mountain Desert District Unitarian Universalist Ministers
Association (UUMA chapter)
Mountain Desert District
St Anthony North Hospital, Denver, CO
University of North Texas
Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association (National)
Graduate level courses
Practical Theology
Ministerial Internship
Theological Imagination and
UU Theology
Construction I & II
The above Iliff curriculum included extensive reading and discernment of various traditions and their theological
perspectives as well as discernment of one’s own theology. In the internship experience these were applied and
developed, discussed and written about.
Life experience, workshops, trainings, etc.
Guest lecture w/ Rev. Rebecca Parker at FUSD on “Theology of Resistance to a Culture of Violence,” 05/07/11.
Reading and independent study
Spiritual Formation in Emerging Adulthood: A Practical Theology for College and Young Adult Ministry by
Setran, David P., Kiesling, Chris; Christ of the Celts by Philip Newell*; Three Treatises, Martin Luther, 1520;
Institutes of the Christian Religion, John Calvin, 1559; Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, David Hume,
1779; Inspiration and Authority, Achtemeier, 1999; On Religion: Speeches to its Cultured Despisers,
Schleiermacher, 1799; Dynamics of Faith, Tillich,1957; Theology in a Global Context, Hans Schwarz, 2005; A
Theology for the Social Gospel, Rauschenbusch, 1945; “The Human Situation: A Feminine View,” Saiving, 1960;
Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition, Cobb and Griffin, 1976; “Womanist Humanism: A Deeper Look,”
Harris, 2007; “Biblical Narrative and Theological Anthropology,” Kelsey, 1987; “Elements of Mujerista
Anthropology,” Isasi-Diaz, 1996; “A Revisionist Model for Contemporary Theology,” Tracy, 1975; “Limitation
and Ingenuity: Radical Historicism and the Nature of Tradition,” Brown, 2003; “Black Theology and the Quest
for a God of Liberation,” Maimela, 1991; “A Post-Colonial Reading,” Pui-Lan, 2006; Hope Abundant: Third
World and Indigenous Women’s Theology, Pui-Lan, 2010; *Constructive Theology: A Contemporary Approach to
Classical Themes, Jones and Lakeland, 2005; *Gay and Lesbian Theologies: Repetitions with Critical Difference,
Elizabeth Stuart, 2003; Down, Up and Over: Slave Religion and Black Theology, Dwight N. Hopkins, 2000;
Christian Theology: An Introduction to Its Traditions and Tasks Hodgson and King 1994; Women of Spirit:
Female Leadership in the Jewish and Christian Traditions Ruether and McLaughlin; Feminist Theologies:
Legacy and Prospect, Ruether, 2007; Religion and Sexism Ruether 1974; She Who Is: The Mystery of God in
Feminist Theological Discourse Johnson 1994; To Each Its Own Meaning McKenzie and Haynes 1999; Christian
Theology Gareth Jones 2007; The Social Implications of Universalism, Skinner, 1915; “Unitarianism and
Universalism,” Dietrich, 1927; “Humanism,” Reese, 1926; *“Humanist Manifestos 1, 2, 3” 1933, 1973, 2003;
*“Why Liberal?” (1939), “The Liberalism that is Dead” (1940), “The Changing Reputation of Human Nature”
(1942-43), “A Faith for Free Men” (1946), “Theological Bases of Social Action” (1950-51), “The Liberal
Christian Holds Up the Mirror” (1956), and “The Indispensable Discipline of Social Responsibility”(1966), James
Luther Adams; *Our Covenant - The 2000-2001 Minns Lectures, Alice Blair Wesley, 2002; *Reason and
Reverence, William R. Murry 2007; Faith Without Certainty, Rasor, 2005; *Proverbs of Ashes, Brock & Parker,
2001; *Soul Work: Anti-Racist Theologies in Dialogue, ed. Bowens-Wheatley and Jones, 2003; *Blessing the
World: What Can Save Us Now, Parker, 2006 ; *A People So Bold: Theology and Ministry for Unitarian
Universalists, Millspaugh, Ed.,2010; * “Engaging Our Theological Diversity, UUA, 2005 Johnson, Susanne,
“Remembering the Poor: Transforming Christian Practice,” in Redemptive Transformation in Practice Theology,.
Wright & Kuentzel; Kim & Creamer (eds.), Women, Church, and Leadership: New Paradigms; MillerMcLemore The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Practical Theology; Osmer, Richard, Practical Theology: An
Introduction; Thiemann, Ronald F., Constructing a Public Theology: The Church in a Pluralistic Culture;
Dykstra, Craig, “A Way of Seeing,” Christian Century, April 8, 2008; Mahan, Jeffrey H., Stone, Howard W. and
James O. Duke, How to Think Theologically 2006; Bevans, Stephen B. Models of Contextual Theology, 2002.
Graduate level courses
hrs offered Name
hrs Where offered
Christianity in the Modern
Unitarian Universalist Polity
Christianity: Reformation to
UU Topics in Religious Education
Christianity: Western Europe
Theological Imagination and
Middle Ages
Construction I & II,
Christianity in Antiquity
Hebrew Bible Introduction I &II
Unitarian Universalist History
New Testament Introduction I&II
World Religions
The History sequence at Iliff is designed to offer a broad and diverse view of church history, and offers the final
course, Christianity in the Modern World, as a deconstructionist opportunity to view the impact of Christianity as
a tool of Empire on indigenous people and environments.
Life experience, workshops, trainings, etc.
Women’s group curriculum: Cakes for the Queen of Heaven, Rise Up and Call Her Name (UUA publications)
Reading and independent study
Saving Paradise: How Christianity Traded Love of This World for Crucifixion and Empire by Rita Nakashima
Brock and Rebecca Ann Parker Early Christianity: A Brief History, Lynch, 2010; The Emperor Constantine,
Pohlsander, 2004; The Gospel of Thomas Valantasis 1997; Confessions, Augustine, 1961; On Christian Teaching
Augustine/Oxford Press 2008; Backgrounds of Early Christianity, Ferguson, 2003; When Women Were Priests:
Women’s Leadership in the Early Church and the Scandal of Their Subordination in the Rise of Christianity,
Torjesen, 1995; Society & The Holy in Late Antiquity, Brown, 1982; Authority &The Sacred, Brown, 1995;
Religions of Late Antiquity in Practice, Valantasis, 2000; Edict of Milan, Constantine, 313; The Cult of the
Saints: Its Rise and Function in Latin Christianity, Brown,1982; Jesus, a Revolutionary Biography Crossan
1989; Documents of the Christian Church, Bettenson &Maunder, 1999; A History of Christian Thought: From
Augustine to the Eve of the Reformation Volume II, Gonzalez, 1987; Women & Christianity. Volume II: From
1000 to the Reformation, Malone, 2001; The Western Church in the Middle Ages, Thomson, 1998;
Chronological and Background Charts of Church History, Walton, 1986; Three Treatises, Martin Luther, 1520;
Institutes of the Christian Religion, John Calvin, 1559; Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, David Hume,
1779; The Story of Christianity, vol 2, the Reformation to the Present Day, Gonzalez, 1985; Missionary
Conquest: The Gospel and Native American Cultural Genocide, Tinker, 1993; David Walker’s Appeal, Walker,
revised edition, 1995; The Colonizer and the Colonized, Memmi, 1991; “Anne Hutchinson and the Economics
of Antinomian Selfhood in Colonial New England,” Burnham, 1997; *”Traces of the Trade,” 2010; “Bill for
Establishing Religious Freedom,” Thomas Jefferson, 1777; “Memorial and Remonstrance,” James Madison,
1785; “Walks Between Two Worlds,” Medina, 2011; “Racism and Feminism,” bell hooks, 1981; Womanist
Justice, Womanist Hope, Emilie Townes, 1993; “African Women Theologies Critique Inculturation,”
Mutambara, 2006; “American Bondage, American Freedom” and “Symptoms of Liberty and Blackhead
Signposts,” Harding, 1991; “Tracing a Contour of Colonialism: American Indians and the Trajectory of
Educational Imperialism,” Tinker, 2004; “The Hermeneutics of Inculturation,” Antonio, 2006; “Culture and
Domination: A ‘Post-Colonial’ Quandary,” Tinker, 2008; “Confessions of a Christian Supremacist,” Todd,
2010; *The Cambridge Platform – Contemporary Reader’s Edition, Hughes, ed., 2008; Introducing the New
Testament: A Historical, Literary, and Theological Survey Powell 2009; The New Testament: A Historical
Introduction to the Early Christian Writings, Ehrman, 2008; Understanding the Bible: An introduction for
Skeptics, Seekers, and Religious Liberals Buehrens 2003.
Graduate level courses
New Testament I &II
Theological Imagination and
Construction I & II, IST
Hebrew Bible I &II
Preaching and Social Ethics
These courses at Iliff introduce the student to these texts with thoughtful analysis, historical and cultural depth,
and encouraged exegetical tasks that helped students consider what lens they would use to unpack the text and to
recognize the lens being used in the work of other writers/analysis.
Life experience, workshops, trainings, etc.
Co-teacher Religious Education class for second-third graders 2009-2010 using “Super-Heroes, Bible People”
written by Gaia Brown. FUSD; Regular attendance of Sunday Worship at FUSD.
As Hospital Chaplain, SAN, regularly used scripture as a spiritual resource in providing pastoral care and patient
prayers, 2012; As Ministerial Intern, BVUUF, preached sermons informed by scripture, 2011-2012
Reading and Independent Study
The Bible (*NRSV*), The People’s Bible, 2009; A Brief Introduction to the Old Testament, Michael Coogan,
2009; “Psalms and the Life of Faith: A Suggested Typography,” W. Brueggemann, 1995; “She Stood in Tears
amid the Alien Corn’: Ruth, the Perpetual Foreigner and Model Minority,” Gale A. Yee, 2009; Biblical
feminisms: knowledge, theory and politics in the study of women in the Hebrew Bible,” Esther Fuchs, 2008
A Time to Tear Down and a Time to Build Up: A Re-Reading of Ecclesiastes, M. Fox,1999; The New Testament:
A Historical Introduction to the Early Christian Writings, Bart Ehrman, 2007; From the Maccabees to the
Mishnah, Shaye Cohen, 2006; *Paul Was Not a Christian, Pamela Eisenbaum, 2009; The Final Account: Paul’s
Letter to the Romans, Krister Stendahl, 1995; The Women’s Bible Commentary, Newsom and Ringe, 1998
Global Bible Commentary, Daniel Patte, 2004; Synopsis of the Four Gospels, Aland, 1982; Introducing the New
Testament: A Historical, Literary, and Theological Survey, Mark Allan Powell, 2009; Mary Magdalene, The First
Apostle: The Struggle for Authority, Brock, 2003; The Gospel of Thomas and Christian Wisdom, Davies, 1983
The Five Gospels: The Search for the Authentic Words of Jesus, Funk, Hoover, and the Jesus Seminar, 1993
Preaching as Weeping, Confession and Resistance, Christine Smith, 1992; Transforming the Stone:Preaching
Through Resistance to Change Barbara K, Lundblad; Understanding the Bible: An introduction for Skeptics,
Seekers, and Religious Liberals Buehrens 2003; Patterns of Preaching Allen 1998; Preaching in An Age of
Globalization Kim 2010; “Prayer as Persuasion: The Rhetoric and Intention of Prayer” Miller Word and World
1993; “’And Also Many Animals’: Biblical Resources for Preaching about Creation” Schifferdecker Word and
World 2007; “Proverbs 8:22-31” William P. Brown Interpretation 2009; “What Are We Reading? Canonicity
and the Old Testament” Chapman Word and World 2009; “Let All the Peoples Praise You: Biblical Studies and
Hermeneutics of Hunger” O’Connor Catholic Biblical Quarterly 2010; “Beyond Anthropocentricity—
Botho/Ubuntu and the Quest for Economic and Ecological Justice in Africa” LenkaBula Religion and Theology
2008; “Feminist Liberation Theology and Rise of the Celtic Tiger” Feminist Theology:the Journal of Britain and
Ireland School of Feminist Theology Sainsbury 2006; “Globalizing Solidarity: Christian Anthropology and the
Challenge of Human Liberation” Groody Theological Studies 2008; “Liminality and Worldview in Proverbs 1-9”
Leeuwen Semeia; “Out From the Shadows: Biblical Women in the Postexilic Era” Eskenazi Journal of the Study
of the Old Testament 1992; “Qualifying Wealth in the Septuagint of Proverbs” Giese, Jr. Journal of Biblical
Literature 1992; “The Racial and Economic Theories of James Cone and Martin Luther King, jr. Illuminated by
the ‘Sermon on the Mount’” Richie Black Theology: An International Journnal 2010; “The Covenant and Social
Message of Amos” Berthoud EuroJTh 2005;
Graduate level courses
Credit hours
Where offered
Intro to Islam
Iliff School of Theology
Religions In the World
Iliff School of Theology
Both of these courses covered a wide range of perspectives and challenged students to examine and inquire into
the connections between religion and culture. Dr. Shafi’s Intro to Islam brought depth and insight into the myriad
iterations of Muslim identity and practice. As a practicing Muslim she also served as a tangible example of
someone who is both Muslim and feminist, a religious liberal in a tradition which many have vilified as ultraconservative and violent.
Life experience, workshops, trainings, etc.
Sangha Member 2007-2008: Awakening Heart, currently based in Dallas, Texas, a spiritual ministry inspired by
the universal teachings and practices of the contemporary Buddhist teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh, and his "Order of
Reading and independent study
Essential Sufism Edited by James Fadiman and Robert Frager; The Art of Power by Thich Nhat Hanh; On Being
a Muslim by Farid Esack; Darsan by Diana L. Eck; Brown Skin, White Masks by Hamid Dabashi; Theology in a
Global Context, Hans Schwarz, 2005; Night, Elie Wiesel, 1958; Zen in the Art of Archery, Eugen Herrigel, 1981
Darsan: Seeing the Divine Image in India, Diana L. Eck, 1996; *www.patheos.com; Health, healing, and
religion: A cross-cultural perspective, Kinsley, 1996; Our lady of the lost and found: A novel of Mary, faith, and
friendship, Schoemperlen, 2001; “Transforming the paradigm of wo/men's human rights through intercultural
pastoral care,” Moon, 2010 ; “The unique features of African-American spirituality in the context of Christian
healing,” Porter, 2007; Caring for patients from different cultures: Case studies from American hospitals, Galanti,
2008 ; The Sublime Quran, tr. Laleh Bakhtiar (Selections); How to Read the Quran Carl Ernst,; Omid Safi,
Memories of Muhammad: Why the Prophet Matters; John Renard, Friends of God: Islamic Images of Piety,
Commitment, and Servanthood; Film: Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet; Film: Sufi Soul; Online Article (1
page): Studying Islam in a Post-9/11 World ; Movie: Quran By Heart (HBO Films) ; Online Lecture by Abdal
Hakim Murad (Timothy Winters) on Sunnis/Shi'as; Video on Alevis and Haji Bektas in Turkey ; Dua Kumayl
(Shi'a Supplementary Prayer/Du'a); “Spider Coming Down: Hopi Humor as Prayer” Journal of Religion and
Health 2003. “Neurobiology of Chakras and Prayer” Ruth Stanley Zygon 2009; Miner, H. (1956). Body rituals
among the Nacirema. American Anthropologist; The Long Journey Home, Revisioning the Myth of Demeter and
Persephone for Our Time Downing 1994; The Wisdom of No Escape Pema Chodron 1991; A Treasury of Kahlil
Gibran Wolf 1996; Wherever You Go, There You Are Jon Kabat-Zinn 2005; The Tibetan Book of Living and
Dying Rinpoche 1993; Zen Keys Thich Nhat Hanh 1995.
Graduate level courses
Ethical Analysis and
Development of
Context For Public
College Level courses
Where Name
Intro to Social Work
Women’s Studies
Social Welfare
Sr. Honors Colloquium
Law and Social Problems
My undergraduate senior honors colloquium was a project that looked at social documentaries and assessed their
effectiveness in advocating for social change while deconstructing the methodology of the documentarian. Films
included: “7 Up” to “35 Up”; “Hoop Dreams” and “Harlan County USA” as well as “Roger and Me.”
Life experience, workshops, trainings, etc.
Workshop: FUSD led by Kierstin Homblette on Social Justice and Spiritual Practice
Training to be an organizer with the Texas Tenant’s Union and the VISTA program, which we partnered with.
Reading and independent study
On God's Side: What Religion Forgets and Politics Hasn't Learned about Serving the Common Good by Jim
Wallis; Alinsky, Saul D. Rules for Radicals; Brubaker, Pamela, Rebecca Todd Peters, and Laura Stivers Justice
in a Global Economy; Cone, James H. Martin & Malcolm & America; De La Torre, Miguel A. Latina/o Social
Ethics; Fletcher, Joseph. Situation Ethics; hooks, bell. Ain’t I a Woman; Kant, Immanuel. Groundwork of the
Metaphysics of Morals; Sheldon, Charles M. In His Steps; Keenan, James F. 1998. “The Case for PhysicianAssisted Suicide?” America (Nov 14); Labossiere, Michael C. 1995. Fallacy Tutorial Pro 3.0; Singer, Peter.
“Making Our Own Competency Should Be Paramount: Decisions about Death”; State of Oregon—Death with
Dignity Act Annual Reports; “Collective Impact,” John Kania and Mark Kramer, Stanford Social Innovation
Review, Winter 2011; “Embracing Emergence: How Collective Impact Addresses Complexity”, John Kania and
Mark Kramer, Stanford Social Innovation Review, 2013; Beyond the Cause: The Art and Science of Advocacy,
Independent Sector (2012); Speak for Yourself: Nonprofit Public Policy Toolkit, Colorado Nonprofit Association;
“Philanthropy and Government Working Together: The Role of Offices of Strategic Partnerships in Public
Problem Solving,” James M. Ferris and Nicholas P.O. Williams, The Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy,
University of Southern California, 2012; “Improving the Local Landscape for Innovation, Part 1: Mechanics,
Partners, and Clusters and Part 2: Framework for an Innovative Jurisdiction,” Gigi Georges, Tim Glynn-Burke,
and Andrea McGranth, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Harvard Kennedy School, June
2013;“Contracts and Grants between Human Service Nonprofits and Governments,” Elizabeth T. Boris, Erwin de
Leon, Katie L. Roeger, and Milena Nikolova, Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy, Urban Institute, 2010; All
MFC Required readings by James Luther Adams; Re-Creating America: The Ethics of U.S. Immigration and
Refugee Policy in a Christian Perspective, Dana Wilbanks, 1996;The Prophetic Imperative: Social Gospel in
Theory and Practice, Richard S. Gilbert, 2000;*Proverbs of Ashes: Violence, Redemptive Suffering, and the
Search for What Saves Us, Rita Brock and Rebecca Parker, 2001; A People So Bold: Theology and Ministry for
Unitarian Universalists, John Gibb Millspaugh, ed., 2010; Sweet Dreams in America: Making Ethics and
Spirituality Work Welch 1999; The Spirit of Community Etzioni;
Graduate level courses
Credit hours
Where offered
Campus/Young Adult
Iliff School of Theology
Ministerial FT Internship
Iliff School of Theology
The course on Campus and Young adult ministry was led by two Wesley Foundation ministers. The course
looked at many ways that faith communities can contribute to the lives of young adults, whether through their
own congregation or on campus or a collaboration of both. .
College level courses
Developmental Psychology
Intro to Psychology
Social Psychology
Credit hours
Where offered
Fort Lewis College
Fort Lewis College
University of North Texas
Life experience, workshops, trainings, etc.
Participant in 21st Century Faith Formation Training with John Roberto; Spring 2013 Denver; Participant in small
group ministry of parents at First Unitarian Society of Denver; Student Retreat Leader, El Centro College; Friday
series; quarterly; Student Retreat Leader, Community College of Denver; Friday/Saturday in Estes Park;
LifeBound Training for Academic Coaches, Carol Carter and Joe Martin (Part I July 2010; Part II Dec 2010)
Reading and Independent Study
Intergenerational Christian Formation: Bringing the Whole Church Together in Ministry, Community and
Worship: Allen, Holly Catterton, Ross, Christine Lawton; The Three Marriages: Reimagining Work, Self and
Relationship by David Whyte; Spiritual Formation in Emerging Adulthood: A Practical Theology for College
and Young Adult Ministry by Setran, David P., Kiesling, Chris A; Shaping Their Future : Mentoring Students
Through Their Formative College Years by Chmieleski , Guy;
Sticky Faith: Everyday Ideas to Build Lasting Faith in Your Kid by Powell, Kara E., Clark, Chap;
Emerging Adulthood: The Winding Road from the Late Teens through the Twenties, Arnett, Jeffrey Jensen,
2006.; Almost Christian: What the Faith of Our Teenagers is Telling the American Church, Press Dean, Kenda
Creasy, 2010; UnChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity...and Why It Matters
Kinnaman, David and Lyons, Gabe, 2007; You Lost Me: Why Young Christians Are Leaving Church...and
Rethinking Faith Kinnaman, 2011; Soul in Transition: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of Emerging Adults,
Smith, Christian 2009. http://www.faithoncampus.com; http://faithoncampus.com/archives/blog-a-thons/back-toschool/; http://ncmabloggers.com/2013/05/16/is-campus-ministry-important-is-the-way-you-do-campus-ministryimportant/; http://www.robrynders.com; http://www.afterhoursdenver.org;
http://ncmabloggers.com/2013/05/16/is-campus-ministry-important-is-the-way-you-do-campus-ministryimportant/; http://www.relevantmagazine.com; Bender, Courtney, “Religion and Spirituality: History, Discourse,
Measurement” 2007. Braskamp, Larry A., “Fostering Religious and Spiritual Development of Students during
College” 2007; Lopez, C.L., “A More Social Gospel. Campus Ministries Swap Pizza for Compassion” 2009;
Radecke, Mark Wm., “Service-Learning and the Spiritual Formation of College Students” 2006; Schmalzbauer,
John, “Campus Ministry: A Statistical Portrait” 2007; Winston, Diane, “iFaith in the Amen Corner: How Gen Y
is Rethinking Religion on Campus” 2007. *Final Gifts Callanan and Kelley, 1997; Faith Formation 2020,
Roberto 2010; Essex Conversations: Visions for Lifespan Religious Education, 2001; Today’s Children and
Yesterday’s Heritage: A Philosophy for Creative Religious Development, Sophia Fahs,1961; Claiming the Past,
Shaping the Future: Four Eras in Liberal Religious Education 1790-1999, Roberta Nelson, 2006; Fashion Me A
People: Curriculum in the Church, Harris, 1987; The Hite Report on the Family Shere Hite; Passionate Marriage
Graduate level courses
Unitarian Universalist Polity
Unitarian Universalist History
Credit hours
Where offered
Iliff School of Theology
Iliff School of Theology
I had the opportunity to take the UU Polity course at Iliff from Rev. Dave Sammons while he served as
interim at Jefferson Unitarian Church in Golden, CO. The UU History course I took was team taught
by Rev. Catharine Harris and Rev. Tom Korson, whose love of history and different experiences as
ministers brought a wide range of resources and discussions to our class time.
Life experience, workshops, trainings, etc.
Participation in FRUUMA meetings (after receiving Candidacy status, I have attended meetings and
Participation in Living Into Covenant activities, including brown bag lunch discussions with local
ministers sharing expertise in these areas 2008-present. Discussion and resources have been shared on
history and polity as well as other topics important to UU ministry. Participation includes working with
a professional mentor (UU minister) one-on-one to pursue questions, resources and discernment
challenges. I worked with two different mentors from 2009-2013.
Participation in UU adult RE program at DUUF using the book With Principle and Purpose., edited by
Edward Frost. 1999
Sermons given during internship and as guest speakers that draw from UU authors and ideas, highlighting
important ideas and persons in our history as well as ideas that have formed our UU identity and polity.
Reading and independent study
UUA By-Laws and Rule; MFC Rules and Policies; UUMA Guidelines and Code of Professional Practice ;
Congregational Polity (1997) and *Walking Together (1989), Wright; *The Cambridge Platform: Contemporary
Reader's Edition, Hughes, 2008; Interdependence: Renewing Congregational Polity, UUA, 1997
*Our Covenant: The 2000-01 Minns Lectures, Wesley, 2002; Selections from Redeeming Time: Endowing Your
Church with the Power of Covenant, ed. Herz, 1999; The Unitarians and the Universalists, Robinson, 1985
*Unitarian Universalism: A Narrative History, Bumbaugh, 2000; For Faith and Freedom: A Short History of
Universalism in Europe, Howe, 1997 ; *The Premise and the Promise: The Story of the Unitarian Universalist
Association, Ross, 2001; Black Pioneers in a White Denomination, Morrison-Reed, 1980; Sacred Service in
Civic Space, Parker, 2007; The Prophetic Sisterhood: Liberal Women Ministers of the Frontier, 1850-1930,
Tucker, 1990; American Transcendentalism , Gura 2007; The Fellowship Movement, Ulbrich, 2008
Edict of Torda, 1568; “Treatise on Atonement” (1805) and “The Doctrine of Universal Salvation” (1849), Ballou
“Unitarian Christianity” (1819) and “Likeness to God” (1828), William Ellery Channing ; “Divinity School
Address,” Emerson, 1839; “The Transient and the Permanent in Christianity,” Parker, 1841; “The Five Points of
the New Theology,” James Freeman Clarke, 1886; “The Things Most Commonly Believed Today Among Us,”
Gannett, 1887; Unitarian and Universalist Professions of Faith (1790-1985), Rasor and Ritchie
Unitarians Face a New Age, AUA,1936; Empowerment: One Denomination’s Quest for Racial Justice, UUA,
1983; *In Their Own Words: A Conversation Among the Participants in the Black Empowerment Controversy,
Forsey, et al, 2001; The Unitarian Universalist Pocket Guide, Sinkford, 2004; Dictionary of Unitarian and
Universalist Biography (http://www25.uua.org/uuhs/duub/);
Graduate level courses
UU Topics in Religious
Credit hours
Where offered
Iliff School of Theology
This course curriculum included:
This course offered readings like Maria Harris’ Fashion Me a People with required reading from Roberta
Nelson’s Claiming the Past, Shaping the Future and Essex Conversations:Visions for Lifespan Religious
Education. We became familiarized with John Roberto’s Faith Formation 2020 project, as well as LREDA
resources and activities and Tapestry of Faith resources.
Life experience, workshops, trainings, etc.
Co-teacher Religious Education class for second-third graders 2009-2010 using “Super-Heroes, Bible People”
written by Gaia Brown. FUSD; Co-facilitator Youth Overnight at BVUUF Spring 2013 Grades 7-9; Workshop
presenter “How Do UU’s Pray?” FUSD Fall 2011 grades K-5; Workshop Presenter: “Praying In Color” Dharma
Camp BVUUF grades K-5; Leader and Facilitator: Adult Contemplative Retreat, one day. BVUUF; First
Unitarian Church of Dallas training for Religious Educators 2006; Co-leader of 4-5 year old classroom Fall 2006
at First Unitarian Church of Dallas; Participant and leader in DUUF Women’s Group from 1993-2008; curriculum
(e.g. Rise Up and Call Her Name, Cakes for the Queen of Heaven); books (such as curriculae developed and led
from Women Who Run With the Wolves); attendance of multiple Southwest UU Women’s Conferences; Course
Leader: Social Justice and Spiritual Practice at BVUUF Spring 2013 (combined curriculum from Colorado
Council of Churches published “Who Are Our Neighbors” Immigration program, Erik Walker Wikstrom’s “Spirit
in Practice,” and “A People So Bold.”) Participant in 21st Century Faith Formation training in Denver, CO 2013
(Faith Formation 2020 program developed and led by John Roberto).
Reading and Independent Study
Essex Conversations: Visions for Lifespan Religious Education, 2001;
Today’s Children and Yesterday’s Heritage: A Philosophy for Creative Religious Development, Sophia
Fahs,1961; Claiming the Past, Shaping the Future: Four Eras in Liberal Religious Education 1790-1999,
Roberta Nelson, 2006; *Our Whole Lives (OWL) Grade 7-9 Curriculum; *Our Whole Lives (OWL) 10-12
Curriculum; Tapestry of Faith Curriculum: Grades K-1- Love Surrounds Us, 2-3 - Faithful Journeys, 4-5 Toolbox of Faith, 6 Riddle and Mystery, Youth - A Chorus of Faiths; Professional Matters, Helen Bishop, 2002;
Building Multigenerational Faith Community: Theology, Theory & Practice, Liberal Religious educator’s
Association Fall Conference, 2008; Fashion Me a People: Curriculum in the Church, Maria Harris, 1989;
LREDA Code of Professional Practices; LREDA Guidelines for Professional Religious Educators; “Parish
Ministry and Pedagogy,” 1983 Berry Street Essay, Eugene B. Navias; *"A Theology of Religious Education,"
Rebecca Parker, Liberal Religious Educator's Association Fall Conference, 2002; Religious Education
Credentialing Program; *The Safe Congregations Handbook: Nurturing Healthy Boundaries in Our Faith
Communities, Hoertdoerfer and Muir, eds., 2005; Faith Formation 2020: Designing the Future of Faith
Formation, John Roberto, 2010; Welcoming Children with Special Needs: A Guidebook for Faith Communities,
Sally Patton, 2004; Living the Interdependent Web: An Adult Series on Unitarian Universalist Principles OwenTowle 1987; The Complete Guide to Small Group Ministry: Saving the World 10 at a Time Hill 2003
Graduate level courses
Basic Field Education
Ministerial FT Internship
Clinical Pastoral Education
Pastoral Theology and Care
Unitarian Universalist Polity
Public Personnel Management
Where offered
Life experience, workshops, trainings, etc.
Eleven years as director of a federal grant program in a community college; required supervisor trainings, grant
management training, classroom instructor training; Front Range UUMA Retreat Fall 2012; Mentorship through
Living Into Covenenant program (guest speakers and ongoing relationship with mentors); Membership
UUMA/FRUUMA; attendance at meetings and retreats for FRUUMA;
Representative Participant in year- long Leadership course with the Dallas County Community College System.
Member of Cluster, Chapter and National UUMA, 2012-current
As Hospital Chaplain, SAN, multiple pastoral education didactics on professional ethics and boundaries, 2012
Reading and independent study
Care of the Soul & Care of the Soul in Medicine Thomas Moore;
Love Meets the Dragons by Tom Owen-Towle;
The Practice of Pastoral Care: a Post-Modern Approach and Taking Care: Monitoring Power Dynamics and
Relational Boundaries in Pastoral Care and Counseling by Carrie Doehring;
The Leadership Challenge, Kouzes and Posner;
UUA By-Laws and Rules, July 1, 2011;
MFC Rules and Policies, 2011;
UUMA Guidelines and Code of Professional Practice, 2011;
“Congregational Relationships to Professional Ministry” from Our Professional Ministry, COA, 1992;
Safe Congregations Handbook, Hoertdoerfer and Muir, eds., 2005;
Interdependence: Renewing Congregational Polity, COA, 1997; *Balancing Acts: Keeping Children Safe in
Congregations, Rev. Debra W. Haffner;
A Time to Build: Creating Sexually Healthy Faith Communities, Rev. Debra Haffner;
Studying Congregations: A New Handbook, Ammerman, et al, eds., 1998;
The Practice of Pastoral Care: a Postmodern Approach, Doehring, 2006;
*How Your Church Family Works: Understanding Congregations as Emotional Systems, Steinke, 1993;
ACPE Code of Ethics Standards 100-105.5
Graduate level courses
Preaching and Social Ethics
Embodied Ministry:Sacred
A Praying Congregration:
Teaching Spiritual Practice
Ministerial FT Internship
Credit hours
Where offered
Iliff School of Theology
Iliff School of Theology
Iliff School of Theology
Iliff School of Theology
Life experience, workshops, trainings, etc.
Attended Mountain Desert District UUA “Going Deeper: A Worship Conference” Featuring Rev. Dr. Kay
Northcutt, Rev. Dr. John Tolley, Rev. Marlin Lavanhar and Dr. Lawrence Kaptein [ April 8-10 2011]; Worship
Co-Leader; Central Cluster Event and Youth CON (UU Church of Boulder, CO: November 1-2, 2013; Chapel
Service co-leader for Iliff Chapel,October 2013; Sunday Worship guest leader: FUSD; First Universalist Church
of Denver; Prairie Unitarian Universalist Church; Columbine Unitarian Universalist Church; Two Rivers
Unitarian Universalist; UUCB; Unitarian Universalist Church of Cheyenne; Participant and leader in Denton
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Women’s Group from 1993-2008; Student Consulting Minister: Unitarian
Universalist Fellowship of Laramie June 2013 – current; Bimonthly Sunday services and monthly Vespers
service; Memorial Services Officiant (3) services 2003- 2013; Wedding Officiant (6) weddings 2006-present;
Piano lessons age 7-18. Can sight read music and transpose keys; have composed music.
Reading and independent study
Thematic Preaching: an Introduction, Rzepka and Sawyer, 2001
*Kindling Desire for God: Preaching as Spiritual Direction, Kay Northcutt, 2009
*Worship that Works, Arnason and Rolenz, 2008
“A Guide for Planning Your Wedding Ceremony,” compiled by Kirk Loadman-Copeland, v. 1.6
*Leading Congregations in Worship - A Guide, UUA, 1983
*Worship and a Well Ordered Life, Skinner, 1955
Language of Reverence, ed. Grodzins, 2004
Transforming Rituals, Oswald, 1999
Preaching as Weeping, Confession and Resistance, Christine Smith, 1992; Transforming the Stone:Preaching
Through Resistance to Change Barbara K, Lundblad; Understanding the Bible: An introduction for Skeptics,
Seekers, and Religious Liberals Buehrens 2003; Patterns of Preaching Allen 1998; Preaching in An Age of
Globalization Kim 2010; Bible & Ethics in the Christian Life Bruce C. Birch & Larry L. Rasmussen; Re-Creating
America: The Ethics of U. S. Immigration & Refugee Policy in a Christian Perspective, Dana W. Wilbanks; Martin
Luther King, Jr., Funeral Sermon; Martin Luther’s sermon, “How Christians Should Regard Moses”
We Light This Chalice Johnson 1997;
Into the Wilderness: A Meditation Manual Campbell 1990; Been So Long in the Storm: A Meditation Manual
Morrison Reed and James 1991;
To Bless this Space Between Us O’Donohue 2008
In Memoriam: A Guide to Modern Funeral and Memorial Services by Edward Searl
Dance As Religious Studies Adams and Apostolos-Cappadona;
Dance-- the Sacred Art: The Joy of Movement as Spiritual Practice Cynthia Winton-Henry
Out of the Ordinary: Meditations Gordon B. McKeeman
In Simple Morning Light: Meditations Rohde
http://www.uua.org/worship/index.php and Illuminations smart phone application
The Numbering of Our Days: A Meditation Manual Anthony Friess Perrino
Graduate level courses
Hours Where offered Be Still: Designing Retreats
Clinical Pastoral Education
Healer’s Call: Spirituality and Medicine
Pastoral Theology and Care
Women, Religion and Healing
Coursework at Iliff connected clinical pastoral care with self-care, reflection, and spiritual practice as well as
theological analysis and development of
Life experience, workshops, trainings, etc.
Youth group support Fall 2013 at BVUUF; Pastoral Care and support for team of care-givers member while on
extended home hospice until death in June 2013; Pastoral Care training for care-givers at BVUUF; Primary
Pastoral Care for BVUUF while Minister Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry was on sabbatical Nov 2012-April 2013;
Attended a half-day workshop presented by Interfaith Network on Mental Illness, for clergy and congregations to
support families and individuals dealing with mental illness through development of support circles and resources
for pastoral care; Memorial Services Officiant, 3 services.
Reading and independent study
Care of Persons, Care of Worlds by Dr. Larry Graham*; The Practice of Pastoral Care: a Post-Modern
Approach by Carrie Doehring; Taking Care: Monitoring Power Dynamics and Relational Boundaries in Pastoral
Care and Counseling by Carrie Doehring*; The spirit catches you and you fall down: A Hmong child, her
American doctors, and the collision of two cultures. Fadiman, A. 1998; Health, healing, and religion: A crosscultural perspective. Kinsley, D. (1996); Our lady of the lost and found: A novel of Mary, faith, and friendship
Schoemperlen, D. (2001); Arora, K. (2008) “Jesus, the village psychiatrist” (Capps, D.). [Book review]. The
Journal of Pastoral Theology; Barnes, M. B. (2010). “Doctors of the soul.” Christian Century; Biles, J. (2010).
“I want a perfect body: Is plastic surgery a new religious rite of passage?” Religion Dispatches, (April 21, 2010);
Clark, M. F. (1985). “Getting better.” Daughters of Sarah, 11(5), 3-4; Curtis, H. D. (2006). “Houses of healing:
Sacred space, spiritual practice, and the transformation of female suffering in the faith cure movement,” 1870-90.
Church History, 75(3), 598-611; Finniss, D. G., Kaptchuk, T. J., Miller, F., & Benedetti, F. (2010). “Biological,
clinical, and ethical advances of placebo effects.” Lancet, 375(9715), 686-695; Jain, S., & Mills, P. J. (2010).
“Biofield therapies: Helpful or full of hype? A best-evidence synthesis” International Journal of Behavioral
Medicine, 17, 1-16; Mathews, H. F., Lannin, D. R., & Mitchell, J. P. (1994) “Coming to terms with advanced
breast cancer: Black women's narratives from eastern North Carolina” Social Science and Medicine, 38(6), 789800; Matusek, J. A., & Knudson, R. M. (2009). “Rethinking recovery from eating disorders: Spiritual and
political dimensions” Qualitative Health Research, 19(5), 697-707; Miner, H. (1956). “Body rituals among the
Nacirema” American Anthropologist, 58(3), 503-507; Moon, H. (2010). “Transforming the paradigm of wo/men's
human rights through intercultural pastoral care” The Journal of Pastoral Theology, 20(1), 47-66; Mount, B. M.
(2006). “The 10 commandments of healing” Journal of Cancer Education, 21(1), 50-51; Pinks, H. (2003). “Selfmutilation: A spiritual endeavor.” The Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling, 57(4), 447-458; Porter, R.
(2007). “The unique features of African-American spirituality in the context of Christian healing”. Journal of the
Interdenominational Theological Center, 34(1-2), 105-124; Schulz, K. (2004, August 22). “Did antidepressants
depress Japan?” New York Times; Warren, R. C. (2007). “The impact of horizontal and vertical dimensions of
faith on health and health care” The Journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center, 34(1-2), 71-85;
Willimon, W. H. (2009). Accidental lessons: My encounter with a chainsaw. Christian Century, 126(8), 30-33;
M. & L. Isherwood (Eds.). (2008). “Controversies in body theology” London: SCM Press; Frank, A. W. (1991).
At the will of the body: Reflections on illness. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company; Groopman, J. (1997). The
measure of our days: A Spiritual exploration of illness. New York: Penguin Books. Galanti, G. (2008). Caring
for patients from different cultures: Case studies from American hospitals (4th ed.). Philadelphia: University of
Pennsylvania Press; The illness narratives: Suffering, healing, and the human condition Kleinman, A. (1988);
Crazy like us: The globalization of the American psyche Watters, E. (2010); Talking About Death: A Dialogue
Between Parent and Child Grollman 1990.
Graduate level courses
hours At
hrs At
Govt and Community Partnership
Community Internship
Spiritual Leadership
Congregations Independent Study
Performance Measurement
(Leap of Faith)
Program Evaluation
Basic Field Education
Strategic Management
Ministerial FT Internship
Managing Networks
These courses represent my Master’s Degree in Public Administration from UNT, which were designed
to prepare students for leadership in local government and non-profit settings as well as courses from the
MDIV program at Iliff designed to prepare students for leadership in a congregation or other religious
Life experience, workshops, trainings, etc.
Attended “21st Century Faith Formation” training in Denver, CO Spring 2013;
Attended Mountain Desert District UUA Stewardship Conference Jan 8, 2011 for UU congregations and their
leaders. (Attended as member of First Unitarian Society Denver Stewardship team);
Attended Mountain Desert District Workshop on Developing Emotional Intelligence led by Rev. Nancy Bowen,
Leadership Course, Dallas County Community College District 2008 (Selected as one of three representatives
from the El Centro College Campus for a 9 month course);
Director, 1997 to 2008; El Centro College TRIO Student Support Services Program (June 2007 to August 2008
Interim director Student Programs and Resources);
Preservation Project Director, Jan. 1996 to Nov. 1997 Texas Tenants’ Union, Dallas, TX.
Reading and independent study
Governance and Ministry: Rethinking Board Leadership Hotchkiss and Lemler*;
Whose Offering Plate is It Anyway? & Not Your Parents Offering Plate Christopher 2010 & 2008;
44 Ways to Expand the Financial Base of Your Congregation Schaller 1989;
Congregation and Community Ammerman 2001;
Financing American Religion Chaves and Miller 1999;
Congregations in Conflict: Cultural Models of Local Religious Life Becker 1999;
Studying Congregations: A New Handbook Ammerman, Carroll, Dudley and McKinney 1998;
Create Your Own Future: Alternatives For the Long Range Planning Committee Schaller 1991;
The In-Between Church: Navigating Size Transitions in Congregations Mann 1989;
Transforming Church Boards Into Communities of Spiritual Leaders Olsen 1995;
How to Mobilize Church Volunteers Wilson 1983;
Looking In the Mirror: Self Appraisal in the Local Church Schaller 1984;
Making the Small Church Effective Dudley 1978;
The Power of Appreciative Inquiry: A Practical Guide to Positive Change Whitney and Trosten-Bloom;
To Walk in Integrity: Spiritual Leadership in Times of Crisis Steven Doughty
Graduate level courses
Social Media in the Parish
Ministerial FT Internship
Strategic Management
Managing Networks
Public Personnel Management
Governmental Budgeting
Performance Measurement
Program Evaluation
Credit hours
Where offered
Iliff School of Theology
Iliff School of Theology
University of North Texas
University of North Texas
University of North Texas
University of North Texas
University of North Texas
University of North Texas
Life experience, workshops, trainings, etc.
Coordinator, First Year Experience Programs, August 2008 to August 2010; Community College of Denver,
Office of Student Life; Director, 1997 to 2008; El Centro College TRIO Student Support Services Program;
(June 2007 to August 2008 Interim director Student Programs and Resources); Technology Steward and
Administrative Coordinator, August 2010 to June 2012; Unitarian Universalist Association, Leap of Faith pilot
Program http://www.uua.org/growth/leap/index.shtml
Reading and Independent Study
A Conversation with Peter Senge: New Developments in Organizational Learning. By: Fulmer, Robert M.; Keys,
J. Bernard.Organizational Dynamics, Autumn 98; “Communities of Practice: Prospects for Theory and Action in
Participatory Development” Anyidoho; Development in Practice 2010; “Inside Theory U: Interview with Peter
Senge and Otto Scharmer” Hall Society for Organizational Learning; “Continuity and Change in American
Congregations: Introducing the Second Wave of the National Congregations Study” Chaves and Anderson
Sociology of Religion 2008; “ On Schools as Learning Organizations: A Conversation with Peter Senge” O’Neil
Educational Leadership 1995; “ A Conversation on Leadership” Senge, Heifetz, Torbert Society for
Organizational Learning; “A Conversation with Peter Senge: New Developments in Organizational Learning”
Fulmer and Keys Organizational Dynamics 1998; Alternative Future. By: Senge, Peter M.; Scharmer, C. Otto;
Jaworski, Joseph; Flowers, Betty Sue. Leadership Excellence, Feb2008; “Awakening Faith in an Alternative
Future: A Consideration of Presence: Human Purpose and the Field of the Future” Senge, Scharmer, Jaworski and
Flowers Society of Organizational Learning 2004; “Core Competencies of Large Church Leadership” Beaumont
Congregations 2009; Congregational snapshot. By: Chaves, Mark. Christian Century, 4/7/2009; *Leading
Change in the Congregation: Spiritual and Organizational Tools for Leaders, Rendle, 1997; The Almost
Church: Redefining Unitarian Universalism for a New Era (2004) and The Almost Church Revitalized (2009),
Durall; Congregations in Conflict: Cultural Models of Congregational Life, Becker, 1999; *How Your Church
Family Works (2006) and Healthy Congregations (2006), Steinke; Generation to Generation, Friedman, 1985;
The Practice of Adaptive Leadership, Heifetz, Grashow and Linksy, 2009; Church Leadership, Weems, 2010;
Leadership and the New Science, Wheatley, 2006; The Fifth Discipline Field Book, Senge, 1994; *Governance
and Ministry, Hotchkiss, 2009; *Serving with Grace, Wikstrom, 2010 ; *Soul to Soul, Robinson & Hawkins,
2012; “Fifteen Tip on Remote Collaboration” 21st Century Collaboration Resources Young 2005; “Foundations
of Communities of Practice: Enablers and barriers to Participation” Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
Guldberg and Mackness 2009; “The Art of Powerful Questions: Catalyzing Insight, Innovation and Action”
Vogt, Brown, and Isaacs 2003; Public Personnel Management: Contexts and Strategies Klingner and Nalbandian;
Cases in Public Human Resource Management Reeves.
Graduate level courses
Spiritual Leadership
Be Still: Designing Retreats
Prayer and Healing
Embodied Worship
A Praying Congregration: Teaching
Spiritual Practice
Healer’s Call: Spirituality and
Women, Religion and Healing 4
These courses combined aspects of personal reflection and spiritual deepening with skills and knowledge for
Life experience, workshops, trainings, etc.
Retreat Series Participant: “The Courage to Lead an Authentic Life” 2004-2006 Dallas County Community
College. Based on work of Parker Palmer; Participant Facilitator Preparation, Center for Formation in the
Community College (nka Center for Formation in Higher Education). [1 week; 2005; in Taos, NM]; Participant
The Gathering Retreat October 7-9 2005 Fort Worth Texas; Participant “A Day of Professional Development
with Parker Palmer 10-13-2006” Courage and Renewal North Texas These experiences were all connected to the
work of Parker Palmer and his conception of formation as the process by which we engage our authentic selves in
deepening our connections to our work, our relationships and ourselves.
Participant 5th Annual Retreat Transfiguration Labyrinth Project, Dallas TX, Nov 9-10 2001; Monthly Spiritual
Direction with Rev. Holly Heuer June 2011-June 2013; Participant in MDDUUA Living Into Covenant program
for UU leaders in discernment of ministry/enrolled at a Christian seminary (Fall 2008-present); worked with two
professional ministry mentors; attended monthly luncheon series and other planned activities for enrichment of
UU ministry students at Iliff; Attended 2011 General Assembly in Charlotte, North Carolina; served as volunteer
for service project and GA 2012 table; Sangha Member 2007-2008: Awakening Heart, currently based in Dallas,
Texas, a spiritual ministry inspired by the universal teachings and practices of the contemporary Buddhist teacher,
Thich Nhat Hanh, and his "Order of Interbeing;” Participant and Facilitator BVUUF Interplay Sessions 2012-13.
Reading and Independent Study:
Love Meets the Dragons by Tom Owen-Towle; read with supervisors during internship experience*
Be Still & Praying With Body Soul & A Praying Congregation: The Art of Teaching Spiritual Practice by Jane
Vennard; Seven Thousand Ways to Listen, by Mark Nepo; Plan B and Other Thoughts on Faith, & Traveling
Mercies: Some Thoughts On Faith by Anne Lamott; The Power of Now & A New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle;
Finding Our Way Again, Brian McClaren; Cries of the Spirit, Edited by Marilyn Sewell; True Love, Thich Nhat
Hahn; A Hidden Wholeness & Let Your Life Speak, Parker Palmer The Call of Service: A Witness to Idealism by
Robert Coles; Praying In Color: Drawing a New Path to God by Sybil MacBeth; Christ of the Celts by Philip
Newell; Reason and Reverence: Religious Humanism For the 21st Century by William Murry; The Art of
Hospitality: Discovering the Hidden Spiritual Power of Invitation and Welcome by Nanette Sawyer
Giving--The Sacred Art: Creating a Lifestyle of Generosity (Art of Spiritual Living) Wright, Lauren T; The Three
Marriages: Reimagining Work, Self and Relationship by David Whyte; Hildegard of Bingen (Devotions, Prayers
& Living Wisdom) Ed. By Mirabai Starr; Kissing Fish: Christianity for People Who Don’t Like Christianity by
Roger Wosley; Sticky Faith: Everyday Ideas to Build Lasting Faith in Your Kid by Powell, Kara E., Clark, Chap;
This Blessed Mess: Finding Hope Amidst Life’s Chaos Patricia Livingston; Dance-- the Sacred Art: The Joy of
Movement as Spiritual Practice Cynthia Winton-Henry; The Joys of Everyday Ritual Biziou; The Woman’s
Retreat Book: A Guide to Restoring, Rediscovering, and Re-Awakening Your True Self Louden; Pilgrim Souls: A
Collection of Spiritual Autobiographies Mandelker and Powers; Eat, Pray, Love Gilbert; Ten Minute Stress Relief
Brealey; Finding What You Didn’t Lose: Expressing Your Truth and Creativity Through Poem-Making Fox;
Wanderlust: A History of Walking Solnit; The Wisdom of the Enneagram Riso and Hudson.
Graduate level courses
Environmental Racism
Greening the Church
GLBTQ Issues in the Church
College level courses
Latin America
Law and Social Problems
Ethnicity and Social Services
Human Behavior
Ecological Psychology
Women’s Studies
African American History and Culture
Where offered
Iliff School of Theology
Iliff School of Theology
Iliff School of Theology
Where offered
University of North Texas
University of North Texas
University of North Texas
University of North Texas
University of North Texas
University of North Texas
University of North Texas
Topics in History: History of Africa Part II
University of North Texas
Social Welfare
University of North Texas
The three Iliff courses where part of the social change specialization offered at Iliff for MDIV and MTS students;
each included a praxis approach with reflection, study and plans for engaging these ideas in our work settings and
faith communities. The undergraduate courses at UNT reflect my early interest in social work and the social
sciences and the deconstruction of dominant cultural paradigms.
Life experience, workshops, trainings, etc.
MDDUUA Building Beloved Community Annual Conference 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014; Instructor Dallas
County Jail Program Human Development and Career Exploration Course 2003-2004; Workshop: at FUSD led
by Kierstin Homblette on Social Justice and Spiritual Practice; Member of Together Colorado Boulder Clergy
Table (Representing BVUUF during internship year 2012-2013); Immigration advocacy DACA forum and
training led by Together Colorado and DREAM leaders and held at BVUUF during internship. (January 2013);
Partner, RESULTS (a grassroots organization dedicated to ending hunger and poverty worldwide), 1993 to 2003.
Group Leader, RESULTS, 1994 to 1995; 2000-2001; Team Member, Micro-credit Research Trip to El Salvador,
October 2000, RESULTS; Volunteer, Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, Fair Trade Coffee Trip to
Guatemala, January 2006; Boulder AIDS Walk speaker May 2013.
Reading and Independent Study
Journey Toward Wholeness, UUA, 1996-2002; Empowerment: One Denomination’s Quest for Racial
Justice,UUA, 1983; *Soul Work: Anti-Racist Theologies in Dialogue, ed. Bowens-Wheatley and Jones, 2003;
Uprooting Racism, Kivel, 2002; Learning to Be White, Thandeka, 2000; In Their Own Words: A Conversation
Among the Participants in the Black Empowerment Controversy, Alicia McNair Forsey, et al, 2001; Is God a
White Racist? Jones, 1973; Re-Creating America: The Ethics of U.S. Immigration and Refugee Policy in a
Christian Perspective, Dana Wilbanks, 1996; Trails of Hope and Terror, De La Torre, 2009; *Dismantling
Privilege, Hobgood, 2009; *Elite, Harris, 2011; The New Jim Crow, Alexander, 2010; Black Pioneers in a
White Denomination, Morrison-Reed, 1980; Missionary Conquest: The Gospel and Native American Cultural
Genocide, Tinker, 1993; David Walker’s Appeal, Walker, revised edition, 1995; *”Traces of the Trade,” 2010;
WomanSpirit Rising: A Feminist Reader in Religion Christ and Plaskow; Feminist Frontiers III Richardson
&Taylor; Urban Problems and Community Development Ferguson and Dickinson; Policy Into Action Lennon and
Corbett; Rules for Radicals Alinsky; Justice in a Global Economy Brubaker, Pamela, Rebecca Todd Peters, and
Laura Stivers; Martin & Malcolm & America Cone, James H; Latina/o Social Ethics De La Torre, Miguel A.;
Ain’t I a Woman hooks, bell; In His Steps Sheldon, Charles M.
All candidates are required to take a sexual misconduct prevention learning experience. Please provide:
Name of Course: Sexuality Issues for Ministers______________________
Institution Offering:_Religious Institute_____________________ City/State_online________
Date Taken: Registered for March 2014-May 2014 course offering
Graduate level courses
College Level Courses
hrs offered Name
Self Care and Healthy Boundaries
Self Defense
LGBTQ Issues in the Church
Women’s Studies
LGBTQ course at Iliff featured guest speaker and instructor Chris Glaser and a guest panel of speakers from the
LGBTQ community including transgendered speakers.
Life experience, workshops, trainings, etc.
Phoenix Center Auraria Campus Interpersonal Violence Prevention and Healthy Relationships; received training
as student services professional and provided training for student volunteers and staff working with New Student
Orientation; also provided training to all College 101courses as part of curriculum (each course was 1.5 hours)
[2008-2010]; Auraria Campus LGBT Student Services training for orientation leaders and Auraria Staff;
orientation to services offered with additional training for student services staff on LGBTQ issues and
communication with diverse students/staff. [2008-2010]; Sexual Harassment training for supervisors in the
Dallas County Community College District; offered training topics for student staff working as tutors in the TRIO
program. [1997-2008]; Parent of 5th grade OWL participant [Spring 2013]; Instructor, College level courses
Human Development (HDEV 1310) El Centro College; College 101 Community College of Denver. Several
sections in each course dealt with developing self- awareness, communication, relationships and healthy personal
decision making. Core text On Course by Skip Downing 2003-2010; Boulder AIDS Walk speaker May 2013;
OWL young adult/adult facilitator training January 2014 at First Universalist of Denver. Participated in public
witness worship services on Colorado Capitol steps (Standing on the Side of Love), 2008-2013. Marched in
Pride Parade with UU group 2011; IST Table set up at Pridefest Fort Collins 2013. Participated in public witness
Standing on the Side of Love GA 2011in Charlotte, NC.
Reading and Independent Study
SEXUALITY ISSUES- Resources OWL 7 – 9 curricula
OWL 10-12, adult and young adult , and 5th grade curricula; Balancing Acts (online guide on keeping children
safe, addressing offenders), UUA; “Gender Identity and Our faith Communities: a Congregational Guide for
Transgender Advocacy” Edited by Rec. Chris Glaser and produced the HRC Foundation; Welcoming
Congregations Handbook, 1999; Safe Congregations Handbook, Hoertdoerfer and Muir, eds., 2005
*A Time to Build: Creating Sexually Healthy Faith Communities, Haffner, 2002 ;*A Time to Speak: Faith
Communities and Sexuality Education, Haffner and Ott, 2010; Toward a Sexually Healthy Responsible Unitarian
Universalist Association, Haffner, 2010; Erotic Justice, Ellison, 1996; Love Does No Harm, Fortune, 2006; News
from the Religious Institute bi-monthly newsletter; Counseling Lesbian Partners, Marshall 1997; UUMA
Guidelines for the Conduct of Ministry, 2010; Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, 2002; Who Decides?
The Status of Women’s Reproductive Rights in the United States, NARAL, 2012 ; The Dinah Project: A
Handbook for Congregational Response to Sexual Violence, Coleman, 2004; The Mythology of Trangression:
Homosexuality As Metaphor Highwater .