Psychology of Addictive Behaviors Psyc 497 Summer 2007 Instructor: Monica Reis-Bergan, Ph.D. Email: Office 112 Johnston; 568-4365 Office Hrs: by appointment Cell phone: 540-430-0832 Home Phone: 540-896-1350 IM: mrbginya Additional library help specific for the course can be found: Course Description: This is a capstone course designed to provide students an opportunity to apply the skills, knowledge, and experiences they have learned in the psychology degree to a focused topic: the initiation, maintenance, prevention, and treatment of addictive behaviors. Course Objectives: 1. To integrate and apply psychological theories and methods to facilitate the understanding of addictive behaviors. 2. To read current journal articles related to the initiation, maintenance, prevention, and treatment of addictive behaviors. Information Literacy Objectives: 1. To define and articulate the need for information. 2. To identify a variety of types and formats of potential sources for information. 3. To select the most appropriate investigative methods or information retrieval systems for accessing the needed information. 4. To articulate and apply initial criteria for evaluating both the information and its sources. 5. To use of information sources in communicating the product or performance. Methods and Evaluation Papers & Presentation In this course you will conduct personal exploration into a specific research question related to psychology and addictive behaviors. See attached papers describing papers and presentation in detail. Class Activities & Class Participation Each class has an assigned activity.* The activity and discussion are worth 5 points. Failure to engage in class discussion will result in loss of points (I will notify you). *Class attendance is mandatory 6/7-6/9. There will not be assigned activities during class. Grading System: Paper #1 50 Paper #2 50 Paper #3 50 Presentation 50 Newsletter 30 Class activity points (10) 50 Total Points 280 Final course grades will be based on the total number of points accumulated during the class. A = 94 – 100% B+ = 87 – 89.9% C+ = 77 - 79.9% D = 60 – 69.9% A- = 90 – 93.9% B = 83 – 86.9% C = 73 – 76.9% F = below 60% B- = 80 - 82.9% C- = 70 - 72.9% Class Policies 1. Attendance is expected. You are responsible for anything that you miss. Please come to class prepared. (Note: Attendance is mandatory 5/31, 6/4, 6/5, & 6/7. Any absences during this time must be discussed with professor in advance.) 2. Late papers will lose 10 points for each day past the assigned classtime (note: even if the paper is turned in later in the day a 10 point penalty will be deducted). This course goes quickly and it is difficult for me and for you if the deadlines are not met. 3. I do not tolerate any type of cheating. A full commitment to the James Madison University Honor Code is expected in all work in this class. The individual papers are to be your own work. Should I discover that you have cheated in some way (e.g., copying from someone else, plagiarizing), you will receive a failing grade for the paper. 4. I am available by appointment to discuss questions or concerns you have. Feel free to call me at JMU or at home. Please communicate with me throughout the course and not after problems have arisen. 5. Please respect the experiences and ideas of fellow class members. The goal is to make this a fun and considerate place to learn. Class Schedule Week 1 Date Monday 5/14 Topic Class overview Assignment (Bring to Class) Tuesday Prevalence & History Pick an addiction : Provide 5/15 Prevalence Statistics & History of behavior Wednesday 5/16 Nature of Addiction Diagnosis – How is it determined if a person is addicted? Thursday 5/17 Profile of Addiction Description of an addicted Person: VIDEO PAPER #1 DUE Week 2 Monday 5/21 Intiation Paper #1 Due Article 1 initiationoutline Tuesday 5/22 Initiation Article 2 initiation – outline Wednesday 5/23 Prevention Thursday Research Workshop Day Description of 3 research 5/24 Sample prevention program ideas PAPER #2 DUE Week 3 Monday 5/28 No class Tuesday 5/29 Treatment Article 1 Treatment - outline Wednesday 5/30 Treatment Article 2 Treatment - outline Thursday Research Workshop Day Description of 3 research questions 5/31 PAPER #3 DUE Week 4 Monday 6/4 Presentations Tuesday 6/5 Presentations Wednesday 6/6 No class Thursday Presentation & Class discussion Paper #4 Due 6/7 Paper 1: General Requirements: 1. Students will select an addictive behavior 2. Students will integrate information from a minimum of 15 sources and summarize the results in specific content areas (See below). 3. Student will list APA citations AND evaluate the quality of the sources used. 4. Paper will be double spaced (10 page maximum). 5. Paper will be graded using the rubric provided. Paper #1: The Problem 1. Nature of the Addiction Definition and terminology for specific addiction (profession and slang) Diagnosis &/or signs and symptoms of the addiction Prevalence of X a. Target Populations (regions, countries, ages, gender, etc) Biological, Psychological, and Social basis for addiction Biological, Psychological, and Social consequences of the addiction 3. History of X 4. Current Information about the Addictive Behavior Active professional associations/organizations Describe one professional conference 2006 or 2007 (6 sentence maximum) Describe one recent newspaper article or magazine article (2006-2007) Describe one recent research article (from a peer reviewed journal article 20052006) 5. Monica’s “SPECIAL” refence section APA citation Evaluation (authority, timeliness, documentation, purpose, review process) **in paragraph form Paper #1 Grading Rubric Name: I. General Writing A. Organization of the Paper 1 2 3 4 5 Little/no Some Sustained organization; organizations/ organization and frequent digressions some digressions control B. Professional tone and word choice 1 2 3 4 5 Unprofessional Professional tone/ tone/ poor word good word choice choice C. Writing Competence: Grammar and Mechanics (spelling, punctuation, sentence structure) 1 2 3 4 5 Seriously flawed, Flawed with a few No serious distracting errors minor distractions grammatical / mechanical errors D. Clear indication of source of ideas, statistics, etc… 1 2 3 4 5 Failure to include Excellent job citing references to source sources in text II. Writing in Psychology A. Clarity of information: Nature of addiction (definition, diagnostic, & prevalence) 1 2 3 4 5 Summary is not Summary is clear clear/ missing and complete details B. Clarity of information: Nature of addiction (basis for addiction & consequences) 1 2 3 4 5 Summary is not Summary is clear clear/ missing and complete details C. Clarity of information: History 1 2 3 4 5 Summary is not Summary is clear clear/ missing and complete details D. Clarity of information: Current information 1 2 3 4 5 Summary is not Summary is clear clear/ missing and complete details E. Clarity of information: Evaluation of sources 1 2 3 4 5 Summary is not Summary is clear clear/ missing and complete details III. Overall Impression 1 Weak description Total = __________/50 2 3 4 5 Strong overall discussion Paper #2: Why? When? (Initiation & Maintenance) Paper 2: General Requirements: 1. Students will write about the same addictive behavior as paper #1. 2. Student will list APA citation for the article on the title page with name and date. 3. Paper will be double spaced (10 page maximum). 4. Paper will be graded using the rubric provided. 5. Please include a copy of the original article. 6. Article Review of 1 research journal article (not review articles) a. Must be 2002 to 2007 b. Must be research study (not review or commentary) c. Must relate initiation to different models/theories **Each review will contain the following: I. Reference (APA style) II. Summary (brief – not copy from abstract – in own words) a. Study purpose (rationale, hypotheses, etc) b. Methodology c. Results & Conclusions III. Strengths and Weaknesses of the article (method, interpretation, etc..) IV. Implications/Applications (research, people in general) Paper #2 Grading Rubric –Initiation Name: I. General Writing A. Organization of the Paper 1 2 Little/no organization; frequent digressions 3 Some organizations/ some digressions B. Professional tone and word choice – (newsletter style) 1 2 3 Unprofessional tone/ poor word choice 4 5 Sustained organization and control 4 5 Professional tone/ good word choice C. Writing Competence: Grammar and Mechanics (spelling, punctuation, sentence structure) 1 2 3 4 Seriously flawed, Flawed with a few distracting errors minor distractions II. Writing in Psychology A. Clarity of study purpose 1 not clear/ missing details 2 B. Clarity of methodology summary 1 2 Summary of methods is not clear/ missing details C. Clarity of results summary 1 2 Summary of results is not clear/ missing details 3 4 5 Introduction is clear and complete 3 4 5 Summary of methods is clear and complete 3 4 5 Summary of results is clear and complete 4 Strengths identified with support. 5 Strengths identified are of high quality and are supported 4 Weaknesses identified with support. 5 Weaknesses identified are of high quality and are supported 4 5 High quality applications provided 4 5 Original ideas present D. Identification and support for study strengths 1 2 3 Strengths not identified at Strengths identified Strengths identified all with no support with minimal support E. Identification and support for study weaknesses 1 2 3 Weaknesses not Weaknesses identified Weaknesses identified identified at all with no support with minimal support F. Quality of applications of study to research & people in general 1 2 3 No applications provided Applications not relevant or of low quality G. Demonstration of original thought - voice 1 2 No original thought Total = _____________/50 5 No serious grammatical / mechanical errors 3 Paper #3: How stop? (Treatment) Paper 3: General Requirements: 1. Students will write about the same addictive behavior as paper #1. 2. Student will list APA citation for the article on the title page with name and date. 3. Paper will be double spaced (10 page maximum). 4. Paper will be graded using the rubric provided. 5. Please include a copy of the original article. 6. Article Review of 1 research journal article (not review articles) a. Must be 2002 to 2007 b. Must be research study (not review or commentary) c. Must relate to different treatment models (treatment outcomes) **Each review will contain the following: V. Reference (APA style) VI. Summary (brief – not copy from abstract – in own words) a. Study purpose (rationale, hypotheses, etc) b. Methodology c. Results & Conclusions VII. Strengths and Weaknesses of the article (method, interpretation, etc..) VIII. Implications/Applications (research, people in general) Paper #3 Grading Rubric –Treatment Name: I. General Writing A. Organization of the Paper 1 2 Little/no organization; frequent digressions B. Professional tone and word choice 1 2 Unprofessional tone/ poor word choice 3 Some organizations/ some digressions 4 5 Sustained organization and control 3 4 5 Professional tone/ good word choice C. Writing Competence: Grammar and Mechanics (spelling, punctuation, sentence structure) 1 2 3 4 Seriously flawed, Flawed with a few distracting errors minor distractions II. Writing in Psychology A. Clarity of introduction 1 not clear/ missing details 2 B. Clarity of methodology summary 1 2 Summary of methods is not clear/ missing details C. Clarity of results summary 1 2 Summary of results is not clear/ missing details 3 4 5 Introduction is clear and complete 3 4 5 Summary of methods is clear and complete 3 4 5 Summary of results is clear and complete 4 Strengths identified with support. 5 Strengths identified are of high quality and are supported 4 Weaknesses identified with support. 5 Weaknesses identified are of high quality and are supported 4 5 High quality applications provided 4 5 Original ideas present D. Identification and support for study strengths 1 2 3 Strengths not identified at Strengths identified Strengths identified all with no support with minimal support E. Identification and support for study weaknesses 1 2 3 Weaknesses not Weaknesses identified Weaknesses identified identified at all with no support with minimal support F. Quality of applications of study to research & people in general 1 2 3 No applications provided Applications not relevant or of low quality G. Demonstration of original thought - voice 1 2 No original thought Total = _____________/50 5 No serious grammatical / mechanical errors 3 Final Presentation & Paper: Future Research & Public Outreach Presentation: General Requirements: 1. Students will discuss the same addictive behavior as paper #1. 2. Students will give a powerpoint presentation on an original research idea. 3. The talk will be approximately 15 minutes in length with an additional 5 minutes for questions. 4. Student will cite sources in the talk using APA format as well as in a APA format reference section on the last powerpoint slide. 5. Students will print copies of the powerpoint slides for all classmates and professor. 6. Presentation will be graded using the rubric provided. Final Papers (newsletter & self-evaluation): General Requirements: 1. Students will create a newsletter for a particular target audience. 2. Students will provide a 2 page paper indicating their rationale for the information provided in the newsletter (double spaced). 3. Student will write a one page reflection on what they learned over the past 4 weeks (single or double spaced). 4. Newsletter and self-reflection will be graded using the rubric provided. Presentation Rubric Name: I. Engages audience (Through skilled delivery- does not read speech, creativity,) 1 2 3 4 5 Reads speech – no Appropriately interaction interactive II. Shows coherence in topic (provides overview, organizes and develops ideas appropriately, makes clear the source of ideas, communicates clearly) 1 2 3 4 5 Very little coherence Clear organization and source of ideas III. Uses visual support effectively (readable, right amount of material, helpful – video?) 1 No visuals IV. 2 3 4 5 Appropriate use of visual support Rationale – Why is this research important? 1 2 3 4 5 No rationale provided Clear rationale V. Context - How does this fit into the research literature you have read? (weaknesses, underrepresented populations, methods, etc…) 1 2 3 4 5 No context provided Clear context VI. Testable Hypotheses – What do you expect to find 1 2 3 4 5 Hypothesis not Clear articulation of articulated hypotheses VII. Design & Method (Participants, Procedure, Measures) 1 2 3 4 5 Unclear design Clear articulation of design VIII. Expected Results 1 2 3 4 5 Results inappropriate Clear and or unclear appropriate method IX. Discussion of Results (Implication for future research & people) 1 2 3 4 5 No discussion Clear and appropriate discussion X. Discussion of results (Limitations of proposed study) 1 2 3 4 5 No discussion Clear and appropriate discussion Total = _______________/50 Newsletter Rubric Name: A.Engages audience (Colorful, Eye catching headings, etc.) 1 Boring 2 5 Appropriately engaging B.Shows coherence in topic (provides overview, organizes and develops ideas appropriately, makes clear the source of ideas, communicates clearly) 1 2 3 4 5 Very little coherence Clear organization and source of ideas C.Uses visual effectively 1 2 No visuals or Too many visuals D.Information readable and appropriate 1 Difficult to read/understand 2 3 4 3 4 5 Appropriate use of visuals 3 4 5 Clear and appropriate presentation of information 4 5 Clear rationale 4 5 Personal thought about class E.Rationale – Why is information included and presented in this way? 1 2 3 No rationale provided F. Self –reflection piece 1 2 3 No thought Total = _________/30