Ecom v1.0 Syllabus Academic 10week

School Name
Quarter (10 weeks) - Year
Course #: CIW E-Commerce Specialist
Course Dates:
Office Location:
Office Phone:
Office Hours:
Lecture Days & Times:
Lab Days & Times:
Course Credit:
Course Description:
E-Commerce Specialist teaches students how to conduct business
online and how to manage the technological issues associated with
constructing an electronic-commerce Web site. This course focuses
on standards and practices for both business-to-business (B2B) and
business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce models. Students
implement a genuine transaction-enabled B2C Web site; explore
strategies and products available for building e-commerce sites;
examine the management techniques for administering and
operating e-commerce sites; and learn how to complement an
existing business infrastructure with the latest tools and
technologies. Students receive hands-on experience implementing
the technologies to engage cardholders, merchants, issuers,
payment gateways and other parties in electronic transactions.
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Required Text: E-Commerce Specialist
Published by: Certification Partners, LLC
Certifications: Students who pass the E-Commerce Specialist 1D0-525 exam earn
the E-Commerce Specialist certification. Students who pass the
E-Commerce Specialist exam and the Web Design Specialist
1D0-520 exam earn the comprehensive Web Design Professional
certification. All CIW exams are administered by Prometric Inc. or
To register for a CIW exam online, visit Prometric at or VUE at
For more information about CIW exams, visit
Additional Online
Resources: CIW Online
In addition to the material found in the coursebooks, students can
visit CIW Online at to
help them master the E-Commerce Specialist course material and
prepare for the CIW E-Commerce Specialist certification exam.
CIW Online provides a variety of online tools that supplement the
Official CIW Courseware. You can have a classroom environment
set up by contacting your ComputerPREP Sales Representative at
(602) 275-7700.
CIW movies — The CIW E-Commerce Specialist course offers
movie files from LearnKey that discuss selected technology topics.
The movies provide supplementary instruction in a multimedia
format, and enhance the coursebook narrative and labs. To view
the movies, log on to CIW Online at Use the coupon provided to register for the
movies and view them online.
CIW Online Exercises — These interactive activities are
instructional supplements to the official print and online books,
designed to offer a blended-learning approach. Mapped directly to
the Official CIW Courseware, the CIW Online Exercises enable you
to review important concepts from the E-Commerce Specialist
course and measure your proficiency on content relevant to the
CIW E-Commerce Specialist certification exam. CIW Online
Exercises challenge you with a wide range of activities, including
glossary flashcards, matching exercises, fill-in-the-blank exercises,
crossword puzzles and true/false questions — all providing
immediate feedback.
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CIW Course Reviews — CIW Course Reviews are designed to
assess your knowledge of the concepts, skills and best practices of
Web technology taught in the Official CIW Courseware. The CIW
Course Reviews assess lesson knowledge, reinforce classroom
learning and enhance instruction. This online review program
contains multiple-choice reviews and quizzes that cover
E-Commerce Specialist courseware content lesson by lesson.
CIW Certification Practice Exams — After you have mastered the
E-Commerce Specialist course material, you are ready to prepare
for the high-stakes CIW E-Commerce Specialist certification exam.
The online CIW Certification Practice Exams program helps you
build confidence with your knowledge of the CIW exam objectives.
This program provides you with:
Timed practice exams that simulate the high-stakes testing
environment and help predict actual performance on CIW
certification exams.
A feedback review mode that allows you to check answers while
taking the practice exam and gain valuable feedback that
relates each question to a CIW exam objective and a lesson in
the Official CIW Courseware.
Exam results that report on your mastery of each CIW exam
Personalized performance reports and study plans to track
individual progress and view overall class trends.
Web Sites
CIW does not endorse Web sites that list study guides or practice
questions for CIW certification exams. All CIW exams are
copyrighted material. To maintain the security and value of our
program, we reserve the right to decertify and/or prohibit from
exams any individuals who republish or distribute our copyrighted
CIW certification exam questions.
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Course Structure:
Disability Statement: In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 and
section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, SCHOOL NAME provides
services and accommodations to students who experience barriers in
the educational setting due to learning, emotional, physical, mobility,
visual or hearing disabilities.
Academic Honesty:
Plagiarism, cheating and other forms of academic dishonesty are
prohibited. In addition to other possible disciplinary sanctions, which
may be imposed through institutional procedures as a result of
academic misconduct, your instructor will assign an “F” on the first
offense for any activity or exam that evidences academic misconduct,
and he or she will assign an “F” for the course for repeated offenses.
Grading Scale:
A+ =
A =
A- =
100+ %
99-95 %
94-90 %
Course Schedule:
B+ =
B =
B- =
89-86 %
85-83 %
82-80 %
C+ =
C =
C- =
79-76 %
75-73 %
72-70 %
The table on the following page divides the teaching of the coursebook
based on a 10-week class schedule to teach the course. Instructors can
use this information to prepare lesson plans. The instructor will be able
to determine the level of depth with which to present the material based
on the available class time.
The table following the 10-week class schedule presents detailed
information about each of the lessons that make up the CIW
E-Commerce Specialist coursebook.
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E-Commerce Specialist 10-Week Class Schedule
Week 1
Lesson 1: Electronic Commerce Foundations
Lesson 2: Law and the Internet
Lesson 3: Web Marketing Goals
Week 2
Lesson 4: Online Product Promotion
Lesson 5: Site Usability
Lesson 6: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and
Week 3
Lesson 7: Business-to-Business Frameworks
Lesson 8: E-Commerce Site Creation Packages —
Week 4
Lesson 9: E-Commerce Site Creation Software
Lesson 10: Site Development Software Implementation
Week 5
Week 6
Lesson 11: E-Commerce Site Development Using
Commerce Server
Lesson 12: Creating an Online Catalog
Week 7
Lesson 13: Inventory Control and Order Processing
Lesson 14: Payment Gateways
Week 8
Lesson 15: E-Service Implementation and Support
Lesson 16: Transaction and Web Site Security
Week 9
Lesson 17: E-Learning Solutions
Lesson 18: Site Management and Performance Testing
Week 10
Midterm can consist of the quizzes from Week 1
through Week 4
Course Assessment and/or quizzes from Week 6
through Week 9
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CIW E-Commerce Specialist Course Lesson Plan:
E-Commerce Specialist
Lesson 1: Electronic Commerce Foundations
- Pre-Assessment Questions
- Online Course Review
Lesson Sections and Labs:
Introduction to Web Commerce
Impetus for Web Commerce
Electronic Commerce Defined
Lab 1-1: Exploring e-commerce trend and statistics Web sites
Applying E-Commerce Concepts to Focus Companies
Lab 1-2: Viewing the Habitat For Humanity Gift Shop Web site
Types of Electronic Commerce
Lab 1-3: Locating and viewing a B2B Web site
Lab 1-4: Locating and viewing a B2C Web site
Microcommerce and Macrocommerce
Benefits of Electronic Commerce
Drawbacks of Electronic Commerce
Lab 1-5: Reviewing electronic commerce basics
E-Commerce Solutions
Lab 1-6: Viewing an instant storefront option
Web Storefront Hardware and Software
Ingredients of a Web Storefront
Lab 1-7: Viewing a site secured with SSL
The Virtual Enterprise
Site Implementation
E-Commerce Guidelines
- Movie Time!
- Case Study
- Application Project
Optional Items:
- Instructor Section — Activities and Optional Labs
- Online Exercises
- Lesson Review
- Lesson Quiz
- Online Course Review
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E-Commerce Specialist
Lesson 2: Law and the Internet
- Pre-Assessment Questions
- Online Course Review
Lesson Sections and Labs:
Introduction to Internet Legal Issues
Electronic Publishing
Intellectual Property Issues
Areas of Liability
Lab 2-1: Examining electronic commerce law
Copyright, Trademark and Patent Issues
Privacy and Confidentiality
Lab 2-2: Searching for personal information on the Internet
Jurisdiction and Electronic Publishing
Lab 2-3: Selling Habitat For Humanity products in Europe
Internet Taxation
International Tax and the Internet
Customs and E-Commerce
Tariffs and E-Commerce
Lab 2-4: Researching tariff data on the Internet
Protecting a Brand
Ethical Business Practices
- Movie Time!
- Case Study
- Application Project
Optional Items:
- Instructor Section — Activities and Optional Labs
- Online Exercises
- Lesson Review
- Lesson Quiz
- Online Course Review
Page 7
E-Commerce Specialist
Lesson 3: Web Marketing Goals
- Pre-Assessment Questions
- Online Course Review
Lesson Sections and Labs:
Marketing Overview
Web Marketing Benefits
Examples of Successful Web Marketing
Marketing Goals
Lab 3-1: Examining customer service options on the Internet
Lab 3-2: Determining market globalization efforts and plans
Lab 3-3: Introducing new products on the Internet
Lab 3-4: Determining automation benefits for an e-commerce site
Web Marketing Strategies
Growth Drivers and Barriers in E-Commerce
Selecting and Positioning Your Product
Identifying Your Target Market
Lab 3-5: Exploring demographics
- Movie Time!
- Case Study
- Application Project
Optional Items:
- Instructor Section — Activities and Optional Labs
- Online Exercises
- Lesson Review
- Lesson Quiz
- Online Course Review
Page 8
E-Commerce Specialist
Lesson 4: Online Product Promotion
- Pre-Assessment Questions
- Online Course Review
Lesson Sections and Labs:
Online Promotion Overview
E-Commerce Promotion Considerations
E-Commerce Site Categories
Banner Ads
Lab 4-1: Determining ad rates at individual sites
Advertising Representatives
Lab 4-2: Visiting an advertising representative Web site
Banner Ad Positioning
Banner Ad Exchange Networks
Lab 4-3: Visiting a banner ad exchange program
Referrer Programs
Lab 4-4: Using a referrer program
Blogs and Blogads
Pop-Up and Related Ads
Search Engine Placement
Lab 4-5: Using a search-engine placement service
<Meta> Tags and Search Engines
E-Mail and Marketing
Ad Performance Evaluation
Lab 4-6: Examining tracking service data
Offline Product Promotion
Ad Campaign Implementation
Lab 4-7: Examining business hub services
- Movie Time!
- Case Study
- Application Project
Optional Items:
- Instructor Section — Activities and Optional Labs
- Online Exercises
- Lesson Review
- Lesson Quiz
- Online Course Review
Page 9
E-Commerce Specialist
Lesson 5: Site Usability
- Pre-Assessment Questions
- Online Course Review
Lesson Sections and Labs:
Overview of Usability Issues
Usability Testing
Lab 5-1: Using personas and role playing to analyze site usability
Designing the Site Hierarchy
Lab 5-2: Analyzing site usability and hierarchy
Page Layout Design Guidelines
Lab 5-3: Analyzing screen flow
Browser Compatibility Issues
- Movie Time!
- Case Study
- Application Project
Optional Items:
- Instructor Section — Activities and Optional Labs
- Online Exercises
- Lesson Review
- Lesson Quiz
- Online Course Review
Page 10
E-Commerce Specialist
Lesson 6: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and E-Services
- Pre-Assessment Questions
- Online Course Review
Lesson Sections and Labs:
Managing the Customer
Customer Relationship Management
Lab 6-1: Evaluating a CRM application suite
Customer Service Concepts
Customer Service Tools and Methodology
Lab 6-2: Using synchronous and asynchronous support tools
Lab 6-3: Examining self-service support methods
E-Service Action Plan
Integrating CRM and Customer Service
- Movie Time!
- Case Study
- Application Project
Optional Items:
- Instructor Section — Activities and Optional Labs
- Online Exercises
- Lesson Review
- Lesson Quiz
- Online Course Review
Page 11
E-Commerce Specialist
Lesson 7: Business-to-Business Frameworks
- Pre-Assessment Questions
- Online Course Review
Lesson Sections and Labs:
B2B E-Business Overview
E-Commerce Fundamentals
Business Concepts
Lab 7-1: Investigating business management solutions
Internet Marketplaces
Lab 7-2: Exploring Internet marketplace sites
Tools and Technologies
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Lab 7-3: Researching EDI standards
Lab 7-4: Previewing a simulated EDI transaction
Open Buying on the Internet (OBI)
Open Trading Protocol (OTP)
Web Services
- Movie Time!
- Case Study
- Application Project
Optional Items:
- Instructor Section — Activities and Optional Labs
- Online Exercises
- Lesson Review
- Lesson Quiz
- Online Course Review
Page 12
E-Commerce Specialist
Lesson 8: E-Commerce Site Creation Packages — Outsourcing
- Pre-Assessment Questions
- Online Course Review
Lesson Sections and Labs:
Outsourcing Site Creation Packages
Entry-Level Outsourcing: Online Instant Storefronts
Online Outsourcing Solutions
Lab 8-1: Comparing instant storefront options
Lab 8-2: Registering for a 123 eCart trial store
Lab 8-3: Building an online storefront site
Lab 8-4: Adding shopping-cart details
Outsourcing: Mid-Level Offline Instant Storefronts
Mid-Level Offline Storefront Products
Lab 8-5: Installing ShopFactory
Lab 8-6: Creating a new Web site with ShopFactory
Lab 8-7: Creating a catalog with ShopFactory
Lab 8-8: Assigning settings and testing your site
Outsourcing: High-Level Offline Instant Storefronts
High-Level Offline Storefront Products
Auctions: The Other E-Commerce Option
- Movie Time!
- Case Study
- Application Project
Optional Items:
- Instructor Section — Activities and Optional Labs
- Online Exercises
- Lesson Review
- Lesson Quiz
- Online Course Review
Page 13
E-Commerce Specialist
Lesson 9: E-Commerce Site Creation Software
- Pre-Assessment Questions
- Online Course Review
Lesson Sections and Labs:
Microsoft Commerce Server 2007 Overview
Web Server Overview
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0
Lab 9-1: Evaluating IIS 6.0
IIS 6.0 Preparation
IIS 6.0 Installation
Lab 9-2: Installing IIS 6.0
IIS 6.0 Configuration
Lab 9-3: Creating a Web site and binding it to an IP address
Sun Java System Web Server 6.1
Open-Source Solutions
Lab 9-4: Comparing Web servers
Sizing Your Hardware
- Movie Time!
- Case Study
- Application Project
Optional Items:
- Instructor Section — Activities and Optional Labs
- Online Exercises
- Lesson Review
- Lesson Quiz
- Online Course Review
Page 14
E-Commerce Specialist
Lesson 10: Site Development Software Implementation
- Pre-Assessment Questions
- Online Course Review
Lesson Sections and Labs:
Commerce Site Development Overview
Database Servers
Lab 10-1: Installing and configuring Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Commerce Site Development
Lab 10-2: Preparing for Commerce Server 2007 installation
Lab 10-3: Installing Microsoft Commerce Server 2007
- Movie Time!
- Case Study
- Application Project
Optional Items:
- Instructor Section — Activities and Optional Labs
- Online Exercises
- Lesson Review
- Lesson Quiz
- Online Course Review
Page 15
E-Commerce Specialist
Lesson 11: E-Commerce Site Development Using Commerce Server
- Pre-Assessment Questions
- Online Course Review
Lesson Sections and Labs:
Building Commerce Solutions
Lab 11-1: Preparing for site creation
Lab 11-2: Unpacking the Sample Solution Site
Lab 11-3: Configuring Commerce Server 2007 security requirements
Commerce Site Management
Lab 11-4: Exploring Commerce Server business management applications
Solution Site Customization
Lab 11-5: Exploring the Commerce Server Starter Site
- Movie Time!
- Case Study
- Application Project
Optional Items:
- Instructor Section — Activities and Optional Labs
- Online Exercises
- Lesson Review
- Lesson Quiz
- Online Course Review
Page 16
E-Commerce Specialist
Lesson 12: Creating an Online Catalog
- Pre-Assessment Questions
- Online Course Review
Lesson Sections and Labs:
Catalog Design
Lab 12-1: Examining an online catalog
Commerce Server 2007 Catalog Definitions
Lab 12-2: Creating a catalog definition
Building a Base Catalog
Lab 12-3: Creating a base catalog
Virtual Catalogs
Lab 12-4: Creating a virtual catalog
Using Commerce Server to Support B2B Commerce
- Movie Time!
- Case Study
- Application Project
Optional Items:
- Instructor Section — Activities and Optional Labs
- Online Exercises
- Lesson Review
- Lesson Quiz
- Online Course Review
Page 17
E-Commerce Specialist
Lesson 13: Inventory Control and Order Processing
- Pre-Assessment Questions
- Online Course Review
Lesson Sections and Labs:
Inventory Management
Inventory Systems
Lab 13-1: Investigating inventory management applications
Lab 13-2: Managing site inventory
Designing Order Systems
Lab 13-3: Managing order properties
Order System Implementation
Lab 13-4: Implementing commerce site ordering
- Movie Time!
- Case Study
- Application Project
Optional Items:
- Instructor Section — Activities and Optional Labs
- Online Exercises
- Lesson Review
- Lesson Quiz
- Online Course Review
Page 18
E-Commerce Specialist
Lesson 14: Payment Gateways
- Pre-Assessment Questions
- Online Course Review
Lesson Sections and Labs:
Payment Processing in E-Commerce
Choosing Payment-Processing Methods
Credit Card Processing
Lab 14-1: Comparing merchant accounts
Lab 14-2: Reviewing CyberSource payment gateway features
Managing Transactions
Implementing PayPal
Lab 14-3: Evaluating PayPal as a payment option
Online Check Processing
Lab 14-4: Processing checks online
Preventing Fraud
Lab 14-5: Selecting a service that supports fraud prevention
- Movie Time!
- Case Study
- Application Project
Optional Items:
- Instructor Section — Activities and Optional Labs
- Online Exercises
- Lesson Review
- Lesson Quiz
- Online Course Review
Page 19
E-Commerce Specialist
Lesson 15: E-Service Implementation and Support
- Pre-Assessment Questions
- Online Course Review
Lesson Sections and Labs:
Implementing Customer Support
E-Mail and User Forums
Lab 15-1: Investigating e-mail support methods
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Implementation
Knowledge Base
Lab 15-2: Exploring a knowledge base demo
- Movie Time!
- Case Study
- Application Project
Optional Items:
- Instructor Section — Activities and Optional Labs
- Online Exercises
- Lesson Review
- Lesson Quiz
- Online Course Review
Page 20
E-Commerce Specialist
Lesson 16: Transaction and Web Site Security
- Pre-Assessment Questions
- Online Course Review
Lesson Sections and Labs:
Overview of Transaction Security
Purposes of Security
Encryption and Decryption
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
X.509 Standard
Certificate Revocation
Using Certificates
Obtaining Certificates
Lab 16-1: Generating an SSL server certificate request
Installing Certificates
Lab 16-2: Installing the VeriSign certificate
Implementing Microsoft Certificate Services
Secure Electronic Transactions (SET)
Securing Sensitive Data
Identifying Attack Types
Protecting Against Attacks
E-Commerce Forensic Techniques
- Movie Time!
- Case Study
- Application Project
Optional Items:
- Instructor Section — Activities and Optional Labs
- Online Exercises
- Lesson Review
- Lesson Quiz
- Online Course Review
Page 21
E-Commerce Specialist
Lesson 17: E-Learning Solutions
- Pre-Assessment Questions
- Online Course Review
Lesson Sections and Labs:
E-Learning Introduction
E-Learning Models
Distance-Learning Essentials
E-Learning Content
Student Navigation and Progress Reporting
Lab 17-1: Evaluating an online course
Reusable Learning Objects
Lab 17-2: Evaluating LMS and LCMS software
- Movie Time!
- Case Study
- Application Project
Optional Items:
- Instructor Section — Activities and Optional Labs
- Online Exercises
- Lesson Review
- Lesson Quiz
- Online Course Review
Page 22
E-Commerce Specialist
Lesson 18: Site Management and Performance Testing
- Pre-Assessment Questions
- Online Course Review
Lesson Sections and Labs:
Introduction to Site Management and Performance Testing
Site Management Tasks
Managing Web Site Performance
Logging and Trend Analysis
Lab 18-1: Viewing IIS log files
Lab 18-2: Installing log analyzer software
Performance-Monitoring Tools
Lab 18-3: Using System Monitor
Lab 18-4: Monitoring SQL Server
Lab 18-5: Testing site traffic capabilities
Course Conclusion
- Movie Time!
- Case Study
- Application Project
Optional Items:
- Instructor Section — Activities and Optional Labs
- Online Exercises
- Lesson Review
- Lesson Quiz
- Online Course Review
Course Assessment — E-Commerce Specialist
Online CIW Certification Practice Exam — E-Commerce Specialist
CIW Certification Exam — E-Commerce Specialist
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